package solving; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import configuration.ASPSolver; import configuration.Settings; import externaltools.ExternalSolver; import parser.ASTdisplay; import parser.ASTnonRelAtom; import parser.ASTpredSymbol; import parser.ASTprogram; import parser.SimpleNode; import querying.parsing.AnswerSets.AnswerSet; import querying.parsing.AnswerSets.AnswerSetParser; import querying.parsing.AnswerSets.ClingoAnswerSetParser; import querying.parsing.AnswerSets.DLVAnswerSetParser; public class Runner { /** * Output answer sets of the SPARC program stored in sparcProgramTree by running the solver instance * @param sparcProgramTree - AST representing the program * @param solverInstance - an instance of a solver containing a sparc program */ public void outputAnswerSets(SimpleNode sparcProgramTree, ExternalSolver solverInstance) { String[] displayPredicates = getDisplayPredicates(solverInstance); HashMap<String,String> mapDisplay = mapDisplayToOrigin(displayPredicates, (ASTprogram)sparcProgramTree); ArrayList<AnswerSet> answerSets = getAnswerSets(solverInstance); outputFilteredAnswerSets(answerSets, mapDisplay); } /** * Compute answer sets of the SPARC program stored in sparcProgramTree by running the solver instance * and store them in a hashset * @param sparcProgramTree - AST representing the program * @param solverInstance - an instance of a solver containing a sparcProgramTree * @return answer sets filtered by the display section in the A */ public HashSet<HashSet<String>> computeAnswerSets(SimpleNode sparcProgramTree, ExternalSolver solverInstance) { String[] displayPredicates = getDisplayPredicates(solverInstance); HashMap<String,String> mapDisplay = mapDisplayToOrigin(displayPredicates, (ASTprogram)sparcProgramTree); ArrayList<AnswerSet> answerSets = getAnswerSets(solverInstance); return filterAnswerSets(answerSets,mapDisplay); } /** * Take the answer sets output by solver, and convert them into the set of answer sets * @param answerSets - answer sets obtain from the solver * @param mapDisplayToOrigin - a mapping which maps auxiliary predicates used to their original names */ private HashSet<HashSet<String>> filterAnswerSets(ArrayList<AnswerSet> answerSets, HashMap<String, String> mapDisplay) { HashSet<HashSet<String>> assets = new HashSet<HashSet<String>>(); for(AnswerSet a: answerSets) { HashSet<String> answerSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String literal: a.literals) { String pname = getPredicateName(literal); if(mapDisplay.containsKey(pname)) { answerSet.add(setNewName(literal, mapDisplay.get(pname))); } } assets.add(answerSet); } return assets; } /** * Fetch the array of predicates that need to be shown in the answer sets * @param solverInstance (from this we can obtain the translated program, which, in turn, contains * a comment containing all necessary predicates) * @return String[] - the array of predicates that need to be shown in the answer sets */ private String[] getDisplayPredicates(ExternalSolver solverInstance) { String program = solverInstance.getProgram(); StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(); int index = program.length()-1; while(program.charAt(index) != '%') { comment.append(program.charAt(index)); --index; } comment.reverse(); String [] displayArray = comment.toString().trim().split("\\s+"); // note, if the display section is empty, we, the split returns an empty string // which is put into display array as its only element // we don't want that, we want an empty array instead!! if(displayArray[0].matches("\\s*")) { displayArray = new String[0]; } return displayArray; } /** * Create a map from display predicates to their original names in the program * * @param displayP - array of the display predicates * @param sparcProgramTree - AST of the program which allows us to find the necessary mapping * @return a map from display predicates to their original names */ private HashMap<String, String> mapDisplayToOrigin(String [] displayP, ASTprogram sparcProgramTree) { HashMap<String,String> mapDisplayToOrigin = new HashMap<String,String>(); ASTdisplay display = (ASTdisplay) sparcProgramTree.jjtGetChild(3); for(int i = 0; i< displayP.length; i++) { ASTnonRelAtom atom = (ASTnonRelAtom)display.jjtGetChild(i); ASTpredSymbol predS = (ASTpredSymbol) atom.jjtGetChild(0); mapDisplayToOrigin.put(displayP[i], (predS.hasPoundSign()?"#":"") + predS.toString()); } return mapDisplayToOrigin; } /** * Compute answer sets of a program loaded into a specific solver * @param solverInstance - a solver instance containing a program * @return a list of answer sets of the program */ private ArrayList<AnswerSet> getAnswerSets(ExternalSolver solverInstance) { AnswerSetParser aParser = null; if (Settings.getSolver() == ASPSolver.DLV) { aParser = new DLVAnswerSetParser(); } else { aParser = new ClingoAnswerSetParser(); } return aParser.getAnswerSets(; } /** * Take the answer sets output by solver and convert it to a user-readable (and understable%) format * using the mapping * @param answerSets - answer sets obtain from the solver * @param mapDisplayToOrigin - a mapping which maps auxiliary predicates used to their original names */ private void outputFilteredAnswerSets(ArrayList<AnswerSet> answerSets, HashMap<String, String> mapDisplayToOrigin) { if(!Settings.isLOutputFormat()) { boolean firstAnswerSet = true; for(AnswerSet a: answerSets) { if(!firstAnswerSet) System.out.println(System.getProperty("line.separator")); firstAnswerSet = false; System.out.print("{"); boolean firstLit = true; for (String literal: a.literals) { String pname = getPredicateName(literal); if(mapDisplayToOrigin.containsKey(pname)) { if(!firstLit) { System.out.print(", "); } firstLit = false; System.out.print(setNewName(literal, mapDisplayToOrigin.get(pname))); } } System.out.print("}"); } System.out.print(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } else { for(AnswerSet a: answerSets) { boolean firstLit = true; for (String literal: a.literals) { String pname = getPredicateName(literal); if(mapDisplayToOrigin.containsKey(pname)) { if(!firstLit) { System.out.print(" "); } firstLit = false; System.out.print(setNewName(literal, mapDisplayToOrigin.get(pname))); } } System.out.print(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } System.out.println(answerSets.isEmpty()?"UNSATISFIABLE":"SATISFIABLE"); } } /** * Given a string representing a literal (e.g, -p(a)), obtain the name of the predicate * used to form the literal (for -p(a) it is p) * @param lit - a string representing the literal * @return the name of the predicate used to form the literal * */ private String getPredicateName(String lit) { if (lit.startsWith("-")) { lit = lit.substring(1); } StringBuilder predName = new StringBuilder(); int index = 0; while(index < lit.length() && (Character.isLetter(lit.charAt(index)) || Character.isDigit(lit.charAt(index)) || lit.charAt(index) == '_')) { predName.append(lit.charAt(index)); ++index; } return predName.toString(); } /** * Given a string representing a literal, repace it's predicate with a new one * @param lit - a string representing a literal * @param newPredicataName - a new predicate name * @return - a string representing a new literal, where predicate name of lit is replaced with newPredicataName */ private String setNewName(String lit, String newPredicataName) { StringBuilder newLit = new StringBuilder(); int index = 0; if(lit.startsWith("-")) { ++index; newLit.append("-"); } while(index < lit.length() && (Character.isLetter(lit.charAt(index)) || Character.isDigit(lit.charAt(index)) || lit.charAt(index) == '_')) { ++index; } newLit.append(newPredicataName); newLit.append(lit.substring(index)); return newLit.toString(); } }