package com.sdk.snippets.modules; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.quickblox.core.QBEntityCallback; import com.quickblox.core.exception.QBResponseException; import com.quickblox.core.helper.StringifyArrayList; import com.quickblox.core.request.QBRequestGetBuilder; import com.quickblox.core.request.QBRequestUpdateBuilder; import com.quickblox.core.request.QueryRule; import com.quickblox.users.model.QBUser; import com.sdk.snippets.core.ApplicationConfig; import com.sdk.snippets.core.Snippet; import com.sdk.snippets.core.SnippetAsync; import com.sdk.snippets.core.Snippets; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.DiscussionHistory; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** * User: Igor Khomenko * Date: 1.07.14 */ public class SnippetsChat extends Snippets { private static final String TAG = SnippetsChat.class.getSimpleName(); // Chat service // private QBChatService chatService; //Chat API 3.0 private QBChatDialog privateChatDialog; private QBChatDialog groupChatDialog; private QBChatDialogMessageListener privateChatDialogMessageListener; private QBChatDialogMessageListener groupChatDialogMessageListener; private QBChatDialogMessageSentListener privateChatDialogMessageSentListener; private QBChatDialogMessageSentListener groupChatDialogMessageSentListener; private QBChatDialogTypingListener privateChatDialogTypingListener; private QBChatDialogTypingListener groupChatDialogTypingListener; private QBChatDialogMessageListener globalChatDialogMessageListener; // Message statuses // private QBMessageStatusesManager messageStatusesManager; private QBMessageStatusListener messageStatusListener; // System messages // private QBSystemMessagesManager systemMessagesManager; private QBSystemMessageListener systemMessageListener; private QBChatDialogParticipantListener participantListener; // Roster // private QBRoster сhatRoster; private QBRosterListener rosterListener; private QBSubscriptionListener subscriptionListener; // Privacy lists // private QBPrivacyListsManager privacyListsManager; private QBPrivacyListListener privacyListListener; public SnippetsChat(final Context context) { super(context); // Init Chat service initChatService(); // Init 1-1 listeners initPrivateChatMessageListener(); initIsTypingListener(); initMessageSentListener(); // Init Group listeners initGroupChatMessageListener(); initParticipantListener(); // Init Roster and its listeners initRosterListener(); initSubscriptionListener(); // snippets.add(loginInChat); snippets.add(loginInChatSynchronous); // snippets.add(isLoggedIn); // snippets.add(logoutFromChat); snippets.add(logoutFromChatSynchronous); // // snippets.add(enableCarbons); snippets.add(disableCarbons); snippets.add(getCarbonsEnabled); // // snippets.add(sendPrivateMessageExtended); // // snippets.add(sendIsTypingInPrivateChat); snippets.add(sendStopTypingInPrivateChat); snippets.add(sendIsTypingInGroupChat); snippets.add(sendStopTypingInGroupChat); // // snippets.add(readMessagePrivateChat); snippets.add(deliverMessagePrivateChat); snippets.add(readMessageGroupChat); snippets.add(deliverMessageGroupChat); // // snippets.add(joinRoom); snippets.add(joinRoomSynchronous); snippets.add(sendMessageToRoomExtended); snippets.add(sendMessageToRoomWithoutJoin); snippets.add(getOnlineRoomUsersSynchronous); snippets.add(leaveRoom); // // snippets.add(getDialogs); snippets.add(getDialogsSynchronous); snippets.add(getDialogsCount); snippets.add(getDialogsCountSynchronous); snippets.add(createGroupDialog); snippets.add(createGroupDialogSynchronous); snippets.add(createPrivateDialog); snippets.add(createPrivateDialogSynchronous); snippets.add(updateDialog); snippets.add(updateDialogSynchronous); snippets.add(deleteDialog); snippets.add(deleteDialogSynchronous); // snippets.add(getMessages); snippets.add(getMessagesSynchronous); snippets.add(markMessagesAsRead); snippets.add(markMessagesAsReadSynchronous); snippets.add(deleteMessages); snippets.add(deleteMessagesSynchronous); snippets.add(createMessage); snippets.add(createMessageSynchronous); // // snippets.add(sendPresence); snippets.add(getRosterUsers); snippets.add(getUserPresence); snippets.add(addUserToRoster); snippets.add(removeUserFromRoster); snippets.add(confirmAddRequest); snippets.add(rejectAddRequest); // // snippets.add(getPrivacyLists); snippets.add(getPrivacyList); snippets.add(setPrivacyList); snippets.add(deletePrivacyList); snippets.add(setDefaultPrivacyList); // // snippets.add(enterInactiveState); snippets.add(enterActiveState); // // snippets.add(pingServer); snippets.add(pingServerSynchronous); // // snippets.add(sendSystemMessage); } private void initChatService() { QBChatService.ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = new QBChatService.ConfigurationBuilder(); configurationBuilder.setKeepAlive(true) .setSocketTimeout(0); QBChatService.setConfigurationBuilder(configurationBuilder); QBChatService.setDebugEnabled(true); QBChatService.setDefaultPacketReplyTimeout(10000); chatService = QBChatService.getInstance(); chatService.addConnectionListener(chatConnectionListener); // stream management chatService.setUseStreamManagement(true); // chatService.setUseStreamManagementResumption(true); } private void initMessageSentListener() { privateChatDialogMessageSentListener = new QBChatDialogMessageSentListener() { @Override public void processMessageSent(String dialogId, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("message " + qbChatMessage.getId() + " sent to dialog " + dialogId); } @Override public void processMessageFailed(String dialogId, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("send message " + qbChatMessage.getId() + " has failed to dialog " + dialogId); } }; groupChatDialogMessageSentListener = new QBChatDialogMessageSentListener() { @Override public void processMessageSent(String dialogId, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("message " + qbChatMessage.getId() + " sent to dialog " + dialogId); } @Override public void processMessageFailed(String dialogId, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("send message " + qbChatMessage.getId() + " has failed to dialog " + dialogId); } }; } private void initMessageStatusManagerAndListener() { messageStatusesManager = chatService.getMessageStatusesManager(); messageStatusListener = new QBMessageStatusListener() { @Override public void processMessageDelivered(String messageId, String dialogId, Integer userId) { log("message delivered: " + messageId + " to user " + userId + ". DialogId: " + dialogId); } @Override public void processMessageRead(String messageId, String dialogId, Integer userId) { log("message read: " + messageId + " to user " + userId + ". DialogId: " + dialogId); } }; messageStatusesManager.addMessageStatusListener(messageStatusListener); } private void initGlobalMessageListener() { globalChatDialogMessageListener = new QBChatDialogMessageListener() { @Override public void processMessage(String dialogId, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer senderId) { QBRestChatService.getChatDialogById(dialogId).