package com.aconex.scrutineer; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; // CHECKSTYLE:OFF This is the standard JCommander pattern @Parameters(separators = "=") public class ScrutineerCommandLineOptions { @Parameter(names = "--clusterName", description = "ElasticSearch cluster name identifier", required = true) public String clusterName; @Parameter(names = "--indexName", description = "ElasticSearch index name to Verify", required = true) public String indexName; @Parameter(names = "--query", description = "ElasticSearch query to create Secondary stream. Not required to be ordered", required = false) public String query = "*"; @Parameter(names = "--jdbcDriverClass", description = "FQN of the JDBC Driver class", required = true) public String jdbcDriverClass; @Parameter(names = "--jdbcURL", description = "JDBC URL of the Connection of the Primary source", required = true) public String jdbcURL; @Parameter(names = "--jdbcUser", description = "JDBC Username", required = true) public String jdbcUser; @Parameter(names = "--jdbcPassword", description = "JDBC Password", required = false) public String jdbcPassword; @Parameter(names = "--sql", description = "SQL used to create Primary stream, which should return results in _lexicographical_ order", required = true) public String sql; @Parameter(names = "--numeric", description = "JDBC query is sorted numerically") public boolean numeric = false; @Parameter(names = "--versions-as-timestamps", description = "Assumes Version values are timestamps and are printed out in ISO8601 date/time format for convenience") public boolean versionsAsTimestamps = false; @Parameter(names = "--ignore-timestamps-during-run", description = "Will suppress any Version Mismatch warnings whose timestamps are after the start of a Scrutineer run (implies use of --versionsAsTimestamps)") public boolean ignoreTimestampsDuringRun = false; } // CHECKSTYLE:ON