package org.sef4j.core.helpers.senders; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import org.sef4j.core.api.EventSender; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * asynchronous adapter for EventSender to EventSender<BR/> * * This class bufferize Events in memory, and send bulk events, * either after a wait delay (example: 15 secondes), or after the bulk is "filled enough": * having reached maxEventsCount or having reached a cumulated of maxBulkByteLength * * <PRE> * Unitary +-------------------+ _ * sendEvent() ---> | current buffer | / \ Flush Delay * +-------------------+ <-/ -------------> * /\ | reached maxEventsCount \ * | +----------------------------> --> BULK sendEvents() * | | reached maxBulkByteLength / * | +----------------------------> * | onError * | | * <-------------------------------------------------------------- * asyncDisruptorErrorHandler * decide to skip/retry some events * * </PRE> */ public class BulkAsyncSender<T> implements EventSender<T> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BulkAsyncSender.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = true; protected EventSender<T> targetOutput; protected int flushPeriod; protected ScheduledExecutorService flushScheduledExecutor; protected boolean flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread; protected int maxBulkEventsCount; protected Function<T,Integer> eventByteLengthProvider; protected int maxBulkByteLength; protected Object lock = new Object(); protected List<T> bufferedEvents = new ArrayList<T>(); protected int bufferedeBulkByteLength; // this "temporary" queue is used to send bulk events asynchronously using another thread protected Queue<List<T>> asyncEventsBulksQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<List<T>>(); protected Object asyncSenderLock = new Object(); protected Runnable asyncFlushDelayTask = new Runnable() { public void run() { onAsyncFlushDelay(); } }; protected Runnable asyncFlushImmediateTask = new Runnable() { public void run() { onAsyncFlushImmediate(); } }; protected long scheduledFutureTime; protected ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture; protected int statTotalEventsCount; protected int statTotalEventBulksCount; public static interface IAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler<T> { public void onSendEventsOK(List<T> events); /** @return next delay period to reschedule */ public int onSendEventsFailed(List<T> events, RuntimeException ex, List<List<T>> retryPrependBulkEvents, List<List<T>> retryAppendBulkEvents); public void onQueued(Queue<List<T>> queue, List<T> events); } protected IAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler<T> asyncDisruptorErrorHandler; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private BulkAsyncSender(EventSender<T> target, Builder<T> builder) { this.targetOutput = target; this.flushPeriod = builder.flushPeriod; this.flushScheduledExecutor = builder.scheduledExecutor; this.maxBulkEventsCount = builder.maxBulkEventsCount; this.eventByteLengthProvider = builder.eventByteLengthProvider; this.maxBulkByteLength = builder.maxBulkByteLength; this.flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread = builder.flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread; this.asyncDisruptorErrorHandler = builder.asyncDisruptorErrorHandler; } /*pp for test*/ void setFlushFilledBulkInCurrentThread(boolean p) { this.flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread = p; } // implements EventSender (input for unitary events) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void sendEvent(T req) { sendEvents(Collections.singleton(req)); } public void sendEvents(Collection<T> events) { boolean needScheduleFlush = false; boolean needFlush = false; synchronized(lock) { if (bufferedEvents == null) { bufferedEvents = new ArrayList<T>(maxBulkEventsCount); needScheduleFlush = true; } // append in memory buffer: ultra fast .. but may flush / schedule hereafter // group events by bulk with max EventCount/BulkByteLength for(T event : events) { int eventByteLen = eventByteLengthProvider != null? eventByteLengthProvider.apply(event) : 0; if ( (bufferedEvents.size() + 1 > maxBulkEventsCount) || (eventByteLen + bufferedeBulkByteLength > maxBulkByteLength)) { // start a new bulk if (DEBUG) { if (bufferedEvents.size() + 1 > maxBulkEventsCount) { + " sendEvent .. reached maxBulkEventsCount " + maxBulkEventsCount + " .. need flush"); } else { + " sendEvent .. reached maxBulkByteLength:" + bufferedeBulkByteLength + " + " + eventByteLen + " .. need flush"); } } this.asyncEventsBulksQueue.add(bufferedEvents); if (asyncDisruptorErrorHandler != null) { asyncDisruptorErrorHandler.onQueued(asyncEventsBulksQueue, bufferedEvents); } this.bufferedEvents = new ArrayList<T>(maxBulkEventsCount); this.bufferedeBulkByteLength = 0; needFlush = ! