/* * Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.github.sdbg.debug.core.internal.webkit.protocol; import com.github.sdbg.debug.core.internal.webkit.protocol.WebkitConnection.Callback; import com.github.sdbg.debug.core.internal.webkit.protocol.WebkitConnection.NotificationHandler; import com.github.sdbg.debug.core.internal.webkit.protocol.WebkitNode.WebkitAttribute; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; // TODO: additional DOM functionality we could expose: // moveTo requestNode resolveNode setAttributesAsText setNodeName // TODO: we need to track all DOM nodeIds returned to us; the node info is only sent once // TODO: create a DomDocument model object. It will be in charge of populating itself when queried. // It will fire events when it is changed (from notifications from the browser). It will probably // also expose some manipulation methods that will call through to the WebkitDom class. /** * A WIP DOM domain object. * <p> * This domain exposes DOM read/write operations. Each DOM Node is represented with its mirror * object that has an id. This id can be used to get additional information on the Node, resolve it * into the JavaScript object wrapper, etc. It is important that client receives DOM events only for * the nodes that are known to the client. Backend keeps track of the nodes that were sent to the * client and never sends the same node twice. It is client's responsibility to collect information * about the nodes that were sent to the client. * <p> * Note that iframe owner elements will return corresponding document elements as their child nodes. */ public class WebkitDom extends WebkitDomain { public static interface DomListener { /** * Fired when Document has been totally updated. Node ids are no longer valid. */ public void documentUpdated(); } public static class HighlightConfig { /** * The border highlight fill color (default: transparent). */ public RGBA borderColor; /** * The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent). */ public RGBA contentColor; /** * The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent). */ public RGBA marginColor; /** * The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent). */ public RGBA paddingColor; /** * Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false). */ public Boolean showInfo; public HighlightConfig() { } public JSONObject toJSONObject() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (borderColor != null) { obj.put("borderColor", borderColor.toJSONObject()); } if (contentColor != null) { obj.put("contentColor", contentColor.toJSONObject()); } if (marginColor != null) { obj.put("marginColor", marginColor.toJSONObject()); } if (paddingColor != null) { obj.put("paddingColor", paddingColor.toJSONObject()); } if (showInfo != null) { obj.put("showInfo", showInfo.booleanValue()); } return obj; } } public static interface InspectorListener { public void detached(String reason); public void targetCrashed(); } public static class RGBA { /** * The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1). */ public Double a; /** * The red component, in the [0-255] range. */ public int r; /** * The green component, in the [0-255] range. */ public int g; /** * The blue component, in the [0-255] range. */ public int b; public RGBA(int r, int g, int b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } public RGBA(int r, int g, int b, double a) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; } public JSONObject toJSONObject() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (a != null) { obj.put("a", a); } obj.put("r", r); obj.put("g", g); obj.put("b", b); return obj; } } public static HighlightConfig DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT; static { DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT = new HighlightConfig(); DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT.borderColor = new RGBA(0, 0, 0); DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT.contentColor = new RGBA(255, 255, 204, 0.4d); DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT.showInfo = true; } private final static String DOM_DOCUMENT_UPDATED = "DOM.documentUpdated"; private static final String INSPECTOR_DETACHED = "Inspector.detached"; private static final String INSPECTOR_TARGET_CRASHED = "Inspector.targetCrashed"; private List<DomListener> domListeners = new ArrayList<DomListener>(); private List<InspectorListener> inspectorListeners = new ArrayList<InspectorListener>(); public WebkitDom(WebkitConnection connection) { super(connection); connection.registerNotificationHandler("DOM.", new NotificationHandler() { @Override public void handleNotification(String method, JSONObject params) throws JSONException { handleDOMNotification(method, params); } }); connection.registerNotificationHandler("Inspector.", new NotificationHandler() { @Override public void handleNotification(String method, JSONObject params) throws JSONException { handleInspectorNotification(method, params); } }); } public void addDomListener(DomListener listener) { domListeners.add(listener); } public void addInspectorListener(InspectorListener listener) { inspectorListeners.add(listener); } /** * Focuses the given element. * * @param nodeId Id of the node