/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2008-11, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and others contributors as indicated * by the @authors tag. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.savara.qa.transform; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestResult; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.savara.bpmn2.parser.choreo.BPMN2ChoreographyProtocolParser; import org.savara.common.logging.DefaultFeedbackHandler; import org.savara.contract.model.Contract; import org.savara.protocol.contract.generator.ContractGeneratorFactory; import org.savara.protocol.util.JournalProxy; import org.savara.protocol.util.ProtocolServices; import org.savara.wsdl.generator.soap.SOAPDocLitWSDLBinding; import org.savara.wsdl.internal.generator.WSDLGeneratorImpl; import org.scribble.common.logging.ConsoleJournal; import org.scribble.common.resource.Content; import org.scribble.common.resource.ResourceContent; import org.scribble.protocol.DefaultProtocolContext; import org.scribble.protocol.model.ProtocolModel; import org.scribble.protocol.model.Role; public class BPMNChoreographyToWSDLContractTest { public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("BPMN2 Choreo->WSDL Contract Transform Tests"); //suite.addTest(new BPMN2ChoreographyToWSDLContractTester("PolicyQuote", "PolicyQuoteProcess")); suite.addTest(new BPMN2ChoreographyToWSDLContractTester("PolicyQuote", "DrivingRecordService")); //suite.addTest(new BPMN2ChoreographyToWSDLContractTester("PolicyQuote", "CreditCheckService")); return suite; } protected static class BPMN2ChoreographyToWSDLContractTester extends TestCase { private String _name=null; private String _role=null; /** * This constructor is initialized with the test * name. * * @param name The test name */ public BPMN2ChoreographyToWSDLContractTester(String name, String role) { super(name+"["+role+"]"); _name = name; _role = role; } /** * This method runs the test. * * @param result The test result */ public void run(TestResult result) { // Run test result.startTest(this); String filename="qamodels/bpmn/"+_name+".bpmn"; java.net.URL url= ClassLoader.getSystemResource(filename); if (url == null) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Unable to locate resource: "+filename)); } else { ConsoleJournal journal=new ConsoleJournal(); org.scribble.protocol.model.ProtocolModel model=null; BPMN2ChoreographyProtocolParser parser=new BPMN2ChoreographyProtocolParser(); try { Content content=new ResourceContent(url.toURI()); model = parser.parse(null, content, journal); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result.addError(this, new Throwable("Parsing BPMN2 failed")); } if (model == null) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Model is null")); } else { DefaultFeedbackHandler handler=new DefaultFeedbackHandler(); org.scribble.protocol.model.Role role=null; java.util.List<org.scribble.protocol.model.Role> roles=model.getRoles(); for (int i=0; role == null && i < roles.size(); i++) { if (roles.get(i).getName().equals(_role)) { role = roles.get(i); } } if (role == null) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Role '"+_role+"' not found")); } else { DefaultProtocolContext context= new DefaultProtocolContext(ProtocolServices.getParserManager(), null); ProtocolModel local=ProtocolServices.getProtocolProjector().project(context, model, role, new JournalProxy(handler)); if (local != null) { WSDLGeneratorImpl generator=new WSDLGeneratorImpl(); Contract contract=ContractGeneratorFactory.getContractGenerator().generate(local.getProtocol(), handler); java.util.List<Definition> wsdls=generator.generate(contract, new SOAPDocLitWSDLBinding(), handler); if (wsdls != null) { if (wsdls.size() == 0) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("No WSDL generated")); } else if (wsdls.size() > 1) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Multiple ("+wsdls.size()+" WSDLs generated - only expecting 1")); } else { try { javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriter writer= javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLWriter(); java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); writer.writeWSDL(wsdls.get(0), baos); baos.close(); String text=new String(baos.toByteArray()); checkResults(result, local.getProtocol().getLocatedRole(), text); } catch(Exception e) { result.addError(this, e); } } } else { result.addError(this, new Throwable("No WSDL generated")); } } } } } result.endTest(this); } /** * This method checks the generated protocol against a * previously stored correct version. * * @param result The test result * @param role The role * @param protocol The protocol */ protected void checkResults(TestResult result, Role role, String protocol) { boolean f_valid=false; String filename=_name+"@"+role.getName()+".wsdl"; String filepath="qaresults/wsdl_from_bpmn_choreo/"+filename; java.io.InputStream is= ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(filepath); if (is != null) { try { byte[] b=new byte[is.available()]; is.read(b); is.close(); String orig=new String(b); if (orig.equals(protocol) == false) { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Generated wsdl does not match stored version")); } else { f_valid = true; } } catch(Exception e) { result.addError(this, e); } } else { /* result.addError(this, new Throwable("Resulting protocol '"+filename+ "' not found for comparison")); */ System.err.println("Generating file, as comparison file not found"); } if (f_valid == false) { String bpmn2file="qamodels/bpmn"; java.net.URL url=ClassLoader.getSystemResource(bpmn2file); if (url != null) { // URL will point to copy of test models in the classes folder, so need // to obtain reference back to source version java.io.File f=null; if (url.getFile().indexOf("target/test-classes") != -1) { f = new java.io.File(url.getFile().replaceFirst("target/test-classes","src/test/resources")); } else if (url.getFile().indexOf("classes") != -1) { f = new java.io.File(url.getFile().replaceFirst("classes","src/test/resources")); } else if (url.getFile().indexOf("bin") != -1) { f = new java.io.File(url.getFile().replaceFirst("bin","src/test/resources")); } else { result.addError(this, new Exception("Could not locate results folder to record expected result")); } if (f != null && f.exists()) { f = f.getParentFile().getParentFile(); java.io.File resultsDir=new java.io.File(f, "qaresults/wsdl_from_bpmn_choreo"); if (resultsDir.exists() == false) { resultsDir.mkdirs(); } java.io.File resultFile=new java.io.File(resultsDir, filename+".generated"); if (resultFile.exists() == false) { try { java.io.FileOutputStream fos=new java.io.FileOutputStream(resultFile); fos.write(protocol.getBytes()); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch(Exception e){ result.addError(this, e); } } else { System.err.println("NOTE: Generated output '"+resultFile+ "' already exists - not being overwritten"); } } else { result.addError(this, new Throwable("Unable to obtain URL for BPMN2 model source '"+ _name+"' role "+role.getName()+": "+url)); } } } } } }