/* ================================================================== * DefaultLoadShedderStrategy.java - 29/06/2015 6:44:30 am * * Copyright 2007-2015 SolarNetwork.net Dev Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA * ================================================================== */ package net.solarnetwork.node.control.loadshedder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import net.solarnetwork.domain.NodeControlInfo; import net.solarnetwork.node.NodeControlProvider; import net.solarnetwork.node.domain.EnergyDatum; import net.solarnetwork.node.settings.SettingSpecifier; import net.solarnetwork.node.settings.SettingSpecifierProvider; import net.solarnetwork.node.settings.support.BasicTextFieldSettingSpecifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; /** * Default implementation of {@link LoadShedderStrategy}. * * @author matt * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultLoadShedderStrategy implements LoadShedderStrategy, SettingSpecifierProvider { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private int shedThresholdWatts = 9500; private int limitExecutionMonitorSeconds = 60; private int powerAverageSampleSeconds = 10; private Collection<NodeControlProvider> controls = Collections.emptyList(); private MessageSource messageSource; @Override public Collection<LoadShedAction> evaulateRules(List<LoadShedControlConfig> rules, Map<String, LoadShedControlInfo> limitStatuses, final long date, Collection<EnergyDatum> powerSamples) { if ( rules == null || rules.size() < 1 ) { log.info("No rules defined, no limit placed on power."); return null; } rules = applicableRules(date, rules); if ( rules == null || rules.size() < 1 ) { log.info("No applicable rules available, no limit placed on power."); return null; } final Integer powerNow = effectivePowerValue(date, powerSamples); if ( powerNow == null ) { log.info("Power reading not avaialble, no limit placed on power."); return null; } LoadShedAction result = null; if ( powerNow > shedThresholdWatts ) { // find a switch we can actively limit power on log.info("Power limit required: current power {}W > threshold {}W", powerNow, shedThresholdWatts); final int desiredShedAmount = (powerNow - shedThresholdWatts); String controlId = controlIdToExecuteLimit(date, rules, limitStatuses, desiredShedAmount); if ( controlId == null ) { log.warn("No switch avaialble to shed {}W", desiredShedAmount); } else { result = shedLoad(date, controlId, desiredShedAmount); } } else { // find if there is a switch we can stop limiting power on final int desiredReleaseAmount = (powerNow - shedThresholdWatts); // reverse the order of the rules, we want to release in reverse order of limit Collections.reverse(rules); String controlId = controlIdToRemoveLimit(date, rules, limitStatuses); if ( controlId == null ) { log.trace("No controls need limit lifted."); } else { result = removeLoadLimit(date, controlId, desiredReleaseAmount); } } return (result == null ? null : Collections.singletonList(result)); } @Override public String getStatusMessage(LoadShedControlInfo info, Locale locale) { return null; } private String controlIdToExecuteLimit(final long date, List<LoadShedControlConfig> rules, Map<String, LoadShedControlInfo> limitStatuses, int desiredShedAmount) { // we assume rules already sorted by priority here, and filtered to just the applicable ones, // so find first rule for a switch that hasn't been switched within limitExecutionMonitorSeconds // we don't want to execute a change if ANY switch has been changed within the configured cool down period for ( LoadShedControlConfig rule : rules ) { String controlId = rule.getControlId(); LoadShedControlInfo info = (limitStatuses != null ? limitStatuses.get(controlId) : null); if ( switchSwitchedTooRecently(date, info, rule) ) { log.debug("Switch {} switched too recently to enforce limit now: {}", controlId, info.getActionDate()); return null; } } for ( LoadShedControlConfig rule : rules ) { String controlId = rule.getControlId(); NodeControlProvider switchControl = switchControlForId(controlId); if ( switchControl == null ) { log.warn("Switch {} not available, cannot use to limit power.", controlId); continue; } NodeControlInfo controlInfo = switchControl.getCurrentControlInfo(controlId); if ( switchIsLimitingPower(controlInfo) ) { log.debug("Switch {} already limiting power, cannot use to shed {}W", controlId, desiredShedAmount); } else { log.info("Found switch {} available for executing load shed of {}W", controlId, desiredShedAmount); return controlId; } } return null; } private String controlIdToRemoveLimit(final long date, List<LoadShedControlConfig> rules, Map<String, LoadShedControlInfo> limitStatuses) { // we assume rules already sorted by priority here, and filtered to just the applicable ones, // so find first rule for a switch that hasn't been switched within limitExecutionMonitorSeconds // we don't want to execute a change if ANY switch has been changed within the configured cool down period for ( LoadShedControlConfig rule : rules ) { String controlId = rule.getControlId(); LoadShedControlInfo info = (limitStatuses != null ? limitStatuses.get(controlId) : null); if ( switchSwitchedTooRecently(date, info, rule) ) { log.trace("Switch {} switched too recently to release any limit now: {}", controlId, info.getActionDate()); return null; } } for ( LoadShedControlConfig rule : rules ) { String controlId = rule.getControlId(); NodeControlProvider switchControl = switchControlForId(controlId); if ( switchControl == null ) { log.warn("Switch {} not available, cannot use to limit power.", controlId); continue; } LoadShedControlInfo info = (limitStatuses != null ? limitStatuses.get(controlId) : null); if ( switchWithinLimitHoldPeriod(date, info, rule) ) { log.debug("Switch {} within limit hold period, cannot release limit now: {}", controlId, info.getActionDate()); continue; } NodeControlInfo controlInfo = switchControl.getCurrentControlInfo(controlId); if ( switchIsLimitingPower(controlInfo) ) { log.info("Found switch {} available for removing load shed limit", controlId); return