/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 EPFL DATA Laboratory * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Squall Collaboration (see NOTICE) * * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.epfl.data.squall.storm_components.theta.stream_grouping; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId; import backtype.storm.grouping.CustomStreamGrouping; import backtype.storm.task.WorkerTopologyContext; import ch.epfl.data.squall.thetajoin.matrix_assignment.MatrixAssignment; import ch.epfl.data.squall.thetajoin.matrix_assignment.MatrixAssignment.Dimension; import ch.epfl.data.squall.types.Type; import ch.epfl.data.squall.utilities.MyUtilities; public class ContentSensitiveThetaJoinGrouping<KeyType> implements CustomStreamGrouping { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Logger LOG = Logger .getLogger(ContentSensitiveThetaJoinGrouping.class); private final MatrixAssignment _assignment; private final String _firstEmitterIndex, _secondEmitterIndex; private List<Integer> _targetTasks; private final Map _map; private final Type<KeyType> _wrapper; public ContentSensitiveThetaJoinGrouping(String firstIndex, String secondIndex, MatrixAssignment assignment, Map map, Type<KeyType> wrapper) { _assignment = assignment; _firstEmitterIndex = firstIndex; _secondEmitterIndex = secondIndex; _map = map; _wrapper = wrapper; } // @Override @Override public List<Integer> chooseTasks(int taskId, List<Object> stormTuple) { // the following is checking for FinalAck if (!MyUtilities.isManualBatchingMode(_map)) { final List<String> tuple = (List<String>) stormTuple.get(1); // TUPLE if (MyUtilities.isFinalAck(tuple, _map)) return _targetTasks; } else { final String tupleBatch = (String) stormTuple.get(1); // TUPLE if (MyUtilities.isFinalAckManualBatching(tupleBatch, _map)) // send to everyone return _targetTasks; } // the following picks tasks for Non-FinalAck return chooseTasksNonFinalAck(stormTuple); } private List<Integer> chooseTasksNonFinalAck(List<Object> stormTuple) { List<Integer> tasks = null; final String tableName = (String) stormTuple.get(0); KeyType tupleKey = _wrapper.fromString((String) stormTuple.get(2)); // hash if (tableName.equals(_firstEmitterIndex)) tasks = translateIdsToTasks(_assignment.getRegionIDs(Dimension.ROW, tupleKey)); else if (tableName.equals(_secondEmitterIndex)) tasks = translateIdsToTasks(_assignment.getRegionIDs( Dimension.COLUMN, tupleKey)); else { LOG.info("First Name: " + _firstEmitterIndex); LOG.info("Second Name: " + _secondEmitterIndex); LOG.info("Table Name: " + tableName); LOG.info("WRONG ASSIGNMENT"); } return tasks; } @Override public void prepare(WorkerTopologyContext wtc, GlobalStreamId gsi, List<Integer> targetTasks) { // LOG.info("Number of tasks is : "+numTasks); _targetTasks = targetTasks; } private List<Integer> translateIdsToTasks(ArrayList<Integer> ids) { final List<Integer> converted = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (final int id : ids) converted.add(_targetTasks.get(id)); return converted; } }