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty(); // mostly true ... cf disruptorErrorHandler to purge queue } this.bufferedEvents.add(event); bufferedeBulkByteLength += eventByteLen; } if (needFlush) { if (! flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread) { // do not flush in current thread (and inside lock) => schedule immediate in separate thread scheduleFlush(0); } else { // cf next: flush outside of lock } } else if (needScheduleFlush) { scheduleFlush(flushPeriod); } }// synchronized(lock) if (needFlush) { if (flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread) { doFlush(false, false); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void start() { synchronized(lock) { if (! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty()) { scheduleFlush(0); } } } public void stop() { try { doFlush(true, true); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to flush pending bulk Events ... ignore, no rethrow!", ex); } synchronized(lock) { if (scheduledFuture != null) { scheduledFuture.cancel(false); scheduledFuture = null; scheduledFutureTime = 0; } } } public void flush() { flush(true, true); } public void flush(boolean forceSendAll, boolean sendPartiallyFilledBulk) { if (DEBUG) + " flush " + flushParamToString(forceSendAll, sendPartiallyFilledBulk) + " " + infoToString()); doFlush(forceSendAll, sendPartiallyFilledBulk); } protected static String flushParamToString(boolean forceSendAll, boolean sendPartiallyFilledBulk) { return (forceSendAll? "all" : sendPartiallyFilledBulk? "partial" : "filledBulksOnly"); } public void waitAsyncEventBulksQueueFlushed(int repeat, int sleep) { for(int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { int asyncBulkQueueSize = getCurrentAsyncEventsBulksQueueSize(); if (asyncBulkQueueSize != 0) { try { Thread.sleep(sleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } public int getCurrentBufferedEventsSize() { synchronized(lock) { return bufferedEvents != null? bufferedEvents.size() : 0; } } public int getCurrentAsyncEventsBulksQueueSize() { synchronized(lock) { return asyncEventsBulksQueue.size(); } } public int getFlushPeriod() { return flushPeriod; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected void scheduleFlush(int delay) { synchronized(lock) { if (DEBUG) + " scheduleFlush " + delay); long nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + delay*1000; if (scheduledFuture != null && scheduledFutureTime > nextTime+400) { // 400 ms: precision for not cancel+reschedule! doCancelFutureSchedule(); } if (scheduledFuture == null) { doScheduleNextTime(delay, nextTime); } } } private void doCancelFutureSchedule() { if (DEBUG) + " cancel schedule " + scheduledFutureTime); scheduledFuture.cancel(false); scheduledFuture = null; scheduledFutureTime = 0; } private void doScheduleNextTime(int delay, long nextTime) { if (delay != 0) { this.scheduledFutureTime = nextTime; // if (DEBUG) + " schedule"); this.scheduledFuture = flushScheduledExecutor.schedule( asyncFlushDelayTask, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else { // if (DEBUG) + " submit"); flushScheduledExecutor.submit(asyncFlushImmediateTask); scheduledFutureTime = 0; } } protected void forceReschedule(int newDelay) { // assert thread owns lock if (DEBUG) + " force reschedule " + newDelay + " + cancel old " + scheduledFutureTime); if (scheduledFuture != null) { doCancelFutureSchedule(); } long nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + newDelay*1000; doScheduleNextTime(newDelay, nextTime); } private void onAsyncFlushDelay() { synchronized(lock) { if (DEBUG) + " onAsyncFlushDelay " + infoToString()); doAsyncFlush(false, true); } } private void onAsyncFlushImmediate() { synchronized(lock) { if (DEBUG) + " onAsyncFlushImmediate " + infoToString()); doAsyncFlush(false, false); } } private void doAsyncFlush(boolean forceSendAll, boolean sendPartiallyFilledBulk) { scheduledFuture = null; scheduledFutureTime = 0; try { doFlush(forceSendAll, sendPartiallyFilledBulk); } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.error("Should not occur ... Failed to flush bulk event (from async thread pool) ... ignore, no rethrow!", ex); } if (bufferedEvents != null) { scheduleFlush(this.flushPeriod); } } protected void doFlush(boolean forceSendAll, boolean sendPartiallyFilledBulk) { if (DEBUG) + " doFlush " + flushParamToString(forceSendAll, sendPartiallyFilledBulk) + " " + infoToString()); synchronized(asyncSenderLock) { // lock sender, to respect events orders List<List<T>> bulksToSend = null; // clear and get queue synchronized(lock) { if (! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty()) { bulksToSend = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); //asyncEventsBulksQueue.size() while(! