package; import org.simplejavamail.internal.util.MiscUtil; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static org.simplejavamail.internal.util.MiscUtil.extractEmailAddresses; import static org.simplejavamail.internal.util.MiscUtil.valueNullOrEmpty; import static org.simplejavamail.internal.util.Preconditions.checkNonEmptyArgument; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_BCC_ADDRESS; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_BCC_NAME; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_CC_ADDRESS; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_CC_NAME; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_FROM_NAME; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_REPLYTO_ADDRESS; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_REPLYTO_NAME; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_SUBJECT; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_TO_ADDRESS; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.Property.DEFAULT_TO_NAME; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.getProperty; import static org.simplejavamail.util.ConfigLoader.hasProperty; /** * Fluent interface Builder for Emails * * @author Jared Stewart, Benny Bottema */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") public class EmailBuilder { private Recipient fromRecipient; /** * The reply-to-address, optional. Can be used in conjunction with {@link #fromRecipient}. */ private Recipient replyToRecipient; /** * The email message body in plain text. */ private String text; /** * The email message body in html. */ private String textHTML; /** * The subject of the email message. */ private String subject; /** * List of {@link Recipient}. */ private final List<Recipient> recipients; /** * List of {@link AttachmentResource}. */ private final List<AttachmentResource> embeddedImages; /** * List of {@link AttachmentResource}. */ private final List<AttachmentResource> attachments; /** * Map of header name and values, such as <code>X-Priority</code> etc. */ private final Map<String, String> headers; /** * A file reference to the private key to be used for signing with DKIM. */ private File dkimPrivateKeyFile; /** * An input stream containg the private key data to be used for signing with DKIM. */ private InputStream dkimPrivateKeyInputStream; /** * The domain used for signing with DKIM. */ private String signingDomain; /** * The selector to be used in combination with the domain. */ private String selector; public EmailBuilder() { recipients = new ArrayList<>(); embeddedImages = new ArrayList<>(); attachments = new ArrayList<>(); headers = new HashMap<>(); if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS)) { from((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_FROM_NAME), (String) getProperty(DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS)); } if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_REPLYTO_ADDRESS)) { replyTo((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_REPLYTO_NAME), (String) getProperty(DEFAULT_REPLYTO_ADDRESS)); } if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_TO_ADDRESS)) { if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_TO_NAME)) { to((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_TO_NAME), (String) getProperty(DEFAULT_TO_ADDRESS)); } else { to((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_TO_ADDRESS)); } } if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_CC_ADDRESS)) { if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_CC_NAME)) { cc((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_CC_NAME), (String) getProperty(DEFAULT_CC_ADDRESS)); } else { cc((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_CC_ADDRESS)); } } if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_BCC_ADDRESS)) { if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_BCC_NAME)) { bcc((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_BCC_NAME), (String) getProperty(DEFAULT_BCC_ADDRESS)); } else { bcc((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_BCC_ADDRESS)); } } if (hasProperty(DEFAULT_SUBJECT)) { subject((String) getProperty(DEFAULT_SUBJECT)); } } /** * */ public Email build() { return new Email(this); } /** * Sets the sender address {@link #fromRecipient}. * * @param name The sender's name. * @param fromAddress The sender's email address. */ public EmailBuilder from(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final String fromAddress) { checkNonEmptyArgument(fromAddress, "fromAddress"); this.fromRecipient = new Recipient(name, fromAddress, null); return this; } /** * Sets the sender address {@link #fromRecipient} with preconfigured {@link Recipient}. * * @param recipient Preconfigured recipient (name is optional). */ public EmailBuilder from(@Nonnull