package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jxl.Workbook; import jxl.write.WritableSheet; import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook; import jxl.write.WriteException; import jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PlateReaderRawDataParser { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PlateReaderRawDataParser.class); public static Pattern rowOnlyPattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]+"); public static Pattern columnOnlyPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); public interface WellFinder { public Well findWell(WellKey wellKey); } /** * For testing from the command line * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String []args) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("input_file") .isRequired() .withDescription("input file") .withLongOpt("input_file") .create("if")); Set<String> plateSizes = Sets.newHashSet(new String[] {"96","384","1536"}); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("assay_plate_size") .isRequired() .withDescription("assay plate size: " + Joiner.on(",").join(plateSizes)) .withLongOpt("assay_plate_size") .create("aps")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("library_plate_size") .isRequired() .withDescription("library plate size: " + Joiner.on(",").join(plateSizes)) .withLongOpt("library_plate_size") .create("lps")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("read out plate ordering") .isRequired() .withDescription("read out plate orderings (use first letter only, " + "do not specify whole word):" + Joiner.on(" | ").join(CollationOrder.orderings.values())) .withLongOpt("read_out_plate_ordering") .create("po")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("outputFileName") .isRequired() .withDescription("Output File Name") .withLongOpt("outputFileName") .create("o")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("plates") .isRequired() .withDescription( "Plate numbers: use ranges or individual items, separated by commas") .withLongOpt("plates") .create("p")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("readouts") .isRequired() .withDescription("Readout names, separated by commas") .withLongOpt("readouts") .create("ro")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("replicates") .withDescription("# of replicates") .withLongOpt("replicates") .create("r")); options.addOption( OptionBuilder .hasArg() .withArgName("conditions") .withDescription("list of conditions, comma separated") .withLongOpt("conditions") .create("c")); try { CommandLine cmdLine = new GnuParser().parse(options, args); String temp = cmdLine.getOptionValue("assay_plate_size"); if (!plateSizes.contains(temp)) { throw new ParseException("assay_plate_size incorrect"); } int aps = Integer.parseInt(temp); PlateSize assayPlateSize = null; for (PlateSize ps: PlateSize.values()) { if(ps.getWellCount()==aps) { assayPlateSize = ps; break; } } if(assayPlateSize == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown plate size: " + aps); temp = cmdLine.getOptionValue("library_plate_size"); if (!plateSizes.contains(temp)) { throw new ParseException("library_plate_size incorrect"); } int lps = Integer.parseInt(temp); PlateSize libraryPlateSize = null; for (PlateSize ps: PlateSize.values()) { if(ps.getWellCount()==lps) { libraryPlateSize = ps; break; } } if(libraryPlateSize == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown plate size: " + lps); int reps = 1; if(cmdLine.hasOption("replicates")) { temp = cmdLine.getOptionValue("replicates"); reps = Integer.parseInt(temp); } if (reps < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("replicate count must be > 1"); String[] replicates = new String[reps]; for(int i=0;i<reps; i++ ) replicates[i] = ("" + (char)('A'+i)); String outputFileName = cmdLine.getOptionValue("outputFileName"); String po = cmdLine.getOptionValue("read_out_plate_ordering"); CollationOrder ordering = CollationOrder.getOrder(po); if (ordering == null) { throw new ParseException("read_out_plate_ordering"); } temp = cmdLine.getOptionValue("plates"); Integer[] plates = expandPlatesArg(temp); String[] conditions = new String[] {"condition1"}; if(cmdLine.hasOption("conditions")) { conditions = cmdLine.getOptionValue("conditions").split(","); } String[] readouts = cmdLine.getOptionValue("readouts").split(","); String inputFilePath = cmdLine.getOptionValue("input_file"); MatrixOrderPattern matrixOrder = new MatrixOrder(ordering, plates, conditions, readouts, replicates); int expectedMatricesCreated = matrixOrder.getExpectedMatrixCount(); int expectedMatricesReadIn = expectedMatricesCreated * lps / aps; File inputFile = new File(inputFilePath); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile)); List<List<String[]>> parsedMatrices = parseMatrices(reader); if(parsedMatrices.size() != expectedMatricesReadIn ) { throw new Exception( "Expected matrices before collation/deconvolution: " + expectedMatricesReadIn + ", but found: " + parsedMatrices.size()); } validateMatrices(parsedMatrices, aps); // FIXME: #134 - matrix format conversion _must_ be done after putting in quadrant order List<List<String[]>> newMatrices = convertMatrixFormat(aps, lps, matrixOrder, parsedMatrices); if(newMatrices.size() != expectedMatricesCreated ) { throw new Exception( "ExpectedCount adjusted matrix count: " + expectedMatricesCreated + ", but found: " + newMatrices.size()); } // TODO! final Map<WellKey, AssayWellControlType> controlWells = Maps.newHashMap(); final