package org.rascalmpl.eclipse.editor.proposer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal; import; import org.rascalmpl.ast.Module; import org.rascalmpl.parser.ASTBuilder; import io.usethesource.vallang.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.ITree; import io.usethesource.impulse.editor.ErrorProposal; import io.usethesource.impulse.editor.SourceProposal; import io.usethesource.impulse.parser.IParseController; import; /** * Content proposer for Rascal. */ public class ContentProposer implements IContentProposer { private class ProposalComposer extends SymbolVisitor<Boolean> { private final List<ICompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); private Prefix prefix; public List<ICompletionProposal> compose(ISymbol symbolTree, Prefix prefix) { if (symbolTree != null) { this.prefix = prefix; symbolTree.accept(this); } return proposals; } @Override public Boolean visitScope(Scope scope) { ISymbol scopeSymbol = scope.getScopeSymbol(); if (scopeSymbol != null) { scopeSymbol.accept(this); } for (ISymbol childSymbol : scope.getSymbols()) { childSymbol.accept(this); } return true; } @Override public Boolean visitSymbol(Symbol symbol) { String type = symbol.getType(); String name = symbol.getName(); String label = symbol.getLabel(); if (name.toLowerCase().contains(prefix.getText().toLowerCase())) { if (type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_function) || type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_constructor)) { proposals.add(new SourceProposal(label, name + "()", prefix.getText(), prefix.getOffset())); } else if (!type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_module)) { proposals.add(new SourceProposal(label, name, prefix.getText(), prefix.getOffset())); } } return true; } } private class ScopeFilter extends SymbolVisitor<ISymbol> { private int offset = 0; public ISymbol filterTree(ISymbol tree, int offset) { if (tree != null && offset >= 0) { this.offset = offset; return tree.accept(this); } return tree; } private boolean isOutsideModuleDeclaration(Scope scope) { ISymbol scopeSymbol = scope.getScopeSymbol(); ISourceLocation scopeLocation = scope.getLocation(); if (scopeSymbol != null && scopeSymbol.getType() == Symbol.symbol_type_module && scopeLocation != null && (scopeLocation.getOffset() + scopeLocation.getLength()) < offset) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isWithin(ISymbol tree) { if (tree == null || tree.getLocation() == null || offset < 0) { return false; } int begin = tree.getLocation().getOffset(); int end = begin + tree.getLocation().getLength(); return begin <= offset && end > offset; } @Override public ISymbol visitScope(Scope scope) { if (isOutsideModuleDeclaration(scope)) { // In case of parse errors and the request is "outside of the file", // return everything instead of nothing for convinience. return scope; } if (isWithin(scope)) { Scope filteredScope = new Scope(scope.getScopeSymbol(), scope.getLocation()); for (ISymbol childSymbol : scope.getSymbols()) { filteredScope.addSymbol(childSymbol.accept(this)); } return filteredScope; } else if (scope.getScopeSymbol() != null) { return scope.getScopeSymbol(); } return null; } @Override public ISymbol visitSymbol(Symbol symbol) { return symbol; } } private class SymbolLabeler extends SymbolVisitor<ISymbol> { List<ISymbol> scopeChildren = null; public ISymbol generate(ISymbol symbolTree) { return symbolTree.accept(this); } private String getArgumentLabel() { String argumentList = ""; if (scopeChildren != null) { for (ISymbol scopeChild : scopeChildren) { if (scopeChild.getType().equals(Symbol.symbol_type_arg)) { if (!argumentList.isEmpty()) { argumentList += ", "; } argumentList += scopeChild.getAttribute(Symbol.symbol_attribute_datatype) + " " + scopeChild.getName(); } } } return argumentList; } @Override public ISymbol visitScope(Scope scope) { scopeChildren = scope.getSymbols(); if (scope.getScopeSymbol() != null) { scope.getScopeSymbol().accept(this); } scopeChildren = null; for (ISymbol childSymbol : scope.getSymbols()) { childSymbol.accept(this); } return scope; } @Override public ISymbol visitSymbol(Symbol symbol) { String type = symbol.getType(); String name = symbol.getName(); String datatype = symbol.getAttribute(Symbol.symbol_attribute_datatype); if (datatype == null) datatype = Symbol.symbol_datatype_unknown; if (type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_function) || type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_constructor)) { String argumentList = getArgumentLabel(); symbol.setLabel(name + "(" + argumentList + ") - " + datatype + " - " + type); } else if (type.equals(Symbol.symbol_type_adt)) { symbol.setLabel(name + " - " + type); } else { symbol.setLabel(name + " - " + datatype + " - " + type); } return symbol; } } ISymbol cachedSymbolTree; int previousDocumentHash = 0; private final String identifier_allowed_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\\_-"; private void createProposals(int offset, List<ICompletionProposal> proposals, Prefix prefix, ISymbol symbolTree, boolean filterScope) { ISymbol filteredSymbolTree = symbolTree; if (filterScope) { ScopeFilter filter = new ScopeFilter(); filteredSymbolTree = filter.filterTree(symbolTree, offset); } proposals.addAll(new ProposalComposer().compose(filteredSymbolTree, prefix)); } @Override public ICompletionProposal[] getContentProposals(IParseController parseController, int requestOffset, ITextViewer textViewer) { int currentDocumentHash = parseController.getDocument().get().hashCode(); List<ICompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); ITree tree = (ITree) parseController.getCurrentAst(); Point selection = textViewer.getSelectedRange(); Prefix prefix = Prefix.getPrefix(parseController.getDocument(), selection.x, selection.y, identifier_allowed_chars); if (tree != null) { ISymbol symbolTree = null; if (currentDocumentHash != previousDocumentHash) { ASTBuilder builder = new ASTBuilder(); Module moduleAST = builder.buildModule(tree); symbolTree = SymbolTreeCreator.create(moduleAST); if (symbolTree != null) { SymbolLabeler labeler = new SymbolLabeler(); symbolTree = labeler.generate(symbolTree); cachedSymbolTree = symbolTree; } } else { symbolTree = cachedSymbolTree; } if (symbolTree != null) { createProposals(requestOffset, proposals, prefix, symbolTree, true); } } else { if (cachedSymbolTree != null) { createProposals(requestOffset, proposals, prefix, cachedSymbolTree, false); } else { proposals.add(new ErrorProposal("No proposals available: syntax errors.", requestOffset)); } } if (proposals.size() == 0) { proposals.add(new ErrorProposal("No proposals available.", requestOffset)); } previousDocumentHash = currentDocumentHash; return proposals.toArray(new ICompletionProposal[proposals.size()]); } }