final Recipient recipient) { checkNonEmptyArgument(recipient, "recipient"); this.fromRecipient = new Recipient(recipient.getName(), recipient.getAddress(), null); return this; } /** * Sets {@link #replyToRecipient} (optional). * * @param name The replied-to-receiver name. * @param replyToAddress The replied-to-receiver email address. */ public EmailBuilder replyTo(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final String replyToAddress) { checkNonEmptyArgument(replyToAddress, "replyToAddress"); this.replyToRecipient = new Recipient(name, replyToAddress, null); return this; } /** * Sets {@link #replyToRecipient} (optional) with preconfigured {@link Recipient}. * * @param recipient Preconfigured recipient (name is optional). */ public EmailBuilder replyTo(@Nonnull final Recipient recipient) { checkNonEmptyArgument(recipient, "recipient"); this.replyToRecipient = new Recipient(recipient.getName(), recipient.getAddress(), null); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link #subject}. */ public EmailBuilder subject(@Nonnull final String subject) { this.subject = checkNonEmptyArgument(subject, "subject"); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link #text}. */ public EmailBuilder text(@Nullable final String text) { this.text = text; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link #textHTML}. */ public EmailBuilder textHTML(@Nullable final String textHTML) { this.textHTML = textHTML; return this; } /** * Adds a new {@link Recipient} to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#TO}. * * @param name The name of the recipient. * @param address The emailaddress of the recipient. * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder to(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final String address) { checkNonEmptyArgument(address, "address"); recipients.add(new Recipient(name, address, Message.RecipientType.TO)); return this; } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#TO}. * * @param recipientsToAdd The recipients whose name and address to use * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder to(@Nonnull final Recipient... recipientsToAdd) { for (final Recipient recipient : checkNonEmptyArgument(recipientsToAdd, "recipientsToAdd")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(recipient.getName(), recipient.getAddress(), Message.RecipientType.TO)); } return this; } /** * Adds anew {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#TO}. List can be * comma ',' or semicolon ';' separated. * * @param emailAddressList The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder to(@Nonnull final String emailAddressList) { checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddressList, "emailAddressList"); return addCommaOrSemicolonSeparatedEmailAddresses(emailAddressList, Message.RecipientType.TO); } @Nonnull private EmailBuilder addCommaOrSemicolonSeparatedEmailAddresses(@Nonnull final String emailAddressList, @Nonnull final Message.RecipientType type) { checkNonEmptyArgument(type, "type"); for (final String emailAddress : extractEmailAddresses(checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddressList, "emailAddressList"))) { recipients.add(new Recipient(null, emailAddress, type)); } return this; } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#TO}. * * @param emailAddresses The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder to(@Nonnull final String... emailAddresses) { for (final String emailAddress : checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddresses, "emailAddresses")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(null, emailAddress, Message.RecipientType.TO)); } return this; } /** * Adds a new {@link Recipient} to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#CC}. * * @param name The name of the recipient. * @param address The emailaddress of the recipient. * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ @SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess", "QuestionableName" }) public EmailBuilder cc(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final String address) { checkNonEmptyArgument(address, "address"); recipients.add(new Recipient(name, address, Message.RecipientType.CC)); return this; } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#CC}. * * @param emailAddresses The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ @SuppressWarnings("QuestionableName") public EmailBuilder cc(@Nonnull final String... emailAddresses) { for (final String emailAddress : checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddresses, "emailAddresses")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(null, emailAddress, Message.RecipientType.CC)); } return this; } /** * Adds anew {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#CC}. List