WellFinder finder = new WellFinder() { @Override public Well findWell(WellKey wellKey) { return null; } }; // TODO: wire in the LibrariesDAO if desired to handle this PlateReaderRawDataParser.SheetHeaderWriter headerWriter = new PlateReaderRawDataParser.SheetHeaderWriter() { @Override public void writeHeaders( WritableSheet sheet, int baseColumns, Map<String, Integer> valueColumns) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { int col = baseColumns; sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(col++, 0, "type")); sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(col++, 0, "exclude")); for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry: valueColumns.entrySet()) { String colName = entry.getKey(); sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(col + entry.getValue(), 0, colName)); } } }; PlateReaderRawDataParser.WellWriter wellWriter = new PlateReaderRawDataParser.WellWriter() { @Override public void writeWell( WritableSheet sheet, int sheetRow, WellKey wellReadIn, int baseColumns) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { int i = 0; int typeCol = baseColumns + i++; int excludeCol = baseColumns + i++; if(controlWells.containsKey(wellReadIn)) { sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label( typeCol, sheetRow, controlWells.get(wellReadIn).getAbbreviation())); }else { Well well = finder.findWell(wellReadIn); String abbreviation = well==null ? "U" : well.getLibraryWellType().getAbbreviation(); sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(typeCol, sheetRow, abbreviation)); } } }; PlateReaderRawDataParser.WellValueWriter wellValueWriter = new PlateReaderRawDataParser.WellValueWriter() { @Override public void writeWell( WritableSheet sheet, int sheetRow, int columnPosition, String rawValue) throws NumberFormatException, RowsExceededException, WriteException { int wellColumns = 2; // for the colums written above in the wellWriter sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Number( columnPosition+wellColumns, sheetRow,Double.parseDouble(rawValue))); } }; File outputFile = File.createTempFile(outputFileName, ".xls"); writeParsedMatrices( "", aps,lps, plates, Lists.newArrayList(matrixOrder), newMatrices, headerWriter, wellWriter, wellValueWriter, outputFile); outputFile.deleteOnExit(); String finalFileName = outputFileName + ".xls"; File outFile = new File(finalFileName); copyFileUsingChannel(outputFile, outFile);"Wrote file: " + outFile); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); new HelpFormatter().printHelp("command", options, true); System.exit(1); } } /** * @param newMatrices * @param plateSize * @throws IllegalArgumentException if number of rows, or number of cols is * incorrect for the given plateSize */ public static void validateMatrices(List<List<String[]>> newMatrices, int plateSize) throws IllegalArgumentException { int expectedRows = getNumRows(plateSize); int expectedCols = getNumCols(plateSize); int matrixNumber = 0; for(List<String[]> matrix:newMatrices) { if(matrix.size() < expectedRows) { logger.debug("matrix: " + matrix); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong number of rows parsed in matrix: " + matrixNumber + ", found: " + matrix.size() + ", expected: " + expectedRows); } int rowNumber = 0; for(String[] row:matrix) { if(row.length < expectedCols) { logger.error("Wrong number of cols parsed: row: " + rowNumber + ", matrix: " + matrixNumber + ", row as read: " + Joiner.on(",").join(row)); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong number of cols parsed in matrix: " + matrixNumber + ", row: " + rowNumber +", found: " + row.length + ", expected: " + expectedCols); } rowNumber++; } matrixNumber++; } } private static void copyFileUsingChannel(File source, File dest) throws IOException { FileChannel sourceChannel = null; FileChannel destChannel = null; try { sourceChannel = new FileInputStream(source).getChannel(); destChannel = new FileOutputStream(dest).getChannel(); destChannel.transferFrom(sourceChannel, 0, sourceChannel.size()); } finally { sourceChannel.close(); destChannel.close(); } } public static List<List<String[]>> parseMatrices(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException{ String s; int line = 0; Pattern headerPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s+\\d{1,2}\\s+\\d{1,2}\\s+.*"); Pattern rowPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s?([A-Z]{1,2})\\s+[-]?\\d+.*"); List<List<String[]>> plateMatrices = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String[]> readMatrix = null; boolean inMatrix = false; while ((s = reader.readLine()) != null) { line++; Matcher headerMatcher = headerPattern.matcher(s); if (headerMatcher.matches() || inMatrix) { if (!inMatrix) { readMatrix = Lists.newArrayList(); inMatrix = true; } else { Matcher matcher = rowPattern.matcher(s); if (matcher.matches()) { String[] row = s.split("\\s+"); row = Arrays.copyOfRange(row, 1, row.length); readMatrix.add(row); }else { inMatrix = false; plateMatrices.add(readMatrix); } } } } // in case there's no empty lines after last matrix line if(!plateMatrices.contains(readMatrix)) plateMatrices.add(readMatrix);"read: " + line + ", matrices: " + plateMatrices.size()); reader.close(); return plateMatrices; } public interface SheetHeaderWriter{ public void writeHeaders( WritableSheet sheet, int baseColumns, Map<String, Integer> valueColumnLabels /*, int inputSetNumber */) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException; } public