package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.BigDecimalValidator; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.CurrencyValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.attribute.ProductAttribute; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.availability.ProductAvailability; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.price.FinalPrice; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.price.ProductPrice; import com.salesmanager.core.model.merchant.MerchantStore; import com.salesmanager.core.model.order.orderproduct.OrderProduct; /** * This class determines the price that is displayed in the catalogue for a given item. * It does not calculate the total price for a given item * @author casams1 * */ @Component("priceUtil") public class ProductPriceUtils { private final static char DECIMALCOUNT = '2'; private final static char DECIMALPOINT = '.'; private final static char THOUSANDPOINT = ','; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductPriceUtils.class); /** * Get the price without discount * @param store * @param product * @param locale * @return */ public BigDecimal getPrice(MerchantStore store, Product product, Locale locale) { BigDecimal defaultPrice = new BigDecimal(0); Set<ProductAvailability> availabilities = product.getAvailabilities(); for(ProductAvailability availability : availabilities) { Set<ProductPrice> prices = availability.getPrices(); for(ProductPrice price : prices) { if(price.isDefaultPrice()) { defaultPrice = price.getProductPriceAmount(); } } } return defaultPrice; } /** * This method calculates the final price taking into account * all attributes included having a specified default attribute with an attribute price gt 0 * in the product object. The calculation is based * on the default price. * Attributes may be null * @param Product * @param List<ProductAttribute> * @return FinalPrice */ public FinalPrice getFinalProductPrice(Product product, List<ProductAttribute> attributes) { FinalPrice finalPrice = calculateFinalPrice(product); //attributes BigDecimal attributePrice = null; if(attributes!=null && attributes.size()>0) { for(ProductAttribute attribute : attributes) { if(attribute.getProductAttributePrice()!=null && attribute.getProductAttributePrice().doubleValue()>0) { if(attributePrice==null) { attributePrice = new BigDecimal(0); } attributePrice = attributePrice.add(attribute.getProductAttributePrice()); } } if(attributePrice!=null && attributePrice.doubleValue()>0) { BigDecimal fp = finalPrice.getFinalPrice(); fp = fp.add(attributePrice); finalPrice.setFinalPrice(fp); BigDecimal op = finalPrice.getOriginalPrice(); op = op.add(attributePrice); finalPrice.setOriginalPrice(op); BigDecimal dp = finalPrice.getDiscountedPrice(); if(dp!=null) { dp = dp.add(attributePrice); finalPrice.setDiscountedPrice(dp); } } } return finalPrice; } /** * This is the final price calculated from all configured prices * and all possibles discounts. This price does not calculate the attributes * or other prices than the default one * @param store * @param product * @param locale * @return */ public FinalPrice getFinalPrice(Product product) { FinalPrice finalPrice = calculateFinalPrice(product); //attributes BigDecimal attributePrice = null; if(product.getAttributes()!=null && product.getAttributes().size()>0) { for(ProductAttribute attribute : product.getAttributes()) { if(attribute.getAttributeDefault()) { if(attribute.getProductAttributePrice()!=null && attribute.getProductAttributePrice().doubleValue()>0) { if(attributePrice==null) { attributePrice = new BigDecimal(0); } attributePrice = attributePrice.add(attribute.getProductAttributePrice()); } } } if(attributePrice!=null && attributePrice.doubleValue()>0) { BigDecimal fp = finalPrice.getFinalPrice(); fp = fp.add(attributePrice); finalPrice.setFinalPrice(fp); BigDecimal op = finalPrice.getOriginalPrice(); op = op.add(attributePrice); finalPrice.setOriginalPrice(op); } } return finalPrice; } /** * This is the format that will be displayed * in the admin input text fields when editing * an entity having a BigDecimal to be displayed * as a raw amount 1,299.99 * The admin user will also be force to input * the amount using that format * @param store * @param amount * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getAdminFormatedAmount(MerchantStore store, BigDecimal amount) throws Exception { if(amount==null) { return ""; } NumberFormat nf = null; nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); return nf.format(amount); } /** * This method has to be used to format store front amounts * It will display national format amount ex: * $1,345.99 * Rs.1.345.99 * or international format * USD1,345.79 * INR1,345.79 * @param store * @param amount * @return String * @throws Exception */ public String getStoreFormatedAmountWithCurrency(MerchantStore store, BigDecimal amount) throws Exception { if(amount==null) { return ""; } Currency currency = Constants.