// from gee.cs.oswego.edu/home/jsr166/jsr166 package jsr166tests.loops; /* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ // Adapted from code that was in turn // Derived from SocketPerformanceTest.java - BugID: 4763450 // // import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; public class RLIBar { static int batchLimit ; static int mseq ; static int nReady ; static int ExThreads ; static int ASum ; static final ReentrantLock Gate = new ReentrantLock () ; static final Condition GateCond = Gate.newCondition () ; static final ReentrantLock HoldQ = new ReentrantLock () ; static final Condition HoldQCond = HoldQ.newCondition() ; static boolean Hold = false ; static int HoldPop ; static int HoldLimit ; static private boolean HoldCheck () { try { HoldQ.lock(); try { if (!Hold) return false; else { ++HoldPop ; if (HoldPop >= HoldLimit) { System.out.print ("Holding ") ; Thread.sleep (1000) ; System.out.println () ; Hold = false ; HoldQCond.signalAll () ; } else while (Hold) HoldQCond.await() ; if (--HoldPop == 0) HoldQCond.signalAll () ; return true; } } finally { HoldQ.unlock(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { System.out.println ("Unexpected exception in Hold: " + Ex) ; return false; } } private static class Server { private int nClients; final ReentrantLock thisLock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition thisCond = thisLock.newCondition(); Server (int nClients) { this.nClients = nClients; try { for (int i = 0; i < nClients; ++i) { final int fix = i ; new Thread() { public void run () { runServer(fix); }}.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e) ; } } // the total number of messages received by all server threads // on this server int msgsReceived = 0; // incremented each time we get a complete batch of requests private int currentBatch = 0; // the number of requests received since the last time currentBatch // was incremented private int currentBatchSize = 0; private void runServer (int id) { int msg ; boolean held = false; final ReentrantLock thisLock = this.thisLock; final Condition thisCond = this.thisCond; try { // Startup barrier - rendezvous - wait for all threads. // Forces all threads to park on their LWPs, ensuring // proper provisioning on T1. // Alternately, use THR_BOUND threads Gate.lock(); try { ++nReady ; if (nReady == ExThreads ) { GateCond.signalAll () ; } while (nReady != ExThreads ) GateCond.await() ; } finally { Gate.unlock(); } for (;;) { // if (!held && currentBatchSize == 0) held = HoldCheck () ; msg = (++ mseq) ^ id ; thisLock.lock(); try { ASum += msg ; ++msgsReceived; int myBatch = currentBatch; if (++currentBatchSize >= batchLimit) { // this batch is full, start a new one ... ++currentBatch; currentBatchSize = 0; // and wake up everyone in this one thisCond.signalAll () ; } // Wait until our batch is complete while (myBatch == currentBatch) thisCond.await(); } finally { thisLock.unlock(); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Server thread: exception " + e) ; e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { int nServers = 10 ; int nClients = 10 ; int samplePeriod = 10000; int nSamples = 5; int nextArg = 0; while (nextArg < args.length) { String arg = args[nextArg++]; if (arg.equals("-nc")) nClients = Integer.parseInt(args[nextArg++]); else if (arg.equals("-ns")) nServers = Integer.parseInt(args[nextArg++]); else if (arg.equals("-batch")) batchLimit = Integer.parseInt(args[nextArg++]); else if (arg.equals("-sample")) samplePeriod = Integer.parseInt(args[nextArg++]); else if (arg.equals("-np")) nSamples = Integer.parseInt(args[nextArg++]); else { System.err.println ("Argument error:" + arg) ; System.exit (1) ; } } if (nClients <= 0 || nServers <= 0 || samplePeriod <= 0 || batchLimit > nClients) { System.err.println ("Argument error") ; System.exit (1) ; } // default batch size is 2/3 the number of clients // (for no particular reason) if (false && batchLimit <= 0) batchLimit = (2 * nClients + 1) / 3; ExThreads = nServers * nClients ; // expected # of threads HoldLimit = ExThreads ; // start up all threads Server[] servers = new Server[nServers]; for (int i = 0; i < nServers; ++i) { servers[i] = new Server(nClients); } // Wait for consensus try { Gate.lock(); try { while (nReady != ExThreads ) GateCond.await() ; } finally { Gate.unlock(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println (ex); } System.out.println ( nReady + " Ready: nc=" + nClients + " ns=" + nServers + " batch=" + batchLimit) ; // Start sampling ... // Methodological problem: all the mutator threads // can starve the compiler threads, resulting in skewed scores. // In theory, over time, the scores will improve as the compiler // threads are granted CPU cycles, but in practice a "warm up" phase // might be good idea to help C2. For this reason I've implemented // the "Hold" facility. long lastNumMsgs = 0; long sampleStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < nSamples; ++j) { // when this sample period is supposed to end long sampleEnd = sampleStart + samplePeriod; for (;;) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now >= sampleEnd) { // when it really did end sampleEnd = now; break; } Thread.sleep(sampleEnd - now); } if (false && j == 2) { System.out.print ("Hold activated ...") ; HoldQ.lock(); try { Hold = true ; while (Hold) HoldQCond.await() ; } finally { HoldQ.unlock(); } } // there's no synchronization here, so the total i get is // approximate, but that's OK since any i miss for this // sample will get credited to the next sample, and on average // we'll be right long numMsgs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nServers; ++i) numMsgs += servers[i].msgsReceived; long deltaMsgs = numMsgs - lastNumMsgs; long deltaT = sampleEnd - sampleStart; if (true || j != 2) { // Don't report results if we issued a hold ... System.out.print( "Sample period = " + deltaT + " ms; " + "New msgs rcvd = " + deltaMsgs + "; " + "Throughput = " + (deltaMsgs*1000 / deltaT) + " msg/sec\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < nServers; ++i) // servers[i].thisLock.dump(); } sampleStart = sampleEnd; lastNumMsgs = numMsgs; } System.exit(0); } }