to focus. * @throws IOException */ @WebkitUnsupported public void focus(int nodeId) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.focus"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Returns attributes for the specified node. * * @param nodeId Id of the node to retrieve attributes for. * @param callback * @throws IOException */ public void getAttributes(int nodeId, final WebkitCallback<List<WebkitAttribute>> callback) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.getAttributes"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId)); connection.sendRequest(request, new Callback() { @Override public void handleResult(JSONObject result) throws JSONException { callback.handleResult(convertGetAttributesResult(result)); } }); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } public void getDocument(final WebkitCallback<WebkitNode> callback) throws IOException { sendSimpleCommand("DOM.getDocument", new Callback() { @Override public void handleResult(JSONObject result) throws JSONException { callback.handleResult(convertGetDocumentResult(result)); } }); } public WebkitNode getDocumentSync() throws IOException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final WebkitResult<WebkitNode>[] result = new WebkitResult[1]; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); getDocument(new WebkitCallback<WebkitNode>() { @Override public void handleResult(WebkitResult<WebkitNode> r) { result[0] = r; latch.countDown(); } }); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (result[0].isError()) { throw new IOException(result[0].getErrorMessage()); } else { return result[0].getResult(); } } public void getOuterHtml(int nodeId, final WebkitCallback<String> callback) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.getOuterHtml"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId)); connection.sendRequest(request, new Callback() { @Override public void handleResult(JSONObject result) throws JSONException { callback.handleResult(convertGetOuterHtmlResult(result)); } }); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Hides DOM node highlight. * * @throws IOException */ public void hideHighlight() throws IOException { sendSimpleCommand("DOM.hideHighlight"); } /** * Highlights DOM node with given id. * * @param nodeId * @param highlightConfig */ public void highlightNode(int nodeId, HighlightConfig highlightConfig) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.highlightNode"); request.put( "params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put( "highlightConfig", highlightConfig.toJSONObject())); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport. * * @param x * @param y * @param width * @param height * @param color * @param outlineColor * @throws IOException */ public void highlightRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, RGBA color, RGBA outlineColor) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.highlightRect"); request.put( "params", new JSONObject().put("x", x).put("y", y).put("width", width).put("height", height).put( "color", color.toJSONObject()).put("outlineColor", outlineColor.toJSONObject())); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Executes querySelector on a given node. * * @param nodeId * @param selector * @param callback * @throws IOException */ public void querySelector(int nodeId, String selector, final WebkitCallback<Integer> callback) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.querySelector"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("selector", selector)); connection.sendRequest(request, new Callback() { @Override public void handleResult(JSONObject result) throws JSONException { callback.handleResult(convertQuerySelectorResult(result)); } }); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Executes querySelectorAll on a given node. * * @param nodeId * @param selector * @param callback * @throws IOException */ public void querySelectorAll(int nodeId, String selector, final WebkitCallback<List<Integer>> callback) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.querySelectorAll"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("selector", selector)); connection.sendRequest(request, new Callback() { @Override public void handleResult(JSONObject result) throws JSONException { callback.handleResult(convertQuerySelectorAllResult(result)); } }); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Removes attribute with given name from an element with given id. * * @param nodeId Id of the element to remove attribute from. * @param name Name of the attribute to remove. * @throws IOException */ public void removeAttribute(int nodeId, String name) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.removeAttribute"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("name", name)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } public void removeDomListener(DomListener listener) { domListeners.remove(listener); } public void removeInspectorListener(InspectorListener listener) { inspectorListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Removes node with given id. * * @param nodeId * @throws IOException */ public void removeNode(int nodeId) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.removeNode"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Requests