/* * Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package sample.dms; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken; import org.springframework.security.core.Authentication; import org.springframework.security.core.authority.AuthorityUtils; import org.springframework.security.core.context.SecurityContextHolder; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * Populates the DMS in-memory database with document and ACL information. * * @author Ben Alex */ public class DataSourcePopulator implements InitializingBean { protected static final int LEVEL_NEGATE_READ = 0; protected static final int LEVEL_GRANT_READ = 1; protected static final int LEVEL_GRANT_WRITE = 2; protected static final int LEVEL_GRANT_ADMIN = 3; protected JdbcTemplate template; protected DocumentDao documentDao; public DataSourcePopulator(DataSource dataSource, DocumentDao documentDao) { Assert.notNull(dataSource, "DataSource required"); Assert.notNull(documentDao, "DocumentDao required"); this.template = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.documentDao = documentDao; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { // ACL tables template.execute("CREATE TABLE ACL_SID(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,PRINCIPAL BOOLEAN NOT NULL,SID VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(100) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_UK_1 UNIQUE(SID,PRINCIPAL));"); template.execute("CREATE TABLE ACL_CLASS(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,CLASS VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(100) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_UK_2 UNIQUE(CLASS));"); template.execute("CREATE TABLE ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,OBJECT_ID_CLASS BIGINT NOT NULL,OBJECT_ID_IDENTITY BIGINT NOT NULL,PARENT_OBJECT BIGINT,OWNER_SID BIGINT,ENTRIES_INHERITING BOOLEAN NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_UK_3 UNIQUE(OBJECT_ID_CLASS,OBJECT_ID_IDENTITY),CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_FK_1 FOREIGN KEY(PARENT_OBJECT)REFERENCES ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY(ID),CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_FK_2 FOREIGN KEY(OBJECT_ID_CLASS)REFERENCES ACL_CLASS(ID),CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_FK_3 FOREIGN KEY(OWNER_SID)REFERENCES ACL_SID(ID));"); template.execute("CREATE TABLE ACL_ENTRY(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY BIGINT NOT NULL,ACE_ORDER INT NOT NULL,SID BIGINT NOT NULL,MASK INTEGER NOT NULL,GRANTING BOOLEAN NOT NULL,AUDIT_SUCCESS BOOLEAN NOT NULL,AUDIT_FAILURE BOOLEAN NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_UK_4 UNIQUE(ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY,ACE_ORDER),CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_FK_4 FOREIGN KEY(ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY) REFERENCES ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY(ID),CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_FK_5 FOREIGN KEY(SID) REFERENCES ACL_SID(ID));"); // Normal authentication tables template.execute("CREATE TABLE USERS(USERNAME VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,PASSWORD VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(500) NOT NULL,ENABLED BOOLEAN NOT NULL);"); template.execute("CREATE TABLE AUTHORITIES(USERNAME VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(50) NOT NULL,AUTHORITY VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(50) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT FK_AUTHORITIES_USERS FOREIGN KEY(USERNAME) REFERENCES USERS(USERNAME));"); template.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_AUTH_USERNAME ON AUTHORITIES(USERNAME,AUTHORITY);"); // Document management system business tables template.execute("CREATE TABLE DIRECTORY(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, DIRECTORY_NAME VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(50) NOT NULL, PARENT_DIRECTORY_ID BIGINT)"); template.execute("CREATE TABLE FILE(ID BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FILE_NAME VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(50) NOT NULL, CONTENT VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(1024), PARENT_DIRECTORY_ID BIGINT)"); // Populate the authentication and role tables template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('rod','$2a$10$75pBjapg4Nl8Pzd.3JRnUe7PDJmk9qBGwNEJDAlA3V.dEJxcDKn5O',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('dianne','$2a$04$bCMEyxrdF/7sgfUiUJ6Ose2vh9DAMaVBldS1Bw2fhi1jgutZrr9zm',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('scott','$2a$06$eChwvzAu3TSexnC3ynw4LOSw1qiEbtNItNeYv5uI40w1i3paoSfLu',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('peter','$2a$04$8.H8bCMROLF4CIgd7IpeQ.tcBXLP5w8iplO0n.kCIkISwrIgX28Ii',FALSE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('bill','$2a$04$8.H8bCMROLF4CIgd7IpeQ.3khQlPVNWbp8kzSQqidQHGFurim7P8O',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('bob','$2a$06$zMgxlMf01SfYNcdx7n4NpeFlAGU8apCETz/i2C7VlYWu6IcNyn4Ay',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('jane','$2a$05$ZrdS7yMhCZ1J.AAidXZhCOxdjD8LO/dhlv4FJzkXA6xh9gdEbBT/u',TRUE);"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('rod','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('rod','ROLE_SUPERVISOR');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('dianne','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('scott','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('peter','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('bill','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('bob','ROLE_USER');"); template.execute("INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('jane','ROLE_USER');"); // Now create an ACL entry for the root directory SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication( new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("rod", "ignored", AuthorityUtils .createAuthorityList(("ROLE_IGNORED")))); addPermission(documentDao, Directory.ROOT_DIRECTORY, "ROLE_USER", LEVEL_GRANT_WRITE); // Now go off and create some directories and files for our users createSampleData("rod", "koala"); createSampleData("dianne", "emu"); createSampleData("scott", "wombat"); } /** * Creates a directory for the user, and a series of sub-directories. The root * directory is the parent for the user directory. The sub-directories are * "confidential" and "shared". The ROLE_USER will be given read and write access to * "shared". */ private void createSampleData(String username, String password) { Assert.notNull(documentDao, "DocumentDao required"); Assert.hasText(username, "Username required"); Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password); try { // Set the SecurityContextHolder ThreadLocal so any subclasses // automatically know which user is operating SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(auth); // Create the home directory first Directory home = new Directory(username, Directory.ROOT_DIRECTORY); documentDao.create(home); addPermission(documentDao, home, username, LEVEL_GRANT_ADMIN); addPermission(documentDao, home, "ROLE_USER", LEVEL_GRANT_READ); createFiles(documentDao, home); // Now create the confidential directory Directory confid = new Directory("confidential", home); documentDao.create(confid); addPermission(documentDao, confid, "ROLE_USER", LEVEL_NEGATE_READ); createFiles(documentDao, confid); // Now create the shared directory Directory shared = new Directory("shared", home); documentDao.create(shared); addPermission(documentDao, shared, "ROLE_USER", LEVEL_GRANT_READ); addPermission(documentDao, shared, "ROLE_USER", LEVEL_GRANT_WRITE); createFiles(documentDao, shared); } finally { // Clear the SecurityContextHolder ThreadLocal so future calls are // guaranteed to be clean SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); } } private void createFiles(DocumentDao documentDao, Directory parent) { Assert.notNull(documentDao, "DocumentDao required"); Assert.notNull(parent, "Parent required"); int countBeforeInsert = documentDao.findElements(parent).length; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { File file = new File("file_" + i + ".txt", parent); documentDao.create(file); } Assert.isTrue(countBeforeInsert + 10 == documentDao.findElements(parent).length, "Failed to increase count by 10"); } /** * Allows subclass to add permissions. * * @param documentDao that will presumably offer methods to enable the operation to be * completed * @param element to the subject of the new permissions * @param recipient to receive permission (if it starts with ROLE_ it is assumed to be * a GrantedAuthority, else it is a username) * @param level based on the static final integer fields on this class */ protected void addPermission(DocumentDao documentDao, AbstractElement element, String recipient, int level) { } }