controlId; } else { log.trace("Switch {} already not limiting power, cannot use to remove limit", controlId); } } return null; } private boolean switchSwitchedTooRecently(final long date, LoadShedControlInfo info, LoadShedControlConfig config) { if ( info == null ) { return false; } final long switchedDate = info.getActionDate().getTime(); // don't switch again if we very recently switched the switch (either on or off) if ( switchedDate + limitExecutionMonitorSeconds * 1000L > date ) { return true; } return false; } private boolean switchWithinLimitHoldPeriod(final long date, LoadShedControlInfo info, LoadShedControlConfig config) { if ( info == null || info.getActionDate() == null ) { return false; } final long switchedDate = info.getActionDate().getTime(); if ( info.getAction() != null && info.getAction().getShedWatts() != null && config != null && config.getMinimumLimitMinutes() != null && info.getAction().getShedWatts() > 0 && switchedDate + config.getMinimumLimitMinutes().longValue() * 60000L > date ) { return true; } return false; } private boolean switchIsLimitingPower(NodeControlInfo controlInfo) { final String value = controlInfo.getValue(); switch (controlInfo.getType()) { case Boolean: // TRUE means actively limiting, FALSE means NOT limiting if ( value != null && (value.equals("1") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || value .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) ) { return true; } break; default: // for now, other types are not supported log.warn("Switch {} data type {} not supported, cannot use to limit power", controlInfo.getControlId(), controlInfo.getType()); break; } return false; } private NodeControlProvider switchControlForId(final String controlId) { Collection<NodeControlProvider> providers = controls; if ( providers == null ) { return null; } for ( NodeControlProvider p : providers ) { List<String> ids = p.getAvailableControlIds(); if ( ids != null && ids.contains(controlId) ) { return p; } } return null; } private LoadShedAction removeLoadLimit(final long date, final String controlId, final int desiredAmountInWatts) { assert desiredAmountInWatts < 1; return shedLoad(date, controlId, desiredAmountInWatts); } private LoadShedAction shedLoad(final long date, final String controlId, final int desiredAmountInWatts) { LoadShedAction action = new LoadShedAction(); action.setControlId(controlId); action.setShedWatts(desiredAmountInWatts); return action; } /** * Get a list of rules that satisfy all constraints based on the current * time, sorted by priority. * * @param date * The date at which to evaluate the rules. * @param rules * The rules to filter. * @return The applicable rules. */ private List<LoadShedControlConfig> applicableRules(final long date, List<LoadShedControlConfig> rules) { if ( rules == null ) { return null; } List<LoadShedControlConfig> applicable = new ArrayList<LoadShedControlConfig>(rules.size()); for ( LoadShedControlConfig rule : rules ) { if ( rule.getActive() != null && rule.getActive().booleanValue() == false ) { continue; } if ( rule.fallsWithinTimeWindow(date) ) { applicable.add(rule); } } Collections.sort(applicable, LoadShedControlConfigPriorityComparator.COMPARATOR); return applicable; } private Integer effectivePowerValue(final long date, final Collection<EnergyDatum> consumptionSamples) { final long oldestDate = date - (powerAverageSampleSeconds * 1000L); double totalPower = 0; double totalSeconds = 0; EnergyDatum prevDatum = null; for ( EnergyDatum d : consumptionSamples ) { if ( d.getCreated().getTime() < oldestDate ) { break; } if ( prevDatum != null ) { Integer power = getPowerValue(d); Integer prevPower = getPowerValue(prevDatum); if ( power != null && prevPower != null ) { double ds = (prevDatum.getCreated().getTime() - d.getCreated().getTime()) / 1000.0; totalPower += (power.doubleValue() + prevPower.doubleValue()) * 0.5 * ds; totalSeconds += ds; } } prevDatum = d; } if ( totalSeconds < 1.0 ) { // at most 1 sample return (prevDatum != null ? prevDatum.getWatts() : null); } return (int) Math.round(totalPower / totalSeconds); } private Integer getPowerValue(EnergyDatum datum) { if ( datum == null ) { return null; } return datum.getWatts(); } // Identifiable @Override public String getUID() { return "Default"; } @Override public String getGroupUID() { return null; } // Settings support @Override public String getSettingUID() { return getClass().getName(); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Default Load Shedder Strategy"; } @Override public MessageSource getMessageSource() { return messageSource; } @Override public List<SettingSpecifier> getSettingSpecifiers() { List<SettingSpecifier> results = new ArrayList<SettingSpecifier>(3); DefaultLoadShedderStrategy defaults = new DefaultLoadShedderStrategy(); results.add(new BasicTextFieldSettingSpecifier("shedThresholdWatts", String .valueOf(defaults.shedThresholdWatts))); results.add(new BasicTextFieldSettingSpecifier("powerAverageSampleSeconds", String .valueOf(defaults.powerAverageSampleSeconds))); results.add(new BasicTextFieldSettingSpecifier("limitExecutionMonitorSeconds", String .valueOf(defaults.limitExecutionMonitorSeconds))); return results; } // Accessors public int getShedThresholdWatts() { return shedThresholdWatts; } public void setShedThresholdWatts(int shedThresholdWatts) { this.shedThresholdWatts = shedThresholdWatts; } public int getLimitExecutionMonitorSeconds() { return limitExecutionMonitorSeconds; } public void setLimitExecutionMonitorSeconds(int limitExecutionMonitorSeconds) { this.limitExecutionMonitorSeconds = limitExecutionMonitorSeconds; } public Collection<NodeControlProvider> getControls() { return controls; } public void setControls(Collection<NodeControlProvider> controls) { this.controls = controls; } public int getPowerAverageSampleSeconds() { return powerAverageSampleSeconds; } public void setPowerAverageSampleSeconds(int powerAverageSampleSeconds) { this.powerAverageSampleSeconds = powerAverageSampleSeconds; } public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messageSource = messageSource; } }