/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * https://github.com/keeps/roda */ package org.roda.wui.client.management.recaptcha; public class Recaptcha { private Recaptcha() { // do nothing } public static native void render(String key, String div, String lang) /*-{ $wnd.grecaptcha.render(div, { 'sitekey' : key, 'hl' : lang, 'theme' : 'light', 'type' : 'image' }); }-*/; public static native void reset() /*-{ $wnd.grecaptcha.reset(); }-*/; public static native String getResponse() /*-{ return $wnd.grecaptcha.getResponse(); }-*/; }