package org.sigmah.shared.dto.element; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import org.sigmah.client.cache.UserLocalCache; import org.sigmah.client.dispatch.CommandResultHandler; import org.sigmah.client.dispatch.DispatchAsync; import org.sigmah.client.event.EventBus; import org.sigmah.client.i18n.I18N; import; import org.sigmah.client.ui.notif.N10N; import org.sigmah.client.ui.res.icon.IconImageBundle; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.HistoryTokenText; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.HistoryWindow; import org.sigmah.client.util.ImageProvider; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.form.IterableGroupPanel; import org.sigmah.client.util.ToStringBuilder; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetHistory; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.Authentication; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ListResult; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ValueResult; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ContactDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ProjectDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.base.AbstractModelDataEntityDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.RequiredValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.RequiredValueHandler; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueHandler; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.history.HistoryTokenListDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.history.HistoryTokenManager; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.layout.LayoutConstraintDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.layout.LayoutGroupDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.orgunit.OrgUnitDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.profile.PrivacyGroupDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.AmendmentState; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ElementTypeEnum; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum; import org.sigmah.shared.file.TransfertManager; import org.sigmah.shared.util.ProfileUtils; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ButtonEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.MenuEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionListener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.Field; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.Loadable; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.computation.ComputationTriggerDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.GlobalPermissionEnum; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ValueEventChangeType; import org.sigmah.shared.util.ProjectUtils; /** * Abstract flexible element DTO. * * @author Denis Colliot ( */ public abstract class FlexibleElementDTO extends AbstractModelDataEntityDTO<Integer> implements HistoryTokenManager { /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8520711106031085130L; public static final int NUMBER_FIELD_WIDTH = 200; // DTO 'base' attributes keys. public static final String LABEL = "label"; public static final String CODE = "code"; public static final String VALIDATES = "validates"; public static final String FILLED_IN = "filledIn"; public static final String AMENDABLE = "amendable"; public static final String EXPORTABLE = "exportable"; public static final String GLOBALLY_EXPORTABLE = "globallyExportable"; public static final String HISTORABLE = "historable"; public static final String PRIVACY_GROUP = "privacyGroup"; public static final String GROUP = "group"; public static final String CONTAINER = "container"; public static final String CONSTRAINT = "constraint"; public static final String BANNER = "banner"; public static final String BANNER_POSITION = "bannerPos"; public static final String DISABLED_DATE = "disabledDate"; public static final String CREATION_DATE = "creationDate"; public static final String COMPUTATION_TRIGGERS = "computationTriggers"; // Provided elements. protected transient HandlerManager handlerManager; protected transient DispatchAsync dispatch; protected transient EventBus eventBus; protected transient AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider; protected transient FlexibleElementContainer currentContainerDTO; protected transient boolean phaseIsEnded; protected transient TransfertManager transfertManager; protected transient int preferredWidth; private transient Menu historyMenu; protected transient UserLocalCache cache; protected transient ImageProvider imageProvider; // If element is part of an iterative group we need this to determine current iteration private transient IterableGroupPanel tabPanel; /** * Sets the dispatch service to be used in the {@link #getElementComponent(ValueResult)} method. * * @param dispatch * The presenter's dispatch service. */ public void setService(DispatchAsync dispatch) { this.dispatch = dispatch; } /** * Sets the event bus to be used by {@link #getElementComponent(ValueResult)}. * * @param eventBus * The presenter's event bus. */ public void setEventBus(EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; } /** * Sets the authentication provider to be used in the {@link #getElementComponent(ValueResult)} method. * * @param authenticationProvider * The authentication provider. */ public void setAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) { this.