package it.acubelab.smaph.linkback; import*; import it.unipi.di.acube.batframework.utils.WikipediaApiInterface; import it.acubelab.smaph.SmaphUtils; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutableTriple; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; public class BaselineLinkBack implements LinkBack { WikipediaApiInterface wikiApi; public BaselineLinkBack(WikipediaApiInterface api){ this.wikiApi = api; } private class CompareTripleByScore implements Comparator<Triple<Double, String[], Tag>> { @Override public int compare(Triple<Double, String[], Tag> o1, Triple<Double, String[], Tag> o2) { double diff = o1.getLeft() - o2.getLeft(); if (diff < 0) return -1; else if (diff == 0) return 0; else return 1; } } @Override public HashSet<ScoredAnnotation> linkBack(String query, HashMap<String[], Tag> boldsToEntities) { // If more than one bold points to the same entity, keep the bold with // smallest edit distance. HashMap<String, Tag> boldToEntities = new HashMap<>(); for (String[] bolds : boldsToEntities.keySet()) { String bestBold = null; double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (String bold : bolds) { double minED = SmaphUtils.getMinEditDist(query, bold); if (minED <= bestDistance) { bestBold = bold; bestDistance = minED; } } String title = ""; try { title = wikiApi.getTitlebyId(boldsToEntities.get(bolds).getConcept()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (bestDistance > SmaphUtils.getMinEditDist(query, title)){ bestDistance = SmaphUtils.getMinEditDist(query, title); } boldToEntities.put(bestBold, boldsToEntities.get(bolds)); } // Compute, for each <bold, entity> pair, the list of covered query // keywords List<Triple<Double, String[], Tag>> edAndCoveredTokensAndEntity = new Vector<>(); for (String bold : boldToEntities.keySet()) { List<String> coveredTokens = new Vector<>(); double minED = SmaphUtils .getMinEditDist(query, bold, coveredTokens); edAndCoveredTokensAndEntity .add(new ImmutableTriple<Double, String[], Tag>(minED, coveredTokens.toArray(new String[] {}), boldToEntities.get(bold))); } // order by increasing edit distance Collections.sort(edAndCoveredTokensAndEntity, new CompareTripleByScore()); // Take the list of query tokens; bind them to their positions in the // query List<String> tokens = SmaphUtils.tokenize(query); int[] tokenPositions = new int[tokens.size()]; int lastPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tokenPositions.length; i++) { lastPos = query.toLowerCase().indexOf(tokens.get(i), lastPos); tokenPositions[i] = lastPos; } HashSet<Integer> toCover = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) toCover.add(i); // Starting from the token with minimum edit distance, select // annotations until all query tokens are covered or there are no // entities left. HashSet<ScoredAnnotation> result = new HashSet<>(); int i = 0; while (!toCover.isEmpty() && i < edAndCoveredTokensAndEntity.size()) { Triple<Double, String[], Tag> t = edAndCoveredTokensAndEntity .get(i); int minPos = -1, maxPos = -1; for (String token : t.getMiddle()) { int pos = tokens.indexOf(token); if (!toCover.contains(pos)) continue; if (pos != -1) if (minPos == -1 || minPos > pos) minPos = pos; if (maxPos == -1 || maxPos < pos) maxPos = pos; } if (minPos != -1) { for (int j = minPos; j <= maxPos; j++) toCover.remove(j); int start = tokenPositions[minPos]; int end = tokenPositions[maxPos] + tokens.get(maxPos).length(); result.add(new ScoredAnnotation(start, end - start, t .getRight().getConcept(), 1)); } i++; } return result; } }