package hudson.plugins.starteam; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.Result; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test checkout actor and changelog functionality. * @author Steve Favez <> * */ //@Ignore public class StarteamCheckoutActorTest { final static String CHECHOUT_DIRECTORY = "hudson-temp-directory" ; final static String CHANGE_LOG_FILE = "changes.txt" ; File parentDirectory = null ; File changeLogFile = null ; File filePointsFile = null; BuildListener listener = new BuildListenerImpl() ; /** * initalise integration starteam connection * @throws StarTeamSCMException * @throws IOException */ @Before public void setUp() throws StarTeamSCMException, IOException { //create the default folder parentDirectory = new File(CHECHOUT_DIRECTORY) ; if (! parentDirectory.exists()) { if (! parentDirectory.mkdir()) { "unable to create the directory" ) ; } } changeLogFile = new File( parentDirectory, CHANGE_LOG_FILE ) ; if (changeLogFile.exists()) { changeLogFile.delete() ; } if (! changeLogFile.createNewFile() ) { "unable to create changelog file" ) ; } filePointsFile = new File( parentDirectory, StarTeamConnection.FILE_POINT_FILENAME) ; if (filePointsFile.exists()) { filePointsFile.delete() ; } if (! filePointsFile.createNewFile() ) { "unable to create file point file" ) ; } } private StarTeamCheckoutActor createStarteamCheckOutActor( Date aPreviousBuildDate ) { String hostName = System.getProperty("test.starteam.hostname", ""); int port = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("test.starteam.hostport", "55201")); String projectName = System.getProperty("test.starteam.projectname", "NGBL"); String viewName = System.getProperty("test.starteam.viewname", "NGBL"); String folderName = System.getProperty("test.starteam.foldername", "NGBL/source/ant"); String userName = System.getProperty("test.starteam.username", ""); String password = System.getProperty("test.starteam.password", ""); FilePath changeLogFilePath = new FilePath( changeLogFile ) ; FilePath filePointsFilePath = new FilePath(filePointsFile); StarTeamViewSelector config = null; try { config = new StarTeamViewSelector("", ""); } catch (ParseException e) {""); } AbstractBuild<?,?> build = null; StarTeamCheckoutActor starTeamCheckoutActor = new StarTeamCheckoutActor( hostName, port, userName, password, projectName, viewName, folderName, config, changeLogFilePath, listener, build, filePointsFilePath) ; return starTeamCheckoutActor ; } @Test public void testPerformCheckOut() throws IOException { StarTeamCheckoutActor checkoutActor = createStarteamCheckOutActor(null) ; Boolean res = checkoutActor.invoke( parentDirectory , null) ; Assert.assertTrue( res ) ; Assert.assertTrue( changeLogFile.length() > 0 ) ; Assert.assertTrue( filePointsFile.length() > 0 ) ; } @Test public void testPerformCheckWithPreviousDateOut() throws IOException { Calendar lastYear = Calendar.getInstance() ; lastYear.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3) ; StarTeamCheckoutActor checkoutActor = createStarteamCheckOutActor(lastYear.getTime()) ; Boolean res = checkoutActor.invoke( parentDirectory , null) ; Assert.assertTrue( res ) ; Assert.assertTrue( changeLogFile.length() > 0 ) ; Assert.assertTrue( filePointsFile.length() > 0 ) ; } private final static class BuildListenerImpl implements BuildListener { PrintStream printStream ; PrintWriter printWriter ; public BuildListenerImpl() { printStream = System.out ; // unless we auto-flash, PrintStream will use BufferedOutputStream internally, // and break ordering this.printWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(printStream) ), true); } public void started(List<Cause> causes) { if (causes==null || causes.isEmpty()) printStream.println("Started"); else for (Cause cause : causes) { printStream.println(cause.getShortDescription()); } } public PrintStream getLogger() { return printStream; } public PrintWriter error(String msg) { printWriter.println("ERROR: "+msg); return printWriter; } public PrintWriter error(String format, Object... args) { return error(String.format(format,args)); } public PrintWriter fatalError(String msg) { printWriter.println("FATAL: "+msg); return printWriter; } public PrintWriter fatalError(String format, Object... args) { return fatalError(String.format(format,args)); } public void finished(Result result) { printWriter.println("Finished: "+result); } } }