package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.runner.Description; import; import; import hu.advancedweb.scott.runtime.track.StateData; import hu.advancedweb.scott.runtime.track.StateRegistry; /** * Renders the pretty-printed report optimized for terminals. * * @author David Csakvari */ public class FailureRenderer { private static SourcePathResolver sourcePathResolver = new SourcePathResolver(); public static String render(Description description, Throwable throwable) { final ScottReport scottReport = new ScottReport(); MethodSource methodSource = getTestMethodSource(description); if (methodSource != null) { fillSource(scottReport, methodSource); } fillTrackedData(scottReport); fillException(scottReport, methodSource, throwable); return renderPlain(scottReport); } private static MethodSource getTestMethodSource(Description description) { try { String testClassName = description.getTestClass().getCanonicalName(); String testSourcePath = sourcePathResolver.getSourcePath(testClassName); String testMethodName = description.getMethodName(); return new MethodSource(testSourcePath, testClassName, testMethodName); } catch (Exception e) { try { // As a fallback, look for the currently tracked method, and try to take its source. String testClassName = StateRegistry.getTestClassType().replace("/", "."); String testSourcePath = sourcePathResolver.getSourcePath(testClassName); String testMethodName = StateRegistry.getTestMethodName(); return new MethodSource(testSourcePath, testClassName, testMethodName); } catch (Exception e2) { // Ignore, we simply don't fill the test source for the report. // It's better than crashing the test run. return null; } } } private static void fillSource(ScottReport scottReport, MethodSource methodSource) { scottReport.setBeginLine(methodSource.getBeginLine()); for (String line : methodSource.getReportLines()) { scottReport.addLine(line); } } private static void fillTrackedData(ScottReport scottReport) { Map<String, String> trackedValue = new HashMap<>(); for (StateData event : StateRegistry.getLocalVariableStates()) { String lastValue = trackedValue.get(event.key); if (!event.value.equals(lastValue)) { if (event.lineNumber == 0) { scottReport.addInitialSnapshot(getInitLine(event), StateRegistry.getLocalVariableName(event.key, event.lineNumber), event.value); } else { scottReport.addSnapshot(event.lineNumber, StateRegistry.getLocalVariableName(event.key, event.lineNumber), event.value); } trackedValue.put(event.key, event.value); } } trackedValue = new HashMap<>(); for (StateData event : StateRegistry.getFieldStates()) { String lastValue = trackedValue.get(event.key); if (!event.value.equals(lastValue)) { if (event.lineNumber == 0) { scottReport.addInitialSnapshot(0, event.key, event.value); } else { scottReport.addSnapshot(event.lineNumber, event.key, event.value); } } trackedValue.put(event.key, event.value); } } private static int getInitLine(StateData event) { final String methodScope = event.key.substring(0, event.key.indexOf("\\")); if (methodScope.startsWith("lambda$")) { return StateRegistry.getMethodStartLine().get(methodScope); } else { return 0; } } private static void fillException(ScottReport scottReport, MethodSource methodSource, Throwable throwable) { Integer lineNumber = scottReport.getBeginLineNumber(); if (methodSource != null) { for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : throwable.getStackTrace()) { if (methodSource.getClassName().equals(stackTraceElement.getClassName()) && methodSource.getMethodName().equals(stackTraceElement.getMethodName())) { lineNumber = stackTraceElement.getLineNumber(); break; } } } scottReport.setException(lineNumber, throwable.getClass().getSimpleName(), throwable.getMessage()); } private static String renderPlain(ScottReport scottReport) { boolean firstLineWithBraketAppended = false; boolean initialReportAppended = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n"); int lastLineNumber = scottReport.getSourceLines().lastKey(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> line : scottReport.getSourceLines().entrySet()) { int lineNumber = line.getKey(); String lineText = line.getValue().replaceAll("\t", " "); boolean initialAdded = false; if (firstLineWithBraketAppended && initialReportAppended == false) { initialReportAppended = true; if (!scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(0).isEmpty()) { String blankLine = lineText.replaceFirst("[^\\s].*$", ""); for (Snapshot snapshot : scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(0)) { sb.append(" "); sb.append("| "); sb.append(blankLine); sb.append("// => "); sb.append( + "=" + snapshot.value.trim()); sb.append("\n"); initialAdded = true; } } } if (!scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(lineNumber - 1).isEmpty()) { String blankLine = lineText.replaceFirst("[^\\s].*$", ""); for (Snapshot snapshot : scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(lineNumber - 1)) { sb.append(" "); sb.append("| "); sb.append(blankLine); sb.append("// => "); sb.append( + "=" + snapshot.value.trim()); sb.append("\n"); initialAdded = true; } } if (lineNumber == lastLineNumber) { if (!scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(lineNumber).isEmpty()) { String blankLine = lineText.replaceFirst("[^\\s].*$", ""); for (Snapshot snapshot : scottReport.getInitialSnapshots(lineNumber)) { sb.append(" "); sb.append("| "); sb.append(blankLine); sb.append("// => "); sb.append( + "=" + snapshot.value.trim()); sb.append("\n"); initialAdded = true; } } } if (initialAdded) { String blankLine = lineText.replaceFirst("[^\\s].*$", ""); sb.append(" "); sb.append("| "); sb.append(blankLine); sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(String.format("%1$4s", lineNumber)); if (scottReport.getExceptionLineNumber() == lineNumber) { sb.append("|* "); } else { sb.append("| "); } sb.append(lineText); boolean isFirstCommentInThisLine = true; for (Snapshot variableSnapshot : scottReport.getVariableSnapshots(lineNumber)) { String[] variableSnapshotTextLines = getVariableSnapshotComment(variableSnapshot); for (String comment : variableSnapshotTextLines) { renderComment(sb, lineText, comment, isFirstCommentInThisLine); isFirstCommentInThisLine = false; } } if (scottReport.getExceptionLineNumber() == lineNumber) { String[] exceptionMessageLines = getExceptionComment(scottReport); for (String comment : exceptionMessageLines) { renderComment(sb, lineText, comment, isFirstCommentInThisLine); isFirstCommentInThisLine = false; } } sb.append("\n"); firstLineWithBraketAppended = firstLineWithBraketAppended || lineText.contains("{"); } return sb.toString(); } private static String[] getExceptionComment(ScottReport scottReport) { final String exceptionMessage; if (scottReport.getExceptionMessage() != null) { exceptionMessage = scottReport.getExceptionClassName() + ": " + scottReport.getExceptionMessage().trim(); } else { exceptionMessage = scottReport.getExceptionClassName(); } String[] exceptionMessageLines = exceptionMessage.split("\\n"); return exceptionMessageLines; } private static String[] getVariableSnapshotComment(Snapshot variableSnapshot) { final String variableSnapshotText; if ( != null) { variableSnapshotText = + "=" + variableSnapshot.value.trim(); } else { variableSnapshotText = variableSnapshot.value.trim(); } String[] variableSnapshotTextLines = variableSnapshotText.split("\\n"); return variableSnapshotTextLines; } private static void renderComment(StringBuilder sb, String lineText, String comment, boolean isFirstCommentInThisLine) { if (!isFirstCommentInThisLine) { addBlankLine(sb, lineText); } sb.append(" // "); sb.append(comment); isFirstCommentInThisLine = false; } private static void addBlankLine(StringBuilder sb, String lineText) { sb.append("\n"); sb.append(" "); sb.append("| "); sb.append(lineText.replaceAll(".", " ")); } }