/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.datastorage.ConfigurationUtil; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage; import org.apache.pig.data.DataByteArray; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; public class TestHBaseStorage { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestHBaseStorage.class); private static HBaseTestingUtility util; private static Configuration conf; private static MiniCluster cluster; private static PigServer pig; final static int NUM_REGIONSERVERS = 1; enum DataFormat { HBaseBinary, UTF8PlainText, } // Test Table constants private static final String TESTTABLE_1 = "pigtable_1"; private static final String TESTTABLE_2 = "pigtable_2"; private static final byte[] COLUMNFAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("pig"); private static final String TESTCOLUMN_A = "pig:col_a"; private static final String TESTCOLUMN_B = "pig:col_b"; private static final String TESTCOLUMN_C = "pig:col_c"; private static final String TESTCOLUMN_D = "pig:prefixed_col_d"; private static final int TEST_ROW_COUNT = 100; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { // This is needed by Pig cluster = MiniCluster.buildCluster(); conf = cluster.getConfiguration(); util = new HBaseTestingUtility(conf); util.startMiniZKCluster(); util.startMiniHBaseCluster(1, 1); } @AfterClass public static void oneTimeTearDown() throws Exception { // In HBase 0.90.1 and above we can use util.shutdownMiniHBaseCluster() // here instead. MiniHBaseCluster hbc = util.getHBaseCluster(); if (hbc != null) { hbc.shutdown(); hbc.join(); } util.shutdownMiniZKCluster(); cluster.shutDown(); } @Before public void beforeTest() throws Exception { pig = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL, conf); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { deleteAllRows(TESTTABLE_1); } catch (IOException e) {} try { deleteAllRows(TESTTABLE_2); } catch (IOException e) {} pig.shutdown(); } // DVR: I've found that it is faster to delete all rows in small tables // than to drop them. private void deleteAllRows(String tableName) throws Exception { HTable table = new HTable(conf, tableName); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); List<Delete> deletes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Result row : scanner) { deletes.add(new Delete(row.getRow())); } table.delete(deletes); } /** * Test Load from hbase with map parameters * */ @Test public void testLoadWithMap_1() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + " pig:" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey, col_a, col_b, col_c, pig_cf_map);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Map pig_cf_map = (Map) t.get(4); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); Assert.assertEquals(5, pig_cf_map.size()); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(pig_cf_map.get("col_a").toString())); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(pig_cf_map.get("col_b").toString()), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("col_c")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals("PrefixedText_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("prefixed_col_d")).toString()); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with maxTimestamp, minTimestamp, timestamp * */ @Test public void testLoadWithSpecifiedTimestampAndRanges() throws IOException { long beforeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10; HTable table = prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); long afterTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10; Assert.assertEquals("MaxTimestamp is set before rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(null , beforeTimeStamp, null)); Assert.assertEquals("MaxTimestamp is set after rows added", TEST_ROW_COUNT, queryWithTimestamp(null, afterTimeStamp, null)); Assert.assertEquals("MinTimestamp is set after rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(afterTimeStamp, null, null)); Assert.assertEquals("MinTimestamp is set before rows added", TEST_ROW_COUNT, queryWithTimestamp(beforeTimeStamp, null, null)); Assert.assertEquals("Timestamp range is set around rows added", TEST_ROW_COUNT, queryWithTimestamp(beforeTimeStamp, afterTimeStamp, null)); Assert.assertEquals("Timestamp range is set after rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(afterTimeStamp, afterTimeStamp + 10, null)); Assert.assertEquals("Timestamp range is set before rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(beforeTimeStamp - 10, beforeTimeStamp, null)); Assert.assertEquals("Timestamp is set before rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(null, null, beforeTimeStamp)); Assert.assertEquals("Timestamp is set after rows added", 0, queryWithTimestamp(null, null, afterTimeStamp)); long specifiedTimestamp = table.get(new Get(Bytes.toBytes("00"))).getColumnLatest(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_a")).getTimestamp(); Assert.assertTrue("Timestamp is set equals to row 01", queryWithTimestamp(null, null, specifiedTimestamp) > 0); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } private int queryWithTimestamp(Long minTimestamp, Long maxTimestamp, Long timestamp) throws IOException, ExecException { StringBuilder extraParams = new StringBuilder(); if (minTimestamp != null){ extraParams.append(" -minTimestamp " + minTimestamp + " "); } if (maxTimestamp != null){ extraParams.append(" -maxTimestamp " + maxTimestamp + " "); } if (timestamp != null){ extraParams.append(" -timestamp " + timestamp + " "); } pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + " pig:" + "','-loadKey " + extraParams.toString() + "') as (rowKey, col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); count++; } return count; } /** * * Test Load from hbase with map parameters and column prefix * */ @Test public void testLoadWithMap_2_col_prefix() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:prefixed_col_*" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, pig_cf_map:map[]);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = t.get(0).toString(); Map pig_cf_map = (Map) t.