package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Logger; import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Loggers; import fr.techad.sonar.gerrit.utils.ReviewUtils; /** * Gerrit request for review input. Used with JSON marshaller only. * * Example JSON: * * { "message": "Some nits need to be fixed.", "labels": { "Code-Review": -1 }, * "comments": { * "gerrit-server/src/main/java/com/google/gerrit/server/project/" * : [ { "line": 23, "message": "[nit] trailing whitespace" }, { "line": 49, * "message": "[nit] s/conrtol/control" } ] } } */ public class ReviewInput { private static final Logger LOG = Loggers.get(ReviewInput.class); private String message = "Looks good to me."; private Map<String, Integer> labels = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<String, List<ReviewFileComment>> comments = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ReviewFileComment>>(); public void setValueAndLabel(@NotNull int value, @NotNull String label) { labels.put(label, value); } public void setLabelToPlusOne(@NotNull String label) { this.setValueAndLabel(1, label); } public void setLabelToMinusOne(@NotNull String label) { this.setValueAndLabel(-1, label); } public void setMessage(@NotNull String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void addComments(String key, List<ReviewFileComment> reviewFileComments) { comments.put(key, new ArrayList<ReviewFileComment>(reviewFileComments)); } public int size() { return comments.size(); } public void emptyComments() { comments.clear(); } public Map<String, Integer> getLabels() { return labels; } public Map<String, List<ReviewFileComment>> getComments() { return comments; } public boolean isEmpty() { return comments.isEmpty(); } public int maxLevelSeverity() { int lvl = ReviewUtils.UNKNOWN_VALUE; for (Iterator<List<ReviewFileComment>> i = comments.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { List<ReviewFileComment> lrfc =; for (ReviewFileComment review : lrfc) { lvl = Math.max(review.getSeverity(), lvl); } } LOG.debug("[GERRIT PLUGIN] The max level severity is {}", lvl); return lvl; } @Override public String toString() { return "ReviewInput [message=" + message + ", labels=" + labels + ", comments=" + comments + "]"; } }