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty()) { bulksToSend.add(asyncEventsBulksQueue.poll()); }; } // add uncompleted bufferedEvents if any if (bufferedEvents != null) { if (forceSendAll || (bulksToSend == null && sendPartiallyFilledBulk)) { if (bulksToSend == null) bulksToSend = new ArrayList<List<T>>(1); // TODO ... should check for maxBulkEventsCount / maxBulkByteLength !! bulksToSend.add(bufferedEvents); this.bufferedEvents = null; this.bufferedeBulkByteLength = 0; } else { // needScheduleMore... } } else { // needScheduleMore = true; } } // synchronized(lock) if (bulksToSend != null) { // *** do send Bulk events *** // outside of "lock", but inside of "asyncSenderLock" // TODO... may reuse jdk class for Queue + ExecutorService // (with single thread executor and/or garantee of order)? this.statTotalEventBulksCount += bulksToSend.size(); for(List<T> bulkEvents : bulksToSend) { if (DEBUG) + " => send bulk: " + bulkEvents.size() + " event(s)"); try { // **** The biggy **** targetOutput.sendEvents(bulkEvents); onSendEventsOK(bulkEvents); } catch(RuntimeException ex) { onSendEventsFailed(bulkEvents, ex); } } } }// synchronized(asyncSenderLock) } protected void onSendEventsOK(List<T> bulkEvents) { if (asyncDisruptorErrorHandler != null) { asyncDisruptorErrorHandler.onSendEventsOK(bulkEvents); } } protected void onSendEventsFailed(List<T> bulkEvents, RuntimeException ex) { if (asyncDisruptorErrorHandler != null) { List<List<T>> retryPrependBulks = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); List<List<T>> retryAppendBulks = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); int rescheduleDelay = asyncDisruptorErrorHandler.onSendEventsFailed(bulkEvents, ex, retryPrependBulks, retryAppendBulks); if (! retryPrependBulks.isEmpty() || ! retryAppendBulks.isEmpty()) { int countRetryPrepend = 0; for(List<T> re : retryPrependBulks) countRetryPrepend += re.size(); int countRetryAppend = 0; for(List<T> re : retryAppendBulks) countRetryAppend += re.size(); int countReInsert = countRetryPrepend + countRetryAppend; LOG.warn("Failed to send bulk events ... disruptorErrorHandler => re-insert " + countReInsert + " event(s)" + ((countRetryAppend != 0)? " ( " + countRetryAppend + " reordered at end)" : "") + ", ex:" + ex.getMessage()); onFailedReInsertBulkEventsToSend(rescheduleDelay, retryPrependBulks, retryAppendBulks); } else { LOG.warn("Failed to send bulk events ... disruptorErrorHandler => skip all, ex:" + ex.getMessage()); } } else { LOG.error("Failed to send bulk events => skip all event(s) ... ignore, continue?!", ex); } } protected void onFailedReInsertBulkEventsToSend(int delayReschedule, List<List<T>> retryPrependBulks, List<List<T>> retryAppendBulks) { // similar to sendEvents() ... but events are prepended/appended to asyncEventsBulksQueue instead of appended to list bufferedEvents synchronized(lock) { // re-insert at begining => remove all + re-add !! // asyncEventsBulksQueue.add(0, bufferedEvents); List<List<T>> reinsertBulks = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); reinsertBulks.addAll(retryPrependBulks); while(! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty()) { reinsertBulks.add(asyncEventsBulksQueue.poll()); }; reinsertBulks.addAll(retryAppendBulks); asyncEventsBulksQueue.addAll(reinsertBulks); forceReschedule(delayReschedule); }// synchronized(lock) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public String toString() { return "BulkAsyncSender[" + "flushPeriod=" + flushPeriod + infoToString() + "]"; } public String infoToString() { String currentInfo = ""; synchronized(lock) { if (! asyncEventsBulksQueue.isEmpty()) { currentInfo += ", current queued bulk count:" + asyncEventsBulksQueue.size(); } if (bufferedEvents != null) { currentInfo += ", current buffered events count:" + bufferedEvents.size(); } if (scheduledFuture != null) { long nextFlushDelay = System.currentTimeMillis() - scheduledFutureTime; currentInfo += ", next flush in " + nextFlushDelay + " ms"; } } return currentInfo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static class Builder<T> { protected int flushPeriod = 30; protected ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor; protected int maxBulkEventsCount = 50; protected Function<T,Integer> eventByteLengthProvider; protected int maxBulkByteLength = 4*4192; protected boolean flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread; protected IAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler<T> asyncDisruptorErrorHandler; private static ScheduledExecutorService defaultScheduledExecutor; public BulkAsyncSender<T> build(EventSender<T> target) { if (scheduledExecutor == null) { defaultScheduledExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); scheduledExecutor = defaultScheduledExecutor; } return new BulkAsyncSender<T>(target, this); } public Builder<T> flushPeriod(int p) { this.flushPeriod = p; return this; } public Builder<T> asyncScheduledExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService p) { this.scheduledExecutor = p; return this; } public Builder<T> maxBulkEventsCount(int p) { this.maxBulkEventsCount = p; return this; } public Builder<T> eventByteLengthProvider(Function<T,Integer> p) { this.eventByteLengthProvider = p; return this; } public Builder<T> maxBulkByteLength(int p) { this.maxBulkByteLength = p; return this; } public Builder<T> flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread(boolean p) { this.flushFilledBulkInCurrentThread = p; return this; } public Builder<T> asyncDisruptorErrorHandler(IAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler<T> p) { this.asyncDisruptorErrorHandler = p; return this; } public IAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler<T> getAsyncDisruptorErrorHandler() { return asyncDisruptorErrorHandler; } } }