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog chatDialog, Bundle bundle) { log(chatDialog.getType().toString() + " chat with id " + chatDialog.getDialogId() + " downloaded"); if (QBDialogType.PRIVATE.equals(chatDialog.getType())){ privateChatDialog = chatDialog; privateChatDialog.addMessageListener(privateChatDialogMessageListener); privateChatDialog.addMessageSentListener(privateChatDialogMessageSentListener); privateChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(privateChatDialogTypingListener); } else { groupChatDialog = chatDialog; groupChatDialog.addMessageListener(groupChatDialogMessageListener); groupChatDialog.addMessageSentListener(groupChatDialogMessageSentListener); groupChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(groupChatDialogTypingListener); } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException e) { log("Error loading dialog from global message listener: " + e); } }); } @Override public void processError(String dialogId, QBChatException e, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer senderId) { log("Received error message to message listener"); } }; QBChatService.getInstance().getIncomingMessagesManager().addDialogMessageListener(globalChatDialogMessageListener); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// Login/Logout ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet loginInChat = new Snippet("login to Chat") { @Override public void execute() { // Init Chat service // initChatService(); // init test user final QBUser qbUser = new QBUser(); qbUser.setId(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId1()); qbUser.setPassword(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserPassword1()); chatService.login(qbUser, new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { log("success when login"); initGlobalMessageListener(); // // Add Chat message listener initRoster(); initPrivacyListsManager(); initPrivacyListsListener(); initMessageStatusManagerAndListener(); initSystemMessagesManagerAndListener(); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { log("error when login: " + errors); } }); } }; Snippet loginInChatSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("login to Chat (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { // Init Chat service // initChatService(); // init test user QBUser qbUser = new QBUser(); qbUser.setId(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId1()); qbUser.setPassword(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserPassword1()); log("login with user: " + qbUser.getId()); if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { try { chatService.login(qbUser); } catch (SmackException | IOException | XMPPException e) { setException(e); } } } @Override protected void postExecute() { super.postExecute(); final Exception exc = getException(); if (exc == null) { initGlobalMessageListener(); log("success when login"); initRoster(); initPrivacyListsManager(); initPrivacyListsListener(); initMessageStatusManagerAndListener(); initSystemMessagesManagerAndListener(); } else { log("error when login: " + exc.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet isLoggedIn = new Snippet("Is logged In") { @Override public void execute() { boolean isLoggedIn = chatService.isLoggedIn(); log("isLoggedIn:" + isLoggedIn); } }; Snippet logoutFromChat = new Snippet("Logout from Chat") { @Override public void execute() { chatService.logout(new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { log("Logout success"); // chatService.destroy(); } @Override public void onError(final QBResponseException list) { log("Logout error:" + list); } }); } }; Snippet logoutFromChatSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Logout from Chat (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { try { chatService.logout(); // // chatService.destroy(); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { setException(e); } } @Override protected void postExecute() { super.postExecute(); final Exception exc = getException(); if (exc == null) { log("Logout success"); } else { log("Logout error: " + exc.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; ConnectionListener chatConnectionListener = new ConnectionListener() { @Override public void connected(XMPPConnection connection) { log("connected"); } @Override public void authenticated(XMPPConnection connection, boolean authenticated) { log("authenticated"); } @Override public void connectionClosed() { log("connectionClosed"); } @Override public void connectionClosedOnError(final Exception e) { log("connectionClosedOnError: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); log("isLoggedIn: " + chatService.isLoggedIn()); } @Override public void reconnectingIn(final int seconds) { if (seconds % 5 == 0) { log("reconnectingIn: " + seconds); } } @Override public void reconnectionSuccessful() { log("reconnectionSuccessful"); } @Override public void reconnectionFailed(final Exception error) { log("reconnectionFailed: " + error.getLocalizedMessage()); } }; // ////////////////////////////////////////// Carbons ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet enableCarbons = new Snippet("enable carbons") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } try { chatService.enableCarbons(); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("enable carbons error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException e) { log("enable carbons error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet disableCarbons = new Snippet("disable carbons") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } try { chatService.disableCarbons(); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("disable carbons error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException e) { log("disable carbons error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet getCarbonsEnabled = new Snippet("get