package name.abuchen.portfolio.datatransfer.csv; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.Format; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVStrategy; import name.abuchen.portfolio.Messages; import name.abuchen.portfolio.datatransfer.Extractor.Item; import name.abuchen.portfolio.model.Client; public class CSVImporter { public static final class Column { private int columnIndex; private String label; private Field field; private FieldFormat format; /* package */ Column(int columnIndex, String label) { this.columnIndex = columnIndex; this.label = label; } public int getColumnIndex() { return columnIndex; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setField(Field field) { this.field = field; this.format = null; } public Field getField() { return field; } public void setFormat(FieldFormat format) { this.format = format; } public FieldFormat getFormat() { return format; } } public static class FieldFormat { private final String label; private final Format format; public FieldFormat(String label, Format format) { this.label = label; this.format = format; } public FieldFormat(String label, Supplier<Format> supplier) { this(label, supplier.get()); } @Override public String toString() { return label; } public Format getFormat() { return format; } } public static class Field { private final String name; private final String normalizedName; private boolean isOptional = false; public Field(String name) { = name; this.normalizedName = normalizeColumnName(name); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNormalizedName() { return normalizedName; } public Field setOptional(boolean isOptional) { this.isOptional = isOptional; return this; } public boolean isOptional() { return isOptional; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } public static class DateField extends CSVImporter.Field { public static final FieldFormat[] FORMATS = new FieldFormat[] { new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatYYYYMMDD, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")), //$NON-NLS-1$ new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatDDMMYYYY, new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy")), //$NON-NLS-1$ new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatDDMMYYYY1, new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")), //$NON-NLS-1$ new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatDDMMYY, new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy")) //$NON-NLS-1$ }; /* package */ DateField(String name) { super(name); } /** * Guesses the used date format from the given value. * * @param value * value (can be null) * @return date format on success, else first date format */ public static FieldFormat guessDateFormat(String value) { if (value != null) { for (FieldFormat f : FORMATS) { try { // try to parse the value and return it on success f.format.parseObject(value); return f; } catch (ParseException e) {} } } // fallback return FORMATS[0]; } } public static class AmountField extends CSVImporter.Field { public static final FieldFormat[] FORMATS = new FieldFormat[] { new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatNumberGermany, NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.GERMANY)), new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatNumberUS, NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US)), new FieldFormat(Messages.CSVFormatApostrophe, () -> { DecimalFormatSymbols unusualSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); unusualSymbols.setGroupingSeparator('\''); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.##", unusualSymbols); //$NON-NLS-1$ }) }; /* package */ AmountField(String name) { super(name); } } public static class EnumField<M extends Enum<M>> extends CSVImporter.Field { private final Class<M> enumType; /* package */ EnumField(String name, Class<M> enumType) { super(name); this.enumType = enumType; } public Class<M> getEnumType() { return enumType; } public EnumMapFormat<M> createFormat() { return new EnumMapFormat<>(enumType); } } public static class EnumMapFormat<M extends Enum<M>> extends Format { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private EnumMap<M, String> enumMap; public EnumMapFormat(Class<M> enumType) { enumMap = new EnumMap<>(enumType); for (M element : enumType.getEnumConstants()) enumMap.put(element, element.toString()); } public EnumMap<M, String> map() { return enumMap; } @Override public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) { String s = enumMap.get(obj); if (s == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return toAppendTo.append(s); } @Override public M parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) { if (pos == null) throw new NullPointerException(); // first: try exact matches (example: "Fees" vs. "Fees Refund") for (Map.Entry<M, String> entry : enumMap.entrySet()) { if (source.