package org.openintents.provider; /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import android.content.*; import android.database.Cursor; import android.location.LocationManager; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.util.Log; /** * Provider for the Alert Framework, Make sure you call init(Context c) before * using any of the convenience functions. Location.Position is an Uri of the * format geo:long,lat example: geo:3.1472,567890 Location.Distance is distance * in meters as long. * * @author Ronan 'Zero' Schwarz */ public class Alert { public static final String _TAG = "org.openintents.provider.Alert"; public static final String TYPE_LOCATION = "location"; public static final String TYPE_SENSOR = "sensor"; public static final String TYPE_GENERIC = "generic"; public static final String TYPE_COMBINED = "combined"; public static final String TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime"; public static final String NATURE_USER = "user"; public static final String NATURE_SYSTEM = "system"; public static ContentResolver mContentResolver; private static final UriMatcher URL_MATCHER; private static final int ALERT_GENERIC = 100; private static final int ALERT_GENERIC_ID = 101; private static final int ALERT_LOCATION = 102; private static final int ALERT_LOCATION_ID = 103; private static final int ALERT_COMBINED = 104; private static final int ALERT_COMBINED_ID = 105; private static final int ALERT_SENSOR = 106; private static final int ALERT_SENSOR_ID = 106; private static final int ALERT_DATE_TIME = 107; private static final int ALERT_DATE_TIME_ID = 108; // ugly hack to make the mock provider work, // see [..] public static final long LOCATION_EXPIRES = 1000000; public static final String EXTRA_URI = "URI"; protected static LocationManager locationManager; protected static AlarmManager alarmManager; protected static Context context; public static final class Generic implements BaseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri .parse("content://org.openintents.alert/generic"); public static final String CONDITION1 = "condition1"; public static final String CONDITION2 = "condition2"; public static final String TYPE = "alert_type"; public static final String RULE = "rule"; public static final String NATURE = "nature"; public static final String ACTIVE = "active"; public static final String ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT = "activate_on_boot"; public static final String INTENT = "intent"; public static final String INTENT_CATEGORY = "intent_category"; public static final String INTENT_URI = "intent_uri"; public static final String INTENT_MIME_TYPE = "intent_mime_type"; public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = ""; public static final String[] PROJECTION = {_ID, _COUNT, CONDITION1, CONDITION2, TYPE, RULE, NATURE, ACTIVE, ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT, INTENT, INTENT_CATEGORY, INTENT_URI, INTENT_MIME_TYPE}; } /** * location based alerts. you must at least specify a position */ public static final class Location implements BaseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri .parse("content://org.openintents.alert/location"); /** * Location.Position is an Uri of the format geo:long,lat example: * geo:3.1472,567890 */ public static final String POSITION = Generic.CONDITION1; /** * Location.Distance is distance in meters as long. */ public static final String DISTANCE = Generic.CONDITION2; /** * Type must always be of Alert.TYPE_LOCATION any other values will * result in your alert not being processed. */ public static final String TYPE = Generic.TYPE; public static final String RULE = Generic.RULE; public static final String NATURE = Generic.NATURE; public static final String ACTIVE = Generic.ACTIVE; public static final String ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT = Generic.ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT; public static final String INTENT = Generic.INTENT; public static final String INTENT_CATEGORY = Generic.INTENT_CATEGORY; public static final String INTENT_URI = Generic.INTENT_URI; public static final String INTENT_MIME_TYPE = Generic.INTENT_MIME_TYPE; public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = ""; public static final String[] PROJECTION = {_ID, _COUNT, POSITION, DISTANCE, TYPE, RULE, NATURE, ACTIVE, ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT, INTENT, INTENT_CATEGORY, INTENT_URI, INTENT_MIME_TYPE}; } public static final class DateTime implements BaseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri .parse("content://org.openintents.alert/datetime"); /** * The point in time for the alarm, in format time:epoch1234456 number * is time in millisecond sice 1970, like you get from * System.getCurrentMillis */ public static final String TIME = Generic.CONDITION1; /** * the alert reocurs every n milliseconds, or not at all if set to 0. * reouccreny should be at least 1 minute. */ public static final String REOCCURENCE = Generic.CONDITION2; public static final String TYPE = Generic.TYPE; public static final String RULE = Generic.RULE; public static final String NATURE = Generic.NATURE; public static final String ACTIVE = Generic.ACTIVE; public static final String ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT = Generic.ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT; public static final String INTENT = Generic.INTENT; public static final String INTENT_CATEGORY = Generic.INTENT_CATEGORY; public static final String INTENT_URI = Generic.INTENT_URI; public static final String INTENT_MIME_TYPE = Generic.INTENT_MIME_TYPE; public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = ""; public static final String[] PROJECTION = {_ID, _COUNT, TIME, REOCCURENCE, TYPE, RULE, NATURE, ACTIVE, ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT, INTENT, INTENT_CATEGORY, INTENT_URI, INTENT_MIME_TYPE}; } public static final class ManagedService implements BaseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri .parse("content://org.openintents.alert/managedservice"); public static final String SERVICE_CLASS = "service_class"; public static final String TIME_INTERVALL = "time_intervall"; public static final String DO_ROAMING = "do_roaming"; public static final String LAST_TIME = "last_time"; public static final String[] PROJECTION = {_ID, _COUNT, SERVICE_CLASS, TIME_INTERVALL, DO_ROAMING, LAST_TIME}; } public static void registerManagedService(String serviceClassName, long timeIntervall, boolean useWhileRoaming) { long minTime; ContentValues cv; Cursor c = mContentResolver.query(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, ManagedService.PROJECTION, ManagedService.SERVICE_CLASS + " like '" + serviceClassName + "'", null, null ); if (c != null && c.getCount() > 0) {// update c.moveToFirst(); String id = c .getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ManagedService._ID)); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL, Long.toString(timeIntervall)); values.put(ManagedService.DO_ROAMING, Boolean.toString(useWhileRoaming)); mContentResolver.update( Uri.withAppendedPath(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, id), values, null, null); } else { // insert cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ManagedService.SERVICE_CLASS, serviceClassName); cv.put(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL, timeIntervall); cv.put(ManagedService.DO_ROAMING, useWhileRoaming); insert(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, cv); } if (c != null) { c.close(); } // get all entry && compute new minimum time intervall // TODO: make this in sql. c = mContentResolver.query(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, ManagedService.PROJECTION, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); minTime = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL)); while (!c.isAfterLast()) { long l = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL)); if (l < minTime) { minTime = l; } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); c = mContentResolver.query(DateTime.CONTENT_URI, DateTime.PROJECTION, DateTime.INTENT + " like '" + org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER + "'", null, null ); String now = "time:epoch," + System.currentTimeMillis(); cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(DateTime.TIME, now); cv.put(DateTime.REOCCURENCE, minTime); cv.put(DateTime.INTENT, org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER); cv.put(DateTime.NATURE, Alert.NATURE_SYSTEM); cv.put(DateTime.ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT, true); cv.put(DateTime.ACTIVE, true); cv.put(DateTime.TYPE, Alert.TYPE_DATE_TIME); if (c != null && c.getCount() > 0) { update(DateTime.CONTENT_URI, cv, DateTime.INTENT + " like '" + org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER + "'", null); // TODO new SDK cancle PendingIntent // alarmManager.cancel(new // Intent().setAction(org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER)); registerDateTimeAlert(cv); // registerDateTimeAlert } else { insert(DateTime.CONTENT_URI, cv); } if (c != null) { c.close(); } Log.d(_TAG, "registerManagedService: finished"); } public static void unregisterManagedService(String serviceClassName) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); long minTime; delete(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, ManagedService.SERVICE_CLASS + " like '" + serviceClassName + "'", null); // get all entry && compute new minimum time intervall // TODO: make this in sql. Cursor c = mContentResolver.query(ManagedService.CONTENT_URI, ManagedService.PROJECTION, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); minTime = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL)); while (!c.isAfterLast()) { long l = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(ManagedService.TIME_INTERVALL)); if (l < minTime) { minTime = l; } c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); c = mContentResolver.query(DateTime.CONTENT_URI, DateTime.PROJECTION, DateTime.INTENT + " like '" + org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER + "'", null, null ); String now = "time:epoch," + System.currentTimeMillis(); cv.put(DateTime.TIME, now); cv.put(DateTime.REOCCURENCE, minTime); cv.put(DateTime.INTENT, org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER); cv.put(DateTime.NATURE, Alert.NATURE_SYSTEM); cv.put(DateTime.ACTIVATE_ON_BOOT, true); cv.put(DateTime.ACTIVE, true); cv.put(DateTime.TYPE, Alert.TYPE_DATE_TIME); if (c != null && c.getCount() > 0) { update(DateTime.CONTENT_URI, cv, DateTime.INTENT + " like '" + org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER + "'", null); // TODO new SDK cancle PendingIntent // alarmManager.cancel(new // Intent().setAction(org.openintents.OpenIntents.SERVICE_MANAGER)); registerDateTimeAlert(cv); // registerDateTimeAlert } } /** * @param uri the content uri to insert to * @param cv the ContentValues that will be inserted to */ public static Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues cv) { Uri res; int