carbons enabled") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } boolean isEnabled = chatService.getCarbonsEnabled(); log("carbons enabled: " + isEnabled); } }; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// 1-1 Chat ///////////////////////////////////////////// // private void initPrivateChatMessageListener() { // Create 1-1 chat is message listener // privateChatDialogMessageListener = new QBChatDialogMessageListener() { @Override public void processMessage(String s, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer integer) { log("received message: " + qbChatMessage.getId()); if (qbChatMessage.getSenderId().equals(chatService.getUser().getId())) { log("Message comes here from carbons"); } } @Override public void processError(String s, QBChatException e, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer integer) { log("processError: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }; } private void initIsTypingListener() { // // // Create 'is typing' listener // // groupChatDialogTypingListener = new QBChatDialogTypingListener() { @Override public void processUserIsTyping(String dialogId, Integer senderId) { log("user " + senderId + " is typing. Group dialog id: " + dialogId); } @Override public void processUserStopTyping(String dialogId, Integer senderId) { log("user " + senderId + " stop typing. Group dialog id: " + dialogId); } }; privateChatDialogTypingListener = new QBChatDialogTypingListener() { @Override public void processUserIsTyping(String dialogId, Integer senderId) { log("user " + senderId + " is typing. Private dialog id: " + dialogId); } @Override public void processUserStopTyping(String dialogId, Integer senderId) { log("user " + senderId + " stop typing. Private dialog id: " + dialogId); } }; } private void initSystemMessagesManagerAndListener() { systemMessagesManager = chatService.getSystemMessagesManager(); systemMessageListener = new QBSystemMessageListener() { @Override public void processMessage(QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("process System Message: " + qbChatMessage); } @Override public void processError(QBChatException e, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage) { log("process System Message error: " + e); } }; systemMessagesManager.addSystemMessageListener(systemMessageListener); } Snippet sendPrivateMessageExtended = new Snippet("send private message") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } else if (privateChatDialog == null){ log("Please create private dialog first"); return; } // create a message final QBChatMessage chatMessage = new QBChatMessage(); chatMessage.setBody("Hey " + new Random().nextInt()); chatMessage.setProperty("name", "bob"); chatMessage.setProperty("lastname", "boblast"); chatMessage.setSaveToHistory(true); chatMessage.setMarkable(true); // long time = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; // chatMessage.setProperty("date_sent", time + ".431"); // attach a photo QBAttachment attachment = new QBAttachment("photo"); attachment.setId("111"); attachment.setUrl(""); chatMessage.addAttachment(attachment); // QBAttachment attachment2 = new QBAttachment("video"); attachment2.setId("222"); attachment2.setUrl(""); chatMessage.addAttachment(attachment2); privateChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(privateChatDialogTypingListener); privateChatDialog.addMessageSentListener(privateChatDialogMessageSentListener); try { privateChatDialog.sendMessage(chatMessage); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("send message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; // ////////////////////////////////////// Typing notifications ////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet sendIsTypingInPrivateChat = new Snippet("send is typing (private chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (privateChatDialog == null){ log("Please create private dialog first"); return; } privateChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(privateChatDialogTypingListener); try { privateChatDialog.sendIsTypingNotification(); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("send typing error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet sendStopTypingInPrivateChat = new Snippet("send stop typing (private chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (privateChatDialog == null){ log("Please create private dialog first"); return; } privateChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(privateChatDialogTypingListener); try { privateChatDialog.sendStopTypingNotification(); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("send stop typing error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet sendIsTypingInGroupChat = new Snippet("send is typing (group chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog.isJoined()) { log("Please join room first"); return; } try { groupChatDialog.sendIsTypingNotification(); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("send typing error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("send typing error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet sendStopTypingInGroupChat = new Snippet("send stop typing (group chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog.isJoined()) { log("Please join room first"); return; } try { groupChatDialog.sendStopTypingNotification(); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("send typing error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("send typing error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; // /////////////////////////////////////// Read/Delivered ////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet readMessagePrivateChat = new Snippet("read message (private chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (privateChatDialog == null){ log("Please create private dialog first"); return; } QBChatMessage status = new QBChatMessage(); status.setId("267477ab5612312312414124"); status.setDialogId("267477ab5612312312414124"); try { privateChatDialog.readMessage(status); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("read message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; Snippet deliverMessagePrivateChat = new Snippet("deliver message (private chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (privateChatDialog == null){ log("Please create private dialog first"); return; } QBChatMessage status = new QBChatMessage(); status.setId("267477ab5612312312414124"); status.setDialogId("267477ab5612312312414124"); try { privateChatDialog.deliverMessage(status); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("deliver message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; Snippet readMessageGroupChat = new Snippet("deliver message (group chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (!groupChatDialog.isJoined()) { log("Please join room first"); return; } try { QBChatMessage status = new QBChatMessage(); status.setId("267477ab5612312312414124"); status.setSenderId(567); status.setDialogId("267477ab5612312312414124"); groupChatDialog.readMessage(status); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("read message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("read message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet deliverMessageGroupChat = new Snippet("deliver message (group chat)") { @Override public void execute() { if (!groupChatDialog.isJoined()) { log("Please join room first"); return; } try { QBChatMessage status = new QBChatMessage(); status.setId("267477ab5612312312414124"); status.setSenderId(567); status.setDialogId("267477ab5612312312414124"); groupChatDialog.deliverMessage(status); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("deliver message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("deliver message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// Group Chat ///////////////////////////////////////////// // private void initGroupChatMessageListener() { groupChatDialogMessageListener = new QBChatDialogMessageListener(){ @Override public void processMessage(String s, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer integer) { log("group chat: " + s + ", processMessage: " + qbChatMessage); } @Override public void processError(String s, QBChatException e, QBChatMessage qbChatMessage, Integer integer) { log("Group chat: " + s + ", Error: " + e.getCondition().toString()); } }; } private void initParticipantListener() { participantListener = new QBChatDialogParticipantListener() { @Override public void processPresence(String s, QBPresence qbPresence) { log("groupChat: " + s + ", presence: " + qbPresence); } }; } Snippet joinRoom = new Snippet("join Room") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } final DiscussionHistory history = new DiscussionHistory(); history.setMaxStanzas(0); final QBEntityCallback clbck = new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { log("join Room success"); // add listeners groupChatDialog.addMessageListener(groupChatDialogMessageListener); groupChatDialog.addParticipantListener(participantListener); groupChatDialog.addMessageSentListener(groupChatDialogMessageSentListener); groupChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(groupChatDialogTypingListener); } @Override public void onError(final QBResponseException list) { log("join Room error: " + list); } }; groupChatDialog.join(history, clbck); } }; Snippet joinRoomSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("join Room (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } DiscussionHistory history = new DiscussionHistory(); history.setMaxStanzas(10); try { groupChatDialog = QBRestChatService.getChatDialogById(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestDialogId()).perform(); log("dialog ID: " + groupChatDialog.getDialogId()); groupChatDialog.join(history); // add listeners groupChatDialog.addMessageListener(groupChatDialogMessageListener); groupChatDialog.addParticipantListener(participantListener); groupChatDialog.addIsTypingListener(groupChatDialogTypingListener); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException e) { setException(e); } catch (QBResponseException e) { log("Getting dialog error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } @Override protected void postExecute() { super.postExecute(); if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { return; } final Exception exc = getException(); if (exc == null) { log("Join room success"); } else { log("Join error: " + exc.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet sendMessageToRoomExtended = new Snippet("send message to room") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } else if (!groupChatDialog.isJoined()){ log("Please join room first"); return; } // create a message QBChatMessage chatMessage = new QBChatMessage(); chatMessage.setProperty("save_to_history", "1"); // Save to Chat 2.0 history chatMessage.setBody("Testing qb awesome"); chatMessage.setMarkable(true); try { groupChatDialog.sendMessage(chatMessage); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("Send message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log("Send message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; Snippet sendMessageToRoomWithoutJoin = new Snippet("send message to room", "w/o join") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } groupChatDialog.addMessageListener(groupChatDialogMessageListener); log("currentChatRoom: " + groupChatDialog); // create a message QBChatMessage chatMessage = new QBChatMessage(); chatMessage.setBody("Testing qb awesome"); chatMessage.setProperty("save_to_history", "1"); // Save to Chat 2.0 history chatMessage.setMarkable(true); try { groupChatDialog.sendMessageWithoutJoin(chatMessage); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("Send message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log("Send message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; Snippet getOnlineRoomUsersSynchronous = new Snippet("get online room users") { @Override public void execute() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } else if (!groupChatDialog.isJoined()){ log("Please join room first"); return; } Collection<Integer> onlineRoomUsers = null; try { onlineRoomUsers = groupChatDialog.getOnlineUsers(); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("get online users error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } String onlineUser = "online users: "; if (onlineRoomUsers != null) { for (Integer userID : onlineRoomUsers) { onlineUser += userID; onlineUser += ", "; } } log(onlineUser); } }; Snippet leaveRoom = new SnippetAsync("leave room", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (groupChatDialog == null) { log("Please create group dialog first"); return; } else if (!groupChatDialog.isJoined()){ log("Please join room first"); return; } try { groupChatDialog.leave(); groupChatDialog = null; } catch (XMPPException | SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { setException(e); } } @Override protected void postExecute() { super.postExecute(); if (groupChatDialog == null) { return; } final Exception exc = getException(); if (exc == null) { log("Leave success"); } else { log("Leave error: " + exc.