/** * Copyright (c) 2013 itemis AG and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * itemis AG - initial API and implementation * */ package org.eclipse.rmf.tests.serialization.env.emf.myreqif.util; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Switch; import org.eclipse.rmf.tests.serialization.env.emf.myreqif.*; /** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy. * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)} * to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model, * starting with the actual class of the object * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy * until a non-null result is returned, * which is the result of the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @see org.eclipse.rmf.tests.serialization.env.emf.myreqif.MyreqifPackage * @generated */ public class MyreqifSwitch<T> extends Switch<T> { /** * The cached model package * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ protected static MyreqifPackage modelPackage; /** * Creates an instance of the switch. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ public MyreqifSwitch() { if (modelPackage == null) { modelPackage = MyreqifPackage.eINSTANCE; } } /** * Checks whether this is a switch for the given package. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @parameter ePackage the package in question. * @return whether this is a switch for the given package. * @generated */ @Override protected boolean isSwitchFor(EPackage ePackage) { return ePackage == modelPackage; } /** * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call. * @generated */ @Override protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) { switch (classifierID) { case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID: { ALTERNATIVEID alternativeid = (ALTERNATIVEID)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEID(alternativeid); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE: { ALTERNATIVEIDType alternativeidType = (ALTERNATIVEIDType)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType(alternativeidType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE1: { ALTERNATIVEIDType1 alternativeidType1 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType1)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType1(alternativeidType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE2: { ALTERNATIVEIDType2 alternativeidType2 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType2)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType2(alternativeidType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE3: { ALTERNATIVEIDType3 alternativeidType3 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType3)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType3(alternativeidType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE4: { ALTERNATIVEIDType4 alternativeidType4 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType4)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType4(alternativeidType4); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE5: { ALTERNATIVEIDType5 alternativeidType5 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType5)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType5(alternativeidType5); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE6: { ALTERNATIVEIDType6 alternativeidType6 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType6)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType6(alternativeidType6); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE7: { ALTERNATIVEIDType7 alternativeidType7 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType7)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType7(alternativeidType7); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE8: { ALTERNATIVEIDType8 alternativeidType8 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType8)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType8(alternativeidType8); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE9: { ALTERNATIVEIDType9 alternativeidType9 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType9)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType9(alternativeidType9); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE10: { ALTERNATIVEIDType10 alternativeidType10 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType10)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType10(alternativeidType10); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE11: { ALTERNATIVEIDType11 alternativeidType11 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType11)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType11(alternativeidType11); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE12: { ALTERNATIVEIDType12 alternativeidType12 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType12)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType12(alternativeidType12); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE13: { ALTERNATIVEIDType13 alternativeidType13 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType13)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType13(alternativeidType13); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE14: { ALTERNATIVEIDType14 alternativeidType14 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType14)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType14(alternativeidType14); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE15: { ALTERNATIVEIDType15 alternativeidType15 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType15)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType15(alternativeidType15); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE16: { ALTERNATIVEIDType16 alternativeidType16 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType16)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType16(alternativeidType16); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE17: { ALTERNATIVEIDType17 alternativeidType17 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType17)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType17(alternativeidType17); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE18: { ALTERNATIVEIDType18 alternativeidType18 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType18)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType18(alternativeidType18); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE19: { ALTERNATIVEIDType19 alternativeidType19 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType19)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType19(alternativeidType19); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE20: { ALTERNATIVEIDType20 alternativeidType20 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType20)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType20(alternativeidType20); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE21: { ALTERNATIVEIDType21 alternativeidType21 