/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.tuple; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.pig.PigConfiguration; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MRConfiguration; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.parser.ParserException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestAccumulator { private static final String INPUT_FILE1 = "AccumulatorInput1.txt"; private static final String INPUT_FILE2 = "AccumulatorInput2.txt"; private static final String INPUT_FILE3 = "AccumulatorInput3.txt"; private static final String INPUT_FILE4 = "AccumulatorInput4.txt"; private static final String INPUT_DIR = "build/test/data"; private static PigServer pigServer; private static Properties properties; private static MiniGenericCluster cluster; @BeforeClass public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws Exception { cluster = MiniGenericCluster.buildCluster(); properties = cluster.getProperties(); properties.setProperty("pig.accumulative.batchsize", "2"); properties.setProperty("pig.exec.nocombiner", "true"); // Reducing the number of retry attempts to speed up test completion properties.setProperty(MRConfiguration.MAP_MAX_ATTEMPTS,"1"); properties.setProperty(MRConfiguration.REDUCE_MAX_ATTEMPTS,"1"); createFiles(); } @AfterClass public static void oneTimeTearDown() throws Exception { deleteFiles(); cluster.shutDown(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Util.resetStateForExecModeSwitch(); // Drop stale configuration from previous test run properties.remove(PigConfiguration.PIG_OPT_ACCUMULATOR); pigServer = new PigServer(cluster.getExecType(), properties); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { pigServer.shutdown(); pigServer = null; } private static void createFiles() throws IOException { new File(INPUT_DIR).mkdir(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE1)); w.println("100\tapple"); w.println("200\torange"); w.println("300\tstrawberry"); w.println("300\tpear"); w.println("100\tapple"); w.println("300\tpear"); w.println("400\tapple"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE1, INPUT_FILE1); w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE2)); w.println("100\t"); w.println("100\t"); w.println("200\t"); w.println("200\t"); w.println("300\tstrawberry"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE2, INPUT_FILE2); w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE3)); w.println("100\t1.0"); w.println("100\t2.0"); w.println("200\t1.1"); w.println("200\t2.1"); w.println("100\t3.0"); w.println("100\t4.0"); w.println("200\t3.1"); w.println("100\t5.0"); w.println("300\t3.3"); w.println("400\t"); w.println("400\t"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE3, INPUT_FILE3); w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE4)); w.println("100\thttp://ibm.com,ibm"); w.println("100\thttp://ibm.com,ibm"); w.println("200\thttp://yahoo.com,yahoo"); w.println("300\thttp://sun.com,sun"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_DIR + "/" + INPUT_FILE4, INPUT_FILE4); } private static void deleteFiles() { Util.deleteDirectory(new File(INPUT_DIR)); } @Test public void testAccumBasic() throws IOException{ // test group by pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 2); expected.put(200, 1); expected.put(300, 3); expected.put(400, 1); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A), org.apache.pig.test.utils.BagCount(A);"); try{ iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } fail("accumulator should not be called."); }catch(IOException e) { // should throw exception from AccumulatorBagCount. } // test cogroup pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = cogroup A by id, B by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group, " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A), org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(B);"); HashMap<Integer, String> expected2 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); expected2.put(100, "2,2"); expected2.put(200, "1,1"); expected2.put(300, "3,3"); expected2.put(400, "1,1"); iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected2.get((Integer)t.get(0)), t.get(1).toString()+","+t.get(2).toString()); } } @Test public void testAccumWithNegative() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, -org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, -2); expected.put(200, -1); expected.put(300, -3); expected.put(400, -1); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithAdd() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)+1.0;"); { HashMap<Integer, Double> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); expected.put(100, 3.0); expected.put(200, 2.0); expected.put(300, 4.0); expected.put(400, 2.0); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Double)t.get(1)); } } { pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)+org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer>expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 4); expected.put(200, 2); expected.put(300, 6); expected.put(400, 2); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } } @Test public void testAccumWithMinus() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + " org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)*3.0-org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A);"); HashMap<Integer, Double> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); expected.put(100, 4.0); expected.put(200, 2.0); expected.put(300, 6.0); expected.put(400, 2.0); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Double)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithMod() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A) % 2;"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 0); expected.put(200, 1); expected.put(300, 