package com.acme; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.process.SingleNodeProcessingChainSupport.*; import org.springframework.xd.dirt.server.SingleNodeApplication; import org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.SingleNodeIntegrationTestSupport; import org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.SingletonModuleRegistry; import org.springframework.xd.dirt.test.process.SingleNodeProcessingChain; import org.springframework.xd.module.ModuleType; import org.springframework.xd.test.RandomConfigurationSupport; import org.springframework.xd.tuple.Tuple; import org.springframework.xd.tuple.TupleBuilder; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by mpollack on 12/19/14. */ public class MovingAverageIntegrationTest { private static SingleNodeApplication application; private static int RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 5000; private static String moduleName = "reactor-moving-average"; private SingleNodeProcessingChain chain; /** * Start the single node container, binding random unused ports, etc. to not conflict with any other instances * running on this host. Configure the ModuleRegistry to include the project module. * * XD_HOME must be set to a valid install location so that the message bus libraries can be copied over */ @BeforeClass public static void setUp() { RandomConfigurationSupport randomConfigSupport = new RandomConfigurationSupport(); application = new SingleNodeApplication().run(); SingleNodeIntegrationTestSupport singleNodeIntegrationTestSupport = new SingleNodeIntegrationTestSupport (application); singleNodeIntegrationTestSupport.addModuleRegistry(new SingletonModuleRegistry(ModuleType.processor, moduleName)); } @After public void tearDown() { chain.destroy(); } @AfterClass public static void after() { application.close(); } @Test public void testTupleType() { String streamName = "testMovingAverage"; chain = chain(application, streamName, "reactor-moving-average"); List<Tuple> inputData = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { inputData.add(TupleBuilder.tuple().of("id", i, "measurement", new Double(i+10))); } for (Tuple tuple: inputData) { chain.sendPayload(tuple); } assertResults(chain); } @Test public void testJson() throws IOException { String streamName = "testMovingAverageJson"; chain = chain(application, streamName, "reactor-moving-average --inputType=application/x-xd-tuple"); List<String> jsonData = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String measurement = Integer.toString(i+10); jsonData.add("{\"id\":\"" + i + "\" , \"measurement\" : \"" + measurement + "\"}"); } for (String json : jsonData) { chain.sendPayload(json); } assertResults(chain); } private void assertResults(SingleNodeProcessingChain chain) { List<Tuple> outputData = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Tuple tuple = (Tuple)chain.receivePayload(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); outputData.add(tuple); System.out.println("output Tuple = [ + " + tuple + "]"); } assertEquals(12D, outputData.get(0).getDouble("average"), 0.01); assertEquals(17D, outputData.get(1).getDouble("average"), 0.01); assertNull(outputData.get(2)); } }