interface WellWriter{ public void writeWell( WritableSheet sheet, int sheetRow, WellKey wellReadIn, int baseColumns) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException; } public interface WellValueWriter{ public void writeWell( WritableSheet sheet, int sheetRow, int columnPosition, String rawValue) throws NumberFormatException, RowsExceededException, WriteException; } /** * Write the set of combinedPlateMatrices out to an xls file. * @param combinedPlateMatrices an ordered list of matrices, * representing either x matrices for a matrixOrder of size x, or a combined * list of * m*n matrices for n matrixOrders, where m is the sum of the sizes of * the matrixOrders. * @param plates the library plates in the order that they appear in the * combinedMatrices. * @param matrixOrders {@link MatrixOrder} for each of the plateMatrixes read in, * the matrix order defines collation; output will be per plate. */ public static void writeParsedMatrices( String sheetNamePrefix, int aps, int lps, Integer[] plates, List<MatrixOrderPattern> matrixOrders, List<List<String[]>> combinedPlateMatrices, SheetHeaderWriter sheetHeaderWriter, WellWriter wellWriter, WellValueWriter wellValueWriter, File outputFile) throws IOException, RowsExceededException, WriteException {"Write result file..."); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(outputFile); Map<Integer,WritableSheet> sheets = Maps.newHashMap(); String[] baseColumns = new String[] { "Plate", "Well"}; if(aps>lps){ baseColumns = new String[] { "Plate", "Well", "Source Plate", "Quadrant", "SourceWell"}; }else if(lps>aps){ baseColumns = new String[] { "Plate", "Well", "Quadrant", "Source Well"}; } int wellCol = 1; int i=0; for(i=0; i<plates.length; ){ String temp = ""; if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(sheetNamePrefix)) temp = sheetNamePrefix + "_"; int plate = plates[i]; if(aps>lps && i%(aps/lps)==0){ // i.e. if 1536 aps int j = i; String sourcePlateName = "" + plates[j++]; sourcePlateName += "," + plates[j++]; sourcePlateName += "," + plates[j++]; sourcePlateName += "," + plates[j++]; WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(sourcePlateName, i); sheets.put(plates[i++], sheet); sheets.put(plates[i++], sheet); sheets.put(plates[i++], sheet); sheets.put(plates[i++], sheet); }else{ sheets.put(plate,workbook.createSheet(temp + plate, i++)); } } // Write the value column header labels, map header label to column position Map<String, Integer> cumulativeColumns = Maps.newHashMap(); int cumulativeMatrixCount = 0; int inputSetNumber = 0; // First, build a list of value columns, mapped to their relative position // to the first value column for(MatrixOrderPattern matrixOrder:matrixOrders) { Map<String,Integer> columns = matrixOrder.getColumnNamesToMatrixOrder(); for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry:columns.entrySet()) { // adjust columns for cumulative position and entryset String colName = entry.getKey(); int colPosition = entry.getValue() + cumulativeMatrixCount; if(cumulativeColumns.containsKey(colName)) { // have to adjust the column name if the user duplicates the inputs // for the collation order! //colName += "_" + inputSetNumber; // (or maybe we should just require them to be different!) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "repeated input params - each file input section must have a " + "unique set (change condition or readout names)!"); } cumulativeColumns.put(colName, colPosition); } cumulativeMatrixCount += columns.size(); inputSetNumber++; }"value columns: " + cumulativeColumns); // then write the headers to all the plate/sheets for(Integer plate:plates) { WritableSheet sheet = sheets.get(plate); for(int col=0;col<baseColumns.length;col++) { sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(col, 0, baseColumns[col])); } sheetHeaderWriter.writeHeaders(sheet, baseColumns.length, cumulativeColumns); //, inputSetNumber); } // Now write the matrices cumulativeMatrixCount = 0; inputSetNumber = 0; for(MatrixOrderPattern matrixOrder:matrixOrders) {"writing matrix set: " + inputSetNumber); List<List<String[]>> plateMatrices = combinedPlateMatrices.subList( cumulativeMatrixCount, cumulativeMatrixCount+matrixOrder.getExpectedMatrixCount()); i = 0; // i == matrix(plate) number int plate = 0; int j=0; // j == plate/matrix row letter int k=0; // k == plate/matrix column number try { for(List<String[]> matrix:plateMatrices) { // Source plate/well; use aps, lps in reverse order // FIXME: quadrant is always zero if not lps,aps? int quadrant = 0; int sourcePlate = i; if(lps < aps){ quadrant = sourcePlate%(aps/lps); } String colName = matrixOrder.getColName(i); if(!cumulativeColumns.containsKey(colName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Programmer error: Unexpected column: " + colName); } int col = cumulativeColumns.get(colName) + baseColumns.length; plate = matrixOrder.getPlate(i);"matrix: " + i + ", cumulative matrix: " + (cumulativeMatrixCount+i) + ", plate: " + plate + ", colName: " + colName); WritableSheet sheet = sheets.get(plate); j=0; for(String[] row:matrix) { for(k=0;k<row.length;k++) // k=1 skip the row label { int sheetRow = quadrant*row.length*matrix.size() + j * (row.length) + k +1; String plateName = StringUtils.isEmpty(sheetNamePrefix) ? ""+plate : sheetNamePrefix + "_" + plate; // Plate sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(0,sheetRow,plateName)); //WellKey wellKey = new WellKey(plate,j,k-1 ); // j==row (letter) and k==col (number) WellKey