package; /* * #%L * SAMOA * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Yahoo! Inc. * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.samza.config.MapConfig; import org.apache.samza.job.JobRunner; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class will submit a list of Samza jobs with * the Configs generated from the input topology * * @author Anh Thu Vu * */ public class SamzaEngine { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SamzaEngine.class); /* * Singleton instance */ private static SamzaEngine engine = new SamzaEngine(); private String zookeeper; private String kafka; private int kafkaReplicationFactor; private boolean isLocalMode; private String yarnPackagePath; private String yarnConfHome; private String kryoRegisterFile; private int amMem; private int containerMem; private int piPerContainerRatio; private int checkpointFrequency; private void _submitTopology(SamzaTopology topology) { // Setup SamzaConfigFactory SamzaConfigFactory configFactory = new SamzaConfigFactory(); configFactory.setLocalMode(isLocalMode) .setZookeeper(zookeeper) .setKafka(kafka) .setYarnPackage(yarnPackagePath) .setAMMemory(amMem) .setContainerMemory(containerMem) .setPiPerContainerRatio(piPerContainerRatio) .setKryoRegisterFile(kryoRegisterFile) .setCheckpointFrequency(checkpointFrequency) .setReplicationFactor(kafkaReplicationFactor); // Generate the list of Configs List<MapConfig> configs; try { // ConfigFactory generate a list of configs // Serialize a map of PIs and store in a file in the jar at jarFilePath // (in dat/ folder) configs = configFactory.getMapConfigsForTopology(topology); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } // Create kafka streams Set<Stream> streams = topology.getStreams(); for (Stream stream:streams) { SamzaStream samzaStream = (SamzaStream) stream; List<SamzaSystemStream> systemStreams = samzaStream.getSystemStreams(); for (SamzaSystemStream systemStream:systemStreams) { // all streams should be kafka streams SystemsUtils.createKafkaTopic(systemStream.getStream(),systemStream.getParallelism(),kafkaReplicationFactor); } } // Submit the jobs with those configs for (MapConfig config:configs) {"Config:{}",config); JobRunner jobRunner = new JobRunner(config);; } } private void _setupSystemsUtils() { // Setup Utils if (!isLocalMode) SystemsUtils.setHadoopConfigHome(yarnConfHome); SystemsUtils.setZookeeper(zookeeper); } /* * Setter methods */ public static SamzaEngine getEngine() { return engine; } public SamzaEngine setZooKeeper(String zk) { this.zookeeper = zk; return this; } public SamzaEngine setKafka(String kafka) { this.kafka = kafka; return this; } public SamzaEngine setKafkaReplicationFactor(int replicationFactor) { this.kafkaReplicationFactor = replicationFactor; return this; } public SamzaEngine setCheckpointFrequency(int freq) { this.checkpointFrequency = freq; return this; } public SamzaEngine setLocalMode(boolean isLocal) { this.isLocalMode = isLocal; return this; } public SamzaEngine setYarnPackage(String yarnPackagePath) { this.yarnPackagePath = yarnPackagePath; return this; } public SamzaEngine setConfigHome(String configHome) { this.yarnConfHome = configHome; return this; } public SamzaEngine setAMMemory(int mem) { this.amMem = mem; return this; } public SamzaEngine setContainerMemory(int mem) { this.containerMem = mem; return this; } public SamzaEngine setPiPerContainerRatio(int piPerContainer) { this.piPerContainerRatio = piPerContainer; return this; } public SamzaEngine setKryoRegisterFile(String registerFile) { this.kryoRegisterFile = registerFile; return this; } /** * Submit a list of Samza jobs correspond to the submitted * topology * * @param topo * the submitted topology */ public static void submitTopology(SamzaTopology topo) { // Setup SystemsUtils engine._setupSystemsUtils(); // Submit topology engine._submitTopology(topo); } }