can be * comma ',' or semicolon ';' separated. * * @param emailAddressList The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ @SuppressWarnings("QuestionableName") public EmailBuilder cc(@Nonnull final String emailAddressList) { checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddressList, "emailAddressList"); return addCommaOrSemicolonSeparatedEmailAddresses(emailAddressList, Message.RecipientType.CC); } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#CC}. * * @param recipientsToAdd The recipients whose name and address to use * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ @SuppressWarnings("QuestionableName") public EmailBuilder cc(@Nonnull final Recipient... recipientsToAdd) { for (final Recipient recipient : checkNonEmptyArgument(recipientsToAdd, "recipientsToAdd")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(recipient.getName(), recipient.getAddress(), Message.RecipientType.CC)); } return this; } /** * Adds a new {@link Recipient} to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#BCC}. * * @param name The name of the recipient. * @param address The emailaddress of the recipient. * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public EmailBuilder bcc(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final String address) { checkNonEmptyArgument(address, "address"); recipients.add(new Recipient(name, address, Message.RecipientType.BCC)); return this; } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#BCC}. * * @param emailAddresses The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder bcc(@Nonnull final String... emailAddresses) { for (final String emailAddress : checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddresses, "emailAddresses")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(null, emailAddress, Message.RecipientType.BCC)); } return this; } /** * Adds anew {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of empty name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#BCC}. List can be * comma ',' or semicolon ';' separated. * * @param emailAddressList The recipients whose address to use for both name and address * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder bcc(@Nonnull final String emailAddressList) { checkNonEmptyArgument(emailAddressList, "emailAddressList"); return addCommaOrSemicolonSeparatedEmailAddresses(emailAddressList, Message.RecipientType.BCC); } /** * Adds new {@link Recipient} instances to the list on account of name, address with recipient type {@link Message.RecipientType#BCC}. * * @param recipientsToAdd The recipients whose name and address to use * @see #recipients * @see Recipient */ public EmailBuilder bcc(@Nonnull final Recipient... recipientsToAdd) { for (final Recipient recipient : checkNonEmptyArgument(recipientsToAdd, "recipientsToAdd")) { recipients.add(new Recipient(recipient.getName(), recipient.getAddress(), Message.RecipientType.BCC)); } return this; } /** * Adds an embedded image (attachment type) to the email message and generates the necessary {@link DataSource} with the given byte data. Then * delegates to {@link Email#addEmbeddedImage(String, DataSource)}. At this point the datasource is actually a {@link ByteArrayDataSource}. * * @param name The name of the image as being referred to from the message content body (eg. 'signature'). * @param data The byte data of the image to be embedded. * @param mimetype The content type of the given data (eg. "image/gif" or "image/jpeg"). * @see ByteArrayDataSource * @see Email#addEmbeddedImage(String, DataSource) */ public EmailBuilder embedImage(@Nonnull final String name, @Nonnull final byte[] data, @Nonnull final String mimetype) { checkNonEmptyArgument(name, "name"); checkNonEmptyArgument(data, "data"); checkNonEmptyArgument(mimetype, "mimetype"); final ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(data, mimetype); dataSource.setName(name); return embedImage(name, dataSource); } /** * Overloaded method which sets an embedded image on account of name and {@link DataSource}. * * @param name The name of the image as being referred to from the message content body (eg. 'embeddedimage'). If not provided, the name of the given * data source is used instead. * @param imagedata The image data. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public EmailBuilder embedImage(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final DataSource imagedata) { checkNonEmptyArgument(imagedata, "imagedata"); if (valueNullOrEmpty(name) && valueNullOrEmpty(imagedata.getName())) { throw new EmailException(EmailException.NAME_MISSING_FOR_EMBEDDED_IMAGE); } embeddedImages.add(new AttachmentResource(name, imagedata)); return this; } /** * Adds a header to the {@link #headers} list. The value is stored as a <code>String</code>. example: <code>email.addHeader("X-Priority", * 2)</code> * * @param name The name of the header. * @param value The value of the header, which will be stored using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}. */ public EmailBuilder addHeader(@Nonnull final String name, @Nonnull final Object value) { checkNonEmptyArgument(name, "name"); checkNonEmptyArgument(value, "value"); headers.put(name, String.valueOf(value)); return this; } /** * Adds an attachment to the email message and generates the necessary {@link DataSource} with the given byte data. Then delegates to {@link * #addAttachment(String, DataSource)}. At this point the datasource is actually a {@link ByteArrayDataSource}. * * @param name The name of the extension (eg. filename including extension). * @param data The byte data of the attachment. * @param mimetype The content type of the given data (eg. "plain/text", "image/gif" or "application/pdf"). * @see ByteArrayDataSource * @see #addAttachment(String, DataSource) */ public EmailBuilder addAttachment(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final byte[] data, @Nonnull final String mimetype) { checkNonEmptyArgument(data, "data"); checkNonEmptyArgument(mimetype, "mimetype"); final ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(data, mimetype); dataSource.setName(MiscUtil.encodeText(name)); addAttachment(MiscUtil.encodeText(name), dataSource); return this; } /** * Overloaded method which sets an attachment on account of name and {@link DataSource}. * * @param name The name of the attachment (eg. 'filename.ext'). * @param filedata The attachment data. */ public EmailBuilder addAttachment(@Nullable final String name, @Nonnull final DataSource filedata) { checkNonEmptyArgument(filedata, "filedata"); attachments.add(new AttachmentResource(MiscUtil.encodeText(name), filedata)); return this; } /** * Sets all info needed for DKIM, using a byte array for private key data. */ public EmailBuilder signWithDomainKey(@Nonnull final byte[] dkimPrivateKey, @Nonnull final String signingDomain, @Nonnull final String selector) { this.dkimPrivateKeyInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(checkNonEmptyArgument(dkimPrivateKey, "dkimPrivateKey")); this.signingDomain = checkNonEmptyArgument(signingDomain, "signingDomain"); this.selector = checkNonEmptyArgument(selector, "selector"); return this; } /** * Sets all info needed for DKIM, using a byte array for private key data. */ public EmailBuilder signWithDomainKey(@Nonnull final String dkimPrivateKey, @Nonnull final String signingDomain, @Nonnull final String selector) { checkNonEmptyArgument(dkimPrivateKey, "dkimPrivateKey"); this.dkimPrivateKeyInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dkimPrivateKey.getBytes(UTF_8)); this.signingDomain = checkNonEmptyArgument(signingDomain, "signingDomain"); this.selector = checkNonEmptyArgument(selector, "selector"); return this; } /** * Sets all info needed for DKIM, using a file reference for private key data. */ public EmailBuilder signWithDomainKey(@Nonnull final File dkimPrivateKeyFile, @Nonnull final String signingDomain, @Nonnull final String selector) { this.dkimPrivateKeyFile = checkNonEmptyArgument(dkimPrivateKeyFile, "dkimPrivateKeyFile"); this.signingDomain = checkNonEmptyArgument(signingDomain, "signingDomain"); this.selector = checkNonEmptyArgument(selector, "selector"); return this; } /** * Sets all info needed for DKIM, using an input stream for private key data. */ public EmailBuilder signWithDomainKey(@Nonnull final InputStream dkimPrivateKeyInputStream, @Nonnull final String signingDomain, @Nonnull final String selector) { this.dkimPrivateKeyInputStream = checkNonEmptyArgument(dkimPrivateKeyInputStream, "dkimPrivateKeyInputStream"); this.signingDomain = checkNonEmptyArgument(signingDomain, "signingDomain"); this.selector = checkNonEmptyArgument(selector, "selector"); return this; } /* SETTERS / GETTERS */ public Recipient getFromRecipient() { return fromRecipient; } public Recipient getReplyToRecipient() { return replyToRecipient; } public String getText() { return text; } public String getTextHTML() { return textHTML; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public List<Recipient> getRecipients() { return recipients; } public List<AttachmentResource> getEmbeddedImages() { return embeddedImages; } public List<AttachmentResource> getAttachments() { return attachments; } public Map<String, String> getHeaders() { return headers; } public File getDkimPrivateKeyFile() { return dkimPrivateKeyFile; } public InputStream getDkimPrivateKeyInputStream() { return dkimPrivateKeyInputStream; } public String getSigningDomain() { return signingDomain; } public String getSelector() { return selector; } }