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// Chat_2.0 ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet getDialogs = new Snippet("Get Dialogs") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()){ //TODO VT need delete after fix QBANDRSDK-526 log("Please login first"); return; } QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); requestBuilder.setLimit(100); requestBuilder.addRule("data[class_name]", QueryRule.EQ, "Advert"); QBRestChatService.getChatDialogs(null, requestBuilder).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<ArrayList<QBChatDialog>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ArrayList<QBChatDialog> dialogs, Bundle args) { Log.i(TAG, "dialogs: " + dialogs); QBChatDialog dialog = dialogs.get(0); Log.i(TAG, "arr: " + dialog.getCustomData().getArray("arr")); Log.i(TAG, "bbb: " + dialog.getCustomData().getBoolean("bbb")); Log.i(TAG, "fff: " + dialog.getCustomData().getFloat("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "fff2: " + dialog.getCustomData().get("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "iii: " + dialog.getCustomData().getInteger("iii")); Log.i(TAG, "name: " + dialog.getCustomData().getString("name")); try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); Log.i(TAG, "ddd: " + dialog.getCustomData().getDate("ddd", format)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet getDialogsSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Get Dialogs (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()){ //TODO VT need delete after fix QBANDRSDK-526 log("Please login first"); return; } QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); requestBuilder.setLimit(100); requestBuilder.addRule("data[class_name]", QueryRule.EQ, "Advert"); // requestBuilder.addParameter("data[class_name]", "Advert"); // List<QBChatDialog> chatDialogsList = null; try { chatDialogsList = QBRestChatService.getChatDialogs(null, requestBuilder).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } if (chatDialogsList != null) { Log.i(TAG, "chatDialogsList: " + chatDialogsList); } } }; Snippet getDialogsCount = new Snippet("Get Dialogs count") { @Override public void execute() { // QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); // requestBuilder.all("occupants_ids", "76,58"); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); // QBRestChatService.getChatDialogsCount(requestBuilder, bundle).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Integer integer, Bundle bundle) { Log.i(TAG, "dialogsCount: " + integer); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet getDialogsCountSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Get Dialogs count (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); // QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); // requestBuilder.all("occupants_ids", "76,58"); // int dialogsCount = -1; try { dialogsCount = QBRestChatService.getChatDialogsCount(requestBuilder, bundle).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } Log.i(TAG, "dialogsCount: " + dialogsCount); } }; Snippet createGroupDialog = new Snippet("Create Group Dialog") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } ArrayList<Integer> occupantIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); occupantIdsList.add(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2()); occupantIdsList.add(301); QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog(); dialog.setName("Chat with Garry and John"); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); dialog.setType(QBDialogType.GROUP); dialog.setOccupantsIds(occupantIdsList); // HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); // data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); // data.put("data[name]", "bingo"); final String myLocation = Double.toString(23.45454) + "," + Double.toString(0.4456); // data.put("data[arr]", myLocation); // dialog.setData(data); QBDialogCustomData data = new QBDialogCustomData("Advert"); data.putString("name", "bingo"); data.putArray("arr", Arrays.asList(new Double[]{1.32, 2.56})); data.putBoolean("bbb", true); data.putFloat("fff", 45.676f); data.putInteger("iii", 56); data.putDate("ddd", new Date()); data.putLocation("loc", Arrays.asList(new Double[]{3.78, 4.87})); dialog.setCustomData(data); QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog dialog, Bundle args) { groupChatDialog = dialog; Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + dialog); Log.i(TAG, "arr: " + dialog.getCustomData().getArray("arr")); Log.i(TAG, "bbb: " + dialog.getCustomData().getBoolean("bbb")); Log.i(TAG, "fff: " + dialog.getCustomData().getFloat("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "fff2: " + dialog.getCustomData().get("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "iii: " + dialog.getCustomData().getInteger("iii")); Log.i(TAG, "name: " + dialog.getCustomData().getString("name")); try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); Log.i(TAG, "ddd: " + dialog.getCustomData().getDate("ddd", format)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet createGroupDialogSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Create Group Dialog (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (!QBChatService.getInstance().isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } ArrayList<Integer> occupantIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); occupantIdsList.add(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2()); occupantIdsList.add(301); // QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog(); dialog.setName("Chat with Garry and John"); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); dialog.setType(QBDialogType.GROUP); dialog.setOccupantsIds(occupantIdsList); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); data.put("data[name]", "bingo"); dialog.setCustomData(new QBDialogCustomData(data)); try { groupChatDialog = QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } if (groupChatDialog != null) { Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + groupChatDialog); } } }; Snippet createPrivateDialog = new Snippet("Create Private