wellKey = new WellKey(plate,j,k ); sheet.addCell( new jxl.write.Label(wellCol,sheetRow, wellKey.getWellName())); if(aps>lps) { // source plate value is the sheet name // quadrant and source well sheet.addCell( new jxl.write.Label(wellCol+1, sheetRow, "" + sheet.getName())); sheet.addCell( new jxl.write.Label(wellCol+2, sheetRow, "" + (quadrant+1))); WellName sourceWell = convertWell( new WellName(wellKey.getWellName()), lps, aps, quadrant); sheet.addCell( new jxl.write.Label(wellCol+3, sheetRow, "" + sourceWell)); }else if(lps>aps){ // source plate value is the matrix # WellName sourceWell = convertWell( new WellName(wellKey.getWellName()), lps, aps, quadrant); int internalQuadrant = deconvoluteMatrix( lps,aps,wellKey.getRow(),wellKey.getColumn()); sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(wellCol+1, sheetRow, ""+ (internalQuadrant+1) )); logger.debug("convert: aps: " + aps + ", lps: " + lps + ", " + wellKey.getWellName() + ", to: " + sourceWell ); sheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(wellCol+2, sheetRow, "" + sourceWell )); } wellWriter.writeWell(sheet, sheetRow, wellKey, baseColumns.length); wellValueWriter.writeWell(sheet, sheetRow, col, row[k]); } j++; } i++; } }catch(NumberFormatException e) { String msg = "Error parsing: matrix: " + i + " (plate: " + plate + "), row: " + getRowLetters(j) + ", col: " + k ; logger.warn(msg, e); throw new IOException(msg + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } cumulativeMatrixCount += matrixOrder.getExpectedMatrixCount(); inputSetNumber++; }// end cumulative matrix loop workbook.write(); workbook.close();"Wrote " + outputFile); } /** * Map the input well from a source screening plate to a destination * screening plate, using standard HTS interleaved mapping for 3 col : 2 row * aspect ratio screening plates */ public static int convoluteRow( int source_plate_size, int dest_plate_size, int source_matrix_quadrant, int row) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("convoluteRow: sps: " + source_plate_size + ", dps: " + dest_plate_size + ", smq: " + source_matrix_quadrant + ", row: " + row ); // note factor must be an integer value int factor = dest_plate_size/source_plate_size; return row * factor/2 + source_matrix_quadrant/(factor/2); } /** * Map the input well from a source screening plate to a destination * screening plate, using standard HTS mapping for 3 col : 2 row aspect ratio * screening plates. */ public static int convoluteCol( int source_plate_size, int dest_plate_size, int source_matrix_quadrant, int col) { // note factor must be an integer value int factor = dest_plate_size/source_plate_size; return col * factor/2 + source_matrix_quadrant%(factor/2); } /** * Map the input well from a source screening plate to a destination * screening plate, using standard HTS interleaved mapping for 3 col : 2 row * aspect ratio screening plates. */ public static int deconvoluteMatrix( int source_plate_size, int dest_plate_size, int row, int col) { // note factor must be an integer value int factor = source_plate_size/dest_plate_size; return col%(factor/2) + (row%(factor/2))*(factor/2); } /** * Map the input well from a source screening plate to a destination * screening plate, using standard HTS interleaved mapping for 3 col : 2 row * aspect ratio screening plates. * @param row using zero based index */ public static int deconvoluteRow( int source_plate_size, int dest_plate_size, int row, int col) { int destMatrixNumber = deconvoluteMatrix( source_plate_size, dest_plate_size, row, col); // note factor must be an integer value int factor = source_plate_size/dest_plate_size; return row/(factor/2)+ row%(factor/2)-destMatrixNumber/(factor/2); } /** * Map the input well from a source screening plate to a destination * screening plate, using standard HTS interleaved mapping for 3 col : 2 row * aspect ratio screening plates * @param col using zero based index */ public static int deconvoluteCol( int source_plate_size, int dest_plate_size, int row, int col) { int destMatrixNumber = deconvoluteMatrix( source_plate_size, dest_plate_size, row, col); // note factor must be an integer value int factor = source_plate_size/dest_plate_size; return col/(factor/2)+ col%(factor/2)-destMatrixNumber%(factor/2); } /** * Convert source plate plateMatrices from one plate size to another size; * either by combining quadrants into larger plates, or subdividing plates * into quadrants. * @param sourcePlateSize * @param destPlateSize * @param plateMatrices * @return */ public static List<List<String[]>> convertMatrixFormat( int sourcePlateSize, int destPlateSize, MatrixOrderPattern matrixOrder, List<List<String[]>> plateMatrices) { if(sourcePlateSize==destPlateSize) { // aps==lps return plateMatrices; } int destCols = getNumCols(destPlateSize); int destRows = getNumRows(destPlateSize); int srcCols = getNumCols(sourcePlateSize); int srcRows = getNumRows(sourcePlateSize); // convert the matrices if necessary from assay plate format to library // plate format if(sourcePlateSize < destPlateSize) { // interleave to build the lps List<List<String[]>> combinedMatrices = Lists.newArrayList(); if (destPlateSize % sourcePlateSize != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Library plate size must be a multiple of assay plate size"); int factor = destPlateSize/sourcePlateSize; if (plateMatrices.size() < factor || plateMatrices.size() % factor != