/* * DSS - Digital Signature Services * * Copyright (C) 2013 European Commission, Directorate-General Internal Market and Services (DG MARKT), B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussel * * Developed by: 2013 ARHS Developments S.A. (rue Nicolas Bové 2B, L-1253 Luxembourg) http://www.arhs-developments.com * * This file is part of the "DSS - Digital Signature Services" project. * * "DSS - Digital Signature Services" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * DSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with * "DSS - Digital Signature Services". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.processes.ltv; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.DSSUtils; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.RuleUtils; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.policy.ProcessParameters; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.policy.ValidationPolicy; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.processes.ValidationXPathQueryHolder; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.processes.dss.InvolvedServiceInfo; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.processes.subprocesses.EtsiPOEExtraction; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.AttributeName; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.AttributeValue; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.ExceptionMessage; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.Indication; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.NodeName; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.NodeValue; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.RuleConstant; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.SubIndication; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.xml.XmlDom; import eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.xml.XmlNode; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.engine.rules.wrapper.XPathSignature.getCertificateId; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.BBB_XCV_IRIF_ANS; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_DRIE; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_DSOPCPOEOC; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_ICNEAIDORSI; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_IIDORSIBCT; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_SCT; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.rules.MessageTag.CTS_WITSS; import static eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.toolbox.Reversed.reversed; /** * 9.2.2 Control-time sliding process<br> * <p/> * Description<br> * <p/> * This process will slide the control-time from the current-time to some date in the past each time it encounters a * certificate proven to be revoked. * * @author bielecro * <p/> * // Summary:<br> * // - When the service status is not UNDERSUPERVISION then the closing date of this status need to be found. * The class which handle this information need to be updated.<br> * // The CRL extension expiredCertOnCRL should be taken into account during the revocation information * retrieval.<br> * // NOTE 4 is not completely taken into account.<br> * // --> Closed */ public class ControlTimeSliding implements Indication, SubIndication, NodeName, NodeValue, AttributeName, AttributeValue, RuleConstant, ExceptionMessage, ValidationXPathQueryHolder { private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(PastCertificateValidation.class); private ValidationPolicy constraintData; private Date controlTime; private EtsiPOEExtraction poe; // returned data private XmlNode controlTimeSlidingData; private void prepareParameters(final ProcessParameters params) { this.constraintData = params.getCurrentValidationPolicy(); this.poe = (EtsiPOEExtraction) params.getPOE(); isInitialised(params); } private void isInitialised(final ProcessParameters params) { if (poe == null) { poe = new EtsiPOEExtraction(); params.setPOE(poe); } } /** * Processing<br> * <p/> * The following steps shall be performed:<br> * * @param params */ public ControlTimeSlidingConclusion run(final ProcessParameters params, final XmlDom certificateChain) { prepareParameters(params); LOG.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": start."); controlTimeSlidingData = new XmlNode(CONTROL_TIME_SLIDING_DATA); /** * 1) Initialise control-time to the current date/time.<br> */ // The control-time is re-initialised at every turn controlTime = params.getCurrentTime(); final ControlTimeSlidingConclusion conclusion = process(params, certificateChain); conclusion.setControlTime(controlTime); conclusion.setValidationData(controlTimeSlidingData); return conclusion; } /** * @param params * @param certificateChain * @return */ private ControlTimeSlidingConclusion process(final ProcessParameters params, final XmlDom certificateChain) { final ControlTimeSlidingConclusion conclusion = new ControlTimeSlidingConclusion(); final int signingCertificateId = certificateChain.getIntValue("./ChainCertificate[1]/@Id"); final List<XmlDom> chainCertificates = certificateChain.getElements("./ChainCertificate"); /** * 2) For each certificate in the chain starting from the first certificate (the certificate issued by the trust * anchor), do the following:<br> */ for (final XmlDom chainCertificate : reversed(chainCertificates)) { final int certificateId = getCertificateId(chainCertificate); final XmlNode certificateNode = controlTimeSlidingData.addChild(CERTIFICATE, DSSUtils.EMPTY); certificateNode.setAttribute(CERTIFICATE_ID, String.valueOf(certificateId)); final XmlDom certificate = params.getCertificate(certificateId); final boolean isTrusted = certificate.getBoolValue("./Trusted/text()"); if (isTrusted) { continue; } if (signingCertificateId == certificateId) { /** * (See NOTE 1) Concerning the trust anchor, it must be checked if it is still trusted at the current * date/time. Other checks are not necessary.