/* * The Spring Framework is published under the terms * of the Apache Software License. */ package org.springframework.benchmark.cmt.server; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory; import org.springframework.benchmark.cmt.data.Item; import org.springframework.benchmark.cmt.data.Order; import org.springframework.benchmark.cmt.data.User; import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcHelper; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SingleConnectionDataSource; /** * * @author Rod Johnson */ public class LiveBenchmarkTests extends TestCase { private Benchmark benchmark; private JdbcHelper jh; public LiveBenchmarkTests(String s) throws Exception{ super(s); DataSource ds = new SingleConnectionDataSource("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "SYSTEM", "MANAGER", false); jh = new JdbcHelper(ds); //loadData(100, 1000); } protected void loadData(int users, int items) { jh.getTemplate().update("DELETE FROM ORDERS"); jh.getTemplate().update("DELETE FROM ITEMS"); jh.getTemplate().update("DELETE FROM USERS"); for (int i = 0; i < users; i++) { String forename = "forename" + i; String surname = "surname" + i; jh.getTemplate().update("INSERT INTO USERS (ID, FORENAME, SURNAME)" + " VALUES (" + i + ", '" + forename + "', '" + surname + "')"); } for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) { String name = "item" + i; int qty = 1000000; jh.getTemplate().update("INSERT INTO ITEMS (ID, NAME, STOCK)" + " VALUES (" + i + ", '" + name + "', '" + qty + "')"); } } protected void setUp() { BeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource("test.xml", getClass())); benchmark = (Benchmark) bf.getBean("benchmark"); } public void testCantGetNonexistentUser() throws RemoteException { long id = -1; try { benchmark.getUser(id); fail(); } catch (NoSuchUserException ex) { // Ok assertEquals(id, ex.getId()); } } public void testGetValidUser() throws NoSuchUserException, RemoteException { long id = 1; User user = new User("forename" + id, "surname" + id); User u = benchmark.getUser(id); assertEquals(user, u); } /** * Must throw NoSuchUser * @throws NoSuchUserException */ public void testGetOrdersForNoSuchUser() throws NoSuchUserException, RemoteException { long id = -1; try { benchmark.getOrdersByUser(id); fail(); } catch (NoSuchUserException ex) { // Ok assertEquals(id, ex.getId()); } } public void testGetOrdersForValidUser() throws NoSuchUserException, RemoteException { long id = 1; Order[] orders = benchmark.getOrdersByUser(id); assertTrue(orders.length > 0); assertTrue(orders[0].getItemId() == 1); assertTrue(orders[0].getUserId() == 1); } public void testGetValidItem() throws NoSuchUserException, NoSuchItemException, RemoteException { long id = 1; Item item = benchmark.getItem(1); assertEquals("item" + id, item.getName()); //assertEquals(1000, item.getStock()); assertTrue(item.getStock() > 0); } public void testNoSuchItem() throws Exception { long id = -1; try { benchmark.getItem(id); fail(); } catch (NoSuchItemException ex) { assertEquals(id, ex.getId()); } } public void testValidUserOrdersValidItem() throws Exception { int uid = 1; int iid = 1; int oldOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); Order order = new Order(uid, iid, 5); benchmark.placeOrder(uid, order); assertEquals(iid, order.getItemId()); assertEquals(uid, order.getUserId()); int newOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); assertTrue(newOrderCount == oldOrderCount + 1); } public void testValidUserOrdersValidItemBeyondStockLimit() throws Exception { int uid = 1; int iid = 1; int oldOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); Order order = new Order(uid, iid, 50000000); try { benchmark.placeOrder(uid, order); fail(); } catch (InsufficientStockException ex) { } int newOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); assertEquals(oldOrderCount, newOrderCount); } public void testNoSuchUserOrdersValidItem() throws Exception { int uid = -1; int iid = 1; int oldOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); Order order = new Order(uid, iid, 2); try { benchmark.placeOrder(uid, order); fail(); } catch (NoSuchUserException ex) { } int newOrderCount = jh.runSQLFunction("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS"); assertEquals(oldOrderCount, newOrderCount); } }