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Matrices read must be a multiple of " + factor); // collect by quadrant List<List<String[]>> q1matrices = Lists.newArrayList(); List<List<String[]>> q2matrices = Lists.newArrayList(); List<List<String[]>> q3matrices = Lists.newArrayList(); List<List<String[]>> q4matrices = Lists.newArrayList(); Object[] qms = new Object[] { q1matrices,q2matrices,q3matrices,q4matrices }; for(int count = 0; count < plateMatrices.size();) { int q = count%4; if(matrixOrder!=null) q = matrixOrder.getQuadrant(count)-1; List<String[]> m = plateMatrices.get(count); ((List<List<String[]>>)qms[q]).add(m); count++; } // iterate over combined-by-quadrant matrices for(int i=0; i< q1matrices.size(); i++) { List<String[]> combinedMatrix = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int x=0;x<destRows;x++) { combinedMatrix.add(x,new String[destCols]); } for(int q=0; q<4; q++){ List<String[]> quadrantMatrix = ((List<List<String[]>>)qms[q]).get(i); for(int j=0; j< srcRows; j++) { String[] sourceRow = quadrantMatrix.get(j); for(int k=0; k<srcCols; k++) { int destRow = convoluteRow(sourcePlateSize, destPlateSize, q, j); int destCol = convoluteCol(sourcePlateSize, destPlateSize, q, k); logger.debug("sourceMatrix: " + i + "(" + (q) + ")" + ", sourceRow: " + j + ", sourceCol: " + k + ", destRow: " + destRow + ", destCol: " + destCol); String[] destRowArray = combinedMatrix.get(destRow); destRowArray[destCol] = sourceRow[k]; } } }// end quadrant matrices combinedMatrices.add(combinedMatrix); } return combinedMatrices; }else { // lps < aps // deconvoluting case if (sourcePlateSize % destPlateSize != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Assay plate size must be a multiple of library plate size"); int factor = sourcePlateSize/destPlateSize; // build output matrices List<List<String[]>> deCombinedMatrices = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int k=0;k<plateMatrices.size()*factor; k++){ List<String[]> temp = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int i=0; i< destRows; i++) { temp.add(new String[destCols]); } deCombinedMatrices.add(temp); } int plate = 0; for(List<String[]> sourceMatrix:plateMatrices) { for(int i=0;i<srcRows;i++) { for(int j=0;j<srcCols;j++) { int destQuad = deconvoluteMatrix(sourcePlateSize,destPlateSize,i,j); int destRow = deconvoluteRow(sourcePlateSize,destPlateSize,i,j); int destCol = deconvoluteCol(sourcePlateSize,destPlateSize,i,j); int destMatrixNumber = destQuad; if(matrixOrder != null) destMatrixNumber = matrixOrder.getDeconvolutedCount(plate, destQuad); List<String[]> destMatrix = deCombinedMatrices.get(destMatrixNumber); destMatrix.get(destRow)[destCol] = sourceMatrix.get(i)[j]; } } plate++; } return deCombinedMatrices; } } public static interface MatrixOrderPattern{ public int getExpectedMatrixCount(); public Integer getPlate(int matrixCount); public Integer getQuadrant(int matrixCount); public String getCondtion(int matrixCount); public String getReadout(int matrixCount); public String getReplicate(int matrixCount); public Map<String,Integer> getColumnNamesToMatrixOrder(); public String getColName(int i); /** * A quadrant step is how many matrices separate each quadrant in the * current collation. */ public int getQuadrantStep(); public List<?> getReading(int count); public int getSize(); public int getDeconvolutedCount(int count, int quadrant); public MatrixOrderPattern getDeconvolutedMatrixOrder(); } /** * Hack to make 1536 collation work, where input reads are always grouped by * 4 386 well plates in the 4 quadrants of the 1536 well input. */ public static class MatrixOrder1536 implements MatrixOrderPattern { private Integer[] originalPlates; private MatrixOrder matrixOrder; public MatrixOrder1536(CollationOrder ordering, Integer[] plates, String[] conditions, String[] readouts, String[] replicates) { this.originalPlates = plates; Integer[] plates1536 = new Integer[plates.length/4]; for(int i=0;i<plates1536.length;i++) plates1536[i] = i; Integer[] quadrants = new Integer[] {1,2,3,4}; List<PlateOrderingGroup> _ordering = Lists.newArrayList(ordering.getOrdering()); _ordering.remove(PlateOrderingGroup.Quadrants); _ordering.add(_ordering.size(), PlateOrderingGroup.Quadrants); CollationOrder ordering1536 = new CollationOrder(_ordering); this.matrixOrder = new MatrixOrder(ordering1536, plates1536, conditions, readouts, replicates, quadrants); } @Override public int getExpectedMatrixCount() { return this.matrixOrder.getExpectedMatrixCount(); } @Override public Integer getPlate(int matrixCount) { int quadrant = this.matrixOrder.getQuadrant(matrixCount); int plate1536 = this.matrixOrder.getPlate(matrixCount); return this.originalPlates[plate1536*4+(quadrant-1)]; } @Override public String getCondtion(int matrixCount) { return this.matrixOrder.getCondtion(matrixCount); } @Override public String getReadout(int matrixCount) { return this.matrixOrder.getReadout(matrixCount); } @Override public String getReplicate(int matrixCount) { return this.matrixOrder.getReplicate(matrixCount); } @Override public Integer getQuadrant(int matrixCount) { return this.matrixOrder.getQuadrant(matrixCount); } @Override public Map<String, Integer> getColumnNamesToMatrixOrder() { return this.matrixOrder.getColumnNamesToMatrixOrder(); } public String getColName(int i) { return this.matrixOrder.getColName(i); } public int getQuadrantStep() { return this.matrixOrder.getQuadrantStep(); } @Override public List<?