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider; } /** * Sets the current container (not model, but instance) using this flexible element to be used in the * {@link #getElementComponent(ValueResult)} method. * * @param currentContainerDTO * The current container using this flexible element. */ public void setCurrentContainerDTO(FlexibleElementContainer currentContainerDTO) { this.currentContainerDTO = currentContainerDTO; } /** * Sets the current transfert manager to allow download and upload operations from flexible elements. * * @param transfertManager * The current transfert manager. */ public void setTransfertManager(TransfertManager transfertManager) { this.transfertManager = transfertManager; } /** * Sets the cache to be used in the {@link #getElementComponent(ValueResult)} method. * * @param cache * The cache. */ public void setCache(UserLocalCache cache) { this.cache = cache; } public void setImageProvider(ImageProvider imageProvider) { this.imageProvider = imageProvider; } /** * Method called just before the {@link FlexibleElementDTO#getElementComponent(ValueResult)} method to ensure the * instantiation of the attributes used by the client-side. * This method can be override by subclasses. */ public void init() { // Checks preconditions. assert dispatch != null; assert authenticationProvider != null; assert currentContainerDTO != null; handlerManager = new HandlerManager(this); } public Authentication auth() { return authenticationProvider.get(); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @return the widget corresponding to the flexible element (can be <code>null</code> if the user cannot see this * element). */ public Component getElementComponent(ValueResult valueResult) { return getComponentWithHistory(valueResult, false, false); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value to be displayed in the banner. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @return The widget corresponding to the flexible element (can be <code>null</code> if the user cannot see this * element). */ public Component getElementComponentInBanner(ValueResult valueResult) { return getComponentWithHistory(valueResult, false, true); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @param phaseIsEnded * If the component is enabled. * @return The widget corresponding to the flexible element (can be <code>null</code> if the user cannot see this * element). */ public Component getElementComponent(ValueResult valueResult, boolean phaseIsEnded) { return getComponentWithHistory(valueResult, phaseIsEnded, false); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value. This method manages the history of the element. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @param phaseIsEnded * If the component is enabled. * @param inBanner * If the component will be displayed in the banner. * @return The widget component. */ private Component getComponentWithHistory(ValueResult valueResult, boolean phaseIsEnded, boolean inBanner) { if (getPermission() == PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.NONE) { return null; } this.phaseIsEnded = phaseIsEnded; // Checking if the user has the right to edit this element. final boolean enabled = userCanPerformChangeType(ValueEventChangeType.EDIT); // Building the component. Component component = inBanner ? getComponentInBanner(valueResult) : getComponent(valueResult, enabled); // Adding the DNA icon if this field is part of the core version. if(getAmendable() && component instanceof Field) { final Field<?> field = (Field<?>)component; field.setFieldLabel(field.getFieldLabel() + " " + IconImageBundle.ICONS.DNABrownGreen().getHTML()); } // Adds the history menu if needed. if (isHistorable() && !(this instanceof BudgetElementDTO)) { if(inBanner || !(component instanceof Field)) { createHistoryMenu(component); } else { final HistoryWrapper wrapper = new HistoryWrapper((Field<?