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getValue())) { pos.setIndex(source.length()); return entry.getKey(); } } // second: try partial matches for (Map.Entry<M, String> entry : enumMap.entrySet()) { int p = source.indexOf(entry.getValue()); if (p >= 0) { pos.setIndex(source.length()); return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } } private final Client client; private final File inputFile; private final List<CSVExtractor> extractors; private CSVExtractor currentExtractor; private char delimiter = ';'; private Charset encoding = Charset.defaultCharset(); private int skipLines = 0; private boolean isFirstLineHeader = true; private Column[] columns; private List<String[]> values; public CSVImporter(Client client, File file) { this.client = client; this.inputFile = file; this.extractors = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(new CSVAccountTransactionExtractor(client), new CSVPortfolioTransactionExtractor(client), new CSVSecurityExtractor(client), new CSVSecurityPriceExtractor(client))); this.currentExtractor = extractors.get(0); } public Client getClient() { return client; } public File getInputFile() { return inputFile; } public List<CSVExtractor> getExtractors() { return extractors; } public void setExtractor(CSVExtractor extractor) { this.currentExtractor = extractor; } public CSVExtractor getExtractor() { return currentExtractor; } public CSVExtractor getSecurityPriceExtractor() { return extractors.get(3); } public void setDelimiter(char delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter; } public void setEncoding(Charset encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public void setSkipLines(int skipLines) { this.skipLines = skipLines; } public void setFirstLineHeader(boolean isFirstLineHeader) { this.isFirstLineHeader = isFirstLineHeader; } public List<String[]> getRawValues() { return values; } public Column[] getColumns() { return columns; } public void processFile() throws IOException { FileInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, encoding); CSVStrategy strategy = new CSVStrategy(delimiter, '"', CSVStrategy.COMMENTS_DISABLED, CSVStrategy.ESCAPE_DISABLED, false, false, false, false); CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(reader, strategy); for (int ii = 0; ii < skipLines; ii++) parser.getLine(); List<String[]> input = new ArrayList<>(); String[] header = null; String[] line = parser.getLine(); if (isFirstLineHeader) { header = line; } else { header = new String[line.length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < header.length; ii++) header[ii] = MessageFormat.format(Messages.CSVImportGenericColumnLabel, ii + 1); input.add(line); } while ((line = parser.getLine()) != null) input.add(line); this.columns = new CSVImporter.Column[header.length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < header.length; ii++) this.columns[ii] = new Column(ii, header[ii]); this.values = input; mapToImportDefinition(); } finally { if (stream != null) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } } } private void mapToImportDefinition() { List<Field> list = new LinkedList<>(currentExtractor.getFields()); for (Column column : columns) { column.setField(null); String normalizedColumnName = normalizeColumnName(column.getLabel()); Iterator<Field> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Field field =; if (field.getNormalizedName().equals(normalizedColumnName)) { column.setField(field); if (field instanceof DateField) { // try to guess date format String value = getFirstNonEmptyValue(column); column.setFormat(DateField.guessDateFormat(value)); } else if (field instanceof AmountField) { column.setFormat(AmountField.FORMATS[0]); } else if (field instanceof EnumField<?>) { column.setFormat(new FieldFormat(null, ((EnumField<?>) field).createFormat())); } iter.remove(); break; } } } } public List<Item> createItems(List<Exception> errors) { Map<String, Column> field2column = new HashMap<>(); for (Column column : getColumns()) if (column.getField() != null) field2column.put(column.getField().name, column); int startingLineNo = skipLines + (isFirstLineHeader ? 1 : 0); return currentExtractor.extract(startingLineNo, values, field2column, errors); } /** * Finds the first value that is not empty for the given column. * * @param column * {@link Column} * @return value on success, else null */ private String getFirstNonEmptyValue(Column column) { int index = column.getColumnIndex(); for (String[] rawValues : values) { String value = rawValues[index]; // check if value is set and is not empty (ignore whitespace) if ((value != null) && (!value.trim().isEmpty())) return value; } return null; } /** * Normalizes the given column name for better matching to field names. * * @param name * name of the column * @return normalized name (upper case) */ private static String normalizeColumnName(String name) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { // get uppercase character char c = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(i)); // transform special characters (Ä->AE etc.) switch (c) { case 'Ä': sb.append("AE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case 'Ö': sb.append("OE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case 'Ü': sb.append("UE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case 'ß': sb.append("SS"); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case ' ': // strip whitespace break; default: sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); } }