package; import; import monakhv.samlib.db.entity.SamLibConfig; import monakhv.samlib.http.ProxyData; import monakhv.samlib.log.Log; import*; import java.util.Properties; /* * Copyright 2015 Dmitry Monakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * 2/13/15. */ public class Settings extends AbstractSettings { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "Settings"; private static final String CONFIG_DIR = ".samlib-info"; private static final String PROPERTY_FILE = ""; //private static final String os = System.getProperty(""); private static final String home = System.getProperty("user.home"); public static final String ZERO = "0"; public static final String ONE = "1"; private static final String PROP_KEY_DATA_DIR = "PROP_KEY_DATA_DIR"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_DATA_DIR = home + sep + CONFIG_DIR; private static final String PROP_KEY_FIRST_MIRROR = "PROP_KEY_FIRST_MIRROR"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_FIRST_MIRROR = "SamLib"; private static final String PROP_KEY_USE_PROXY = "PROP_KEY_USE_PROXY"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_USE_PROXY = ZERO; private static final String PROP_KEY_PROXY_HOST = "PROP_KEY_PROXY_HOST"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_PROXY_HOST = ""; private static final String PROP_KEY_PROXY_PORT = "PROP_KEY_PROXY_PORT"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_PROXY_PORT = "3128"; private static final String PROP_KEY_PROXY_USER = "PROP_KEY_PROXY_USER"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_PROXY_USER = ""; private static final String PROP_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD = "PROP_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_PROXY_PASSWORD = ""; private static final String PROP_KEY_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG="PROP_KEY_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG=ONE; private static final String PROP_KEY_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG="PROP_KEY_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG=ZERO; private static final String PROP_KEY_BOOK_LIFE_TIME="PROP_KEY_BOOK_LIFE_TIME"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_BOOK_LIFE_TIME="365"; private static final String PROP_KEY_BOOK_FILE_TYPE="PROP_KEY_BOOK_FILE_TYPE"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_BOOK_FILE_TYPE="HTML"; private static final Properties defaultProperty; static { defaultProperty = new Properties(); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_DATA_DIR, PROP_VALUE_DATA_DIR); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_FIRST_MIRROR, PROP_VALUE_FIRST_MIRROR); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_USE_PROXY, PROP_VALUE_USE_PROXY); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_HOST, PROP_VALUE_PROXY_HOST); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PORT, PROP_VALUE_PROXY_PORT); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_USER, PROP_VALUE_PROXY_USER); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD, PROP_VALUE_PROXY_PASSWORD); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG, PROP_VALUE_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG, PROP_VALUE_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_LIFE_TIME, PROP_VALUE_BOOK_LIFE_TIME); defaultProperty.setProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_FILE_TYPE, PROP_VALUE_BOOK_FILE_TYPE); } private String proxyStrPort; private String proxyHost; private String proxyUser; private String proxyPassword; private String bookLifeTime; private boolean proxyUse; private boolean autoLoadFlag; private boolean limitBookLifeTimeFlag; private FileType fileType; private File config_dir; private Properties props; private static Settings instance; public static Settings getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Settings(); } return instance; } private Settings() { Log.checkInit(new Logger(), this); config_dir = new File(home + sep + CONFIG_DIR); if (!config_dir.isDirectory()) { config_dir.mkdir(); } File propFile = new File(config_dir, PROPERTY_FILE); props = new Properties(defaultProperty); if (propFile.exists()) {//load properties from the file try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(propFile); props.load(in); in.close(); } catch ( e) { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "read properties error using default"); } } proxyUse = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_USE_PROXY).equalsIgnoreCase(ONE); proxyStrPort = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PORT, "3128"); proxyHost = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_HOST); proxyUser = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_USER); proxyPassword = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD); autoLoadFlag=props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG).equalsIgnoreCase(ONE); limitBookLifeTimeFlag=props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG).equalsIgnoreCase(ONE); bookLifeTime=props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_LIFE_TIME); fileType=FileType.valueOf(props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_FILE_TYPE)); } private void saveBoolean(boolean value, String key){ if (value){ props.setProperty(key,ONE); } else { props.setProperty(key,ZERO); } } public void saveProperties() { saveBoolean(proxyUse,PROP_KEY_USE_PROXY); saveBoolean(autoLoadFlag,PROP_KEY_AUTO_LOAD_FLAG); saveBoolean(limitBookLifeTimeFlag,PROP_KEY_LIMIT_BOOK_LIFE_TIME_FLAG); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PORT, proxyStrPort); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_HOST,proxyHost); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_USER,proxyUser); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD,proxyPassword); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_LIFE_TIME, bookLifeTime); props.setProperty(PROP_KEY_BOOK_FILE_TYPE,; File propFile = new File(config_dir, PROPERTY_FILE); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propFile);, "save"); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "save properties error - open file"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "save properties error - sore file"); } } @Override public String getFirstMirror() { return props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_FIRST_MIRROR); } @Override public ProxyData getProxy() { if (!proxyUse) { return null; } int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(proxyStrPort); return new ProxyData(proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword); } @Override public File getDataDirectory() { String path = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_DATA_DIR, CONFIG_DIR); File dataDirectory = new File(path); if (dataDirectory.isDirectory()) { return dataDirectory; } dataDirectory.mkdirs(); return dataDirectory; } @Override public String getCollationRule() { return SamLibConfig.COLLATION_RULES_OLD; } @Override public boolean isUpdateDelay() { return false; } @Override public String getBookLifeTime() { return bookLifeTime; } public void setBookLifeTime(String bookLifeTime) { this.bookLifeTime = bookLifeTime; } @Override public FileType getFileType() { return fileType; } public void setFileType(String fileTypeS) { this.fileType = FileType.valueOf(fileTypeS); } @Override public boolean getAutoLoadFlag() { return autoLoadFlag; } public void setAutoLoadFlag(boolean autoLoadFlag) { this.autoLoadFlag = autoLoadFlag; } @Override public boolean getLimitBookLifeTimeFlag() { return limitBookLifeTimeFlag; } public void setLimitBookLifeTimeFlag(boolean limitBookLifeTimeFlag) { this.limitBookLifeTimeFlag = limitBookLifeTimeFlag; } public String getProxyStrPort() { return proxyStrPort; } public void setProxyStrPort(String proxyStrPort) { this.proxyStrPort = proxyStrPort; } public String getProxyHost() { return proxyHost; } public void setProxyHost(String proxyHost) { this.proxyHost = proxyHost; } public String getProxyUser() { return proxyUser; } public void setProxyUser(String proxyUser) { this.proxyUser = proxyUser; } public boolean isProxyUse() { return proxyUse; } public void setProxyUse(boolean proxyUse) { this.proxyUse = proxyUse; } public String getProxyPassword() { return proxyPassword; } public void setProxyPassword(String proxyPassword) { this.proxyPassword = proxyPassword; } }