> getReading(int count) { return this.matrixOrder.getReading(count); } @Override public int getSize() { return this.matrixOrder.getSize(); } @Override public int getDeconvolutedCount(int count, int quadrant) { return this.matrixOrder.getDeconvolutedCount(count, quadrant); } @Override public MatrixOrderPattern getDeconvolutedMatrixOrder() { return this.matrixOrder.getDeconvolutedMatrixOrder(); } } /** * Specialized "Odometer" for counting through source assay plates collated using * a combination of LibraryPlate, condition, readout and replicate ordering. */ public static class MatrixOrder implements MatrixOrderPattern { private Odometer odometer; private CollationOrder ordering; private int platePosition; private int quadrantPosition; private int conditionPosition; private int readoutPosition; private int replicatePosition; private Integer[] plates; private Integer[] quadrants; private String[] conditions; private String[] readouts; private String[] replicates; /** * A quadrant step is how many matrices are between each quadrant * @return */ public int getQuadrantStep() { int qstep = 1; if(this.quadrantPosition != 4){ for(int i=0; i!=this.quadrantPosition; i++){ qstep *= this.odometer.getCounterSize(i); } } return qstep; } public int getSize(){ return this.odometer.getSize(); } public List<?> getReading(int count){ return this.odometer.getReading(count); } public int getCount(List<?> reading){ return this.odometer.getCount(reading); } public MatrixOrderPattern getDeconvolutedMatrixOrder(){ MatrixOrder internalOrder = new MatrixOrder(ordering, plates, conditions, readouts, replicates, new Integer[]{1,2,3,4}); return internalOrder; } /** * Use count to get a reading, adjust reading to the quadrant value, then * use the new reading to get a new count. */ public int getDeconvolutedCount(int count, int quadrant){ MatrixOrder internalOrder = new MatrixOrder(ordering, plates, conditions, readouts, replicates, new Integer[]{0}); List<Object> reading = (List<Object>)internalOrder.getReading(count); reading.set(this.quadrantPosition, (Object)new Integer(quadrant+1)); return getCount(reading); } public int getNextByQuadrant(int count, int newQuadrant){ List<?> reading = getReading(count); // construct new reading, with the new quadrant // note that this is klunky due to collections interface Object[] newReading = new Object[reading.size()]; for(int i=0;i<reading.size();i++){ if(i==quadrantPosition){ newReading[i] = newQuadrant; }else{ newReading[i] = reading.get(i); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug( "count: " + count + ", reading: " + reading + ", newReading: " + ImmutableList.of(newReading)); return getCount(ImmutableList.of(newReading)); } public MatrixOrder(CollationOrder ordering, Integer[] plates, String[] conditions, String[] readouts, String[] replicates) { // create a default case for the non-1536 reads, where we aren't using quadrants. // note, if 96 input weren't converted before writing, would be needed for that this(ordering, plates, conditions, readouts, replicates, new Integer[] {0}); } public MatrixOrder( CollationOrder ordering, Integer[] plates, String[] conditions, String[] readouts, String[] replicates, Integer[] quadrants) { this.ordering = ordering; this.plates = plates; this.quadrants = quadrants; this.conditions = conditions; this.readouts = readouts; this.replicates = replicates; List<List<?>> orderings = Lists.newArrayList(); int i = 0; for(PlateOrderingGroup o:ordering) { switch(o) { case Plates: orderings.add(0,Arrays.asList(plates)); // TODO: clean up magic numbers in array reversing // - for the ordering group, first position is // highest significance, last lowest, so reversing here this.platePosition = 4-i; i++; break; case Quadrants: orderings.add(0,Arrays.asList(quadrants)); this.quadrantPosition = 4-i; i++; break; case Conditions: orderings.add(0,Arrays.asList(conditions)); this.conditionPosition = 4-i; i++; break; case Readouts: orderings.add(0,Arrays.asList(readouts)); this.readoutPosition = 4-i; i++; break; case Replicates: orderings.add(0,Arrays.asList(replicates)); this.replicatePosition = 4-i; i++; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown ordering: " + o); } } this.odometer = new Odometer(orderings.toArray(new List<?>[] {})); } public String getColName(int i) { String colName = getReadout(i); if (this.conditions.length > 1) colName += "_"+ getCondtion(i); if (this.replicates.length > 1) colName += "_" + getReplicate(i); return colName; } public Map<String,Integer> getColumnNamesToMatrixOrder() { Map<String,Integer> columns = Maps.newHashMap(); // Columns will be defined by Readout_Condition_Replicate // Columns will be in the order of the collation order List<String> columnNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int k=0;k<this.odometer.getSize();k++) { String name = this.getReadout(k); if(conditions.length > 1) name += "_" + this.getCondtion(k); if(replicates.length > 1) name += "_" + this.getReplicate(k); if(!columnNames.contains(name)) columnNames.add(name); } for(int i=0;i<columnNames.size();i++) columns.put(columnNames.get(i),i); return columns; } public int getExpectedMatrixCount() { return this.odometer.getSize(); } public Integer getPlate(int matrixCount) { return (Integer)this.odometer.getReading(matrixCount).get(this.platePosition); } public String getCondtion(int matrixCount) { return (String)this.odometer.getReading(matrixCount).get(this.conditionPosition); } public String getReadout(int matrixCount) { return (String)this.odometer.getReading(matrixCount).get(this.readoutPosition); } public String getReplicate(int matrixCount) { return (String)this.odometer.getReading(matrixCount).get(this.replicatePosition); } @Override public Integer getQuadrant(int matrixCount) { return (Integer)this.odometer.getReading(matrixCount).get(this.quadrantPosition); } public CollationOrder getOrder(){ return this.ordering; } } /** * Load arrays and iterate through them in a defined order; so that each * combination of one value from each array corresponds to a defined count * value. */ public static class Odometer { private List<?