1); expected.put(400, 1); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithDivide() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)/2;"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 1); expected.put(200, 0); expected.put(300, 1); expected.put(400, 0); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithAnd() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "((org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)>1 and " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)<3)?0:1);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 0); expected.put(200, 1); expected.put(300, 1); expected.put(400, 1); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithOr() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "((org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)>3 or " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)<2)?0:1);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 1); expected.put(200, 0); expected.put(300, 1); expected.put(400, 0); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithRegexp() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "(((chararray)org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)) matches '1*' ?0:1);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 1); expected.put(200, 0); expected.put(300, 1); expected.put(400, 0); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @Test public void testAccumWithIsNull() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE2 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group, " + "((chararray)org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(A) is null?0:1);"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 0); expected.put(200, 0); expected.put(300, 1); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testAccumWithIsEmpty() throws IOException{ pigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().setProperty("pig.accumulative.batchsize", "1"); pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = load '" + INPUT_FILE2 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = cogroup A by id outer, B by id outer;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group," + "(int)(IsEmpty(A) ? 0 : SUM(A.id)) as suma," + "(int)(IsEmpty(B) ? 0 : SUM(B.id)) as sumb;"); List<Tuple> expected = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); expected.add(tuple(100, 200, 200)); expected.add(tuple(200, 200, 400)); expected.add(tuple(300, 900, 300)); expected.add(tuple(400, 400, 0)); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); List<Tuple> actual = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); while(iter.hasNext()) { actual.add(iter.next()); } Collections.sort(actual); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testAccumWithDistinct() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, f);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B { D = distinct A;" + "generate group, org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(D)+1;};"); HashMap<Integer, Integer> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); expected.put(100, 2); expected.put(200, 2); expected.put(300, 3); expected.put(400, 2); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); int count = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { count++; Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Integer)t.get(1)); } assertEquals(4, count); } @Test public void testAccumWithSort() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, f);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate id, f, id as t;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = group B by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C { E = order B by f; F = E.f;" + "generate group, org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(F);};"); HashMap<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); expected.put(100, "(apple)(apple)"); expected.put(200, "(orange)"); expected.put(300, "(pear)(pear)(strawberry)"); expected.put(400, "(apple)"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); int count = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { count++; Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (String)t.get(1)); } assertEquals(4, count); } @Test public void testAccumWithBuiltinAvg() throws IOException { HashMap<Integer, Double> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); expected.put(100, 3.0); expected.put(200, 2.1); expected.put(300, 3.3); expected.put(400, null); // Test all the averages for correct behaviour with null values String[] types = { "double", "float", "int", "long" }; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i > 1) { // adjust decimal error for non real types expected.put(200, 2.0); expected.put(300, 3.0); } pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE3 + "' as (id:int, v:" + types[i] + ");"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group, AVG(A.v);"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); Double v = expected.get((Integer) t.get(0)); if (v != null) { assertEquals(v.doubleValue(), ((Number) t.get(1)).doubleValue(), 0.0001); } else { assertNull(t.get(1)); } } } } @Test public void testAccumWithBuiltin() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE3 + "' as (id:int, v:double);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = group A by id;"); // moving AVG accumulator test to separate test case pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group, SUM(A.v), COUNT(A.v), MIN(A.v), MAX(A.v);"); HashMap<Integer, Double[]> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Double[]>(); expected.put(100, new Double[]{15.0, 5.0, 1.0, 5.0}); expected.put(200, new Double[]{6.3, 3.0, 1.1, 3.1}); expected.put(300, new Double[]{3.3, 1.0, 3.3, 3.3}); expected.put(400, new Double[] { null, 0.0, null, null }); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); Double[] v = expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)); for(int i=0; i<v.length; i++) { if (v[i] != null) { assertEquals(v[i].doubleValue(), ((Number) t.get(i + 1)) .doubleValue(), 0.0001); } else { assertNull(t.get(i + 1)); } } } } @Test public void testAccumWithMultiBuiltin() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, c:chararray);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = group A by 1;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate SUM(A.id), 1+SUM(A.id)+SUM(A.id);"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); t.get(0).toString().equals("1700"); t.get(1).toString().equals("3401"); } } // Pig 1105 @Test public void testAccumCountStar() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE3 + "' as (id:int, v:double);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group, COUNT_STAR(A.id);"); pigServer.openIterator("D"); } /** * see PIG-1963. * If there is a POSort or PODistinct still remaining in the plan * (after secondary sort optimization), accumulative mode can't * be used as they are blocking operators * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testAccumulatorOffOnSort() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE2 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); //one POSort will remain because secondary sort can be used only for one of them pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B " + "{ " + " o1 = order A by fruit;" + " o2 = order A by fruit desc;" + " generate org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(o1.fruit), " + " org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(o2.fruit); " + "};"); checkAccumulatorOff("C"); } /** * see PIG-1963. * If there is a POSort or PODistinct still remaining in the plan * (after secondary sort optimization), accumulative mode can't * be used as they are blocking operators * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testAccumulatorOffOnDistinct() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE2 + "' as (id:int, fruit, category);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B " + "{ " + " o1 = order A by fruit;" + " d2 = distinct A.category;" + " generate org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(o1.fruit), " + " org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(d2); " + "};"); checkAccumulatorOff("C"); } @Test public void testAccumulatorOff() throws IOException{ pigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().setProperty( PigConfiguration.PIG_OPT_ACCUMULATOR, "false"); pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE2 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate group," + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulativeSumBag(A);"); checkAccumulatorOff("C"); pigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().setProperty( PigConfiguration.PIG_OPT_ACCUMULATOR, "true"); } private void checkAccumulatorOff(String alias) { try { Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator(alias); while(iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); } fail("Accumulator should be off."); }catch(Exception e) { // we should get exception } } @Test public void testAccumWithMap() throws IOException{ pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE4 + "' as (id, url);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by (id, url);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate COUNT(A)," + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.URLPARSE(group.url)#'url';"); HashMap<Integer, String> expected = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); expected.put(2, "http://ibm.com"); expected.put(1, "http://yahoo.com"); expected.put(1, "http://sun.com"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Long)t.get(0)), (String)t.get(1)); } } @Test // PIG-1837 public void testBinCondCheck() throws Exception { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("data1")); w.println("1\t11"); w.println("2\t15"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, "data1", "data1"); w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("data2")); w.println("1\t10"); w.println("4\t11"); w.println("5\t10"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, "data2", "data2"); pigServer.registerQuery("A = load 'data1' as (x:int, y:int);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = load 'data2' as (x:int, z:int);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = cogroup A by x, B by x;"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate group," + "SUM((IsEmpty(A.y) ? {(0)} : A.y)) + SUM((IsEmpty(B.z) ? {(0)} : B.z));"); HashMap<Integer, Long> expected = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); expected.put(1, 21l); expected.put(2, 15l); expected.put(4, 11l); expected.put(5, 10l); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("D"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple t = iter.next(); assertEquals(expected.get((Integer)t.get(0)), (Long)t.get(1)); } } /** * see PIG-1911 . * accumulator udf reading from a nested relational op. generate projects * only the accumulator udf. * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testAccumAfterNestedOp() throws IOException, ParserException{ // test group by pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE1 + "' as (id:int, fruit);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = group A by id;"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = foreach B " + "{ o = order A by id; " + " generate org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(o);}; "); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("C"); List<Tuple> expectedRes = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "(2)", "(1)", "(3)", "(1)" }); Util.checkQueryOutputsAfterSort(iter, expectedRes); } }