>)component); wrapper.getHistoryButton().addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() { @Override public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) { loadAndShowHistory(wrapper.getHistoryButton()); } }); component = wrapper; } } return component; } private Set<Integer> getOrgUnitIds() { if (currentContainerDTO instanceof DefaultFlexibleElementContainer) { return Collections.singleton(((DefaultFlexibleElementContainer) currentContainerDTO).getOrgUnitId()); } else if (currentContainerDTO instanceof ContactDTO) { return ((ContactDTO) currentContainerDTO).getOrgUnitIds(); } else { return Collections.emptySet(); } } private PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum getPermission() { if (getOrgUnitIds().contains(null)) { // only draft projects does not have any org units : // if you can see the project you can do what you want with it return PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.WRITE; } PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum permission = PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.NONE; for (Integer orgUnitId : getOrgUnitIds()) { PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum privacyGroupPermission = ProfileUtils.getPermissionForOrgUnit(auth(), orgUnitId, getPrivacyGroup()); switch (privacyGroupPermission) { case NONE: break; case READ: permission = PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.READ; break; case WRITE: return PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.WRITE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum : " + privacyGroupPermission); } } return permission; } /** * Creates the history menu. Displayed when the user right click a flexible * element. * * @param component Where to attach the menu. */ private void createHistoryMenu(Component component) { // Builds the menu. if (historyMenu == null) { final MenuItem historyItem = new MenuItem(I18N.CONSTANTS.historyShow(), IconImageBundle.ICONS.history(), new SelectionListener<MenuEvent>() { @Override public void componentSelected(MenuEvent ce) { loadAndShowHistory(); } }); historyMenu = new Menu(); historyMenu.add(historyItem); } // Attaches it to the element. component.setContextMenu(historyMenu); } /** * Send a GetHistory command to retrieve the history of the current element * and displays it in a popup. * * @param loadables Element to mask during the load of the history. */ protected void loadAndShowHistory(Loadable... loadables) { final Integer iterationId = tabPanel == null ? null : tabPanel.getCurrentIterationId(); dispatch.execute(new GetHistory(getId(), currentContainerDTO.getId(), iterationId), new CommandResultHandler<ListResult<HistoryTokenListDTO>>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(final Throwable e) { if (Log.isErrorEnabled()) { Log.error("[execute] The history cannot be fetched.", e); } N10N.warn(I18N.CONSTANTS.historyError(), I18N.CONSTANTS.historyErrorDetails()); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final ListResult<HistoryTokenListDTO> result) {, FlexibleElementDTO.this); } }, loadables); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value to be displayed in the banner. The default implementation uses * the {@link #getComponent(ValueResult, boolean)} method. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @return the widget corresponding to the flexible element. */ protected Component getComponentInBanner(ValueResult valueResult) { return getComponent(valueResult, false); } /** * Gets the widget of a flexible element with its value. * * @param valueResult * value of the flexible element, or {@code null} to display the element without its value. * @param enabled * If the component is enabled. * @return the widget corresponding to the flexible element. */ protected abstract Component getComponent(ValueResult valueResult, boolean enabled); /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the current user is allowed to perform * the given change type. * * @param changeType Type of change to verify. * @return <code>true</code> if the current user can perform the given * <code>changeType</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean userCanPerformChangeType(ValueEventChangeType changeType) { final PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum permission = getPermission(); if(permission == PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.READ) { return false; } else if(permission == PrivacyGroupPermissionEnum.WRITE) { if(currentContainerDTO instanceof ProjectDTO) { return userCanPerformChangeTypeOnProject(changeType, (ProjectDTO)currentContainerDTO); } else if(currentContainerDTO instanceof OrgUnitDTO) { return userCanPerformChangeTypeOnOrgUnit(changeType, (OrgUnitDTO)currentContainerDTO); } else if (currentContainerDTO instanceof ContactDTO) { return userCanPerformChangeTypeOnContact(changeType, (ContactDTO) currentContainerDTO); } } return false; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the current user is allowed to perform * the given change type on the given project. * * The default implementation