Dialog") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } ArrayList<Integer> occupantIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); occupantIdsList.add(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2()); QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog(); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); dialog.setType(QBDialogType.PRIVATE); dialog.setOccupantsIds(occupantIdsList); // HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); // data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); // data.put("data[name]", "bingo"); final String myLocation = Double.toString(23.45454) + "," + Double.toString(0.4456); // data.put("data[arr]", myLocation); // dialog.setData(data); QBDialogCustomData data = new QBDialogCustomData("Advert"); data.putString("name", "bingo"); data.putArray("arr", Arrays.asList(new Double[]{1.32, 2.56})); data.putBoolean("bbb", true); data.putFloat("fff", 45.676f); data.putInteger("iii", 56); data.putDate("ddd", new Date()); data.putLocation("loc", Arrays.asList(new Double[]{3.78, 4.87})); dialog.setCustomData(data); QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog dialog, Bundle args) { privateChatDialog = dialog; Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + dialog); Log.i(TAG, "arr: " + dialog.getCustomData().getArray("arr")); Log.i(TAG, "bbb: " + dialog.getCustomData().getBoolean("bbb")); Log.i(TAG, "fff: " + dialog.getCustomData().getFloat("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "fff2: " + dialog.getCustomData().get("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "iii: " + dialog.getCustomData().getInteger("iii")); Log.i(TAG, "name: " + dialog.getCustomData().getString("name")); try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); Log.i(TAG, "ddd: " + dialog.getCustomData().getDate("ddd", format)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet createPrivateDialogSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Create Private Dialog (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } ArrayList<Integer> occupantIdsList = new ArrayList<>(); occupantIdsList.add(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2()); // QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog(); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); dialog.setType(QBDialogType.PRIVATE); dialog.setOccupantsIds(occupantIdsList); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); data.put("data[name]", "bingo"); dialog.setCustomData(new QBDialogCustomData(data)); try { privateChatDialog = QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } if (groupChatDialog != null) { Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + groupChatDialog); } } }; Snippet updateDialog = new Snippet("Update Dialog") { @Override public void execute() { if (!QBChatService.getInstance().isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } QBRequestUpdateBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestUpdateBuilder(); // requestBuilder.pullAll(, 378); QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog("56aa3d7da28f9a5b1f0000cf"); dialog.setName("Chat with Garry and John"); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); // HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); // data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); // data.put("data[name]", "bingo2"); // dialog.setData(data); QBDialogCustomData data = new QBDialogCustomData("Advert"); data.putString("name", "bingo4"); data.putArray("arr", Arrays.asList(new Double[]{99.0, 100.0, 101.0})); dialog.setCustomData(data); QBRestChatService.updateGroupChatDialog(dialog, requestBuilder).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog dialog, Bundle args) { Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + dialog); Log.i(TAG, "arr: " + dialog.getCustomData().getArray("arr")); Log.i(TAG, "bbb: " + dialog.getCustomData().getBoolean("bbb")); Log.i(TAG, "fff: " + dialog.getCustomData().getFloat("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "fff2: " + dialog.getCustomData().get("fff")); Log.i(TAG, "iii: " + dialog.getCustomData().getInteger("iii")); Log.i(TAG, "name: " + dialog.getCustomData().getString("name")); try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); Log.i(TAG, "ddd: " + dialog.getCustomData().getDate("ddd", format)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet updateDialogSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Update Dialog (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (!QBChatService.getInstance().isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog("5444bba7535c121d3302245f"); dialog.setName("Chat with Garry and John"); dialog.setPhoto("452444"); QBRequestUpdateBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestUpdateBuilder(); requestBuilder.pullAll(, 378); // Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); // data.put("data[class_name]", "Advert"); // data.put("data[title]", "bingo"); // dialog.setData(data); QBChatDialog updatedDialog = null; try { updatedDialog = QBRestChatService.updateGroupChatDialog(dialog, requestBuilder).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } if (updatedDialog != null) { Log.i(TAG, "dialog: " + updatedDialog); } } }; Snippet deleteDialog = new Snippet("Delete Dialog") { @Override public void execute() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } String dialogID = "5444bba7535c121d3302245f"; QBRestChatService.deleteDialog(dialogID, true).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { Log.i(TAG, "dialog deleted"); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet deleteDialogSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Delete Dialog (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { if (!chatService.isLoggedIn()) { log("Please login first"); return; } String dialogID = "5444bbc7535c12e10f0233be"; try { QBRestChatService.deleteDialog(dialogID, true).perform(); Log.i(TAG, "dialog deleted"); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } } }; Snippet getMessages = new Snippet("Get Messages", "with dialog id") { @Override public void execute() { QBChatDialog qbDialog = new QBChatDialog(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestDialogId()); QBRequestGetBuilder customObjectRequestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); customObjectRequestBuilder.setLimit(100); QBRestChatService.getDialogMessages(qbDialog, customObjectRequestBuilder).