package org.rakam.automation; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.DefaultCookie; import org.rakam.Mapper; import org.rakam.collection.Event; import org.rakam.config.EncryptionConfig; import org.rakam.plugin.EventMapper; import org.rakam.plugin.SyncEventMapper; import org.rakam.plugin.user.User; import org.rakam.plugin.user.UserStorage; import org.rakam.util.CryptUtil; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; @Singleton @Mapper(name = "Automation Event Processor", description = "Processes automation rules and take action if the user is completed the steps") public class AutomationEventProcessor implements SyncEventMapper { private static final String PROPERTY_KEY = "_auto"; private static final String PROPERTY_ACTION_KEY = "_auto_action"; private final Provider<UserStorage> userStorageProvider; private final Provider<UserAutomationService> serviceProvider; private UserAutomationService service; private UserStorage userStorage; private final EncryptionConfig encryptionConfig; private static final List<Cookie> clearData; static { DefaultCookie defaultCookie = new DefaultCookie(PROPERTY_KEY, ""); defaultCookie.setMaxAge(0); clearData = ImmutableList.of(defaultCookie); } @Inject public AutomationEventProcessor( Provider<UserAutomationService> service, Provider<UserStorage> storage, EncryptionConfig encryptionConfig) { this.encryptionConfig = encryptionConfig; this.userStorageProvider = storage; this.serviceProvider = service; } @Override public void init() { this.userStorage = userStorageProvider.get(); this.service = serviceProvider.get(); } @Override public List<Cookie> map(Event event, RequestParams extraProperties, InetAddress sourceAddress, HttpHeaders responseHeaders) { final List<AutomationRule> automationRules = service.list(event.project()); if (automationRules == null) { return null; } ScenarioState[] value; try { value = extractState(extraProperties); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return clearData; } boolean stateChanged = false; List<String> actions = null; ScenarioState[] newStates = null; int newIdx = 0; for (AutomationRule automationRule : automationRules) { if (!automationRule.isActive) { continue; } int ruleId =; ScenarioState state = null; if (value != null) { for (ScenarioState scenarioState : value) { if (ruleId == scenarioState.ruleId) { state = scenarioState; } } } if (state == null) { if (newStates == null) { newStates = new ScenarioState[automationRules.size()]; if (value != null) { for (ScenarioState scenarioState : value) { newStates[newIdx++] = scenarioState; } } } state = new ScenarioState(ruleId, 0, 0); newStates[newIdx++] = state; } AutomationRule.ScenarioStep scenarioStep = automationRule.scenarios.get(state.state); if (event.collection().equals(scenarioStep.collection) && scenarioStep.filterPredicate.test(event)) { stateChanged |= updateState(scenarioStep, state, event); if (state.state >= automationRule.scenarios.size()) { state.state = 0; state.threshold = 0; // state is already changed if (actions == null) { actions = new ArrayList<>(); } for (AutomationRule.SerializableAction action : automationRule.actions) { Supplier<User> supplier = new Supplier<User>() { private User user; @Override public User get() { if (user == null) { String userAttr = event.getAttribute("_user"); if (userAttr != null) { user = userStorage.getUser(event.project(), userAttr).join(); } } return user; } }; action.getAction().process(event.project(), supplier, action.value); } } } } if (actions != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); for (String action : actions) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(','); } try { builder.append(encoder.encodeToString(action.getBytes("UTF-8"))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } responseHeaders.set(PROPERTY_ACTION_KEY, builder.toString()); } return stateChanged ? ImmutableList.of(new DefaultCookie(PROPERTY_KEY, encodeState(newStates == null ? value : newStates))) : null; } private String encodeState(ScenarioState[] states) { if (states == null) { return null; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (ScenarioState scenarioState : states) { if (scenarioState != null) { builder.append(scenarioState.ruleId).append(':').append(scenarioState.state).append(':').append(scenarioState.threshold); } } String secureKey = CryptUtil.encryptWithHMacSHA1(builder.toString(), encryptionConfig.getSecretKey()); builder.append('|').append(secureKey); return builder.toString(); } private boolean updateState(AutomationRule.ScenarioStep scenarioStep, ScenarioState state, Event event) { switch (scenarioStep.threshold.aggregation) { case count: String fieldName = scenarioStep.threshold.fieldName; if (fieldName == null || (fieldName != null && event.getAttribute(fieldName) != null)) { if (state.threshold == scenarioStep.threshold.value) { state.state += 1; state.threshold = 0; } else { state.threshold += 1; } return true; } break; case sum: Number val = event.getAttribute(scenarioStep.threshold.fieldName); if (val != null) { int newVal = state.threshold + val.intValue(); if (state.threshold <= newVal) { state.state += 1; state.threshold = 0; } else { state.threshold += newVal; } return true; } break; } return false; } private ScenarioState[] extractState(RequestParams extraProperties) throws IllegalStateException { ScenarioState[] value; String val = extraProperties.cookies().stream().filter(e -> .findAny().map(e -> e.value()).orElse(null); if (val == null) { return null; } String[] cookie = val.split("\\|", 2); if (cookie.length != 2 || !CryptUtil.encryptWithHMacSHA1(cookie[0], encryptionConfig.getSecretKey()).equals(cookie[1])) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } String[] values = cookie[0].split(","); value = new ScenarioState[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { final String[] split = values[i].split(":", 3); final ScenarioState scenarioState; try { scenarioState = new ScenarioState(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.parseInt(split[2])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } value[i] = scenarioState; } return null; } private static class ScenarioState { public final int ruleId; public int state; public int threshold; public ScenarioState(int ruleId, int state, int threshold) { this.ruleId = ruleId; this.state = state; this.threshold = threshold; } } }