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; Locale locale = Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE; try { currency = store.getCurrency().getCurrency(); locale = new Locale(store.getDefaultLanguage().getCode(),store.getCountry().getIsoCode()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot create currency or locale instance for store " + store.getCode()); } NumberFormat currencyInstance = null; if(store.isCurrencyFormatNational()) { currencyInstance = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);//national } else { currencyInstance = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();//international } currencyInstance.setCurrency(currency); return currencyInstance.format(amount.doubleValue()); } public String getFormatedAmountWithCurrency(Locale locale, com.salesmanager.core.model.reference.currency.Currency currency, BigDecimal amount) throws Exception { if(amount==null) { return ""; } Currency curr = currency.getCurrency(); NumberFormat currencyInstance = null; currencyInstance = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale); currencyInstance.setCurrency(curr); return currencyInstance.format(amount.doubleValue()); } /** * This method will return the required formated amount * with the appropriate currency * @param store * @param amount * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getAdminFormatedAmountWithCurrency(MerchantStore store, BigDecimal amount) throws Exception { if(amount==null) { return ""; } NumberFormat nf = null; Currency currency = store.getCurrency().getCurrency(); nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setCurrency(currency); return nf.format(amount); } /** * Returns a formatted amount using Shopizer Currency * requires internal java.util.Currency populated * @param currency * @param amount * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getFormatedAmountWithCurrency(com.salesmanager.core.model.reference.currency.Currency currency, BigDecimal amount) throws Exception { if(amount==null) { return ""; } Validate.notNull(currency.getCurrency(),"Currency must be populated with java.util.Currency"); NumberFormat nf = null; Currency curr = currency.getCurrency(); nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setCurrency(curr); String stringNumber = nf.format(amount); return stringNumber; } /** * This amount will be displayed to the end user * @param store * @param amount * @param locale * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getFormatedAmountWithCurrency(MerchantStore store, BigDecimal amount, Locale locale) throws Exception { NumberFormat nf = null; Currency currency = store.getCurrency().getCurrency(); nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale); nf.setCurrency(currency); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(Integer.parseInt(Character .toString(DECIMALCOUNT))); return nf.format(amount); } /** * Transformation of an amount of money submited by the admin * user to be inserted as a BigDecimal in the database * @param amount * @param locale * @return * @throws Exception */ public BigDecimal getAmount(String amount) throws Exception { // validations /** * 1) remove decimal and thousand * * String.replaceAll(decimalPoint, ""); String.replaceAll(thousandPoint, * ""); * * Should be able to parse to Integer */ StringBuffer newAmount = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < amount.length(); i++) { if (amount.charAt(i) != DECIMALPOINT && amount.charAt(i) != THOUSANDPOINT) { newAmount.append(amount.charAt(i)); } } try { Integer.parseInt(newAmount.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Cannot parse " + amount); } if (!amount.contains(Character.toString(DECIMALPOINT)) && !amount.contains(Character.toString(THOUSANDPOINT)) && !amount.contains(" ")) { if (matchPositiveInteger(amount)) { BigDecimalValidator validator = CurrencyValidator.getInstance(); BigDecimal bdamount = validator.validate(amount, Locale.US); if (bdamount == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot parse " + amount); } else { return bdamount; } } else { throw new Exception("Not a positive integer " + amount); } } else { //TODO should not go this path in this current release StringBuffer pat = new StringBuffer(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(Character.toString(THOUSANDPOINT))) { pat.append("\\d{1,3}(" + THOUSANDPOINT + "?