package; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.activation.DataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The main user-level API access to application and services for the app in which this instance is embedded in. * * The class connects application and the underlying cloud. Besides passing along information about the application * instance, it allows simple access for using services. It uses {@link ServiceInfo}s obtained using the * underlying {@link CloudConnector} and allows translating those to service connector such as a {@link DataSource}. * * It also passes along information obtained through {@link CloudConnector} to let application take control on how * to use bound services. * * <p> * NOTE: Users or cloud providers shouldn't need to instantiate an instance of this class (constructor has package-access only for * unit-testing purpose). Instead, they can obtain an appropriate instance through {@link CloudFactory} * </p> * * @author Ramnivas Laddad * */ public class Cloud { private CloudConnector cloudConnector; private ServiceConnectorCreatorRegistry serviceConnectorCreatorRegistry = new ServiceConnectorCreatorRegistry(); /** * Package-access constructor. * * @param cloudConnector the underlying connector * @param serviceConnectorCreators service connector creators */ Cloud(CloudConnector cloudConnector, List<ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo>> serviceConnectorCreators) { this.cloudConnector = cloudConnector; for (ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo> serviceCreator : serviceConnectorCreators) { registerServiceConnectorCreator(serviceCreator); } } /** * @see CloudConnector#getApplicationInstanceInfo() * * @return information about the application instance */ public ApplicationInstanceInfo getApplicationInstanceInfo() { return cloudConnector.getApplicationInstanceInfo(); } /** * Get {@link ServiceInfo} for the given service id * * @param serviceId service id * @return info for the serviceId */ public ServiceInfo getServiceInfo(String serviceId) { for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : getServiceInfos()) { if (serviceInfo.getId().equals(serviceId)) { return serviceInfo; } } throw new CloudException("No service with id " + serviceId + " found"); } /** * @see CloudConnector#getServiceInfos() * @return information about all services bound to the application */ public List<ServiceInfo> getServiceInfos() { return flatten(cloudConnector.getServiceInfos()); } /** * Get {@link ServiceInfo}s for the bound services that could be mapped to the given service connector type. * * <p> * For example, if the connector type is {@link DataSource}, then the method will return all {@link ServiceInfo} objects * matching bound relational database services. * <p> * * @param <T> The class of the connector to find services for. * @param serviceConnectorType service connector type. * Passing null returns all {@link ServiceInfo}s (matching that of {@link Cloud#getServiceInfos()} * @return information about services bound to the application that could be transformed into the given connector type */ public <T> List<ServiceInfo> getServiceInfos(Class<T> serviceConnectorType) { List<ServiceInfo> allServiceInfos = getServiceInfos(); List<ServiceInfo> matchingServiceInfos = new ArrayList<ServiceInfo>(); for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : allServiceInfos) { if (serviceConnectorCreatorRegistry.canCreate(serviceConnectorType, serviceInfo)) { matchingServiceInfos.add(serviceInfo); } } return matchingServiceInfos; } /** * Get a service connector for the given service id, the connector type, configured with the given config * * * @param <SC> The class of the service connector to return. * @param serviceId the service id * @param serviceConnectorType The expected class of service connector such as, DataSource.class. * @param serviceConnectorConfig service connector configuration (such as pooling parameters). * @return a service connector of the specified type with the given configuration applied * */ public <SC> SC getServiceConnector(String serviceId, Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, ServiceConnectorConfig serviceConnectorConfig) { ServiceInfo serviceInfo = getServiceInfo(serviceId); return getServiceConnector(serviceInfo, serviceConnectorType, serviceConnectorConfig); } /** * Get the singleton service connector for the given connector type, configured with the given config * * @param <SC> The class of the service connector to return. * @param serviceConnectorType The expected class of service connector such as, DataSource.class. * @param serviceConnectorConfig service connector configuration (such as pooling parameters). * @return the single service connector of the specified type with the given configuration applied * */ public <SC> SC getSingletonServiceConnector(Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, ServiceConnectorConfig serviceConnectorConfig) { List<ServiceInfo> matchingServiceInfos = getServiceInfos(serviceConnectorType); if (matchingServiceInfos.size() != 1) { throw new CloudException("No unique service matching " + serviceConnectorType + " found. Expected 1, found " + matchingServiceInfos.size()); } ServiceInfo matchingServiceInfo = matchingServiceInfos.get(0); return getServiceConnector(matchingServiceInfo, serviceConnectorType, serviceConnectorConfig); } /** * Register a new service connector creator * * @param serviceConnectorCreator the service connector to register */ public void registerServiceConnectorCreator(ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo> serviceConnectorCreator) { serviceConnectorCreatorRegistry.registerCreator(serviceConnectorCreator); } /** * Get properties for app and services. * * * * <p> * Application properties always include <code></code> and <code>cloud.application.instance-id</code> * with values bound to application id and instance id. The rest of the properties are cloud-provider specific, but take the * <code>cloud.application.<property-name></code> form. <pre> * = helloworld * cloud.application.instance-id = instance-0-0fab098f * cloud.application.