package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import rtt.core.archive.logging.ArchiveLog; import rtt.core.archive.logging.Detail; import rtt.core.archive.logging.Entry; import rtt.core.archive.logging.EntryType; import rtt.core.archive.logging.Failure; import rtt.core.archive.logging.Result; import rtt.core.archive.logging.ResultType; import rtt.core.archive.logging.Testrun; import rtt.core.loader.ArchiveLoader; import rtt.core.loader.fetching.SimpleFileFetching; import; import; import rtt.core.utils.RTTLogging; /** * This manager provides all operations on the {@link ArchiveLog}. * * @author Christian Oelsner <> * @see AbstractDataManager * @see ArchiveLog * */ public class LogManager extends AbstractDataManager<ArchiveLog> { /** * Creates a new log manager for the given {@link ArchiveLoader}. * * @param loader * the {@link ArchiveLoader} */ public LogManager(ArchiveLoader loader) { super(loader, new SimpleFileFetching("log.xml", "")); } @Override protected ArchiveLog doLoad() throws Exception { return unmarshall(ArchiveLog.class); } @Override protected void doSave(ArchiveLog data) { marshall(ArchiveLog.class, data); } @Override protected ArchiveLog getEmptyData() { return new ArchiveLog(); } private Entry createEntry(String message, String suffix, EntryType type) { Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.setDate(getNow()); entry.setMsg(message); entry.setSuffix(suffix); entry.setType(type); return entry; } private XMLGregorianCalendar getNow() { try { XMLGregorianCalendar cal = DatatypeFactory.newInstance() .newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar()); cal.normalize(); return cal; } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { RTTLogging.trace("Could not retrieve gregorian calendar", e); return null; } } /** * Returns the {@link Entry} found from the given data. * @param type an {@link EntryType} object * @param date a {@link XMLGregorianCalendar} date object * @return an {@linkplain Entry} object */ public Entry getEntry(EntryType type, XMLGregorianCalendar date) { if (type == null || date == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntryType or date was null."); } for (Entry entry : getData().getEntry()) { if (entry.getType().equals(type) && entry.getDate().equals(date)) { return entry; } } return null; } /** * Returns a {@link Testrun} from the log. * <p> * Calls {@link #getEntry(EntryType, XMLGregorianCalendar)} with * preset {@link EntryType#TESTRUN}. * * @param date a {@link XMLGregorianCalendar} object * @return a {@link Testrun} object * @see #getEntry(EntryType, XMLGregorianCalendar) */ public Testrun getTestrun(XMLGregorianCalendar date) { return (Testrun) getEntry(EntryType.TESTRUN, date); } /** * Returns the corresponding {@link Result} from the given data. * @param testrun * @param type * @param suiteName * @param caseName * @return */ public Result getResultFromTestrun(Testrun testrun, ResultType type, String suiteName, String caseName) { if (testrun == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Testrun was null."); } for (Result result : testrun.getResult()) { if (result.getType() == type && result.getTestsuite().equals(suiteName) && result.getTestcase().equals(caseName)) { return result; } } return null; } public List<Entry> getLogEntries() { return getData().getEntry(); } /** * Adds an {@link Entry} to the {@link ArchiveLog}, with a list of * {@link Detail}s. * * @param type * the {@link EntryType} * @param message * the message of the new entry * @param suffix * the suffix of the new entry * @param details * a list of {@link Detail}s * @see #addEntry(EntryType, String, String) * @see ArchiveLog * @see Entry * @see EntryType * @see Detail */ public void addEntry(EntryType type, String message, String suffix, List<Detail> details) { Entry entry = createEntry(message, suffix, type); if (details != null) { entry.getDetail().addAll(details); } data.getEntry().add(entry); } /** * Adds an {@link Entry} to the {@link ArchiveLog}, without details. * * @param type * the {@link EntryType} * @param message * the message of the new entry * @param suffix * the suffix of the new entry * @see #addEntry(EntryType, String, String, List) * @see ArchiveLog * @see Entry * @see EntryType * @see Detail */ public void addEntry(EntryType type, String message, String suffix) { addEntry(type, message, suffix, null); } public void addTestrunResult(List<TestResult> testResults, String configName, String suiteName) { Testrun tr = new Testrun(); tr.setDate(getNow()); tr.setConfiguration(configName); tr.setType(EntryType.TESTRUN); String message = "Test run for test suite [" + suiteName + "] "; if (testResults.isEmpty()) { message += "was empty. Configuration used: "; } else { message += "executed with configuration: "; } tr.setMsg(message); tr.setSuffix(configName); tr.setTestsuite(suiteName); for (TestResult result : testResults) { Result resultEntry = new Result(); resultEntry.setTestcase(result.getCaseName()); resultEntry.setTestsuite(result.getSuiteName()); resultEntry.setRefVersion(result.getRefVersion()); resultEntry.setTestVersion(result.getTestVersion()); switch (result.getType()) { case FAILURE: List<ITestFailure> failures = result.getFailures(); for (ITestFailure failure : failures) { Failure failureEntry = new Failure(); failureEntry.setMsg(failure.getShortMessage()); resultEntry.getFailure().add(failureEntry); } resultEntry.setType(ResultType.FAILED); break; case SUCCESS: resultEntry.setType(ResultType.PASSED); break; case SKIPPED: resultEntry.setType(ResultType.SKIPPED); break; } tr.getResult().add(resultEntry); } data.getEntry().add(tr); } /** * Exports the complete {@link ArchiveLog} to a given location. * * @param location * the location, where the log should be exported * @throws Exception * thrown, if any error occur during export */ public void export(File location) throws Exception { String fileName = "log"; if (!location.isDirectory()) { fileName = location.getName(); fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); location = location.getParentFile(); if (fileName.equals("") || location == null) { throw new RuntimeException("The location of export couldn't be found. (was: " + location + ")"); } } File resultFile = new File(location.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + fileName + ".htm"); doSave(data); InputStream logStream = getInputStream(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = db.parse(logStream); StreamSource styleSource = new StreamSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/log.xslt")); TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(styleSource); Writer out = new FileWriter(resultFile); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(out); transformer.transform(source, result);"Logging File exported to: " + resultFile.getCanonicalPath()); } }