type = URL_MATCHER.match(uri); res = mContentResolver.insert(uri, cv); Log.d(_TAG, " insert, result>>" + res + "<<"); if (res != null) {// register alert Log.d(_TAG, "uri>>" + uri + "<< matched>>" + type + "<<"); switch (type) { case ALERT_LOCATION: registerLocationAlert(cv); break; case ALERT_DATE_TIME: registerDateTimeAlert(cv); break; default: break; } } return res; } /** * @param uri the content uri to delete * @param selection the selection to check against * @param selectionArgs the arguments applied to selection string (optional) * @return number of deleted rows */ public static int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return mContentResolver.delete(uri, selection, selectionArgs); } /** * @param uri the content uri to update * @param cv the ContentValues that will be update in selected rows. * @param selection the selection to check against * @param selectionArgs the arguments applied to selection string (optional) * @return number of updated rows */ public static int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return mContentResolver.update(uri, values, selection, selectionArgs); } public static void registerLocationAlert(ContentValues cv) { Uri gUri = null; String distStr = ""; String geo = ""; String[] loc = null; try { gUri = Uri.parse(cv.getAsString(Location.POSITION)); // do this for easier debugging. distStr = cv.getAsString(Location.DISTANCE); // float dist=cv.getAsFloat(Location.DISTANCE); geo = gUri.getSchemeSpecificPart(); loc = geo.split(","); // TODO: find out how to handle this now /* * PendingIntent i= new PendingIntent(); * //i.setClassName("org.openintents.alert" * ,"LocationAlertDispatcher"); * i.setAction("org.openintents.action.LOCATION_ALERT_DISPATCH"); * //i.setData(gUri); i.putExtra(Location.POSITION, * cv.getAsString(Location.POSITION)); * * locationManager.addProximityAlert( latitude, longitude, dist, * LOCATION_EXPIRES, i ); * Log.d(_TAG,"Registerd alert geo:"+geo+" dist:"+dist); * Log.d(_TAG,"Registered alert intent:" + i); */ } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioe) { Log.e(_TAG, "Error parsing geo uri. not in format geo:lat,long"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Log.e(_TAG, "Error parsing longitude/latitude. Not A Number (NAN)\n uri>>" + gUri + "<< \n dist>>" + distStr + "<<" ); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { Log.e(_TAG, "Nullpointer occured. did you call init(context) ?"); npe.printStackTrace(); } // registerReceiver(org.openintents.alert.LocationAlertDispatcher,); } public static void init(Context c) { context = c; locationManager = (LocationManager) context .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context .getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); } public static void registerDateTimeAlert(ContentValues cv) { String myDate = cv.getAsString(DateTime.TIME); String[] s = myDate.split(","); Log.d(_TAG, "registerDateTimeAlert: s[0]>>" + s[0] + "<< s[1]>>+" + s[1] + "<<"); long time = 0; long myReoccurence = cv.getAsLong(DateTime.REOCCURENCE); Intent i = new Intent(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString(DateTime.TIME, myDate); b.putLong(DateTime.REOCCURENCE, myReoccurence); i.setAction(org.openintents.OpenIntents.DATE_TIME_ALERT_DISPATCH); try { time = Long.parseLong(s[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Log.e(_TAG, "registerDateTimeAlert: Date/Time couldn't be parsed, check time format of >" + myDate + "<" ); return; } if (myReoccurence == 0) { // TODO new SDK cancle PendingIntent // alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC,time,i); Log.d(_TAG, "registerDateTimeAlert: registerd single @>>" + time + "<<"); } else { // TODO new SDK cancle PendingIntent // alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC,time,myReoccurence,i); Log.d(_TAG, "registerDateTimeAlert: registerd reoccuirng @>>" + time + "<< intervall>>" + myReoccurence + "<<"); } } public static void unregisterDateTimeAlert(ContentValues cv) { /* * String myDate=cv.getAsString(DateTime.TIME); String * s[]=myDate.split(","); * Log.d(_TAG,"registerDateTimeAlert: s[0]>>"+s[0] * +"<< s[1]>>+"+s[1]+"<<"); long time=0; long * myReoccurence=cv.getAsLong(DateTime.REOCCURENCE); * * Cursor c=mContentResolver.query( DateTime.CONTENT_URI, * DateTime.PROJECTION_MAP, DateTime.TIME+" like '"+myDate+"'", null * null ); * * if (c==null||c.count()==0) {//alert has been deleted * * }else if (c!=null&&c.count()==1) {//exactly out alert alarmManager. } * //TODO: check if there are now other alerts at this time. */ // atm it would oly be possible to delete all dateTimeDispatch alerts // and register the need a new. so we just leave them be, means some // emtpy lookups, but hey! :/ } static { URL_MATCHER = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "generic/", ALERT_GENERIC); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "generic/#", ALERT_GENERIC_ID); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "location", ALERT_LOCATION); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "location/#", ALERT_LOCATION_ID); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "combined", ALERT_COMBINED); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "combined/#", ALERT_COMBINED_ID); URL_MATCHER .addURI("org.openintents.alert", "datetime", ALERT_DATE_TIME); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "datetime/#", ALERT_DATE_TIME_ID); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "", 6000); URL_MATCHER.addURI("org.openintents.alert", "/", 6001); } }/* eoc */