<property-name> = <property-value> * </pre> * * <p> * Service specific properties are exposed for each bound service, with each key starting in <code></code>. Like * application properties, these too are cloud and service specific. Each key for a specific service starts with * <code><service-id></code> <pre> * = mysql-5.1 * = free * = ... * = ... * etc... * </pre> * * <p> * If a there is only a single service of a given type (as defined by the {link ServiceInfo.ServiceLabel} * annoation's value of the corresponding {@link ServiceInfo} class), that service is aliased * to the service type. Keys for such properties start in <code><service-type></code>. * For example, if there is only a single MySQL service bound to the application, the service properties * will also be exposed starting with '<code></code>' key: <pre> * = mysql-5.1 * = free * = ... * = ... * etc... * </pre> * * @return the properties object */ public Properties getCloudProperties() { Map<String, List<ServiceInfo>> mappedServiceInfos = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceInfo>>(); for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : getServiceInfos()) { String key = getServiceLabel(serviceInfo); List<ServiceInfo> serviceInfosForLabel = mappedServiceInfos.get(key); if (serviceInfosForLabel == null) { serviceInfosForLabel = new ArrayList<ServiceInfo>(); mappedServiceInfos.put(key, serviceInfosForLabel); } serviceInfosForLabel.add(serviceInfo); } final String servicePropKeyLead = ""; Properties cloudProperties = new Properties(); for (Entry<String, List<ServiceInfo>> mappedServiceInfo : mappedServiceInfos.entrySet()) { List<ServiceInfo> serviceInfos = mappedServiceInfo.getValue(); for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfos) { String idBasedKey = servicePropKeyLead + serviceInfo.getId(); cloudProperties.putAll(getServiceProperties(idBasedKey, serviceInfo)); // If there is only one service for a given label, put props with that label instead of just id if (serviceInfos.size() == 1) { String labelBasedKey = servicePropKeyLead + mappedServiceInfo.getKey(); cloudProperties.putAll(getServiceProperties(labelBasedKey, serviceInfo)); } } } cloudProperties.putAll(getAppProperties()); return cloudProperties; } private <SC> SC getServiceConnector(ServiceInfo serviceInfo, Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, ServiceConnectorConfig serviceConnectorConfig) { ServiceConnectorCreator<SC, ServiceInfo> serviceConnectorCreator = serviceConnectorCreatorRegistry.getServiceCreator( serviceConnectorType, serviceInfo); return serviceConnectorCreator.create(serviceInfo, serviceConnectorConfig); } private Properties getAppProperties() { final String appPropLeadKey = "cloud.application."; Properties appProperties = new Properties(); appProperties.put(appPropLeadKey + "instance-id", getApplicationInstanceInfo().getInstanceId()); appProperties.put(appPropLeadKey + "app-id", getApplicationInstanceInfo().getAppId()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : getApplicationInstanceInfo().getProperties().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { appProperties.put(appPropLeadKey + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return appProperties; } private Properties getServiceProperties(String keyLead, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) { Properties cloudProperties = new Properties(); try { BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(serviceInfo.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor[] propDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor propDescriptor : propDescriptors) { ServiceProperty propAnnotation = propDescriptor.getReadMethod().getAnnotation(ServiceProperty.class); String key = keyLead; if (propAnnotation != null) { if (!propAnnotation.category().isEmpty()) { key = key + "." + propAnnotation.category(); } if (! { key = key + "." +; } else { key = key + "." + propDescriptor.getName().toLowerCase(); } Object value = propDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(serviceInfo); if (value != null) { cloudProperties.put(key, value); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CloudException(e); } return cloudProperties; } private static String getServiceLabel(ServiceInfo serviceInfo) { Class<? extends ServiceInfo> serviceInfoClass = serviceInfo.getClass(); ServiceLabel labelAnnotation = serviceInfoClass.getAnnotation(ServiceInfo.ServiceLabel.class); if (labelAnnotation == null) { return null; } else { return labelAnnotation.value(); } } private static List<ServiceInfo> flatten(List<ServiceInfo> serviceInfos) { List<ServiceInfo> flattened = new ArrayList<ServiceInfo>(); for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfos) { if (serviceInfo instanceof CompositeServiceInfo) { // recursively flatten any CompositeServiceInfos CompositeServiceInfo compositeServiceInfo = (CompositeServiceInfo)serviceInfo; flattened.addAll(flatten(compositeServiceInfo.getServiceInfos())); } else { flattened.add(serviceInfo); } } return flattened; } } class ServiceConnectorCreatorRegistry { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Cloud.class.getName()); private List<ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo>> serviceConnectorCreators = new ArrayList<ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo>>(); public void registerCreator(ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo> serviceConnectorCreator) { serviceConnectorCreators.add(serviceConnectorCreator); } public <SC, SI extends ServiceInfo> ServiceConnectorCreator<SC, SI> getServiceCreator(Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, SI serviceInfo) { ServiceConnectorCreator<SC, SI> serviceConnectorCreator = getServiceCreatorOrNull(serviceConnectorType, serviceInfo); if (serviceConnectorCreator != null) { return serviceConnectorCreator; } else { throw new CloudException("No suitable ServiceConnectorCreator found: " + "service id=" + serviceInfo.getId() + ", " + "service info type=" + serviceInfo.getClass().getName() + ", " + "connector type=" + serviceConnectorType); } } public <SC, SI extends ServiceInfo> boolean canCreate(Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, SI serviceInfo) { return getServiceCreatorOrNull(serviceConnectorType, serviceInfo) != null; } public boolean accept(ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo> creator, Class<?> serviceConnectorType, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) { boolean typeBasedAccept = serviceConnectorType == null || serviceConnectorType.isAssignableFrom(creator.getServiceConnectorType()); boolean infoBasedAccept = serviceInfo == null || creator.getServiceInfoType().isAssignableFrom(serviceInfo.getClass()); return typeBasedAccept && infoBasedAccept; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <SC, SI extends ServiceInfo> ServiceConnectorCreator<SC, SI> getServiceCreatorOrNull(Class<SC> serviceConnectorType, SI serviceInfo) { for (ServiceConnectorCreator<?, ? extends ServiceInfo> serviceConnectorCreator : serviceConnectorCreators) { logger.fine("Trying connector creator type " + serviceConnectorCreator); if (accept(serviceConnectorCreator, serviceConnectorType, serviceInfo)) { return (ServiceConnectorCreator<SC, SI>) serviceConnectorCreator; } } return null; } }