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(2, t.size()); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals("PrefixedText_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("prefixed_col_d")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals(1, pig_cf_map.size()); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with map parameters and multiple column prefixs * */ @Test public void testLoadWithMap_3_col_prefix() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:col_* pig:prefixed_col_*" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, pig_cf_map:map[], pig_prefix_cf_map:map[]);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = t.get(0).toString(); Map pig_cf_map = (Map) t.get(1); Map pig_prefix_cf_map = (Map) t.get(2); Assert.assertEquals(3, t.size()); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals("PrefixedText_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_prefix_cf_map.get("prefixed_col_d")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals(1, pig_prefix_cf_map.size()); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(pig_cf_map.get("col_a").toString())); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(pig_cf_map.get("col_b").toString()), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("col_c")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals(3, pig_cf_map.size()); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * * Test Load from hbase with map parameters and column prefix with a * static column * */ @Test public void testLoadWithFixedAndPrefixedCols() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); //NOTE: I think there is some strangeness in how HBase handles column // filters. I was only able to reproduce a bug related to missing column // values in the response when I used 'sc' as a column name, instead of // 'col_a' as I use below. pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:sc pig:prefixed_col_*" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, sc:chararray, pig_cf_map:map[]);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = (String) t.get(0); String col_a = t.get(1) != null ? t.get(1).toString() : null; Map pig_cf_map = (Map) t.get(2); Assert.assertEquals(3, t.size()); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals("PrefixedText_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("prefixed_col_d")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals(1, pig_cf_map.size()); Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(count), col_a); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * * Test Load from hbase with map parameters and with a * static column * */ @Test public void testLoadWithFixedAndPrefixedCols2() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:col_a pig:prefixed_col_*" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, col_a:chararray, pig_cf_map:map[]);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = (String) t.get(0); String col_a = t.get(1) != null ? t.get(1).toString() : null; Map pig_cf_map = (Map) t.get(2); Assert.assertEquals(3, t.size()); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals("PrefixedText_" + count, ((DataByteArray) pig_cf_map.get("prefixed_col_d")).toString()); Assert.assertEquals(1, pig_cf_map.size()); Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(count), col_a); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * * Test Load from hbase with map parameters and with a * static column in different order * */ @Test public void testLoadOrderWithFixedAndPrefixedCols() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:col_* pig:prefixed_col_d" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, cols:map[], prefixed_col_d:chararray);"); pig.registerQuery("b = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + "pig:prefixed_col_d pig:col_*" + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey:chararray, prefixed_col_d:chararray, cols:map[]);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); Iterator<Tuple> it2 = pig.openIterator("b"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); Tuple t2 = it2.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase a:" + t); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase b:" + t2); String rowKey = (String) t.get(0); String rowKey2 = (String) t2.get(0); Assert.assertEquals(rowKey, rowKey2); Assert.assertEquals(t.size(), t2.size()); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map cols_a = (Map) t.get(1); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map cols_b = (Map) t2.get(2); Assert.assertEquals(cols_a.size(), cols_b.size()); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * load from hbase test * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testLoadFromHBase() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); LOG.info("QUERY: " + "a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C +" pig:col_d" + "') as (col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d);"); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C +" pig:col_d" + "') as (col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBase Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); Object col_d = t.get(3); // empty