package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import com.mongodb.DB; import; import org.springframework.util.Assert; class DbHolder extends ResourceHolderSupport { private static final Object DEFAULT_KEY = new Object(); private final Map<Object, DB> dbMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, DB>(); public DbHolder(DB db) { addDB(db); } public DbHolder(Object key, DB db) { addDB(key, db); } public DB getDB() { return getDB(DEFAULT_KEY); } public DB getDB(Object key) { return this.dbMap.get(key); } public DB getAnyDB() { if (!this.dbMap.isEmpty()) { return this.dbMap.values().iterator().next(); } return null; } public void addDB(DB session) { addDB(DEFAULT_KEY, session); } public void addDB(Object key, DB session) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(session, "DB must not be null"); this.dbMap.put(key, session); } public DB removeDB(Object key) { return this.dbMap.remove(key); } public boolean containsDB(DB session) { return this.dbMap.containsValue(session); } public boolean isEmpty() { return this.dbMap.isEmpty(); } public boolean doesNotHoldNonDefaultDB() { synchronized (this.dbMap) { return this.dbMap.isEmpty() || (this.dbMap.size() == 1 && this.dbMap.containsKey(DEFAULT_KEY)); } } }