package com.esri.hadoop.hive; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.WritableBinaryObjectInspector; import; import com.esri.core.geometry.*; import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.*; import; import; public class GeometryUtils { private static final int SIZE_WKID = 4; private static final int SIZE_TYPE = 1; public static final int WKID_UNKNOWN = 0; public enum OGCType { UNKNOWN(0), ST_POINT(1), ST_LINESTRING(2), ST_POLYGON(3), ST_MULTIPOINT(4), ST_MULTILINESTRING(5), ST_MULTIPOLYGON(6); private final int index; OGCType(int index){ this.index = index; } public int getIndex(){ return this.index; } } public static OGCType [] OGCTypeLookup = { OGCType.UNKNOWN, OGCType.ST_POINT, OGCType.ST_LINESTRING, OGCType.ST_POLYGON, OGCType.ST_MULTIPOINT, OGCType.ST_MULTILINESTRING, OGCType.ST_MULTIPOLYGON }; public static final WritableBinaryObjectInspector geometryTransportObjectInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableBinaryObjectInspector; private static Cache<BytesWritable, OGCGeometry> geometryCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .weakKeys() .build(); /** * @param geomref1 * @param geomref2 * @return return true if both geometries are in the same spatial reference */ public static boolean compareSpatialReferences(BytesWritable geomref1, BytesWritable geomref2){ return getWKID(geomref1) == getWKID(geomref2); } public static BytesWritable geometryToEsriShapeBytesWritable(MapGeometry mapGeometry) { return serialize(mapGeometry); } public static BytesWritable geometryToEsriShapeBytesWritable(Geometry geometry, int wkid, OGCType type) { return serialize(geometry, wkid, type); } public static BytesWritable geometryToEsriShapeBytesWritable(OGCGeometry geometry) { return new CachedGeometryBytesWritable(geometry); } public static OGCGeometry geometryFromEsriShape(BytesWritable geomref) { // always assume bytes are recycled and can't be cached by using // geomref.getBytes() as the key return geometryFromEsriShape(geomref, true); } public static OGCGeometry geometryFromEsriShape(BytesWritable geomref, boolean bytesRecycled) { if (geomref == null) { return null; } // this geomref might actually be a LazyGeometryBytesWritable which // means we don't need to deserialize from bytes if (geomref instanceof CachedGeometryBytesWritable) { return ((CachedGeometryBytesWritable)geomref).getGeometry(); } // if geomref bytes are recycled, we can't use the cache because every // key in the cache will be the same byte array if (!bytesRecycled) { // check for a cache hit to previously created geometries OGCGeometry cachedGeom = geometryCache.getIfPresent(geomref); if (cachedGeom != null) { return cachedGeom; } } // not in cache or instance of CachedGeometryBytesWritable. now // need to create the geometry from its bytes int wkid = getWKID(geomref); ByteBuffer shapeBuffer = getShapeByteBuffer(geomref); //minimum for a shape, even an empty one, is the 4 byte type record if (shapeBuffer.limit() < 4) { return null; } else { if (shapeBuffer.getInt(0) == Geometry.Type.Unknown.value()) { //empty Geometry, intentional return null; } else { SpatialReference spatialReference = null; if (wkid != GeometryUtils.WKID_UNKNOWN){ spatialReference = SpatialReference.create(wkid); } Geometry esriGeom = OperatorImportFromESRIShape.local().execute(0, Geometry.Type.Unknown, shapeBuffer); OGCGeometry createdGeom = OGCGeometry.createFromEsriGeometry(esriGeom, spatialReference); if (!bytesRecycled) { // only add bytes to cache if we know they aren't being recycled geometryCache.put(geomref, createdGeom); } return createdGeom; } } } /** * Gets the geometry type for the given hive geometry bytes * * @param geomref reference to hive geometry bytes * @return OGCType set in the 5th byte of the hive geometry bytes */ public static OGCType getType(BytesWritable geomref){ // SIZE_WKID is the offset to the byte that stores the type information return OGCTypeLookup[(int)geomref.getBytes()[SIZE_WKID]]; } /** * Sets