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType21)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType21(alternativeidType21); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE22: { ALTERNATIVEIDType22 alternativeidType22 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType22)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType22(alternativeidType22); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ALTERNATIVEID_TYPE23: { ALTERNATIVEIDType23 alternativeidType23 = (ALTERNATIVEIDType23)theEObject; T result = caseALTERNATIVEIDType23(alternativeidType23); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN attributedefinitionboolean = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN(attributedefinitionboolean); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE attributedefinitiondate = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE(attributedefinitiondate); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION attributedefinitionenumeration = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION(attributedefinitionenumeration); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER attributedefinitioninteger = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER(attributedefinitioninteger); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL attributedefinitionreal = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL(attributedefinitionreal); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING attributedefinitionstring = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING(attributedefinitionstring); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML: { ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML attributedefinitionxhtml = (ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML(attributedefinitionxhtml); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN attributevalueboolean = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN(attributevalueboolean); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE attributevaluedate = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE(attributevaluedate); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION attributevalueenumeration = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION(attributevalueenumeration); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER attributevalueinteger = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER(attributevalueinteger); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL attributevaluereal = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL(attributevaluereal); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING: { ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING attributevaluestring = (ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING(attributevaluestring); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML: { ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML attributevaluexhtml = (ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML)theEObject; T result = caseATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML(attributevaluexhtml); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.CHILDREN_TYPE: { CHILDRENType childrenType = (CHILDRENType)theEObject; T result = caseCHILDRENType(childrenType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.CHILDREN_TYPE1: { CHILDRENType1 childrenType1 = (CHILDRENType1)theEObject; T result = caseCHILDRENType1(childrenType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.CORECONTENT_TYPE: { CORECONTENTType corecontentType = (CORECONTENTType)theEObject; T result = caseCORECONTENTType(corecontentType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN datatypedefinitionboolean = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN(datatypedefinitionboolean); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE datatypedefinitiondate = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE(datatypedefinitiondate); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION datatypedefinitionenumeration = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION(datatypedefinitionenumeration); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER datatypedefinitioninteger = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER(datatypedefinitioninteger); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL datatypedefinitionreal = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL(datatypedefinitionreal); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING datatypedefinitionstring = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING(datatypedefinitionstring); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML: { DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML datatypedefinitionxhtml = (DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML(datatypedefinitionxhtml); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DATATYPES_TYPE: { DATATYPESType datatypesType = (DATATYPESType)theEObject; T result = caseDATATYPESType(datatypesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE: { DEFAULTVALUEType defaultvalueType = (DEFAULTVALUEType)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType(defaultvalueType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE1: { DEFAULTVALUEType1 defaultvalueType1 = (DEFAULTVALUEType1)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType1(defaultvalueType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE2: { DEFAULTVALUEType2 defaultvalueType2 = (DEFAULTVALUEType2)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType2(defaultvalueType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE3: { DEFAULTVALUEType3 defaultvalueType3 = (DEFAULTVALUEType3)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType3(defaultvalueType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE4: { DEFAULTVALUEType4 defaultvalueType4 = (DEFAULTVALUEType4)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType4(defaultvalueType4); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE5: { DEFAULTVALUEType5 defaultvalueType5 = (DEFAULTVALUEType5)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType5(defaultvalueType5); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFAULTVALUE_TYPE6: { DEFAULTVALUEType6 defaultvalueType6 = (DEFAULTVALUEType6)theEObject; T result = caseDEFAULTVALUEType6(defaultvalueType6); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE: { DEFINITIONType definitionType = (DEFINITIONType)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType(definitionType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE1: { DEFINITIONType1 definitionType1 = (DEFINITIONType1)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType1(definitionType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE2: { DEFINITIONType2 definitionType2 = (DEFINITIONType2)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType2(definitionType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE3: { DEFINITIONType3 definitionType3 = (DEFINITIONType3)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType3(definitionType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE4: { DEFINITIONType4 definitionType4 = (DEFINITIONType4)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType4(definitionType4); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE5: { DEFINITIONType5 definitionType5 = (DEFINITIONType5)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType5(definitionType5); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DEFINITION_TYPE6: { DEFINITIONType6 definitionType6 = (DEFINITIONType6)theEObject; T result = caseDEFINITIONType6(definitionType6); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.DOCUMENT_ROOT: { DocumentRoot documentRoot = (DocumentRoot)theEObject; T result = caseDocumentRoot(documentRoot); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.EDITABLEATTS_TYPE: { EDITABLEATTSType editableattsType = (EDITABLEATTSType)theEObject; T result = caseEDITABLEATTSType(editableattsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.EMBEDDEDVALUE: { EMBEDDEDVALUE embeddedvalue = (EMBEDDEDVALUE)theEObject; T result = caseEMBEDDEDVALUE(embeddedvalue); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.ENUMVALUE: { ENUMVALUE enumvalue = (ENUMVALUE)theEObject; T result = caseENUMVALUE(enumvalue); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.OBJECT_TYPE: { OBJECTType objectType = (OBJECTType)theEObject; T result = caseOBJECTType(objectType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.PROPERTIES_TYPE: { PROPERTIESType propertiesType = (PROPERTIESType)theEObject; T result = casePROPERTIESType(propertiesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.RELATIONGROUP: { RELATIONGROUP relationgroup = (RELATIONGROUP)theEObject; T result = caseRELATIONGROUP(relationgroup); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.RELATIONGROUPTYPE: { RELATIONGROUPTYPE relationgrouptype = (RELATIONGROUPTYPE)theEObject; T result = caseRELATIONGROUPTYPE(relationgrouptype); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.REQIF: { REQIF reqif = (REQIF)theEObject; T result = caseREQIF(reqif); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.REQIFCONTENT: { REQIFCONTENT reqifcontent = (REQIFCONTENT)theEObject; T result = caseREQIFCONTENT(reqifcontent); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.REQIFHEADER: { REQIFHEADER reqifheader = (REQIFHEADER)theEObject; T result = caseREQIFHEADER(reqifheader); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.REQIFTOOLEXTENSION: { REQIFTOOLEXTENSION reqiftoolextension = (REQIFTOOLEXTENSION)theEObject; T result = caseREQIFTOOLEXTENSION(reqiftoolextension); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SOURCESPECIFICATION_TYPE: { SOURCESPECIFICATIONType sourcespecificationType = (SOURCESPECIFICATIONType)theEObject; T result = caseSOURCESPECIFICATIONType(sourcespecificationType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SOURCE_TYPE: { SOURCEType sourceType = (SOURCEType)theEObject; T result = caseSOURCEType(sourceType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECATTRIBUTES_TYPE: { SPECATTRIBUTESType specattributesType = (SPECATTRIBUTESType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECATTRIBUTESType(specattributesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECATTRIBUTES_TYPE1: { SPECATTRIBUTESType1 specattributesType1 = (SPECATTRIBUTESType1)theEObject; T result = caseSPECATTRIBUTESType1(specattributesType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECATTRIBUTES_TYPE2: { SPECATTRIBUTESType2 specattributesType2 = (SPECATTRIBUTESType2)theEObject; T result = caseSPECATTRIBUTESType2(specattributesType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECATTRIBUTES_TYPE3: { SPECATTRIBUTESType3 specattributesType3 = (SPECATTRIBUTESType3)theEObject; T result = caseSPECATTRIBUTESType3(specattributesType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECHIERARCHY: { SPECHIERARCHY spechierarchy = (SPECHIERARCHY)theEObject; T result = caseSPECHIERARCHY(spechierarchy); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECIFICATION: { SPECIFICATION specification = (SPECIFICATION)theEObject; T result = caseSPECIFICATION(specification); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECIFICATIONS_TYPE: { SPECIFICATIONSType specificationsType = (SPECIFICATIONSType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECIFICATIONSType(specificationsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECIFICATIONTYPE: { SPECIFICATIONTYPE specificationtype = (SPECIFICATIONTYPE)theEObject; T result = caseSPECIFICATIONTYPE(specificationtype); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECIFIEDVALUES_TYPE: { SPECIFIEDVALUESType specifiedvaluesType = (SPECIFIEDVALUESType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECIFIEDVALUESType(specifiedvaluesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECOBJECT: { SPECOBJECT specobject = (SPECOBJECT)theEObject; T result = caseSPECOBJECT(specobject); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECOBJECTS_TYPE: { SPECOBJECTSType specobjectsType = (SPECOBJECTSType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECOBJECTSType(specobjectsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECOBJECTTYPE: { SPECOBJECTTYPE specobjecttype = (SPECOBJECTTYPE)theEObject; T result = caseSPECOBJECTTYPE(specobjecttype); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECRELATION: { SPECRELATION specrelation = (SPECRELATION)theEObject; T result = caseSPECRELATION(specrelation); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECRELATIONGROUPS_TYPE: { SPECRELATIONGROUPSType specrelationgroupsType = (SPECRELATIONGROUPSType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECRELATIONGROUPSType(specrelationgroupsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECRELATIONS_TYPE: { SPECRELATIONSType specrelationsType = (SPECRELATIONSType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECRELATIONSType(specrelationsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECRELATIONS_TYPE1: { SPECRELATIONSType1 specrelationsType1 = (SPECRELATIONSType1)theEObject; T result = caseSPECRELATIONSType1(specrelationsType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECRELATIONTYPE: { SPECRELATIONTYPE specrelationtype = (SPECRELATIONTYPE)theEObject; T result = caseSPECRELATIONTYPE(specrelationtype); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.SPECTYPES_TYPE: { SPECTYPESType spectypesType = (SPECTYPESType)theEObject; T result = caseSPECTYPESType(spectypesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TARGETSPECIFICATION_TYPE: { TARGETSPECIFICATIONType targetspecificationType = (TARGETSPECIFICATIONType)theEObject; T result = caseTARGETSPECIFICATIONType(targetspecificationType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TARGET_TYPE: { TARGETType targetType = (TARGETType)theEObject; T result = caseTARGETType(targetType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.THEHEADER_TYPE: { THEHEADERType theheaderType = (THEHEADERType)theEObject; T result = caseTHEHEADERType(theheaderType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TOOLEXTENSIONS_TYPE: { TOOLEXTENSIONSType toolextensionsType = (TOOLEXTENSIONSType)theEObject; T result = caseTOOLEXTENSIONSType(toolextensionsType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE: { TYPEType typeType = (TYPEType)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType(typeType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE1: { TYPEType1 typeType1 = (TYPEType1)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType1(typeType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE2: { TYPEType2 typeType2 = (TYPEType2)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType2(typeType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE3: { TYPEType3 typeType3 = (TYPEType3)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType3(typeType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE4: { TYPEType4 typeType4 = (TYPEType4)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType4(typeType4); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE5: { TYPEType5 typeType5 = (TYPEType5)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType5(typeType5); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE6: { TYPEType6 typeType6 = (TYPEType6)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType6(typeType6); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE7: { TYPEType7 typeType7 = (TYPEType7)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType7(typeType7); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE8: { TYPEType8 typeType8 = (TYPEType8)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType8(typeType8); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE9: { TYPEType9 typeType9 = (TYPEType9)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType9(typeType9); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.TYPE_TYPE10: { TYPEType10 typeType10 = (TYPEType10)theEObject; T result = caseTYPEType10(typeType10); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.VALUES_TYPE: { VALUESType valuesType = (VALUESType)theEObject; T result = caseVALUESType(valuesType); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.VALUES_TYPE1: { VALUESType1 valuesType1 = (VALUESType1)theEObject; T result = caseVALUESType1(valuesType1); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.VALUES_TYPE2: { VALUESType2 valuesType2 = (VALUESType2)theEObject; T result = caseVALUESType2(valuesType2); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } case MyreqifPackage.VALUES_TYPE3: { VALUESType3 valuesType3 = (VALUESType3)theEObject; T result = caseVALUESType3(valuesType3); if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); return result; } default: return defaultCase(theEObject); } } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEID(ALTERNATIVEID object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType(ALTERNATIVEIDType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType1(ALTERNATIVEIDType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType2(ALTERNATIVEIDType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType3(ALTERNATIVEIDType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type4</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type4</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType4(ALTERNATIVEIDType4 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type5</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type5</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType5(ALTERNATIVEIDType5 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type6</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type6</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType6(ALTERNATIVEIDType6 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type7</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type7</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType7(ALTERNATIVEIDType7 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type8</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type8</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType8(ALTERNATIVEIDType8 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type9</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type9</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType9(ALTERNATIVEIDType9 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type10</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type10</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType10(ALTERNATIVEIDType10 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type11</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type11</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType11(ALTERNATIVEIDType11 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type12</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type12</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType12(ALTERNATIVEIDType12 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type13</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type13</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType13(ALTERNATIVEIDType13 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type14</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type14</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType14(ALTERNATIVEIDType14 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type15</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type15</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType15(ALTERNATIVEIDType15 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type16</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type16</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType16(ALTERNATIVEIDType16 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type17</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type17</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType17(ALTERNATIVEIDType17 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type18</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type18</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType18(ALTERNATIVEIDType18 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type19</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type19</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType19(ALTERNATIVEIDType19 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type20</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type20</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType20(ALTERNATIVEIDType20 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type21</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type21</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType21(ALTERNATIVEIDType21 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type22</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type22</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType22(ALTERNATIVEIDType22 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type23</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ALTERNATIVEID