package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This voter checks scope in request is consistent with that held by the client. If there is no user in the request * (client_credentials grant) it checks against authorities of client instead of scopes by default. Activate by adding * <code>CLIENT_HAS_SCOPE</code> to security attributes. * * @author Dave Syer * */ public class ClientScopeVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter<Object> { private String clientHasScope = "CLIENT_HAS_SCOPE"; private boolean throwException = true; private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService; private boolean clientAuthoritiesAreScopes = true; /** * ClientDetailsService for looking up clients by ID. * * @param clientDetailsService the client details service (mandatory) */ public void setClientDetailsService(ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) { this.clientDetailsService = clientDetailsService; } /** * Flag to determine the behaviour on access denied. If set then we throw an {@link InsufficientScopeException} * instead of returning {@link AccessDecisionVoter#ACCESS_DENIED}. This is unconventional for an access decision * voter because it vetos the other voters in the chain, but it enables us to pass a message to the caller with * information about the required scope. * * @param throwException the flag to set (default true) */ public void setThrowException(boolean throwException) { this.throwException = throwException; } /** * Flag to signal that when there is no user authentication client authorities are to be treated as scopes. * * @param clientAuthoritiesAreScopes the flag value (default true) */ public void setClientAuthoritiesAreScopes(boolean clientAuthoritiesAreScopes) { this.clientAuthoritiesAreScopes = clientAuthoritiesAreScopes; } /** * The name of the config attribute that can be used to deny access to OAuth2 client. Defaults to * <code>DENY_OAUTH</code>. * * @param denyAccess the deny access attribute value to set */ public void setDenyAccess(String denyAccess) { this.clientHasScope = denyAccess; } public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { if (clientHasScope.equals(attribute.getAttribute())) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This implementation supports any type of class, because it does not query the presented secure object. * * @param clazz the secure object * * @return always <code>true</code> */ public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) { return true; } public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes) { int result = ACCESS_ABSTAIN; if (!(authentication instanceof OAuth2Authentication)) { return result; } OAuth2Authentication oauth2Authentication = (OAuth2Authentication) authentication; OAuth2Request clientAuthentication = oauth2Authentication.getOAuth2Request(); ClientDetails client = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientAuthentication.getClientId()); Set<String> scopes = clientAuthentication.getScope(); if (oauth2Authentication.isClientOnly() && clientAuthoritiesAreScopes) { scopes = AuthorityUtils.authorityListToSet(clientAuthentication.getAuthorities()); } for (ConfigAttribute attribute : attributes) { if (this.supports(attribute)) { result = ACCESS_GRANTED; for (String scope : scopes) { if (!client.getScope().contains(scope)) { result = ACCESS_DENIED; break; } } if (result == ACCESS_DENIED && throwException) { InsufficientScopeException failure = new InsufficientScopeException( "Insufficient scope for this resource", client.getScope()); throw new AccessDeniedException(failure.getMessage(), failure); } return result; } } return result; } }