<br> */ final XmlNode constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_WITSS); final String status = InvolvedServiceInfo.getStatus(certificate); constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, OK); constraintNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(TRUSTED_SERVICE_STATUS, status); final boolean underSupervision = InvolvedServiceInfo.isSERVICE_STATUS_UNDERSUPERVISION(status); final boolean supervisionInCessation = InvolvedServiceInfo.isSERVICE_STATUS_SUPERVISIONINCESSATION(status); final boolean accredited = InvolvedServiceInfo.isSERVICE_STATUS_ACCREDITED(status); if (!underSupervision && !supervisionInCessation && !accredited) { /** * ...where the trust anchor is broken at a known date by initialising control-time to this date/time.<br> */ if (status.isEmpty()) { // Trusted service is unknown final String serviceName = InvolvedServiceInfo.getServiceName(certificate); LOG.warn("The status of the service is unknown: (serviceName: " + serviceName + ")"); } else { final Date statusEndDate = InvolvedServiceInfo.getEndDate(certificate); controlTime = statusEndDate; addControlTime(constraintNode); } } } /** * - a) Find revocation status information satisfying the following:<br> * - - 􀀀 The revocation status information is consistent with the rules conditioning its use to check the * revocation status of the considered certificate. For instance, in the case of a CRL, it shall satisfy the * checks described in (see clause 6.3).<br> * * TODO: 20130704 by bielecro: To notify ETSI --> (see clause 6.3) is not the right clause.<br> */ XmlNode constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_DRIE); final boolean revocationExists = certificate.exists("./Revocation"); if (!revocationExists) { constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, KO); conclusion.setIndication(INDETERMINATE); conclusion.setSubIndication(NO_POE); return conclusion; } final Date revocationIssuingTime = certificate.getTimeValue("./Revocation/IssuingTime/text()"); final String formatedRevocationIssuingTime = DSSUtils.formatDate(revocationIssuingTime); constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, OK); constraintNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(REVOCATION_ISSUING_TIME, formatedRevocationIssuingTime); final Date notAfterTime = certificate.getTimeValue("./NotAfter/text()"); final Date notBeforeTime = certificate.getTimeValue("./NotBefore/text()"); /** * (See NOTE 2)<br> * TODO: ...(for instance, using the CRL extension expiredCertOnCRL (OID: This check need to be * added to the revocation information retrieval. */ constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_ICNEAIDORSI); if (revocationIssuingTime.before(notBeforeTime) || revocationIssuingTime.after(notAfterTime)) { constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, KO); conclusion.setIndication(INDETERMINATE); conclusion.setSubIndication(NO_POE); return conclusion; } constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, OK); /** * - - 􀀀 The issuance date of the revocation status information is before control-time. If more than one * revocation status is found, consider the most recent one and go to the next step. If there is no such * information, terminate with INDETERMINATE/NO_POE:<br> */ constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_IIDORSIBCT); if (!revocationIssuingTime.before(controlTime)) { constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, KO); addControlTime(constraintNode); conclusion.setIndication(INDETERMINATE); conclusion.setSubIndication(NO_POE); return conclusion; } constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, OK); /** * - b) If the set of POEs contains a proof of existence of the certificate and the revocation status * information at (or before) control-time, go to step c). Otherwise, terminate with INDETERMINATE/NO_POE. */ constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_DSOPCPOEOC); final boolean poeExists = poe.getCertificatePOE(certificateId, controlTime); if (!poeExists || revocationIssuingTime.compareTo(controlTime) > 0) { constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, KO); conclusion.setIndication(INDETERMINATE); conclusion.setSubIndication(NO_POE); return conclusion; } constraintNode.addChild(STATUS, OK); /** * - c) Update the value of control-time as follows:<br> */ constraintNode = addConstraint(CTS_SCT); addControlTime(constraintNode); final boolean revoked = !certificate.getBoolValue("./Revocation/Status/text()"); /** * - - 􀀀 If the certificate is marked as revoked in the revocation status information, set control-time to the * revocation date.<br> */ if (revoked) { final Date revocationDate = certificate.getTimeValue("./Revocation/DateTime/text()"); controlTime = revocationDate; final String formatedRevocationDate = DSSUtils.formatDate(revocationDate); constraintNode.addChild(INFO, CTS_CTSTRT_LABEL); constraintNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(REVOCATION_TIME, formatedRevocationDate); } else { /** * - - 􀀀 If the certificate is not marked as revoked.<br> * - - - - If the revocation status information is not considered "fresh", set control-time to the issuance * date of the revocation status information.