package in.srain.cube.cache; import in.srain.cube.concurrent.SimpleExecutor; import in.srain.cube.concurrent.SimpleTask; import in.srain.cube.file.FileUtil; import in.srain.cube.file.LruFileCache; import in.srain.cube.request.JsonData; import in.srain.cube.util.CLog; import in.srain.cube.util.Debug; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.LruCache; /** * @author */ public class CacheManager { private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.DEBUG_CACHE; private static final String LOG_TAG = "cube_cache"; private LruCache<String, CacheInfo> mMemoryCache; private LruFileCache mFileCache; private static final byte AFTER_READ_FROM_FILE = 0x01; private static final byte AFTER_READ_FROM_ASSERT = 0x02; private static final byte AFTER_CONVERT = 0x04; private static final byte DO_READ_FROM_FILE = 0x01; private static final byte DO_READ_FROM_ASSERT = 0x02; private static final byte DO_CONVERT = 0x04; private static final byte CONVERT_FOR_MEMORY = 0x03; private static final byte CONVERT_FOR_FILE = 0x01; private static final byte CONVERT_FOR_ASSERT = 0x02; private static final byte CONVERT_FOR_CREATE = 0x04; private Context mContext; @SuppressLint("NewApi") public CacheManager(Context content, String cacheDir, int memoryCacheSizeInKB, int fileCacheSizeInKB) { mContext = content; mMemoryCache = new LruCache<String, CacheInfo>( memoryCacheSizeInKB * 1024) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, CacheInfo value) { return (value.getSize() + key.getBytes().length); } }; mFileCache = new LruFileCache(content, cacheDir, fileCacheSizeInKB * 1024); mFileCache.initDiskCacheAsync(); if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "init file cache. dir: %s => %s, size: %s, used: %s", cacheDir, mFileCache.getCachePath(), mFileCache.getMaxSize(), mFileCache.getUsedSpace()); } } public <T> void requestCache(ICacheAble<T> cacheAble) { InnerCacheTask<T> task = new InnerCacheTask<T>(cacheAble); task.beginQuery(); } public <T> void continueAfterCreateData(ICacheAble<T> cacheAble, final String data) { setCacheData(cacheAble.getCacheKey(), data); InnerCacheTask<T> task = new InnerCacheTask<T>(cacheAble); task.beginConvertDataAsync(CONVERT_FOR_CREATE); } public void setCacheData(final String cacheKey, final String data) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheKey) || TextUtils.isEmpty(data)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, setCacheData", cacheKey); } SimpleExecutor.getInstance().execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CacheInfo cacheInfo = CacheInfo.createForNow(data); putDataToMemoryCache(cacheKey, cacheInfo); mFileCache.write(cacheKey, cacheInfo.getCacheData()); mFileCache.flushDiskCacheAsyncWithDelay(1000); } }); } private class InnerCacheTask<T1> extends SimpleTask { private ICacheAble<T1> mCacheAble; private CacheInfo mRawData; private T1 mResult; private byte mWorkType = 0; private byte mConvertFor = 0; private byte mCurrentStatus = 0; public InnerCacheTask(ICacheAble<T1> cacheAble) { mCacheAble = cacheAble; } @SuppressLint("NewApi") void beginQuery() { if (mCacheAble.cacheIsDisabled()) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, Cache is disabled, query from server", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } mCacheAble.createDataForCache(CacheManager.this); return; } String cacheKey = mCacheAble.getCacheKey(); // try to find in runtime cache mRawData = mMemoryCache.get(cacheKey); if (mRawData != null) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, exist in list", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } beginConvertDataAsync(CONVERT_FOR_MEMORY); return; } // try read from cache data boolean hasFileCache = mFileCache.has(mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); if (hasFileCache) { beginQueryFromCacheFileAsync(); return; } // try to read from assert cache file String assertInitDataPath = mCacheAble.getAssertInitDataPath(); if (assertInitDataPath != null && assertInitDataPath.length() > 0) { beginQueryFromAssertCacheFileAsync(); return; } if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, cache file not exist", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } mCacheAble.createDataForCache(CacheManager.this); } @Override public void doInBackground() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, doInBackground: mWorkType: %s", mCacheAble.getCacheKey(), mWorkType); } switch (mWorkType) { case DO_READ_FROM_FILE: doQueryFromCacheFileInBackground(); setCurrentStatus(AFTER_READ_FROM_FILE); break; case DO_READ_FROM_ASSERT: doQueryFromAssertCacheFileInBackground(); setCurrentStatus(AFTER_READ_FROM_ASSERT); break; case DO_CONVERT: doConvertDataInBackground(); setCurrentStatus(AFTER_CONVERT); break; default: break; } } @Override public void onFinish() { switch (mCurrentStatus) { case AFTER_READ_FROM_FILE: beginConvertDataAsync(CONVERT_FOR_FILE); break; case AFTER_READ_FROM_ASSERT: beginConvertDataAsync(CONVERT_FOR_ASSERT); break; case AFTER_CONVERT: done(); break; default: break; } } private void beginQueryFromCacheFileAsync() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, beginQueryFromCacheFileAsync", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } mWorkType = DO_READ_FROM_FILE; restart(); SimpleExecutor.getInstance().execute(this); } private void beginQueryFromAssertCacheFileAsync() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, beginQueryFromAssertCacheFileAsync", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } mWorkType = DO_READ_FROM_ASSERT; restart(); SimpleExecutor.getInstance().execute(this); } private void beginConvertDataAsync(byte convertFor) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, beginConvertDataAsync", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } mConvertFor = convertFor; mWorkType = DO_CONVERT; restart(); SimpleExecutor.getInstance().execute(this); } private void doQueryFromCacheFileInBackground() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, try read cache data from file", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } String cacheContent =; JsonData jsonData = JsonData.create(cacheContent); mRawData = CacheInfo.createFromJson(jsonData); } private void doQueryFromAssertCacheFileInBackground() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, try read cache data from assert file", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } String cacheContent = FileUtil.readAssert(mContext, mCacheAble.getAssertInitDataPath()); mRawData = CacheInfo.createInvalidated(cacheContent); putDataToMemoryCache(mCacheAble.getCacheKey(), mRawData); } private void doConvertDataInBackground() { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, doConvertDataInBackground", mCacheAble.getCacheKey()); } JsonData data = JsonData.create(mRawData.getData()); mResult = mCacheAble.processRawDataFromCache(data); } private void setCurrentStatus(byte status) { mCurrentStatus = status; if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, setCurrentStatus: %s", mCacheAble.getCacheKey(), status); } } private void done() { long lastTime = mRawData.getTime(); long timeInterval = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - lastTime; boolean outOfDate = timeInterval > mCacheAble.getCacheTime() || timeInterval < 0; switch (mConvertFor) { case CONVERT_FOR_ASSERT: mCacheAble.onCacheData(CacheResultType.FROM_INIT_FILE, mResult, outOfDate); break; case CONVERT_FOR_CREATE: mCacheAble.onCacheData(CacheResultType.FROM_CREATED, mResult, outOfDate); break; case CONVERT_FOR_FILE: mCacheAble.onCacheData(CacheResultType.FROM_INIT_FILE, mResult, outOfDate); break; case CONVERT_FOR_MEMORY: mCacheAble.onCacheData(CacheResultType.FROM_CACHE_FILE, mResult, outOfDate); break; } if (outOfDate) { mCacheAble.createDataForCache(CacheManager.this); } } } @SuppressLint("NewApi") private void putDataToMemoryCache(String key, CacheInfo data) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(key)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, set cache to runtime cache list", key); } mMemoryCache.put(key, data); } /** * delete cache by key * * @param key */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public void invalidateCache(String key) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, invalidateCache", key); } mFileCache.delete(key); mMemoryCache.remove(key); } /** * clear the memory cache */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public void clearMemoryCache() { if (mMemoryCache != null) { mMemoryCache.evictAll(); } } /** * get the spaced has been used * * @return */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public int getMemoryCacheUsedSpace() { return mMemoryCache.size(); } /** * get the spaced max space in config * * @return */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public int getMemoryCacheMaxSpace() { return mMemoryCache.maxSize(); } /** * clear the disk cache */ public void clearDiskCache() { if (null != mFileCache) { mFileCache.clearCache(); } } /** * return the file cache path * * @return */ public String getFileCachePath() { if (null != mFileCache) { return mFileCache.getCachePath(); } return null; } /** * get the used space in file cache * * @return */ public long getFileCacheUsedSpace() { return null != mFileCache ? mFileCache.getUsedSpace() : 0; } /** * get the max space for file cache * * @return */ public long getFileCacheMaxSpace() { if (null != mFileCache) { return mFileCache.getMaxSize(); } return 0; } }