/* * $Id$ * * SARL is an general-purpose agent programming language. * More details on http://www.sarl.io * * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 the original authors or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.janusproject; import java.util.Properties; import io.janusproject.modules.StandardJanusPlatformModule; import io.janusproject.modules.hazelcast.HazelcastKernelLoggerFactory; /** * Constants for the Janus configuration. * * @author $Author: srodriguez$ * @version $FullVersion$ * @mavengroupid $GroupId$ * @mavenartifactid $ArtifactId$ */ public final class JanusConfig { /** * The default name of the Janus platform Mainly useful for the default logger name. */ public static final String JANUS_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_NAME = "Janus SRE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the logger factory for hazelcast. * * @see #HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_VALUE */ public static final String HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_NAME = "hazelcast.logging.class"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default name of the hazelcast logger factory of Janus. * * @see #HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_NAME */ public static final String HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_VALUE = HazelcastKernelLoggerFactory.class.getName(); /** * Name of the property that contains the verbosity level of Janus. * * @see #VERBOSE_LEVEL_VALUE */ public static final String VERBOSE_LEVEL_NAME = "janus.verbose.level"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default verbosity level of Janus. * * @see #VERBOSE_LEVEL_NAME */ public static final String VERBOSE_LEVEL_VALUE = "info"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the flag for showing the Janus logo. * * @see #JANUS_LOGO_SHOW */ public static final String JANUS_LOGO_SHOW_NAME = "janus.logo.show"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default value of the flag for showing the Janus logo. * * @see #JANUS_LOGO_SHOW_NAME */ public static final Boolean JANUS_LOGO_SHOW = Boolean.TRUE; /** * Name of the property that contains the identifier of the Janus context. * * @see #DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE */ public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME = "janus.context.id"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default value for the Janus context identifier. * * @see #DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME */ public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE = "2c38fb7f-f363-4f6e-877b-110b1f07cc77"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the identifier for the default space of the Janus context. * * @see #DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_VALUE */ public static final String DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_NAME = "janus.context.space.id"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default value for the Janus space identifier. * * @see #DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_NAME */ public static final String DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_VALUE = "7ba8885d-545b-445a-a0e9-b655bc15ebe0"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that indicates if the ID of the default context must be randomly computed at boot time, or not. * * @see #DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME * @see #RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE */ public static final String RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME = "janus.context.id.random"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates if the default context id has a random value or not at each boot time. * * @see #RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME */ public static final Boolean RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE = Boolean.FALSE; /** * Name of the property that indicates if the ID of the default context must be computed from the boot agent type, or not. * * @see #DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME * @see #DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE */ public static final String BOOT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME = "janus.context.id.boot"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates if the default context id has a value computed from the boot agent type. * * @see #BOOT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME */ public static final Boolean BOOT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE = Boolean.FALSE; /** * Name of the property that contains the boolean value for offline/online. */ public static final String OFFLINE = "janus.network.offline"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the classname of the boot agent. */ public static final String BOOT_AGENT = "janus.boot.agent"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the identifier of the boot agent. */ public static final String BOOT_AGENT_ID = "janus.boot.agent.id"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the public network URI. */ public static final String PUB_URI = "network.pub.uri"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the property that contains the maximal number of threads in the pool. * * @see #MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE */ public static final String MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME = "janus.executors.threads.max"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates the maximal number of threads to keep in the pool. * * @see #MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME */ public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE = 512; /** * Name of the property that contains the minimal number of threads in the pool. * * @see #MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE */ public static final String MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME = "janus.executors.threads.min"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates the minimal number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. * * @see #MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME */ public static final int MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE = 16; /** * Name of the property that contains the duration for keeping the iddle threads alive (in seconds). * * @since */ public static final String THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_NAME = "janus.executors.threads.keepAliveDuration"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates the duration for keeping the iddle threads alive (in seconds). * * @since */ public static final int THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_VALUE = 0; /** * Name of the property that contains the numbers of seconds that the kernel is waiting for thread terminations before timeout. * * @see #KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_VALUE */ public static final String KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_NAME = "janus.executors.timeout"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates the numbers of seconds that the kernel is waiting for thread terminations before timeout. * * @see #KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_NAME */ public static final int KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 30; /** * Name of the property that contains the injection module. * * @see #INJECTION_MODULE_NAME_VALUE */ public static final String INJECTION_MODULE_NAME = "janus.injection.module"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The default name of the injection module. * * @see #INJECTION_MODULE_NAME */ public static final String INJECTION_MODULE_NAME_VALUE = StandardJanusPlatformModule.class.getName(); /** * Name of the property that contains the numbers of seconds between two purges of the terminated threads by the kernel. * * @see #KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_VALUE */ public static final String KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_NAME = "janus.executors.purgeDelay"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Indicates the numbers of seconds between two purges of the terminated threads by the kernel. * * @see #KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_NAME */ public static final int KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_VALUE = 30; /** * Name of the property that contains the name of the Janus main program from the external point of view. * * @see #JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME_VALUE */ public static final String JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME = "janus.programName"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** Default value of the property that contains the name of the Janus * main program from the external point of view. * * @see #JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME */ public static final String JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME_VALUE = "janus"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private JanusConfig() { // } /** * Replies the default values for the properties supported by Janus config. * * @param defaultValues * - filled with the default values supported by the Janus platform. */ public static void getDefaultValues(Properties defaultValues) { defaultValues.put(BOOT_AGENT, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ defaultValues.put(BOOT_AGENT_ID, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ defaultValues.put(BOOT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME, BOOT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE.toString()); defaultValues.put(DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME, DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE); defaultValues.put(DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_NAME, DEFAULT_SPACE_ID_VALUE); defaultValues.put(OFFLINE, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); defaultValues.put(PUB_URI, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ defaultValues.put(RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_NAME, RANDOM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_ID_VALUE.toString()); defaultValues.put(VERBOSE_LEVEL_NAME, VERBOSE_LEVEL_VALUE); defaultValues.put(HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_NAME, HAZELCAST_LOGGER_FACTORY_VALUE); defaultValues.put(MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME, Integer.toString(MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE)); defaultValues.put(MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME, Integer.toString(MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE)); defaultValues.put(KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_NAME, Integer.toString(KERNEL_THREAD_TIMEOUT_VALUE)); defaultValues.put(KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_NAME, Integer.toString(KERNEL_THREAD_PURGE_DELAY_VALUE)); defaultValues.put(INJECTION_MODULE_NAME, INJECTION_MODULE_NAME_VALUE); defaultValues.put(JANUS_LOGO_SHOW_NAME, JANUS_LOGO_SHOW.toString()); defaultValues.put(JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME, JANUS_PROGRAM_NAME_VALUE); } /** * Replies the value of the system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the value, or <code>null</code> if no property found. */ public static String getSystemProperty(String name) { return getSystemProperty(name, null); } /** * Replies the value of the system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static String getSystemProperty(String name, String defaultValue) { String value; value = System.getProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { return value; } value = System.getenv(name); if (value != null) { return value; } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the boolean system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the value, or <code>false</code> if no property found. */ public static boolean getSystemPropertyAsBoolean(String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsBoolean(name, false); } /** * Replies the value of the boolean system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static boolean getSystemPropertyAsBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the integer system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the value, or <code>0</code> if no property found. */ public static int getSystemPropertyAsInteger(String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsInteger(name, 0); } /** * Replies the value of the integer system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static int getSystemPropertyAsInteger(String name, int defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the single precision floating point value system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the value, or <code>0</code> if no property found. */ public static float getSystemPropertyAsFloat(String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsFloat(name, 0f); } /** * Replies the value of the single precision floating point value system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static float getSystemPropertyAsFloat(String name, float defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { return Float.parseFloat(value); } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the enumeration system property. * * @param <S> * - type of the enumeration to read. * @param type * - type of the enumeration. * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the value, or <code>null</code> if no property found. */ public static <S extends Enum<S>> S getSystemPropertyAsEnum(Class<S> type, String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsEnum(type, name, null); } /** * Replies the value of the integer system property. * * @param <S> * - type of the enumeration to read. * @param type * - type of the enumeration. * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static <S extends Enum<S>> S getSystemPropertyAsEnum(Class<S> type, String name, S defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { final S enumeration = Enum.valueOf(type, value); if (enumeration != null) { return enumeration; } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } try { final int ordinal = Integer.parseInt(value); final S enumeration = type.getEnumConstants()[ordinal]; if (enumeration != null) { return enumeration; } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param <S> * - type to reply. * @param type * - type to reply. * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the type, or <code>null</code> if no property found. */ public static <S> Class<? extends S> getSystemPropertyAsClass(Class<S> type, String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsClass(type, name, (Class<S>) null); } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param <S> * - type to reply. * @param type * - type to reply. * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static <S> Class<? extends S> getSystemPropertyAsClass(Class<S> type, String name, Class<S> defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(value); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance.asSubclass(type); } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @return the type, or <code>null</code> if no property found. */ public static Class<?> getSystemPropertyAsClass(String name) { return getSystemPropertyAsClass(name, (Class<?>) null); } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static Class<?> getSystemPropertyAsClass(String name, Class<?> defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(value); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance; } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return defaultValue; } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param <S> * - type to reply. * @param type * - type to reply. * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static <S> Class<? extends S> getSystemPropertyAsClass(Class<S> type, String name, String defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(value); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance.asSubclass(type); } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } if (defaultValue != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(defaultValue); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance.asSubclass(type); } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return null; } /** * Replies the value of the type system property. * * @param name * - name of the property. * @param defaultValue * - value to reply if the these is no property found * @return the value, or defaultValue. */ public static Class<?> getSystemPropertyAsClass(String name, String defaultValue) { final String value = getSystemProperty(name, null); if (value != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(value); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance; } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } if (defaultValue != null) { try { final Class<?> typeInstance = Class.forName(defaultValue); if (typeInstance != null) { return typeInstance; } } catch (Throwable exception) { // } } return null; } }