cell Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); Assert.assertNull(col_d); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase done"); } /** * load from hbase test without hbase:// prefix * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testBackwardsCompatibility() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load '" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "') as (col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("BackwardsCompatibility Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("BackwardsCompatibility done"); } /** * load from hbase test including the row key as the first column * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testLoadFromHBaseWithRowKey() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-loadKey') as (rowKey,col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithRowKey Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithRowKey done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with parameters lte and gte (01<=key<=98) * */ @Test public void testLoadWithParameters_1() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-loadKey -gte 01 -lte 98') as (rowKey,col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; int next = 1; LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_1 Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); LOG.info("LoadFromHBase " + t); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((next + "").length()) + next, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(next, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(next + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + next, col_c); count++; next++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT - 2, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_1 done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with parameters lt and gt (00<key<99) */ @Test public void testLoadWithParameters_2() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-loadKey -gt 00 -lt 99') as (rowKey,col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; int next = 1; LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_2 Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((next + "").length()) + next, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(next, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(next + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + next, col_c); count++; next++; } Assert.assertEquals(TEST_ROW_COUNT - 2, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_2 Starting"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with parameters limit */ @Test public void testLoadWithParameters_3() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-loadKey -limit 10') as (rowKey,col_a, col_b, col_c);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int count = 0; LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_3 Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String rowKey = ((DataByteArray) t.get(0)).toString(); String col_a = ((DataByteArray) t.get(1)).toString(); String col_b = ((DataByteArray) t.get(2)).toString(); String col_c = ((DataByteArray) t.get(3)).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((count + "").length()) + count, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(count, Integer.parseInt(col_a)); Assert.assertEquals(count + 0.0, Double.parseDouble(col_b), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + count, col_c); count++; } // 'limit' apply for each region and here we have only one region Assert.assertEquals(10, count); LOG.info("LoadFromHBaseWithParameters_3 Starting"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with projection. */ @Test public void testLoadWithProjection_1() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.registerQuery("b = FOREACH a GENERATE col_a, col_c;"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("b"); int index = 0; LOG.info("testLoadWithProjection_1 Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); int col_a = (Integer) t.get(0); String col_c = (String) t.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(index, col_a); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + index, col_c); Assert.assertEquals(2, t.size()); index++; } Assert.assertEquals(100, index); LOG.info("testLoadWithProjection_1 done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase with projection and the default caster. */ @Test public void testLoadWithProjection_2() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("b = FOREACH a GENERATE col_a, col_c;"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("b"); int index = 0; LOG.info("testLoadWithProjection_2 Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); int col_a = (Integer) t.get(0); String col_c = (String) t.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(index, col_a); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + index, col_c); Assert.assertEquals(2, t.size()); index++; } Assert.assertEquals(100, index); LOG.info("testLoadWithProjection_2 done"); } /** * Test Load from hbase using HBaseBinaryConverter */ @Test public void testHBaseBinaryConverter() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); int index = 0; LOG.info("testHBaseBinaryConverter Starting"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String rowKey = (String) t.get(0); int col_a = (Integer) t.get(1); double col_b = (Double) t.get(2); String col_c = (String) t.get(3); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((index + "").length()) + index, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(index, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(index + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + