package com.facebook.react.bridge; import com.facebook.jni.HybridData; import com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip; /** * Class corresponding to a JS VM that can call into native modules. In Java, this should * just be treated as a black box to be used to help the framework route native->JS calls back to * the proper JS VM. See {@link ReactContext#getJSModule(ExecutorToken, Class)} and * {@link BaseJavaModule#supportsWebWorkers()}. * * Note: If your application doesn't use web workers, it will only have a single ExecutorToken * per instance of React Native. */ @DoNotStrip public class ExecutorToken { private final HybridData mHybridData; @DoNotStrip private ExecutorToken(HybridData hybridData) { mHybridData = hybridData; } }