that children of the node with given id are returned to the caller in form of * setChildNodes events. * * @param nodeId Id of the node to get children for * @throws IOException */ public void requestChildNodes(int nodeId) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.requestChildNodes"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Sets attribute for an element with given id. * * @param nodeId * @param name * @param value * @throws IOException */ public void setAttributeValue(int nodeId, String name, String value) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.setAttributeValue"); request.put( "params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("name", name).put("value", value)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is hovering over are highlighted. * Backend then generates 'inspect' command upon element selection. * * @param enabled true to enable inspection mode, false to disable it * @param highlightConfig a descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be * omitted if <code>enabled == false</code> * @throws IOException */ @WebkitUnsupported public void setInspectModeEnabled(boolean enabled, HighlightConfig highlightConfig) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.setInspectModeEnabled"); request.put( "params", new JSONObject().put("enabled", enabled).put( "highlightConfig", highlightConfig.toJSONObject())); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Sets node value for a node with given id. * * @param nodeId Id of the node to set value for. * @param value New node's value. * @throws IOException */ public void setNodeValue(int nodeId, String value) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.setNodeValue"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("value", value)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } /** * Sets node HTML markup, returns new node id. * * @param nodeId Id of the node to set value for. * @param outerHTML Outer HTML markup to set. * @throws IOException */ public void setOuterHTML(int nodeId, String outerHTML) throws IOException { try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("method", "DOM.setOuterHTML"); request.put("params", new JSONObject().put("nodeId", nodeId).put("outerHTML", outerHTML)); connection.sendRequest(request); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw new IOException(exception); } } public void disable() throws IOException { sendSimpleCommand("DOM.disable"); } public void enable() throws IOException { sendSimpleCommand("DOM.enable"); } protected void handleDOMNotification(String method, JSONObject params) { if (method.equals(DOM_DOCUMENT_UPDATED)) { for (DomListener listener : domListeners) { listener.documentUpdated(); } } else { WIPTrace.trace("unhandled notification: " + method); } } protected void handleInspectorNotification(String method, JSONObject params) { if (method.equals(INSPECTOR_DETACHED)) { // {"method":"Inspector.detached","params":{"reason":"target_closed"}} String reason = params == null ? "" : params.optString("reason", null); for (InspectorListener listener : inspectorListeners) { listener.detached(reason); } } else if (method.equals(INSPECTOR_TARGET_CRASHED)) { for (InspectorListener listener : inspectorListeners) { listener.targetCrashed(); } } else { WIPTrace.trace("unhandled notification: " + method); } } private WebkitResult<List<WebkitAttribute>> convertGetAttributesResult(JSONObject object) throws JSONException { WebkitResult<List<WebkitAttribute>> result = WebkitResult.createFrom(object); if (object.has("result")) { JSONArray arr = object.getJSONObject("result").getJSONArray("attributes"); List<WebkitAttribute> attributes = WebkitAttribute.createFrom(arr); result.setResult(attributes); } return result; } private WebkitResult<WebkitNode> convertGetDocumentResult(JSONObject object) throws JSONException { WebkitResult<WebkitNode> result = WebkitResult.createFrom(object); if (object.has("result")) { JSONObject rootNode = object.getJSONObject("result").getJSONObject("root"); result.setResult(WebkitNode.createFrom(rootNode)); } return result; } private WebkitResult<String> convertGetOuterHtmlResult(JSONObject object) throws JSONException { WebkitResult<String> result = WebkitResult.createFrom(object); if (object.has("result")) { String html = object.getJSONObject("result").getString("outerHTML"); result.setResult(html); } return result; } private WebkitResult<List<Integer>> convertQuerySelectorAllResult(JSONObject object) throws JSONException { WebkitResult<List<Integer>> result = WebkitResult.createFrom(object); if (object.has("result")) { JSONArray arr = object.getJSONObject("result").getJSONArray("nodeIds"); List<Integer> idArray = new ArrayList<Integer>(arr.length()); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { idArray.add(arr.getInt(i)); } result.setResult(idArray); } return result; } private WebkitResult<Integer> convertQuerySelectorResult(JSONObject object) throws JSONException { WebkitResult<Integer> result = WebkitResult.createFrom(object); if (object.has("result")) { int nodeId = object.getJSONObject("result").getInt("nodeId"); result.setResult(nodeId); } return result; } }