checks for the * {@link GlobalPermissionEnum#EDIT_ALL_PROJECTS} right and to the current * amendment state. * * @param changeType Type of change to verify. * @param project Project containing this element. * @return <code>true</code> if the current user can perform the given * <code>changeType</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean userCanPerformChangeTypeOnProject(ValueEventChangeType changeType, ProjectDTO project) { // No modifications are possible if the model is under maintenance or // if the user is consulting a previous core version. if(project.getProjectModel().isUnderMaintenance() || project.getCurrentAmendment() != null) { return false; } // Special case for users with the MODIFY_LOCKED_CONTENT permission. if(ProfileUtils.isGranted(auth(), GlobalPermissionEnum.MODIFY_LOCKED_CONTENT) && (phaseIsEnded || project.isClosed() || project.getAmendmentState() == AmendmentState.LOCKED)) { // #818: MODIFY_LOCKED_CONTENT can now delete values. return true; } return // Current phase is opened. !phaseIsEnded && // Current project is opened. !project.isClosed() && // Check that the user can edit the project ProjectUtils.isProjectEditable(project, auth()) && ( // This element is not part of the core version !getAmendable() || // OR the core version is in an editable state project.getAmendmentState() == AmendmentState.DRAFT || // OR the user has the right to unlock the project ProfileUtils.isGranted(auth(), GlobalPermissionEnum.LOCK_PROJECT) ); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the current user is allowed to perform * the given change type on the given organization unit. * * For organization units, the default implementation only checks for the * {@link GlobalPermissionEnum#EDIT_ORG_UNIT} right. * * @param changeType Type of change to verify. * @param orgUnit OrgUnit containing this element. * @return <code>true</code> if the current user can perform the given * <code>changeType</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean userCanPerformChangeTypeOnOrgUnit(ValueEventChangeType changeType, OrgUnitDTO orgUnit) { return // The project model is not under maintenance. !orgUnit.getOrgUnitModel().isUnderMaintenance() && // The is granted edit rights on organizational units. ProfileUtils.isGranted(auth(), GlobalPermissionEnum.EDIT_ORG_UNIT); } protected boolean userCanPerformChangeTypeOnContact(ValueEventChangeType changeType, ContactDTO contact) { // TODO: Verify the future permission EDIT_CONTACT return !contact.getContactModel().isUnderMaintenance(); } /** * Adds a {@link ValueHandler} to the flexible element. * * @param handler * a {@link ValueHandler} object */ public void addValueHandler(ValueHandler handler) { if (handlerManager == null) { init(); } handlerManager.addHandler(ValueEvent.getType(), handler); } /** * Adds a {@link RequiredValueHandler} to the flexible element. * * @param handler * a {@link RequiredValueHandler} object */ public void addRequiredValueHandler(RequiredValueHandler handler) { handlerManager.addHandler(RequiredValueEvent.getType(), handler); } /** * Gets the most adapted width to display this component. * * @return The preferred width of this element. */ public int getPreferredWidth() { return preferredWidth; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void appendToString(final ToStringBuilder builder) { builder.append(LABEL, getLabel()); builder.append(VALIDATES, getValidates()); builder.append(FILLED_IN, isFilledIn()); builder.append(AMENDABLE, getAmendable()); builder.append(EXPORTABLE, getExportable()); builder.append(GLOBALLY_EXPORTABLE, getGloballyExportable()); builder.append(HISTORABLE, isHistorable()); } /** * Returns the flexible element's formatted label.<br> * May be overridden by sub-implementations. * * @return The flexible element's formatted label. */ public String getFormattedLabel() { // May be overridden. return getLabel(); } // Flexible element label public String getLabel() { return get(LABEL); } public void setLabel(String label) { set(LABEL, label); } // Flexible element code public String getCode() { return get(CODE); } public void setCode(String code) { set(CODE, code); } // Flexible element validates public boolean getValidates() { final Boolean validates = get(VALIDATES); return validates != null && validates; } public void setValidates(boolean validates) { set(VALIDATES, validates); } public boolean isFilledIn() { final Boolean filledIn = get(FILLED_IN); return filledIn != null && filledIn; } public void setFilledIn(boolean filledIn) { set(FILLED_IN, filledIn); } public boolean getAmendable() { final Boolean amendable = get(AMENDABLE); return amendable != null && amendable; } public void setAmendable(boolean amendable) { set(AMENDABLE, amendable); } public boolean getExportable() { final Boolean