/* * Copyright 2011-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.data.redis.support.atomic; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.springframework.dao.DataRetrievalFailureException; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.DataType; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.BoundKeyOperations; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisOperations; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.SessionCallback; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.ValueOperations; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.GenericToStringSerializer; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.StringRedisSerializer; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * Atomic long backed by Redis. Uses Redis atomic increment/decrement and watch/multi/exec operations for CAS * operations. * * @see java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong * @author Costin Leau * @author Thomas Darimont * @author Christoph Strobl * @author Mark Paluch */ public class RedisAtomicLong extends Number implements Serializable, BoundKeyOperations<String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private volatile String key; private ValueOperations<String, Long> operations; private RedisOperations<String, Long> generalOps; /** * Constructs a new <code>RedisAtomicLong</code> instance. Uses the value existing in Redis or 0 if none is found. * * @param redisCounter redis counter * @param factory connection factory */ public RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisConnectionFactory factory) { this(redisCounter, factory, null); } /** * Constructs a new <code>RedisAtomicLong</code> instance. * * @param redisCounter * @param factory * @param initialValue */ public RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisConnectionFactory factory, long initialValue) { this(redisCounter, factory, Long.valueOf(initialValue)); } private RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisConnectionFactory factory, Long initialValue) { Assert.hasText(redisCounter, "a valid counter name is required"); Assert.notNull(factory, "a valid factory is required"); RedisTemplate<String, Long> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<String, Long>(); redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Long>(Long.class)); redisTemplate.setExposeConnection(true); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(factory); redisTemplate.afterPropertiesSet(); this.key = redisCounter; this.generalOps = redisTemplate; this.operations = generalOps.opsForValue(); if (initialValue == null) { if (this.operations.get(redisCounter) == null) { set(0); } } else { set(initialValue); } } /** * Constructs a new <code>RedisAtomicLong</code> instance. Uses the value existing in Redis or 0 if none is found. * * @param redisCounter the redis counter * @param template the template * @see #RedisAtomicLong(String, RedisConnectionFactory, long) */ public RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisOperations<String, Long> template) { this(redisCounter, template, null); } /** * Constructs a new <code>RedisAtomicLong</code> instance. * <p> * Note: You need to configure the given {@code template} with appropriate {@link RedisSerializer} for the key and * value. The key serializer must be able to deserialize to a {@link String} and the value serializer must be able to * deserialize to a {@link Long}. * <p> * As an alternative one could use the {@link #RedisAtomicLong(String, RedisConnectionFactory, Long)} constructor * which uses appropriate default serializers, in this case {@link StringRedisSerializer} for the key and * {@link GenericToStringSerializer} for the value. * * @param redisCounter the redis counter * @param template the template * @param initialValue the initial value */ public RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisOperations<String, Long> template, long initialValue) { this(redisCounter, template, Long.valueOf(initialValue)); } private RedisAtomicLong(String redisCounter, RedisOperations<String, Long> template, Long initialValue) { Assert.hasText(redisCounter, "a valid counter name is required"); Assert.notNull(template, "a valid template is required"); Assert.notNull(template.getKeySerializer(), "a valid key serializer in template is required"); Assert.notNull(template.getValueSerializer(), "a valid value serializer in template is required"); this.key = redisCounter; this.generalOps = template; this.operations = generalOps.opsForValue(); if (initialValue == null) { if (this.operations.get(redisCounter) == null) { set(0); } } else { set(initialValue); } } /** * Gets the current value. * * @return the current value */ public long get() { Long value = operations.get(key); if (value != null) { return value.longValue(); } throw new DataRetrievalFailureException(String.format("The key '%s' seems to no longer exist.", key)); } /** * Sets to the given value. * * @param newValue the new value */ public void set(long newValue) { operations.set(key, newValue); } /** * Atomically sets to the given value and returns the old value. * * @param newValue the new value * @return the previous value */ public long getAndSet(long newValue) { Long value = operations.getAndSet(key, newValue); if (value != null) { return value.longValue(); } return 0; } /** * Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value {@code ==} the expected value. * * @param expect the expected value * @param update the new value * @return true if successful. False return indicates that the actual value was not equal to the expected value. */ public boolean compareAndSet(final long expect, final long update) { return generalOps.execute(new SessionCallback<Boolean>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Boolean execute(RedisOperations operations) { for (;;) { operations.watch(Collections.singleton(key)); if (expect == get()) { generalOps.multi(); set(update); if (operations.exec() != null) { return true; } } { return false; } } } }); } /** * Atomically increments by one the current value. * * @return the previous value */ public long getAndIncrement() { return incrementAndGet() - 1; } /** * Atomically decrements by one the current value. * * @return the previous value */ public long getAndDecrement() { return decrementAndGet() + 1; } /** * Atomically adds the given value to the current value. * * @param delta the value to add * @return the previous value */ public long getAndAdd(final long delta) { return addAndGet(delta) - delta; } /** * Atomically increments by one the current value. * * @return the updated value */ public long incrementAndGet() { return operations.increment(key, 1); } /** * Atomically decrements by one the current value. * * @return the updated value */ public long decrementAndGet() { return operations.increment(key, -1); } /** * Atomically adds the given value to the current value. * * @param delta the value to add * @return the updated value */ public long addAndGet(long delta) { return operations.increment(key, delta); } /** * Returns the String representation of the current value. * * @return the String representation of the current value. */ public String toString() { return Long.toString(get()); } public int intValue() { return (int) get(); } public long longValue() { return get(); } public float floatValue() { return (float) get(); } public double doubleValue() { return (double) get(); } public String getKey() { return key; } public Boolean expire(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { return generalOps.expire(key, timeout, unit); } public Boolean expireAt(Date date) { return generalOps.expireAt(key, date); } public Long getExpire() { return generalOps.getExpire(key); } public Boolean persist() { return generalOps.persist(key); } public void rename(String newKey) { generalOps.rename(key, newKey); key = newKey; } public DataType getType() { return DataType.STRING; } }