/** * Copyright (c) 2009--2012 Red Hat, Inc. * * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 * along with this software; if not, see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated * in this software or its documentation. */ package com.redhat.rhn.domain.token; import com.redhat.rhn.common.hibernate.HibernateFactory; import com.redhat.rhn.common.hibernate.LookupException; import com.redhat.rhn.common.localization.LocalizationService; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.org.Org; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.server.Server; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * TokenFactory * @version $Rev$ */ public class TokenFactory extends HibernateFactory { private static TokenFactory singleton = new TokenFactory(); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TokenFactory.class); /** * Lookup an token by id * You probably want ActivationKeyFactory.lookupById() instead. * The Token does not include the actual hex string used for * registration, or the relationship to the kickstart session(s). * WARNING - This method should be used very carefully, because * it doesn't filter out based on org * @param id the id to search for * @return the ActivationKey found */ public static Token lookupById(Long id) { if (id == null) { return null; } Session session = null; try { session = HibernateFactory.getSession(); return (Token) session.getNamedQuery("Token.findById") .setParameter("id", id) //Retrieve from cache if there .setCacheable(true) .uniqueResult(); } catch (HibernateException e) { log.error("Hibernate exception: " + e.toString()); throw e; } } /** * Lookup an token by id * You probably want ActivationKeyFactory.lookupById() instead. * The Token does not include the actual hex string used for * registration, or the relationship to the kickstart session(s). * @param id the id to search for * @param org the org to whom the token belongs to * @return the ActivationKey found */ public static Token lookup(Long id, Org org) { if (id == null || org == null) { LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); String msg = "Null value provided id=[%s] , org = [%s]"; LookupException e = new LookupException(String.format(msg, id, org)); e.setLocalizedTitle(ls.getMessage("lookup.jsp.title.token")); e.setLocalizedReason1(ls.getMessage("lookup.jsp.reason1.token")); e.setLocalizedReason2(ls.getMessage("lookup.jsp.reason2.token")); throw e; } Token t; Session session = null; try { session = HibernateFactory.getSession(); t = (Token) session.getNamedQuery("Token.findByIdAndOrg") .setParameter("id", id).setParameter("org", org) //Retrieve from cache if there .setCacheable(true) .uniqueResult(); } catch (HibernateException e) { log.error("Hibernate exception: " + e.toString()); throw e; } if (t == null) { LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); throw new LookupException("Could not find " + "token with id = " + id); } return t; } /** * Lookup a Token for the given Server * @param server to lookup the Token for * @return Token if found. Null if not */ public static List<Token> listByServer(Server server) { if (server == null) { return new ArrayList<Token>(); } Session session = null; try { session = HibernateFactory.getSession(); return session.getNamedQuery("Token.findByServerAndOrg") .setEntity("server", server) .setEntity("org", server.getOrg()) //Retrieve from cache if there .setCacheable(true) .list(); } catch (HibernateException e) { log.error("Hibernate exception: " + e.toString()); throw e; } } /** * Saves a token to the database * @param tokenIn The Token to save. */ public static void save(Token tokenIn) { singleton.saveObject(tokenIn); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected Logger getLogger() { return log; } /** * Delete a regtoken * @param token to delete */ public static void removeToken(Token token) { singleton.removeObject(token); } }