/* * (c) Copyright 2005-2012 JAXIO, www.jaxio.com * Source code generated by Celerio, a Jaxio product * Want to use Celerio within your company? email us at info@jaxio.com * Follow us on twitter: @springfuse * Template pack-backend-sd:src/main/java/project/repository/support/NullRestriction.p.vm.java */ package com.company.demo.repository.support; /** * Used by the {@link SearchForm} to allow more flexible search options */ public class NullRestriction { public static enum NullRestrictionKind { SPECIFIED, ANY, IS_NOT_NULL, IS_NULL } private String property; private NullRestrictionKind restriction = NullRestrictionKind.SPECIFIED; /** * @param property the property on which the restriction applies. */ public NullRestriction(String property) { this.property = property; } public final String getProperty() { return property; } public void setRestriction(NullRestrictionKind restriction) { this.restriction = restriction; } public NullRestrictionKind getRestriction() { return restriction; } }