package org.talend.designer.core.ui.editor.jobletcontainer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.talend.core.GlobalServiceRegister; import org.talend.core.model.metadata.IMetadataTable; import org.talend.core.model.process.IConnection; import org.talend.core.model.process.IElement; import org.talend.core.model.process.IElementParameter; import org.talend.core.model.process.INode; import org.talend.core.model.process.INodeConnector; import org.talend.core.model.process.IProcess; import org.talend.core.model.process.IProcess2; import org.talend.core.ui.IJobletProviderService; import org.talend.designer.core.DesignerPlugin; import org.talend.designer.core.model.components.EParameterName; import org.talend.designer.core.ui.editor.cmd.JobletConnectionReconnectCommand; import org.talend.designer.core.ui.editor.connections.Connection; import org.talend.designer.core.ui.editor.nodecontainer.NodeContainer; import org.talend.designer.core.ui.editor.nodes.Node; import org.talend.designer.core.ui.preferences.TalendDesignerPrefConstants; public class JobletContainer extends NodeContainer { public static final String UPDATE_JOBLET_CONTENT = "UPDATE_JOBLET_CONTENT"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UPDATE_JOBLET_DATA = "UPDATE_JOBLET_DATA"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UPDATE_JOBLET_CONNECTIONS = "UPDATE_JOBLET_CONNECTIONS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UPDATE_JOBLET_TITLE_COLOR = "UPDATE_JOBLET_TITLE_COLOR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UPDATE_JOBLET_DISPLAY = "UPDATE_JOBLET_DISPLAY"; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); private List<NodeContainer> nodeContainers = new ArrayList<NodeContainer>(); private IProcess2 process; private Node node; private Rectangle jobletRectangle; private int changeWidth; private int changeHeight; private boolean hasChange; private boolean needchangeLock = true; protected List<IElement> jobletElements = new ArrayList<IElement>(); public JobletContainer(Node node) { super(node); this.node = node; } /** * Getter for process. * * @return the process */ public IProcess2 getProcess() { if (process == null) { IProcess iPro = node.getComponent().getProcess(); if (iPro instanceof IProcess2) { return (IProcess2) iPro; } } return this.process; } public Rectangle getJobletUnion(Rectangle jobletNodeRec, Rectangle rect) { // if (rect == null || rect.isEmpty()) // return new Rectangle(this); Rectangle union = new Rectangle(jobletNodeRec.x, jobletNodeRec.y, 0, 0); union.width = Math.max(jobletNodeRec.x + jobletNodeRec.width, rect.x + rect.width) - union.x; union.height = Math.max(jobletNodeRec.y + jobletNodeRec.height, rect.y + rect.height) - union.y; return union; } /** * DOC hwang Comment method "getJobletContainerRectangle". * * @return */ public Rectangle getJobletContainerRectangle() { Rectangle totalRectangle = null; boolean collapsed = isCollapsed(); if (!collapsed && nodeContainers.size() > 0) { Rectangle jobletNodeRec = this.node.getNodeContainer().getNodeContainerRectangle(); for (NodeContainer container : nodeContainers) { Rectangle curRect = container.getNodeContainerRectangle(); // if (container.getNode().isDesignSubjobStartNode()) { // totalRectangle = curRect.getCopy(); // } else { if (totalRectangle == null) { totalRectangle = curRect.getCopy(); } else { totalRectangle = totalRectangle.getUnion(curRect); } // } } // totalRectangle.setLocation(jobletNodeRec.getLocation()); } else if (node != null) { NodeContainer container = node.getNodeContainer(); Rectangle curRect = container.getNodeContainerRectangle(); if (collapsed) { totalRectangle = curRect.getCopy(); } else { if (totalRectangle == null) { totalRectangle = curRect.getCopy(); } else { totalRectangle = totalRectangle.getUnion(curRect); } } } if (totalRectangle == null) { return null; } if (jobletRectangle != null) { if ((Math.abs(jobletRectangle.width - totalRectangle.width) != 0) || this.nodeContainers.size() == 1) { changeWidth = Math.abs(jobletRectangle.width - totalRectangle.width); } if ((Math.abs(jobletRectangle.height - totalRectangle.height) != 0) || this.nodeContainers.size() == 1) { changeHeight = Math.abs(jobletRectangle.height - totalRectangle.height); } } jobletRectangle = totalRectangle.getCopy(); return totalRectangle; } public int getChangeWidth() { return this.changeWidth; } public int getChangeHeight() { return this.changeHeight; } public boolean isReadonly() { return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Node getJobletStartNode() { if (getProcess() != null) { if (getProcess().getSubjobContainers().size() > 0) { String subjobStartUniqueName = (String) getProcess().getSubjobContainers().get(0) .getPropertyValue(EParameterName.UNIQUE_NAME.getName()); if (getProcess() != null && (List<Node>) getProcess().getGraphicalNodes() != null) { for (Node node : (List<Node>) getProcess().getGraphicalNodes()) { if (node.getUniqueName() != null && node.getUniqueName().equals(subjobStartUniqueName)) { return node; } } } } } else if (node != null) { return node; } return null; } @Override public void setPropertyValue(String id, Object value) { if (id.equals(EParameterName.COLLAPSED.getName())) { // outputs.clear(); for (IConnection conn : node.getOutgoingConnections()) { outputs.add(conn); } // inputs.clear(); for (IConnection conn : node.getIncomingConnections()) { inputs.add(conn); } if (needchangeLock) { if (!((Boolean) value)) { IJobletProviderService service = (IJobletProviderService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService( IJobletProviderService.class); if (service != null) { service.lockJoblet(this.getNode()); } } else { IJobletProviderService service = (IJobletProviderService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService( IJobletProviderService.class); if (service != null) { service.unlockJoblet(node, true); } } } needchangeLock = true; refreshJobletNodes(false, (Boolean) value); if (!canCollapse()) { Shell shell = Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(); MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog(new Shell(shell), "ERROR", null, "Please attach connection!", MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[] { IDialogConstants.OK_LABEL, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL }, 0);; return; } super.setPropertyValue(id, value); updateSubjobContainer(); transferLocation(false); refreshJobletConnections(); fireStructureChange(EParameterName.COLLAPSED.getName(), this); } else { super.setPropertyValue(id, value); } } public void updateJobletNodes(boolean update) { // TDI-18915:no need "if(!isCollapsed()){}" here since it is only called in UpdateJobletNodeCommand and can not // update the joblet NodeContainer in job when modify the joblet refreshJobletNodes(update, isCollapsed()); updateSubjobContainer(); transferLocation(update); refreshJobletConnections(); } public void refreshJobletNodes(boolean update, boolean coll) { if (!coll || update) { JobletUtil util = new JobletUtil(); IProcess jobletProcess = this.getNode().getComponent().getProcess(); Set<IConnection> conns = new HashSet<IConnection>(); List<? extends INode> jobletNodes = jobletProcess.getGraphicalNodes(); boolean lockByOther = false; if (jobletProcess instanceof IProcess2) { lockByOther = util.lockByOthers(((IProcess2) jobletProcess).getProperty().getItem()); } // List<NodeContainer> temList = new ArrayList<NodeContainer>(nodeContainers); for (NodeContainer nc : nodeContainers) { if (this.node.getProcess() instanceof IProcess2) { ((IProcess2) this.node.getProcess()).removeUniqueNodeName(nc.getNode().getUniqueName()); } } nodeContainers.clear(); jobletElements.clear(); // boolean canAdd = false; // boolean canRemove = false; for (INode inode : jobletNodes) { // canAdd = util.canAdd(temList, inode); if ((inode instanceof Node)) { Node temNode = (Node) inode; // if (canAdd) { conns.addAll(temNode.getIncomingConnections()); conns.addAll(temNode.getOutgoingConnections()); Node jnode = util.cloneNode(temNode, this.node.getProcess(), lockByOther); NodeContainer nodeContainer = util.cloneNodeContainer(temNode.getNodeContainer(), jnode); jnode.setJobletnode(this.node); jnode.setJoblet_unique_name(temNode.getUniqueName()); this.nodeContainers.add(nodeContainer); this.jobletElements.add(jnode); this.jobletElements.add(jnode.getNodeLabel()); this.jobletElements.add(jnode.getNodeError()); this.jobletElements.add(jnode.getNodeProgressBar()); // } else if (update) { // for (NodeContainer nodeC : nodeContainers) { // if (nodeC.getNode().getJoblet_unique_name().equals(temNode.getUniqueName())) { // util.updateNode(nodeC.getNode(), temNode); // break; // } // } // } } } // temList = new ArrayList<NodeContainer>(nodeContainers); // for (NodeContainer nodeCon : temList) { // Node temNode = nodeCon.getNode(); // canRemove = util.canDelete(jobletNodes, temNode); // if (canRemove) { // this.nodeContainers.remove(nodeCon); // this.jobletElements.remove(temNode); // this.jobletElements.remove(temNode.getNodeError()); // this.jobletElements.remove(temNode.getNodeLabel()); // this.jobletElements.remove(temNode.getNodeProgressBar()); // List<? extends IConnection> inCons = new ArrayList<IConnection>(temNode.getIncomingConnections()); // for (IConnection con : inCons) { // con.getTarget().removeInput(con); // } // List<? extends IConnection> outCons = new ArrayList<IConnection>(temNode.getOutgoingConnections()); // for (IConnection con : outCons) { // con.getTarget().removeOutput(con); // } // } // } for (Iterator<IConnection> iter = conns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IConnection con =; String sourceName = con.getSource().getUniqueName(); String targetName = con.getTarget().getUniqueName(); Node sourceNode = null; Node targetNode = null; for (NodeContainer nodeC : nodeContainers) { Node connNode = nodeC.getNode(); if (connNode.getJoblet_unique_name().equals(sourceName)) { sourceNode = connNode; } if (connNode.getJoblet_unique_name().equals(targetName)) { targetNode = connNode; } if (sourceNode != null && targetNode != null) { util.cloneConnection(con, sourceNode, targetNode); break; } } } } } private void transferLocation(boolean update) { if (update) { // do nothing } if (this.isCollapsed() == true) { return; } if (this.nodeContainers.size() <= 0) { return; } Point oragPoint = this.getNode().getLocation(); Node startNode = getJobletStartNode(); if (startNode == null) { return; } Point stratPoint = startNode.getLocation(); int withe_x = oragPoint.x - stratPoint.x; int hight_y = oragPoint.y - stratPoint.y; for (NodeContainer nodeCon : this.nodeContainers) { Node jobNode = nodeCon.getNode(); if (jobNode.getJoblet_unique_name().equals(startNode.getUniqueName())) { jobNode.setLocation(oragPoint); } else { Point nodePoint = jobNode.getLocation(); jobNode.setLocation(new Point(nodePoint.x + withe_x, nodePoint.y + hight_y)); hasChange = true; } } } public void transferLocation(Point oldPos) { if (this.isCollapsed() == true) { return; } if (this.nodeContainers.size() <= 0) { return; } Point oragPoint = this.getNode().getLocation(); Node startNode = getJobletStartNode(); if (startNode == null) { return; } // Point stratPoint = startNode.getLocation(); int withe_x = oragPoint.x - oldPos.x; int hight_y = oragPoint.y - oldPos.y; for (NodeContainer nodeCon : this.nodeContainers) { Node jobNode = nodeCon.getNode(); if (jobNode.getJoblet_unique_name().equals(startNode.getUniqueName())) { jobNode.setLocation(oragPoint); } else { Point nodePoint = jobNode.getLocation(); jobNode.setLocation(new Point(nodePoint.x + withe_x, nodePoint.y + hight_y)); } } } private void refreshJobletConnections() { Iterator<IConnection> inIterator = inputs.iterator(); while (inIterator.hasNext()) { IConnection conn =; if (isCollapsed()) { ((Connection) conn).reconnect(conn.getSource(), this.node, conn.getLineStyle()); } else { for (NodeContainer nodeContainer : this.nodeContainers) { Node connNode = nodeContainer.getNode(); IElementParameter elePa = this.node.getElementParameter(connNode.getJoblet_unique_name()); if (elePa != null) { IJobletProviderService service = (IJobletProviderService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService( IJobletProviderService.class); IElementParameter elechild = null; String uniqueName = null; boolean isTri = service.isTriggerNode(connNode); if (service != null && isTri) { elechild = elePa.getChildParameters().get("COMPONENT_LIST"); uniqueName = conn.getMetaName(); } else { elechild = elePa.getChildParameters().get("CONNECTION"); uniqueName = conn.getUniqueName(); } if (elechild != null && elechild.getValue().equals(uniqueName)) { List<? extends INodeConnector> connList = new JobletUtil().createConnectors(connNode, this.getProcess()); // modify/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<INodeConnector> inodeConnList = new ArrayList<INodeConnector>(); inodeConnList.addAll(connList); inodeConnList.addAll(connNode.getListConnector()); connNode.setListConnector(inodeConnList); // connNode.getListConnector().addAll(connList); IMetadataTable iTable = this.node.getMetadataTable(connNode.getUniqueName()); if (iTable != null && !connNode.getMetadataList().contains(iTable)) { // connNode.getMetadataList().add(iTable); } JobletConnectionReconnectCommand reConnectCommand = new JobletConnectionReconnectCommand(conn); reConnectCommand.setNewTarget(connNode); reConnectCommand.execute(); break; } else if (getFlowInput(inputs).size() == 1 && !isTri && new JobletUtil().isJobletInput(connNode, this.getProcess())) { JobletConnectionReconnectCommand reConnectCommand = new JobletConnectionReconnectCommand(conn); reConnectCommand.setNewTarget(connNode); reConnectCommand.execute(); break; } } } } } Iterator<IConnection> outIterator = outputs.iterator(); while (outIterator.hasNext()) { IConnection conn =; if (isCollapsed()) { ((Connection) conn).reconnect(this.node, conn.getTarget(), conn.getLineStyle()); } else { for (NodeContainer nodeContainer : this.nodeContainers) { Node connNode = nodeContainer.getNode(); if (conn.getConnectorName().equals(connNode.getJoblet_unique_name())) { List<? extends INodeConnector> connList = new JobletUtil().createConnectors(connNode, this.getProcess()); List<INodeConnector> inodeConnList = new ArrayList<INodeConnector>(); inodeConnList.addAll(connList); inodeConnList.addAll(connNode.getListConnector()); connNode.setListConnector(inodeConnList); // connNode.setListConnector(connList); IMetadataTable iTable = this.node.getMetadataTable(connNode.getUniqueName()); if (iTable != null && !connNode.getMetadataList().contains(iTable)) { // connNode.getMetadataList().add(iTable); } JobletConnectionReconnectCommand reConnectCommand = new JobletConnectionReconnectCommand(conn); reConnectCommand.setNewSource(connNode); reConnectCommand.execute(); // return; } } } } } public void updateSubjobContainer() { fireStructureChange(UPDATE_JOBLET_CONTENT, this); } public void updateSubjobDisplay() { if (!isDisplayed() && isCollapsed()) { // if the subjob hidden and collapsed, remove the collapse status first. setCollapsed(false); } fireStructureChange(UPDATE_JOBLET_DISPLAY, this); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.talend.core.model.process.ISubjobContainer#isDisplayed() */ public boolean isDisplayed() { if (!DesignerPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(TalendDesignerPrefConstants.DISPLAY_SUBJOBS)) { return false; } return true;// (Boolean) getPropertyValue(EParameterName.SUBJOB_DISPLAYED.getName()); } /** * Sets the collapsed. * * @param collapsed the collapsed to set */ public void setCollapsed(boolean collapsed) { setPropertyValue(EParameterName.COLLAPSED.getName(), new Boolean(collapsed)); } @Override public List getElements() { if (isCollapsed() || this.jobletElements.size() <= 0) { return super.getElements(); } else { return this.jobletElements; } } public List<NodeContainer> getNodeContainers() { return this.nodeContainers; } public boolean canCollapse() { if (node.getIncomingConnections().size() > 1) { for (NodeContainer nodeContainer : this.nodeContainers) { Node connNode = nodeContainer.getNode(); IElementParameter elePa = this.node.getElementParameter(connNode.getJoblet_unique_name()); if (elePa != null) { IElementParameter elechild = elePa.getChildParameters().get("CONNECTION"); if (elechild != null && (elechild.getValue() == null || "".equals(elechild.getValue()))) { return false; } } } } return true; } private Set<IConnection> getFlowInput(Set<IConnection> inputs) { Set<IConnection> finputs = new HashSet<IConnection>(); Iterator<IConnection> ite = inputs.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { IConnection conn =; if (!conn.getConnectorName().equals("SUBJOB_OK") && !conn.getConnectorName().equals("SUBJOB_ERROR") && !conn.getConnectorName().equals("COMPONENT_OK") && !conn.getConnectorName().equals("COMPONENT_ERROR")) { finputs.add(conn); } } return finputs; } // public Boolean isNeedLock() { // return needLock; // } public void setNeedchangeLock(boolean needchangeLock) { this.needchangeLock = needchangeLock; } }