the geometry type (in place) for the given hive geometry bytes * @param geomref reference to hive geometry bytes * @param type OGC geometry type */ public static void setType(BytesWritable geomref, OGCType type){ geomref.getBytes()[SIZE_WKID] = (byte) type.getIndex(); } /** * Gets the WKID for the given hive geometry bytes * * @param geomref reference to hive geometry bytes * @return WKID set in the first 4 bytes of the hive geometry bytes */ public static int getWKID(BytesWritable geomref){ ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(geomref.getBytes()); return bb.getInt(0); } /** * Sets the WKID (in place) for the given hive geometry bytes * * @param geomref reference to hive geometry bytes * @param wkid */ public static void setWKID(BytesWritable geomref, int wkid){ ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bb.putInt(wkid); System.arraycopy(bb.array(), 0, geomref.getBytes(), 0, SIZE_WKID); } public static OGCType getInferredOGCType(Geometry geom){ switch (geom.getType()){ case Polygon: return OGCType.ST_MULTIPOLYGON; case Polyline: return OGCType.ST_MULTILINESTRING; case MultiPoint: return OGCType.ST_MULTIPOINT; case Point: return OGCType.ST_POINT; default: return OGCType.UNKNOWN; } } private static ByteBuffer getShapeByteBuffer(BytesWritable geomref){ byte [] geomBytes = geomref.getBytes(); int offset = SIZE_WKID + SIZE_TYPE; return ByteBuffer.wrap(geomBytes, offset, geomBytes.length - offset).slice().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } private static BytesWritable serialize(MapGeometry mapGeometry){ int wkid = 0; SpatialReference spatialRef = mapGeometry.getSpatialReference(); if (spatialRef != null){ wkid = spatialRef.getID(); } Geometry.Type esriType = mapGeometry.getGeometry().getType(); OGCType ogcType; switch (esriType){ case Point: ogcType = OGCType.ST_POINT; break; case Polyline: ogcType = OGCType.ST_LINESTRING; break; case Polygon: ogcType = OGCType.ST_POLYGON; break; default: ogcType = OGCType.UNKNOWN; } return serialize(mapGeometry.getGeometry(), wkid, ogcType); } private static BytesWritable serialize(OGCGeometry ogcGeometry) { int wkid; try { wkid = ogcGeometry.SRID(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { wkid = 0; } OGCType ogcType; String typeName; try { typeName = ogcGeometry.geometryType(); if (typeName.equals("Point")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_POINT; else if (typeName.equals("LineString")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_LINESTRING; else if (typeName.equals("Polygon")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_POLYGON; else if (typeName.equals("MultiPoint")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_MULTIPOINT; else if (typeName.equals("MultiLineString")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_MULTILINESTRING; else if (typeName.equals("MultiPolygon")) ogcType = OGCType.ST_MULTIPOLYGON; else ogcType = OGCType.UNKNOWN; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { ogcType = OGCType.UNKNOWN; } return serialize(ogcGeometry.getEsriGeometry(), wkid, ogcType); } private static BytesWritable serialize(Geometry geometry, int wkid, OGCType type){ if (geometry == null) { return null; } // first get shape buffer for geometry byte[] shape = GeometryEngine.geometryToEsriShape(geometry); if (shape == null) { return null; } byte[] shapeWithData = new byte[shape.length + SIZE_WKID + SIZE_TYPE]; System.arraycopy(shape, 0, shapeWithData, SIZE_WKID + SIZE_TYPE, shape.length); BytesWritable hiveGeometryBytes = new BytesWritable(shapeWithData); setWKID(hiveGeometryBytes, wkid); setType(hiveGeometryBytes, type); BytesWritable ret = new BytesWritable(shapeWithData); return ret; } public static class CachedGeometryBytesWritable extends BytesWritable { OGCGeometry cachedGeom; public CachedGeometryBytesWritable(OGCGeometry geom) { cachedGeom = geom; super.set(serialize(cachedGeom)); } public OGCGeometry getGeometry() { return cachedGeom; } } }