Type23</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseALTERNATIVEIDType23(ALTERNATIVEIDType23 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONDATE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONENUMERATION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONINTEGER object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONREAL object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONSTRING object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML(ATTRIBUTEDEFINITIONXHTML object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN(ATTRIBUTEVALUEBOOLEAN object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE(ATTRIBUTEVALUEDATE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION(ATTRIBUTEVALUEENUMERATION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER(ATTRIBUTEVALUEINTEGER object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL(ATTRIBUTEVALUEREAL object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING(ATTRIBUTEVALUESTRING object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML(ATTRIBUTEVALUEXHTML object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CHILDREN Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CHILDREN Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseCHILDRENType(CHILDRENType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CHILDREN Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CHILDREN Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseCHILDRENType1(CHILDRENType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CORECONTENT Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>CORECONTENT Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseCORECONTENTType(CORECONTENTType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN(DATATYPEDEFINITIONBOOLEAN object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE(DATATYPEDEFINITIONDATE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION(DATATYPEDEFINITIONENUMERATION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER(DATATYPEDEFINITIONINTEGER object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL(DATATYPEDEFINITIONREAL object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING(DATATYPEDEFINITIONSTRING object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML(DATATYPEDEFINITIONXHTML object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DATATYPES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDATATYPESType(DATATYPESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType(DEFAULTVALUEType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType1(DEFAULTVALUEType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType2(DEFAULTVALUEType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType3(DEFAULTVALUEType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type4</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type4</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType4(DEFAULTVALUEType4 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type5</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type5</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType5(DEFAULTVALUEType5 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type6</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFAULTVALUE Type6</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFAULTVALUEType6(DEFAULTVALUEType6 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType(DEFINITIONType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType1(DEFINITIONType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType2(DEFINITIONType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType3(DEFINITIONType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type4</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type4</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType4(DEFINITIONType4 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type5</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type5</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType5(DEFINITIONType5 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type6</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>DEFINITION Type6</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDEFINITIONType6(DEFINITIONType6 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Document Root</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Document Root</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseDocumentRoot(DocumentRoot object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EDITABLEATTS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EDITABLEATTS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseEDITABLEATTSType(EDITABLEATTSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EMBEDDEDVALUE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EMBEDDEDVALUE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseEMBEDDEDVALUE(EMBEDDEDVALUE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ENUMVALUE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>ENUMVALUE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseENUMVALUE(ENUMVALUE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>OBJECT Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>OBJECT Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseOBJECTType(OBJECTType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>PROPERTIES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>PROPERTIES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T casePROPERTIESType(PROPERTIESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>RELATIONGROUP</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>RELATIONGROUP</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseRELATIONGROUP(RELATIONGROUP object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>RELATIONGROUPTYPE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>RELATIONGROUPTYPE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseRELATIONGROUPTYPE(RELATIONGROUPTYPE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIF</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIF</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseREQIF(REQIF object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFCONTENT</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFCONTENT</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseREQIFCONTENT(REQIFCONTENT object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFHEADER</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFHEADER</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseREQIFHEADER(REQIFHEADER