>[] counters; private String toString; private int size; /** * Load the counters with the least significant digit first - so the * opposite of how normal numbers are thought of (but not displayed, * i.e. left digit is most significant, but right is least and read first). * So, decimal numbers would be loaded: 1,000 dec loads as "0001". * @param counters */ public Odometer(List<?> ... counters) { this.counters = counters; this.size = 1; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Odometer: "); // iterate backwards, so as to display the odometer with left digits as // most significant, like arabic numerals for(int i=0;i<counters.length;i++) { List<?> list = counters[counters.length-i-1]; if(list.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Lists used for the odometer must not be empty."); buf.append("[" + Joiner.on(",").join(list) + "]"); size *= list.size(); } toString = buf.toString(); } public int getSize() { return this.size; } public int getCounterSize(int counterPosition){ return this.counters[counterPosition].size(); } public int getCount(List<?> reading){ int position = 0; int count = 0; int[] counterPositions = new int[counters.length]; for(Object o:reading){ List<?> counter = counters[position]; int counterPosition = 0; for(Object counterObject:counter){ if(counterObject.equals(o)) break; counterPosition++; } counterPositions[position] = counterPosition; position++; } int place = 1; for(int i=0;i<counterPositions.length; i++){ count += counterPositions[i] * place; place = place*counters[i].size(); } return count; } public List<?> getReading(int count) { if (count > this.getSize() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "count requested: " + count + " exceeds this counter's size: " + getSize() ); List<Object> reading = Lists.newArrayList(); int i = 0; int cumulative = -1; for(List<?> list:counters) { if(cumulative == -1) { int counter = count % list.size(); reading.add(list.get(counter)); cumulative = list.size(); }else { int counter = (count / cumulative) % list.size(); reading.add(list.get(counter)); cumulative *= list.size(); } } return reading; } public String toString() { return this.toString; } } /** * Expand a user-entered list of plates, and plate ranges into a list of plates. */ public static Integer[] expandPlatesArg(String temp) { List<Integer> plates = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] plateArgs = temp.split(","); for (String arg:plateArgs) { arg = arg.trim(); if (arg.contains("-")) { String[] range = arg.split("-"); if(range.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("range is incorrect: " + arg); } int begin = Integer.parseInt(range[0]); int end = Integer.parseInt(range[1]); // for issue #105 Preserve the user entered ordering for the plate list //if (end<begin) { int tmp=end; end=begin; begin=tmp; } int dir = 1; if (end<begin) dir = -1; for(int i=begin; i != end+dir; ){ plates.add(i); i += dir; } }else { plates.add(Integer.parseInt(arg)); } } return plates.toArray(new Integer[] {}); } /** * Parse screening plate row letter index into a zero based index for that letter. */ public static int getRow(String rowLetter) { rowLetter = rowLetter.toUpperCase(); if(rowLetter.length()==2) { if(rowLetter.charAt(0) != 'A') throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Two letter row names must begin with 'A' (only 1536 size plates allowed"); return 25 + rowLetter.charAt(1)-'A'; }else if (rowLetter.length() ==1 ) { return rowLetter.charAt(0) - 'A'; }else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Row letters may be either one or two characters long."); } } /** * Convert screening plate zero based row index into screening plate row * index letters. */ public static String getRowLetters(int row) { if(row < 0 || row > 31) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Row value outside of allowed range (0-31): " + row); if(row > 25) { return "A" + (char)( ((int)'A')+ (row-26)); }else { return "" + (char)((int)'A' + row); } } /** * Assume standard screening matrix aspect ratio: i.e. cols:3 to rows:2 */ public static int getNumCols(int plateSize) { return (int)Math.sqrt(3*plateSize/2); } /** * Assume standard screening matrix aspect ratio: i.e. cols:3 to rows:2 */ public static int getNumRows(int plateSize) { return (int)Math.sqrt(2*plateSize/3); } public static Set<Integer> allowedPlateSizes = Sets.newHashSet(new Integer[] { 96,384,1536 }); /** * Convert a row/column well name matrix index from the source plate size * into the destination plate size. * @param sourceWellName * @param sourcePlateSize * @param destinationPlateSize * @param sourceQuadrant either [0,1,2,3] if sourcePlateSize<destPlateSize, * otherwise, ignored * @return */ public static WellName convertWell( WellName sourceWellName, int sourcePlateSize, int destinationPlateSize, int sourceQuadrant) { if (sourceQuadrant < 0 || sourceQuadrant > 3){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source quadrant must from 0 to 