package rhogenwizard; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class SysCommandExecutor { // use it to run executables with "standard" command line parser public static Decorator CRT = new Decorator(1) { public String decorate(String arg) { return decorateCrt(arg); } }; // Ruby on Windows uses special command line parser public static Decorator RUBY = new Decorator(1) { public String decorate(String arg) { return decorateRuby(arg); } }; // Some Ruby commands on Windows are batches. This decorator is for rake, // gem and so on. public static Decorator RUBY_BAT = new Decorator(2) { public String decorate(String arg) { return decorateRuby(arg); } }; private ILogDevice m_ouputLogDevice = null; private ILogDevice m_errorLogDevice = null; private String m_workingDirectory = null; private List<EnvironmentVar> m_environmentVarList = null; private StringBuffer m_cmdOutput = null; private StringBuffer m_cmdError = null; private AsyncStreamReader m_cmdOutputThread = null; private AsyncStreamReader m_cmdErrorThread = null; public void setOutputLogDevice(ILogDevice logDevice) { m_ouputLogDevice = logDevice; } public void setErrorLogDevice(ILogDevice logDevice) { m_errorLogDevice = logDevice; } public void setWorkingDirectory(String workingDirectory) { m_workingDirectory = workingDirectory; } public void setEnvironmentVar(String name, String value) { if (m_environmentVarList == null) m_environmentVarList = new ArrayList<EnvironmentVar>(); m_environmentVarList.add(new EnvironmentVar(name, value)); } public String getCommandOutput() { return m_cmdOutput.toString(); } public String getCommandError() { return m_cmdError.toString(); } public Process startCommand(Decorator decorator, List<String> commandLine, String input) throws IOException { if (m_cmdOutput != null) { m_cmdOutput.delete(0, m_cmdOutput.length()); } /* run command */ Process process = runCommandHelper(Arrays.asList(decorateCommandLine(decorator, commandLine.toArray(new String[0])))); /* close process input stream (required for WMIC on Win32) */ new AsyncStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream(), input).start(); /* start output and error read threads */ startOutputAndErrorReadThreads(process.getInputStream(), process.getErrorStream()); return process; } public int runCommand(Decorator decorator, List<String> commandLine) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return runCommand(decorator, commandLine, null); } public int runCommand(Decorator decorator, List<String> commandLine, String input) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Process process = startCommand(decorator, commandLine, input); try { return process.waitFor(); } finally { /* notify output and error read threads to stop reading */ notifyOutputAndErrorReadThreadsToStopReading(); } } private Process runCommandHelper(List<String> commandLine) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commandLine); if (m_workingDirectory != null) { File(m_workingDirectory)); } if (m_environmentVarList != null && !m_environmentVarList.isEmpty()) { for (EnvironmentVar envVar : m_environmentVarList) { pb.environment().put(envVar.m_envName, envVar.m_envValue); } } return pb.start(); } private void startOutputAndErrorReadThreads(InputStream processOut, InputStream processErr) { m_cmdOutput = new StringBuffer(); m_cmdOutputThread = new AsyncStreamReader(false, processOut, m_cmdOutput, m_ouputLogDevice, "OUTPUT"); m_cmdOutputThread.start(); m_cmdError = new StringBuffer(); m_cmdErrorThread = new AsyncStreamReader(false, processErr, m_cmdError, m_errorLogDevice, "ERROR"); m_cmdErrorThread.start(); } private void notifyOutputAndErrorReadThreadsToStopReading() throws InterruptedException { m_cmdOutputThread.join(1000); if (m_cmdOutputThread.isAlive()) { m_cmdOutputThread.stopReading(); } m_cmdErrorThread.join(1000); if (m_cmdErrorThread.isAlive()) { m_cmdErrorThread.stopReading(); } } private static String[] decorateCommandLine(Decorator decorator, String... args) { if (!OSHelper.isWindows()) { return args; } // Read this to understand command line decoration in Win32: // // In general we have to escape command line for command line parser (1) // and // then we have to escape command line for command interpreter (2). // 1 // Merge arguments into command line. // Unfortunately there is no single standard way to escape command line // arguments in Win32. // Ruby parser is different from Win32 CommandLineToArgvW. We use // decorator to implement details. String cl = mergeArgs(decorator, args); // 2 // Some characters (metacharacters) have special meaning for command // interpreter. // We have to escape them with '^' character. for (int i = 0; i < decorator.metaCount; i++) { cl = cl.replaceAll("[()%!^\"<>&|]", "^$0"); } // If argument contains space or tab then ProcessBuilder surrounds it // with quotes. // Otherwise we have to add quotes yourself. // Quotes will be removed by command interpreter. See help for cmd /s // option. if (!containsAny(cl, " \t")) { cl = '"' + cl + '"'; } return new String[] { "cmd", "/s", "/c", cl }; } private static String mergeArgs(Decorator decorator, String[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String arg : args) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(decorator.decorate(arg)); } return sb.toString(); } public static abstract class Decorator { // See MSDN "Parsing C++ Command-Line Arguments" article. protected static String decorateCrt(String arg) { String decor = (containsAny(arg, " \t")) ? "\"" : ""; return decorate(decor, "\"", arg); } // See Ruby source code: rb_w32_cmdvector function in win32.c file. protected static String decorateRuby(String arg) { String shortest = decorate("\"", "'\"", arg); if (!containsAny(arg, " \t\n")) { String candidate = decorate("", "'\"", arg); if (candidate.length() <= shortest.length()) { shortest = candidate; } } if (!arg.contains("'")) { String candidate = decorate("'", "", arg); if (candidate.length() < shortest.length()) { shortest = candidate; } } return shortest; } public final int metaCount; private Decorator(int metaCount) { this.metaCount = metaCount; } public abstract String decorate(String arg); private static String decorate(String decor, String quotes, String text) { assert decor.length() <= 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(decor); Escaper e = new Escaper(sb, quotes); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { e.append(text.charAt(i)); } e.flush(decor.length() == 1 && quotes.contains(decor)); sb.append(decor); return sb.toString(); } } private static class Escaper { private final StringBuilder m_sb; private final String m_quotes; private int m_nBackSlashes = 0; public Escaper(StringBuilder sb, String quotes) { m_sb = sb; m_quotes = quotes; } public void append(char c) { if (c == '\n') { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (c == '\\') { ++m_nBackSlashes; } else if (m_quotes.indexOf(c) != -1) { flush(true); m_sb.append("\\"); m_sb.append(c); } else { flush(false); m_sb.append(c); } } public void flush(boolean withQuote) { int n = (withQuote) ? 2 * m_nBackSlashes : m_nBackSlashes; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { m_sb.append('\\'); } m_nBackSlashes = 0; } } private static boolean containsAny(String s, CharSequence chars) { for (int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i++) { if (s.indexOf(chars.charAt(i)) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } } class EnvironmentVar { public String m_envName = null; public String m_envValue = null; public EnvironmentVar(String name, String value) { m_envName = name; m_envValue = value; } }