/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Laurent CLOUET * Author Laurent CLOUET <laurent.clouet@nopnop.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.sheepit.client.standalone; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import static org.kohsuke.args4j.ExampleMode.REQUIRED; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import java.io.File; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import com.sheepit.client.Client; import com.sheepit.client.Configuration; import com.sheepit.client.Configuration.ComputeType; import com.sheepit.client.Gui; import com.sheepit.client.Log; import com.sheepit.client.Pair; import com.sheepit.client.SettingsLoader; import com.sheepit.client.ShutdownHook; import com.sheepit.client.hardware.gpu.GPU; import com.sheepit.client.hardware.gpu.GPUDevice; import com.sheepit.client.network.Proxy; public class Worker { @Option(name = "-server", usage = "Render-farm server, default https://client.sheepit-renderfarm.com", metaVar = "URL", required = false) private String server = "https://client.sheepit-renderfarm.com"; @Option(name = "-login", usage = "User's login", metaVar = "LOGIN", required = false) private String login = ""; @Option(name = "-password", usage = "User's password", metaVar = "PASSWORD", required = false) private String password = ""; @Option(name = "-cache-dir", usage = "Cache/Working directory. Caution, everything in it not related to the render-farm will be removed", metaVar = "/tmp/cache", required = false) private String cache_dir = null; @Option(name = "-max-uploading-job", usage = "", metaVar = "1", required = false) private int max_upload = -1; @Option(name = "-gpu", usage = "CUDA name of the GPU used for the render, for example CUDA_0", metaVar = "CUDA_0", required = false) private String gpu_device = null; @Option(name = "-compute-method", usage = "CPU: only use cpu, GPU: only use gpu, CPU_GPU: can use cpu and gpu (not at the same time) if -gpu is not use it will not use the gpu", metaVar = "CPU", required = false) private String method = null; @Option(name = "-cores", usage = "Number of cores/threads to use for the render", metaVar = "3", required = false) private int nb_cores = -1; @Option(name = "-memory", usage = "Maximum memory allow to be used by renderer (in MB)", required = false) private int max_ram = -1; @Option(name = "-rendertime", usage = "Maximum time allow for each frame (in minute)", required = false) private int max_rendertime = -1; @Option(name = "--verbose", usage = "Display log", required = false) private boolean print_log = false; @Option(name = "-request-time", usage = "H1:M1-H2:M2,H3:M3-H4:M4 Use the 24h format. For example to request job between 2am-8.30am and 5pm-11pm you should do --request-time 2:00-8:30,17:00-23:00 Caution, it's the requesting job time to get a project not the working time", metaVar = "2:00-8:30,17:00-23:00", required = false) private String request_time = null; @Option(name = "-proxy", usage = "URL of the proxy", metaVar = "http://login:password@host:port", required = false) private String proxy = null; @Option(name = "-extras", usage = "Extras data push on the authentication request", required = false) private String extras = null; @Option(name = "-ui", usage = "Specify the user interface to use, default '" + GuiSwing.type + "', available '" + GuiTextOneLine.type + "', '" + GuiText.type + "', '" + GuiSwing.type + "' (graphical)", required = false) private String ui_type = null; @Option(name = "-config", usage = "Specify the configuration file", required = false) private String config_file = null; @Option(name = "--version", usage = "Display application version", required = false, handler = VersionParameterHandler.class) private VersionParameterHandler versionHandler; @Option(name = "--show-gpu", usage = "Print available CUDA devices and exit", required = false, handler = ListGpuParameterHandler.class) private ListGpuParameterHandler listGpuParameterHandler; @Option(name = "--no-systray", usage = "Don't use systray", required = false) private boolean no_systray = false; @Option(name = "-priority", usage = "Set render process priority (19 lowest to -19 highest)", required = false) private int priority = 19; public static void main(String[] args) { new Worker().doMain(args); } public void doMain(String[] args) { CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(this); try { parser.parseArgument(args); } catch (CmdLineException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Usage: "); parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); System.err.println("Example: java " + this.getClass().getName() + " " + parser.printExample(REQUIRED)); return; } ComputeType