exportable = get(EXPORTABLE); return exportable != null && exportable; } public void setExportable(boolean exportable) { set(EXPORTABLE, exportable); } public boolean getGloballyExportable() { final Boolean globallyExportable = get(GLOBALLY_EXPORTABLE); return globallyExportable != null && globallyExportable; } public void setGloballyExportable(boolean globallyExportable) { set(GLOBALLY_EXPORTABLE, globallyExportable); } public boolean isHistorable() { final Boolean historable = get(HISTORABLE); return historable != null && historable; } public void setHistorable(boolean historable) { set(HISTORABLE, historable); } public PrivacyGroupDTO getPrivacyGroup() { return get(PRIVACY_GROUP); } public void setPrivacyGroup(PrivacyGroupDTO privacyGroup) { set(PRIVACY_GROUP, privacyGroup); } public Collection<ComputationTriggerDTO> getComputationTriggers() { return get(COMPUTATION_TRIGGERS); } public void setComputationTriggers(Collection<ComputationTriggerDTO> computationTriggers) { set(COMPUTATION_TRIGGERS, computationTriggers); } protected void ensureHistorable() { if (!isHistorable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The current flexible element '" + getClass().getName() + "' #" + getId() + " doesn't manage an history."); } } /** * Assigns a value to a flexible element. * * @param result * The value. */ public void assignValue(ValueResult result) { setFilledIn(isCorrectRequiredValue(result)); } /** * Returns if a value can be considered as a correct required value for this specific flexible element. * * @param result * The value. * @return If the value can be considered as a correct required value. */ public abstract boolean isCorrectRequiredValue(ValueResult result); @Override public String getElementLabel() { return getLabel(); } @Override public Object renderHistoryToken(HistoryTokenListDTO token) { ensureHistorable(); return new HistoryTokenText(token); } public String toHTML(String value) { if(value != null) { return value; } else { return ""; } } public ElementTypeEnum getElementType() { final ElementTypeEnum type; // INFO: Budget elements are handled like DEFAULT elements. if (this instanceof TextAreaElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.TEXT_AREA; } else if (this instanceof CheckboxElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.CHECKBOX; } else if (this instanceof ContactListElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.CONTACT_LIST; } else if (this instanceof DefaultFlexibleElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.DEFAULT; } else if (this instanceof DefaultContactFlexibleElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.DEFAULT_CONTACT; } else if (this instanceof FilesListElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.FILES_LIST; } else if (this instanceof IndicatorsListElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.INDICATORS; } else if (this instanceof MessageElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.MESSAGE; } else if (this instanceof QuestionElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.QUESTION; } else if (this instanceof ReportElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.REPORT; } else if (this instanceof ReportListElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.REPORT_LIST; } else if (this instanceof TripletsListElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.TRIPLETS; } else if (this instanceof CoreVersionElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.CORE_VERSION; } else if (this instanceof ComputationElementDTO) { type = ElementTypeEnum.COMPUTATION; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type '" + getClass() + "' is not supported."); } return type; } public LayoutGroupDTO getGroup() { return get(GROUP); } public void setGroup(LayoutGroupDTO group) { set(GROUP, group); } public BaseModelData getContainerModel() { return get(CONTAINER); } public void setContainerModel(BaseModelData model) { set(CONTAINER, model); } public LayoutConstraintDTO getConstraint() { return get(CONSTRAINT); } public void setConstraint(LayoutConstraintDTO constraint) { set(CONSTRAINT, constraint); } public LayoutConstraintDTO getBannerConstraint() { return get(BANNER); } public void setBannerConstraint(LayoutConstraintDTO constraint) { set(BANNER, constraint); } public Date getDisabledDate() { return get(DISABLED_DATE); } public void setDisabledDate(Date disabledDate) { set(DISABLED_DATE, disabledDate); } public boolean isDisabled() { return get(DISABLED_DATE) != null; } public Date getCreationDate() { return get(CREATION_DATE); } public void setCreationDate(Date creationDate) { set(CREATION_DATE, creationDate); } public void setTabPanel(IterableGroupPanel tabPanel) { this.tabPanel = tabPanel; } public IterableGroupPanel getTabPanel() { return tabPanel; } }