index, col_c); index++; } LOG.info("testHBaseBinaryConverter done"); } /** * load from hbase 'TESTTABLE_1' using HBaseBinary format, and store it into * 'TESTTABLE_2' using HBaseBinaryFormat * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStoreToHBase_1() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, false, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.store("a", "hbase://" + TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-caster HBaseBinaryConverter')"); HTable table = new HTable(conf, TESTTABLE_2); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); Iterator<Result> iter = scanner.iterator(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i) { Result result = iter.next(); String v = i + ""; String rowKey = Bytes.toString(result.getRow()); int col_a = Bytes.toInt(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_A)); double col_b = Bytes.toDouble(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_B)); String col_c = Bytes.toString(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_C)); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring(v.length()) + v, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(i, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(i + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + i, col_c); } Assert.assertEquals(100, i); } /** * load from hbase 'TESTTABLE_1' using HBaseBinary format, and store it into * 'TESTTABLE_2' using HBaseBinaryFormat projecting out column c * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStoreToHBase_1_with_projection() throws IOException { System.getProperties().setProperty("pig.usenewlogicalplan", "false"); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, false, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.registerQuery("b = FOREACH a GENERATE rowKey, col_a, col_b;"); pig.store("b", TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + "','-caster HBaseBinaryConverter')"); HTable table = new HTable(conf, TESTTABLE_2); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); Iterator<Result> iter = scanner.iterator(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i) { Result result = iter.next(); String v = String.valueOf(i); String rowKey = Bytes.toString(result.getRow()); int col_a = Bytes.toInt(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_A)); double col_b = Bytes.toDouble(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_B)); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring(v.length()) + v, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(i, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(i + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); } Assert.assertEquals(100, i); } /** * load from hbase 'TESTTABLE_1' using HBaseBinary format, and store it into * 'TESTTABLE_2' using UTF-8 Plain Text format * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStoreToHBase_2() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, false, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.store("a", TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "')"); HTable table = new HTable(conf, TESTTABLE_2); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); Iterator<Result> iter = scanner.iterator(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i) { Result result = iter.next(); String v = i + ""; String rowKey = new String(result.getRow()); int col_a = Integer.parseInt(new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_A))); double col_b = Double.parseDouble(new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_B))); String col_c = new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_C)); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring(v.length()) + v, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(i, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(i + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + i, col_c); } Assert.assertEquals(100, i); } /** * Assert that -noWAL actually disables the WAL * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testNoWAL() throws IOException, ParseException { HBaseStorage hbaseStorage = new HBaseStorage(TESTCOLUMN_A, "-noWAL"); Object key = "somekey"; byte type = DataType.CHARARRAY; Assert.assertFalse(hbaseStorage.createPut(key, type).getWriteToWAL()); } /** * Assert that without -noWAL, the WAL is enabled the WAL * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testWIthWAL() throws IOException, ParseException { HBaseStorage hbaseStorage = new HBaseStorage(TESTCOLUMN_A); Object key = "somekey"; byte type = DataType.CHARARRAY; Assert.assertTrue(hbaseStorage.createPut(key, type).getWriteToWAL()); } /** * load from hbase 'TESTTABLE_1' using HBaseBinary format, and store it into * 'TESTTABLE_2' using UTF-8 Plain Text format projecting column c * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStoreToHBase_2_with_projection() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, false, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.registerQuery("b = FOREACH a GENERATE rowKey, col_a, col_b;"); pig.store("b", TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + "')"); HTable table = new HTable(conf, TESTTABLE_2); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); Iterator<Result> iter = scanner.iterator(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i) { Result result = iter.next(); String v = i + ""; String rowKey = new String(result.getRow()); int col_a = Integer.parseInt(new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_A))); double col_b = Double.parseDouble(new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_B))); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring(v.length()) + v, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(i, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(i + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); } Assert.assertEquals(100, i); } /** * load from hbase 'TESTTABLE_1' using UTF-8 Plain Text format, and store it * into 'TESTTABLE_2' using UTF-8 Plain Text format projecting column c * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStoreToHBase_3_with_projection_no_caster() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, false, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); pig.registerQuery("b = FOREACH a GENERATE rowKey, col_a, col_b;"); pig.store("b", TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + "')"); HTable table = new HTable(conf, TESTTABLE_2); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan()); Iterator<Result> iter = scanner.iterator(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i) { Result result = iter.next(); String v = i + ""; String rowKey = new String(result.getRow()); String col_a = new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_A)); String col_b = new String(getColValue(result, TESTCOLUMN_B)); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring(v.length()) + v, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(i + "", col_a); Assert.assertEquals(i + 0.0 + "", col_b); } Assert.assertEquals(100, i); } /** * Test to if HBaseStorage handles different scans in a single MR job. * This can happen PIG loads two different aliases (as in a join or * union). */ @Test public void testHeterogeneousScans() throws IOException { prepareTable(TESTTABLE_1, true, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); prepareTable(TESTTABLE_2, true, DataFormat.UTF8PlainText); scanTable1(pig, DataFormat.HBaseBinary); pig.registerQuery(String.format( " b = load 'hbase://%s' using %s('%s %s') as (col_a:int, col_c);", TESTTABLE_2, "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage", TESTCOLUMN_A, TESTCOLUMN_C)); pig.registerQuery(" c = join a by col_a, b by col_a; "); // this results in a single job with mappers loading // different HBaseStorage specs. Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("c"); int index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); String rowKey = (String) t.get(0); int col_a = (Integer) t.get(1); Assert.assertNotNull(t.get(2)); double col_b = (Double) t.get(2); String col_c = (String) t.get(3); Assert.assertEquals("00".substring((index + "").length()) + index, rowKey); Assert.assertEquals(index, col_a); Assert.assertEquals(index + 0.0, col_b, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals("Text_" + index, col_c); index++; } Assert.assertEquals(index, TEST_ROW_COUNT); } private void scanTable1(PigServer pig, DataFormat dataFormat) throws IOException { scanTable1(pig, dataFormat, ""); } private void scanTable1(PigServer pig, DataFormat dataFormat, String extraParams) throws IOException { pig.registerQuery("a = load 'hbase://" + TESTTABLE_1 + "' using " + "org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('" + TESTCOLUMN_A + " " + TESTCOLUMN_B + " " + TESTCOLUMN_C + "','-loadKey " + (dataFormat == DataFormat.HBaseBinary ? " -caster HBaseBinaryConverter" : "") + " " + extraParams + " " + "') as (rowKey:chararray,col_a:int, col_b:double, col_c:chararray);"); } /** * Prepare a table in hbase for testing. * */ private HTable prepareTable(String tableName, boolean initData, DataFormat format) throws IOException { // define the table schema HTable table = null; try { deleteAllRows(tableName); } catch (Exception e) { // It's ok, table might not exist. } try { table = util.createTable(Bytes.toBytesBinary(tableName), COLUMNFAMILY); } catch (Exception e) { table = new HTable(conf, Bytes.toBytesBinary(tableName)); } if (initData) { for (int i = 0; i < TEST_ROW_COUNT; i++) { String v = i + ""; if (format == DataFormat.HBaseBinary) { // row key: string type Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("00".substring(v.length()) + v)); // sc: int type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("sc"), Bytes.toBytes(i)); // col_a: int type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_a"), Bytes.toBytes(i)); // col_b: double type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_b"), Bytes.toBytes(i + 0.0)); // col_c: string type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_c"), Bytes.toBytes("Text_" + i)); // prefixed_col_d: string type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("prefixed_col_d"), Bytes.toBytes("PrefixedText_" + i)); table.put(put); } else { // row key: string type Put put = new Put( ("00".substring(v.length()) + v).getBytes()); // sc: int type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("sc"), (i + "").getBytes()); // int // col_a: int type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_a"), (i + "").getBytes()); // int // col_b: double type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_b"), ((i + 0.0) + "").getBytes()); // col_c: string type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("col_c"), ("Text_" + i).getBytes()); // prefixed_col_d: string type put.add(COLUMNFAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("prefixed_col_d"), ("PrefixedText_" + i).getBytes()); table.put(put); } } table.flushCommits(); } return table; } /** * Helper to deal with fetching a result based on a cf:colname string spec * @param result * @param colName * @return */ private static byte[] getColValue(Result result, String colName) { byte[][] colArray = Bytes.toByteArrays(colName.split(":")); byte[] val = result.getValue(colArray[0], colArray[1]); return result.getValue(colArray[0], colArray[1]); } }