object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFTOOLEXTENSION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>REQIFTOOLEXTENSION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseREQIFTOOLEXTENSION(REQIFTOOLEXTENSION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SOURCESPECIFICATION Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SOURCESPECIFICATION Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSOURCESPECIFICATIONType(SOURCESPECIFICATIONType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SOURCE Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SOURCE Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSOURCEType(SOURCEType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECATTRIBUTESType(SPECATTRIBUTESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECATTRIBUTESType1(SPECATTRIBUTESType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECATTRIBUTESType2(SPECATTRIBUTESType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECATTRIBUTES Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECATTRIBUTESType3(SPECATTRIBUTESType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECHIERARCHY</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECHIERARCHY</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECHIERARCHY(SPECHIERARCHY object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECIFICATION(SPECIFICATION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATIONS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATIONS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECIFICATIONSType(SPECIFICATIONSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATIONTYPE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFICATIONTYPE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECIFICATIONTYPE(SPECIFICATIONTYPE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFIEDVALUES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECIFIEDVALUES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECIFIEDVALUESType(SPECIFIEDVALUESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECT</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECT</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECOBJECT(SPECOBJECT object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECTS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECTS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECOBJECTSType(SPECOBJECTSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECTTYPE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECOBJECTTYPE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECOBJECTTYPE(SPECOBJECTTYPE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATION</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATION</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECRELATION(SPECRELATION object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONGROUPS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONGROUPS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECRELATIONGROUPSType(SPECRELATIONGROUPSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECRELATIONSType(SPECRELATIONSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONS Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONS Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECRELATIONSType1(SPECRELATIONSType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONTYPE</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECRELATIONTYPE</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECRELATIONTYPE(SPECRELATIONTYPE object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECTYPES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>SPECTYPES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseSPECTYPESType(SPECTYPESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TARGETSPECIFICATION Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TARGETSPECIFICATION Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTARGETSPECIFICATIONType(TARGETSPECIFICATIONType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TARGET Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TARGET Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTARGETType(TARGETType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>THEHEADER Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>THEHEADER Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTHEHEADERType(THEHEADERType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TOOLEXTENSIONS Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TOOLEXTENSIONS Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTOOLEXTENSIONSType(TOOLEXTENSIONSType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType(TYPEType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType1(TYPEType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType2(TYPEType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType3(TYPEType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type4</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type4</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType4(TYPEType4 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type5</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type5</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType5(TYPEType5 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type6</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type6</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType6(TYPEType6 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type7</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type7</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType7(TYPEType7 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type8</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type8</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType8(TYPEType8 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type9</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type9</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType9(TYPEType9 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type10</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>TYPE Type10</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseTYPEType10(TYPEType10 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseVALUESType(VALUESType object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type1</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type1</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseVALUESType1(VALUESType1 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type2</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type2</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseVALUESType2(VALUESType2 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type3</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>VALUES Type3</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) * @generated */ public T caseVALUESType3(VALUESType3 object) { return null; } /** * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * This implementation returns null; * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway. * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @param object the target of the switch. * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'. * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) * @generated */ @Override public T defaultCase(EObject object) { return null; } } //MyreqifSwitch