package; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.ruby.codeInsight.types.signature.ClassInfo; import org.jetbrains.ruby.codeInsight.types.signature.GemInfo; import org.jetbrains.ruby.codeInsight.types.signature.MethodInfo; import org.jetbrains.ruby.codeInsight.types.signature.SignatureInfo; import java.util.Collection; /** * <p>An interface that allows for transparent working with the signatures storage.</p> * <p> * <p>The general workflow is the following:</p> * <ul> * <li>1. Determine which gem statistics are to be used. If one wants to receive code insight for some project, * they must know which gems are available at runtime. * <li>2. Since a precalculated information for the particular gem may not be available, one searches for the * closest gem version with calculated stats via {@link #getClosestRegisteredGem(GemInfo)} * <li>3. In order to get the registered classes available upon requiring the given gem one may use * {@link #getRegisteredClasses(GemInfo)} * <li>4. Given a class of a receiver object one may get the registered methods available for sending * via {@link #getRegisteredMethods(ClassInfo)} * <li>5. Given a call, which is represented as a method of a particular class in a particular gem one may * get Signature contract via {@link #getSignature(MethodInfo)}. It allows for getting params * information, deducing return type from given input types, etc. * </ul> */ public interface RSignatureProvider { @Nullable GemInfo getClosestRegisteredGem(@NotNull GemInfo usedGem) throws StorageException; @NotNull Collection<ClassInfo> getRegisteredClasses(@NotNull GemInfo gem) throws StorageException; @NotNull Collection<MethodInfo> getRegisteredMethods(@NotNull ClassInfo containerClass) throws StorageException; @Nullable SignatureInfo getSignature(@NotNull MethodInfo method) throws StorageException; }