package io.selendroid.common;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import io.selendroid.common.SelendroidCapabilities;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Makes sure that the new function "getDefaultApp" will return the correct application under test from the apps store
* or peacefully returns null if the app is not in the apps store. If the laucch activity is also specified with appName
* then just return the appName so it can be installed to the apps store.
* The tests will cover these scenarios:
* <ul>
* <li>If app does not exists in the apps store and the launch activity is specified, then just return
* the request string as app under test so it can be installed to the device by the SelendroidStandaloneDriver. </li>
* <li>If app does not exists in the appstore, and the launch activity is not specified then return null.</li>
* <li>If appName and appVersion are specified then return the app under test as "appName:appVersion" if it is found in the
* apps store or null if it is not.</li>
* <li>If appName is specified but not the appVersion then return the latest version of the apps in the apps store as app
* under test in the format of "appName:appVersion" or null if app is not found in apps store.</li>
* </li>
* <ul>
public class SelendroidCapabilitiesGetDefaultAppTest {
// Unsorted List of String represents supported apps in the apps store.
private static final String elements[] = { "selendroid",
"io.selendroid.test", "io.selendroid.test:0.12.1",
"io.selendroid.test:0.11.1", "io.selendroid.test:0.11.0",
"io.selendroid.test:0.12.0", };
private static final Set supportedApps = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(elements));
public void testShouldReturnAppWithSpecifiedLaunchActivityEvenIfNotInStore() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
// app is not in store
jsonSource.put("aut", "io.selendroid.test:0.13.0");
jsonSource.put("launchActivity", "HomeScreenActivity");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
Assert.assertEquals("io.selendroid.test:0.13.0", defaultApp);
public void testReturnsTheLatestVersionOfApp() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "io.selendroid.test");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
Assert.assertEquals("io.selendroid.test:0.12.1", defaultApp);
public void testReturnsAnExactMatchWithoutSpecifiedVersion() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "selendroid");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
Assert.assertEquals("selendroid", defaultApp);
public void testReturnsAnExactMatchWithSpecifiedVersion() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "io.selendroid.test:0.11.0");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
Assert.assertEquals("io.selendroid.test:0.11.0", defaultApp);
public void testReturnsNullIfNoMatchingAppFound() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "io.selendroid.test2");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
public void testReturnsNullIfOnlyVersionIsSpecified() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "0.12.0");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);
public void testResturnsNullIfAppAndVersionNotFound() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonSource = new JSONObject();
jsonSource.put("aut", "io.selendroid.test:0.13.0");
SelendroidCapabilities capa = new SelendroidCapabilities(jsonSource);
String defaultApp = capa.getDefaultApp(supportedApps);