package; /** * Detects whether optional sql2o features are available. * * @author Alden Quimby */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public final class FeatureDetector { private FeatureDetector() {} static { setCacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled(true); // enabled by default } private static Boolean jodaTimeAvailable; private static Boolean slf4jAvailable; private static Boolean oracleAvailable; private static boolean cacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled; /** * @return {@code true} if Joda-Time is available, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isJodaTimeAvailable() { if (jodaTimeAvailable == null) { jodaTimeAvailable = ClassUtils.isPresent("org.joda.time.DateTime"); } return jodaTimeAvailable; } /** * @return {@code true} if Slf4j is available, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isSlf4jAvailable() { if (slf4jAvailable == null) { slf4jAvailable = ClassUtils.isPresent("org.slf4j.Logger"); } return slf4jAvailable; } /** * @return {@code true} if oracle.sql is available, {@code false} otherwise. */ public static boolean isOracleAvailable() { if (oracleAvailable == null) { oracleAvailable = ClassUtils.isPresent("oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP"); } return oracleAvailable; } /** * * @return {@code true} if caching of underscore to camelcase is enabled. */ public static boolean isCacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled() { return cacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled; } /** * Turn caching of underscore to camelcase on or off. */ public static void setCacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled(boolean cacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled) { FeatureDetector.cacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled = cacheUnderscoreToCamelcaseEnabled; } }