\\d{3})*"); } pat.append("(\\" + DECIMALPOINT + "\\d{1," + DECIMALCOUNT + "})"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(pat.toString()); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(amount); if (matcher.matches()) { Locale locale = Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE; //TODO validate amount using old test case if (DECIMALPOINT == ',') { locale = Locale.GERMAN; } BigDecimalValidator validator = CurrencyValidator.getInstance(); BigDecimal bdamount = validator.validate(amount, locale); return bdamount; } else { throw new Exception("Cannot parse " + amount); } } } public BigDecimal getOrderProductTotalPrice(MerchantStore store, OrderProduct orderProduct) { BigDecimal finalPrice = orderProduct.getOneTimeCharge(); finalPrice = finalPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(orderProduct.getProductQuantity())); return finalPrice; } /** * Determines if a ProductPrice has a discount * @param productPrice * @return */ public boolean hasDiscount(ProductPrice productPrice) { Date today = new Date(); //calculate discount price boolean hasDiscount = false; if(productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate()!=null || productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()!=null) { if(productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate()!=null) { if(productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate().before(today)) { if(productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()!=null) { if(productPrice.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate().after(today)) { hasDiscount = true; } } } } } return hasDiscount; } private boolean matchPositiveInteger(String amount) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^[+]?\\d*$"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(amount); if (matcher.matches()) { return true; } else { return false; } } private FinalPrice calculateFinalPrice(Product product) { FinalPrice finalPrice = null;; List<FinalPrice> otherPrices = null; Set<ProductAvailability> availabilities = product.getAvailabilities(); for(ProductAvailability availability : availabilities) { if(availability.getRegion().equals(Constants.ALL_REGIONS)) {//TODO REL 2.1 accept a region Set<ProductPrice> prices = availability.getPrices(); for(ProductPrice price : prices) { FinalPrice p = finalPrice(price); if(price.isDefaultPrice()) { finalPrice = p; } else { if(otherPrices==null) { otherPrices = new ArrayList<FinalPrice>(); } otherPrices.add(p); } } } } if(finalPrice!=null) { finalPrice.setAdditionalPrices(otherPrices); } else { if(otherPrices!=null) { finalPrice = otherPrices.get(0); } } return finalPrice; } private FinalPrice finalPrice(ProductPrice price) { FinalPrice finalPrice = new FinalPrice(); BigDecimal fPrice = price.getProductPriceAmount(); BigDecimal oPrice = price.getProductPriceAmount(); Date today = new Date(); //calculate discount price boolean hasDiscount = false; if(price.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate()!=null || price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()!=null) { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate()!=null) { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate().before(today)) { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()!=null) { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate().after(today)) { hasDiscount = true; fPrice = price.getProductPriceSpecialAmount(); finalPrice.setDiscountEndDate(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()); } } } } if(!hasDiscount && price.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate()==null && price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()!=null) { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate().after(today)) { hasDiscount = true; fPrice = price.getProductPriceSpecialAmount(); finalPrice.setDiscountEndDate(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()); } } } else { if(price.getProductPriceSpecialAmount()!=null && price.getProductPriceSpecialAmount().doubleValue()>0) { hasDiscount = true; fPrice = price.getProductPriceSpecialAmount(); finalPrice.setDiscountEndDate(price.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate()); } } finalPrice.setProductPrice(price); finalPrice.setFinalPrice(fPrice); finalPrice.setOriginalPrice(oPrice); if(price.isDefaultPrice()) { finalPrice.setDefaultPrice(true); } if(hasDiscount) { discountPrice(finalPrice); } return finalPrice; } private void discountPrice(FinalPrice finalPrice) { finalPrice.setDiscounted(true); double arith = finalPrice.getProductPrice().getProductPriceSpecialAmount().doubleValue() / finalPrice.getProductPrice().getProductPriceAmount().doubleValue(); double fsdiscount = 100 - (arith * 100); Float percentagediscount = new Float(fsdiscount); int percent = percentagediscount.intValue(); finalPrice.setDiscountPercent(percent); //calculate percent BigDecimal price = finalPrice.getOriginalPrice(); finalPrice.setDiscountedPrice(finalPrice.getProductPrice().getProductPriceSpecialAmount()); } }