3."); } if(!allowedPlateSizes.contains(sourcePlateSize) || ! allowedPlateSizes.contains(destinationPlateSize) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown plate size: " + sourcePlateSize + ", " + destinationPlateSize); } int sourceRow = sourceWellName.getRowIndex(); int sourceCol = sourceWellName.getColumnIndex(); if(sourcePlateSize==destinationPlateSize) return sourceWellName; if(sourcePlateSize > destinationPlateSize) { return new WellName( deconvoluteRow(sourcePlateSize, destinationPlateSize, sourceRow, sourceCol), deconvoluteCol(sourcePlateSize, destinationPlateSize, sourceRow, sourceCol)); }else { return new WellName( convoluteRow(sourcePlateSize, destinationPlateSize, sourceQuadrant, sourceRow), convoluteCol(sourcePlateSize, destinationPlateSize, sourceQuadrant, sourceCol)); } } /** * Parse user input for a (newline separated list of) labeled well ranges * (wells and well ranges) - see * {@link PlateReaderRawDataParser#expandWellRange(String, int)}, * where each range is followed on its * line by an equal sign ("=") and then the label for that range. * @param input * @param plateSize * @return */ public static Map<String,Set<WellName>> expandNamedWellRanges( String input, int plateSize) { Map<String,Set<WellName>> output = Maps.newHashMap(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) return output; // first split args String[] inputs = input.trim().split("\\n"); for(String temp:inputs) { temp = temp.trim(); String[] rangeToLabel = temp.split("="); String label = ""; String unparsedRange = rangeToLabel[0]; if(rangeToLabel.length == 2) label = rangeToLabel[1].replace("\"", ""); else if(rangeToLabel.length > 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "range to label inputs may only have one equal sign per line: re: " + temp); Set<WellName> parsedRange = expandWellRange(unparsedRange, plateSize); if(output.containsKey(label)) output.get(label).addAll(parsedRange); else output.put(label, parsedRange); } return output; } /** * Parse user input for a (comma separted list of) wells and well ranges, in * the form of * <ul> * <li> single well specifiers * <li> single row or column specifiers * <li> well blocks, defined by the upper left to the lower right well * <li> column or row blocks * </ul> * Well range elements are separated by a dash ("-"). * @param input * @param plateSize * @return */ public static Set<WellName> expandWellRange(String input, int plateSize) { Set<WellName> output = Sets.newHashSet(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) return output; // first split args String[] inputs = input.trim().split(","); for(String temp:inputs) { temp = temp.trim(); String[] range = temp.split("-"); if(range.length == 2) { if (rowOnlyPattern.matcher(range[0]).matches()) { if (!(rowOnlyPattern.matcher(range[1]).matches())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Both values of the range must be the same type, range: " + temp); int startRow = getRow(range[0]); int stopRow = getRow(range[1]); if(startRow>stopRow) { int tempVal=startRow; startRow=stopRow; stopRow=tempVal; } for(int i=1;i<=getNumCols(plateSize);i++) { for(int j=startRow; j<=stopRow; j++) { output.add(new WellName(j,i)); } } }else if (columnOnlyPattern.matcher(range[0]).matches()) { if (!(columnOnlyPattern.matcher(range[1]).matches())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Both values of the range must be the same type, range: " + temp); int startCol = Integer.parseInt(range[0]); int stopCol = Integer.parseInt(range[1]); if(startCol>stopCol) { int tempVal = startCol; startCol=stopCol; stopCol=tempVal; } for(int i=startCol; i<=stopCol; i++) { for(int j=0; j<getNumRows(plateSize); j++) { output.add(new WellName(j,i-1)); } } } else { // block defined by wells Matcher matcher1 = WellName.WELL_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(range[0]); Matcher matcher2 = WellName.WELL_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(range[1]); if(!(matcher1.matches() && matcher2.matches())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Both values in the range must be well patterns, col patterns," + " or row patterns: " + temp); WellName one = new WellName(range[0]); WellName two = new WellName(range[1]); int startRow = one.getRowIndex(); int stopRow = two.getRowIndex(); if (startRow>stopRow) { int tempVal=startRow; startRow=stopRow; stopRow=tempVal; } int startCol = one.getColumnIndex(); int stopCol = two.getColumnIndex(); if(startCol>stopCol) { int tempVal = startCol; startCol=stopCol; stopCol=tempVal; } for(int i=startCol; i<=stopCol; i++) { for(int j=startRow; j<=stopRow; j++) { output.add(new WellName(j,i)); } } } }else if (range.length == 1) { if (rowOnlyPattern.matcher(range[0]).matches()) { int rowStart = new WellName(range[0] + 1).getRowIndex(); for(int i=0;i<getNumCols(plateSize);i++) { output.add(new WellName(rowStart,i)); } }else if(columnOnlyPattern.matcher(range[0]).matches()) { // subtract 1, since user input is mean to be 1's based, // and wellname const expects zero based int colStart = new WellName(0,Integer.parseInt(range[0])).getColumnIndex()-1; for (int j=0;j<getNumRows(plateSize);j++) { output.add(new WellName(j,colStart)); } } else { if(!WellName.WELL_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(range[0]).matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value must be a well pattern, col pattern, or row pattern: " + temp); output.add(new WellName(range[0])); } }else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid well range: " + temp); } } return output; } }