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<ArrayList<QBChatMessage>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ArrayList<QBChatMessage> messages, Bundle args) { for (QBChatMessage msg : messages) { Log.i(TAG, "message\n: " + msg); // Deliver messages (group) // try { // groupChatDialog.deliverMessage(msg); // } catch (XMPPException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // Deliver messages (private) // try { // privateChatDialog.deliverMessage(msg); // } catch (XMPPException e) { // log("deliver message error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); // } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { // log("deliver message error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); // } } } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet getMessagesSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Get Messages (synchronous)", "with dialog id", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { QBRequestGetBuilder customObjectRequestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); customObjectRequestBuilder.setLimit(100); QBChatDialog dialog = new QBChatDialog(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestDialogId()); List<QBChatMessage> dialogMessagesList = null; try { dialogMessagesList = QBRestChatService.getDialogMessages(dialog, customObjectRequestBuilder).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } if (dialogMessagesList != null) { for (QBChatMessage msg : dialogMessagesList) { Log.i(TAG, "message\n: " + msg); } } } }; Snippet markMessagesAsRead = new Snippet("Mark Messages as read") { @Override public void execute() { StringifyArrayList<String> messagesIDs = new StringifyArrayList<>(); messagesIDs.add("53cfc62ee4b05ed6d7cf17d3"); messagesIDs.add("53cfc62fe4b05ed6d7cf17d5"); String dialogId = "53cfc593efa3573ebd000017"; QBRestChatService.markMessagesAsRead(dialogId, messagesIDs).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { Log.i(TAG, "read OK"); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet markMessagesAsReadSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Mark Messages as read (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { StringifyArrayList<String> messagesIDs = new StringifyArrayList<>(); messagesIDs.add("53cfc62ee4b05ed6d7cf17d3"); messagesIDs.add("53cfc62fe4b05ed6d7cf17d5"); try { QBRestChatService.markMessagesAsRead("53cfc593efa3573ebd000017", messagesIDs).perform(); Log.i(TAG, "read OK"); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } } }; Snippet deleteMessages = new Snippet("Delete Messages") { @Override public void execute() { Set<String> messagesIds = new HashSet<String>() {{ add("546cc8040eda8f2dd7ee449c"); add("546cc80f0eda8f2dd7ee449d"); }}; QBRestChatService.deleteMessages(messagesIds, false).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle bundle) { Log.i(TAG, "deleted OK"); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet deleteMessagesSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Delete Messages (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { Set<String> messagesIds = new HashSet<String>() {{ add("546cc8b1535c12942e00133a"); add("546cce5e535c1203cb001cc0"); }}; try { QBRestChatService.deleteMessages(messagesIds, false).perform(); Log.i(TAG, "deleted OK"); } catch (QBResponseException e) { setException(e); } } }; Snippet createMessage = new Snippet("Create Message ") { @Override public void execute() { QBChatMessage msg = new QBChatMessage(); msg.setBody("hello2"); msg.setRecipientId(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2()); QBAttachment attachment = new QBAttachment("photo"); attachment.setId("123123"); msg.addAttachment(attachment); QBAttachment attachment2 = new QBAttachment("video"); attachment2.setUrl(""); msg.addAttachment(attachment2); msg.setProperty("p1", "v1"); msg.setProperty("p2", "v2"); QBRestChatService.createMessage(msg, false).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatMessage>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatMessage result, Bundle params) { Log.i(TAG, "created message\n: " + result); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException errors) { handleErrors(errors); } }); } }; Snippet createMessageSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("Create Message (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { QBChatMessage msg = new QBChatMessage(); msg.setBody("hello2"); msg.setDialogId(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestDialogId()); QBAttachment attachment = new QBAttachment("photo"); attachment.setId("123123"); msg.addAttachment(attachment); QBAttachment attachment2 = new QBAttachment("video"); attachment2.setUrl(""); msg.addAttachment(attachment2); msg.setProperty("p1", "v1"); msg.setProperty("p2", "v2"); QBChatMessage createdMsg = null; try { createdMsg = QBRestChatService.createMessage(msg, false).perform(); } catch (QBResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (createdMsg != null) { Log.i(TAG, "created message\n: " + createdMsg); } } }; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// Roster ///////////////////////////////////////////// // private void initRoster() { сhatRoster = chatService.getRoster(, subscriptionListener); сhatRoster.addRosterListener(rosterListener); } private void initRosterListener() { rosterListener = new QBRosterListener() { @Override public void entriesDeleted(Collection<Integer> userIds) { log("entriesDeleted: " + userIds); } @Override public void entriesAdded(Collection<Integer> userIds) { log("entriesAdded: " + userIds); } @Override public void entriesUpdated(Collection<Integer> userIds) { log("entriesUpdated: " + userIds); } @Override public void presenceChanged(QBPresence presence) { log("presenceChanged: " + presence); } }; } private void initSubscriptionListener() { subscriptionListener = new QBSubscriptionListener() { @Override public void subscriptionRequested(int userId) { log("subscriptionRequested: " + userId); } }; } Snippet sendPresence = new Snippet("send presence") { @Override public void execute() { if (сhatRoster == null) { log("Please login first"); return; } // QBPresence presence = new QBPresence(; QBPresence presence = new QBPresence(, "I'm at home", 1, QBPresence.Mode.available); try { сhatRoster.sendPresence(presence); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet getRosterUsers = new Snippet("get roster users") { @Override public void execute() { if (сhatRoster == null) { log("Please login first"); return; } Collection<QBRosterEntry> entries = сhatRoster.getEntries(); log("Roster users: " + entries); } }; Snippet getUserPresence = new Snippet("get user's presence") { @Override public void execute() { if (сhatRoster == null) { log("Please login first"); return; } int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2(); QBPresence presence = сhatRoster.getPresence(userID); if (presence == null) { log("No user in your roster"); return; } if (presence.getType() == { log("User " + userID + " is online"); } else { log("User " + userID + " is offline"); } } }; Snippet addUserToRoster = new Snippet("add user to roster") { @Override public void execute() { int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2(); if (сhatRoster.contains(userID)) { try { сhatRoster.subscribe(userID); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } else { try { сhatRoster.createEntry(userID, null); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (SmackException.NotLoggedInException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } }; Snippet removeUserFromRoster = new Snippet("remove user from roster") { @Override public void execute() { int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2(); try { сhatRoster.unsubscribe(userID); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; Snippet confirmAddRequest = new Snippet("confirm add request") { @Override public void execute() { int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2(); try { сhatRoster.confirmSubscription(userID); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | SmackException.NotLoggedInException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } catch (XMPPException e) { log("error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; Snippet rejectAddRequest = new Snippet("reject add request") { @Override public void execute() { int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2(); try { сhatRoster.reject(userID); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; // ///////////////////////////////////// Privacy List ///////////////////////////////////////////// // private void initPrivacyListsManager() { privacyListsManager = chatService.getPrivacyListsManager(); } private void initPrivacyListsListener() { privacyListListener = new QBPrivacyListListener() { @Override public void setPrivacyList(String listName, List<QBPrivacyListItem> listItem) { log("on setPrivacyList:" + listName + ", items: " + listItem); } @Override public void updatedPrivacyList(String listName) { log("on setPrivacyList:" + listName); } }; privacyListsManager.addPrivacyListListener(privacyListListener); } Snippet getPrivacyLists = new SnippetAsync("get privacy lists (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { List<QBPrivacyList> lists = null; try { lists = privacyListsManager.getPrivacyLists(); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (lists != null) { log("privcay lists:" + lists.toString()); } } }; Snippet getPrivacyList = new SnippetAsync("get privacy list (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { QBPrivacyList list = null; try { list = privacyListsManager.getPrivacyList("public"); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (list != null) { log("public privacy list: " + list.toString()); } } }; Snippet setPrivacyList = new SnippetAsync("set privacy list (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { QBPrivacyList list = new QBPrivacyList(); list.setName("public4"); ArrayList<QBPrivacyListItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); // QBPrivacyListItem item1 = new QBPrivacyListItem(); item1.setAllow(false); item1.setType(QBPrivacyListItem.Type.USER_ID); item1.setValueForType(String.valueOf(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2())); items.add(item1); // QBPrivacyListItem item2 = new QBPrivacyListItem(); item2.setAllow(false); item2.setType(QBPrivacyListItem.Type.GROUP_USER_ID); item2.setValueForType(String.valueOf(ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId2())); items.add(item2); // list.setItems(items); try { privacyListsManager.setPrivacyList(list); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; Snippet deletePrivacyList = new SnippetAsync("delete privacy list (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { try { privacyListsManager.deletePrivacyList("public"); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; Snippet setDefaultPrivacyList = new SnippetAsync("set default privacy list (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { try { privacyListsManager.setPrivacyListAsDefault("public4"); log("list set as default"); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NoResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; // ///////////////////////////////////// Mobile optimisation ////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet enterInactiveState = new Snippet("enter inactive state") { @Override public void execute() { try { chatService.enterInactiveState(); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; Snippet enterActiveState = new Snippet("enter active state") { @Override public void execute() { try { chatService.enterActiveState(); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { log("error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } }; // //////////////////////////////////////// Ping manager ////////////////////////////////////////// // Snippet pingServer = new Snippet("ping server") { @Override public void execute() { final QBPingManager pingManager = chatService.getPingManager(); pingManager.pingServer(new QBEntityCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result, Bundle params) { log("ping success"); } @Override public void onError(QBResponseException e) { log("ping error: " + e); } }); } }; Snippet pingServerSynchronous = new SnippetAsync("ping server (synchronous)", context) { @Override public void executeAsync() { final QBPingManager pingManager = chatService.getPingManager(); try { boolean ping = pingManager.pingServer(); log("ping success: " + ping); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; // //////// System Message ///// // Snippet sendSystemMessage = new Snippet("send system message") { @Override public void execute() { try { // create a message QBChatMessage chatMessage = new QBChatMessage(); chatMessage.setProperty("param1", "value1"); chatMessage.setProperty("param2", "value2"); chatMessage.setBody("system body"); int userID = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getTestUserId1(); chatMessage.setRecipientId(userID); systemMessagesManager.sendSystemMessage(chatMessage); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | IllegalStateException e) { log("send system message error: " + e.getMessage()); } } }; }