compute_method = ComputeType.CPU; Configuration config = new Configuration(null, login, password); config.setPrintLog(print_log); config.setUsePriority(priority); if (cache_dir != null) { File a_dir = new File(cache_dir); a_dir.mkdirs(); if (a_dir.isDirectory() && a_dir.canWrite()) { config.setCacheDir(a_dir); } } if (max_upload != -1) { if (max_upload <= 0) { System.err.println("Error: max upload should be a greater than zero"); return; } config.setMaxUploadingJob(max_upload); } if (gpu_device != null) { String cuda_str = "CUDA_"; if (gpu_device.startsWith(cuda_str) == false) { System.err.println("CUDA_DEVICE should look like 'CUDA_X' where X is a number"); return; } try { Integer.parseInt(gpu_device.substring(cuda_str.length())); } catch (NumberFormatException en) { System.err.println("CUDA_DEVICE should look like 'CUDA_X' where X is a number"); return; } GPUDevice gpu = GPU.getGPUDevice(gpu_device); if (gpu == null) { System.err.println("GPU unknown"); System.exit(2); } config.setUseGPU(gpu); } if (request_time != null) { String[] intervals = request_time.split(","); if (intervals != null) { config.requestTime = new LinkedList<Pair<Calendar, Calendar>>(); SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); for (String interval : intervals) { String[] times = interval.split("-"); if (times != null && times.length == 2) { Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); try { start.setTime(timeFormat.parse(times[0])); end.setTime(timeFormat.parse(times[1])); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error: wrong format in request time"); System.exit(2); } if (start.before(end)) { config.requestTime.add(new Pair<Calendar, Calendar>(start, end)); } else { System.err.println("Error: wrong request time " + times[0] + " is after " + times[1]); System.exit(2); } } } } } if (nb_cores < -1 || nb_cores == 0) { // -1 is the default System.err.println("Error: use-number-core should be a greater than zero"); return; } else { config.setUseNbCores(nb_cores); } if (max_ram > 0) { config.setMaxMemory(max_ram * 1000); } if (max_rendertime > 0) { config.setMaxRenderTime(max_rendertime * 60); } if (method != null) { try { compute_method = ComputeType.valueOf(method); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Error: compute-method unknown"); System.exit(2); } } else { if (config.getGPUDevice() == null) { compute_method = ComputeType.CPU; } else { compute_method = ComputeType.GPU; } } if (proxy != null) { try { Proxy.set(proxy); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.err.println("Error: wrong url for proxy"); System.err.println(e); System.exit(2); } } if (extras != null) { config.setExtras(extras); } if (compute_method == ComputeType.CPU && config.getGPUDevice() != null) { System.err.println("You choose to only use the CPU but a GPU was also provided. You can not do both."); System.err.println("Aborting"); System.exit(2); } else if (compute_method == ComputeType.CPU_GPU && config.getGPUDevice() == null) { System.err.println("You choose to only use the CPU and GPU but no GPU device was provided."); System.err.println("Aborting"); System.exit(2); } else if (compute_method == ComputeType.GPU && config.getGPUDevice() == null) { System.err.println("You choose to only use the GPU but no GPU device was provided."); System.err.println("Aborting"); System.exit(2); } else if (compute_method == ComputeType.CPU) { config.setUseGPU(null); // remove the GPU } config.setComputeMethod(compute_method); if (ui_type != null) { config.setUIType(ui_type); } if (config_file != null) { if (new File(config_file).exists() == false) { System.err.println("Configuration file not found."); System.err.println("Aborting"); System.exit(2); } new SettingsLoader(config_file).merge(config); } Log.getInstance(config).debug("client version " + config.getJarVersion()); Gui gui; String type = config.getUIType(); if (type == null) { type = "swing"; } switch (type) { case GuiTextOneLine.type: if (config.getPrintLog()) { System.out.println("OneLine UI can not be used if verbose mode is enabled"); System.exit(2); } gui = new GuiTextOneLine(); break; case GuiText.type: gui = new GuiText(); break; default: case GuiSwing.type: if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { System.out.println("Graphical ui can not be launch."); System.out.println("You should set a DISPLAY or use a text ui (with -ui " + GuiTextOneLine.type + " or -ui " + GuiText.type + ")."); System.exit(3); } gui = new GuiSwing(no_systray == false); break; } Client cli = new Client(gui, config, server); gui.setClient(cli); ShutdownHook hook = new ShutdownHook(cli); hook.attachShutDownHook(); gui.start(); } }