<br> */ final long revocationDeltaTime = controlTime.getTime() - revocationIssuingTime.getTime(); if (revocationDeltaTime > constraintData.getMaxRevocationFreshness()) { controlTime = revocationIssuingTime; constraintNode.addChild(INFO, CTS_CTSTRIT_LABEL); final XmlNode xmlNode = constraintNode.addChild(INFO, BBB_XCV_IRIF_ANS); xmlNode.setAttribute(CERTIFICATE_ID, String.valueOf(certificateId)).setAttribute(REVOCATION_ISSUING_TIME, formatedRevocationIssuingTime); } /** * - - - - Otherwise, the value of control-time is not changed.<br> */ } /** * - d) Apply the cryptographic constraints to the certificate and the revocation status information. If the * certificate (or the revocation status information) does not match these constraints, set control-time to the * lowest time up to which the listed algorithms were considered reliable.<br> */ checkDigestAlgoExpirationDate(certificate, constraintNode, CTS_CTSTETOCSA_LABEL); checkEncryptionAlgoExpirationDate(certificate, constraintNode, CTS_CTSTETOCSA_LABEL); final XmlDom revocation = certificate.getElement("./Revocation"); checkDigestAlgoExpirationDate(revocation, constraintNode, CTS_CTSTETORSA_LABEL); checkEncryptionAlgoExpirationDate(revocation, constraintNode, CTS_CTSTETORSA_LABEL); /** * 3) Continue with the next certificate in the chain or, if no further certificate exists, terminate with * VALID and the calculated control-time.<br> */ } /** * NOTE 1: In step 1, initialising control-time with current date/time assumes that the trust anchor is still * trusted at the current date/time. The algorithm can capture the very exotic case where the trust anchor is * broken (or becomes untrusted for any other reason) at a known date by initialising control-time to this * date/time.<br> * * NOTE 2: The rational of step 2-a) is to check that the revocation status information is "in-scope" for the * given certificate. In other words, the rationale is to check that the revocation status information is reliable * to be used to ascertain the revocation status of the given certificate. For instance, this includes the fact * the certificate is not expired at the issuance date of the revocation status information, unless the issuing CA * states that its issues revocation information status for expired certificates (for instance, using the CRL * extension expiredCertOnCRL).<br> * * NOTE 3: If the certificate (or the revocation status information) was authentic, but the signature has been * faked exploiting weaknesses of the algorithms used, this is assumed only to be possible after the date the * algorithms are declared to be no longer acceptable. Therefore, the owner of the original key pair is assumed to * having been under control of his key up to that date. This is the rational of sliding control-time in step * 2-d).<br> * * NOTE 4: For more readability, the algorithm above implicitly assumes that the revocation information status is * signed by the certificate's issuer which is the most traditional revocation setting but not the only one. The * same algorithm can be adapted to the cases where the revocation information status has its own certificate * chain by applying the control-time sliding process to this chain which would output a control-time that has to * be compared to the control-time associated to the certificate. */ conclusion.setIndication(VALID); conclusion.addInfo().setAttribute(CONTROL_TIME, DSSUtils.formatDate(controlTime)); return conclusion; } /** * @param constraintNode */ private void addControlTime(XmlNode constraintNode) { String formatedControlTime = DSSUtils.formatDate(controlTime); constraintNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(CONTROL_TIME, formatedControlTime); } /** * @param messageTag * @return */ private XmlNode addConstraint(final MessageTag messageTag) { XmlNode constraintNode = controlTimeSlidingData.addChild(CONSTRAINT); constraintNode.addChild(NAME, messageTag.getMessage()).setAttribute(NAME_ID, messageTag.name()); return constraintNode; } private void checkEncryptionAlgoExpirationDate(final XmlDom token, final XmlNode infoContainerNode, final String message) { String encryptionAlgo = token.getValue(XP_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_USED_TO_SIGN_THIS_TOKEN); encryptionAlgo = RuleUtils.canonicalizeEncryptionAlgo(encryptionAlgo); final String encryptionKeyLength = token.getValue(XP_KEY_LENGTH_USED_TO_SIGN_THIS_TOKEN); final String algoWithKeyLength = encryptionAlgo + encryptionKeyLength; final Date algoExpirationDate = constraintData.getAlgorithmExpirationDate(algoWithKeyLength); if (algoExpirationDate != null && controlTime.after(algoExpirationDate)) { controlTime = algoExpirationDate; final String formatedCertAlgoExpirationDate = DSSUtils.formatDate(algoExpirationDate); infoContainerNode.addChild(INFO, message); infoContainerNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(ALGORITHM_EXPIRATION_DATE, formatedCertAlgoExpirationDate); } } private void checkDigestAlgoExpirationDate(final XmlDom token, final XmlNode infoContainerNode, final String message) { String digestAlgo = token.getValue(XP_DIGEST_ALGO_USED_TO_SIGN_THIS_TOKEN); digestAlgo = RuleUtils.canonicalizeSignatureAlgo(digestAlgo); final Date algoExpirationDate = constraintData.getAlgorithmExpirationDate(digestAlgo); if (algoExpirationDate != null && controlTime.after(algoExpirationDate)) { controlTime = algoExpirationDate; final String formatedCertAlgoExpirationDate = DSSUtils.formatDate(algoExpirationDate); infoContainerNode.addChild(INFO, message); infoContainerNode.addChild(INFO).setAttribute(ALGORITHM_EXPIRATION_DATE, formatedCertAlgoExpirationDate); } } }