package com.moez.QKSMS.ui; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.ContactsContract; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.ImageView; import butterknife.Bind; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import; import com.moez.QKSMS.R; import com.moez.QKSMS.common.DonationManager; import com.moez.QKSMS.common.LiveViewManager; import com.moez.QKSMS.common.QKRateSnack; import; import com.moez.QKSMS.common.utils.MessageUtils; import; import com.moez.QKSMS.enums.QKPreference; import com.moez.QKSMS.receiver.IconColorReceiver; import com.moez.QKSMS.service.DeleteOldMessagesService; import com.moez.QKSMS.transaction.NotificationManager; import com.moez.QKSMS.transaction.SmsHelper; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.base.QKActivity; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.conversationlist.ConversationListFragment; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.dialog.DefaultSmsHelper; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.dialog.QKDialog; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.dialog.mms.MMSSetupFragment; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.messagelist.MessageListActivity; import; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.settings.SettingsFragment; import com.moez.QKSMS.ui.welcome.WelcomeActivity; import org.ligi.snackengage.SnackEngage; import org.ligi.snackengage.snacks.BaseSnack; import java.util.Collection; public class MainActivity extends QKActivity { private final String TAG = "MainActivity"; public static long sThreadShowing; private static final int THREAD_LIST_QUERY_TOKEN = 1701; private static final int UNREAD_THREADS_QUERY_TOKEN = 1702; public static final int DELETE_CONVERSATION_TOKEN = 1801; public static final int HAVE_LOCKED_MESSAGES_TOKEN = 1802; private static final int DELETE_OBSOLETE_THREADS_TOKEN = 1803; public static final String MMS_SETUP_DONT_ASK_AGAIN = "mmsSetupDontAskAgain"; @Bind( View mRoot; private ConversationListFragment mConversationList; /** * True if the mms setup fragment has been dismissed and we shouldn't show it anymore. */ private final String KEY_MMS_SETUP_FRAGMENT_DISMISSED = "mmsSetupFragmentShown"; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); launchWelcomeActivity(); onNewIntent(getIntent()); setContentView(R.layout.activity_fragment); setTitle(R.string.title_conversation_list); ButterKnife.bind(this); FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); mConversationList = (ConversationListFragment) fm.findFragmentByTag(ConversationListFragment.TAG); if (mConversationList == null) { mConversationList = new ConversationListFragment(); } FragmentTransaction menuTransaction = fm.beginTransaction(); menuTransaction.replace(, mConversationList, ConversationListFragment.TAG); menuTransaction.commit(); showDialogIfNeeded(savedInstanceState); LiveViewManager.registerView(QKPreference.BACKGROUND, this, key -> { // Update the background color. This code is important during the welcome screen setup, when the activity // in the ThemeManager isn't the MainActivity mRoot.setBackgroundColor(ThemeManager.getBackgroundColor()); }); //Adds a small/non intrusive snackbar that asks the user to rate the app SnackEngage.from(this).withSnack(new QKRateSnack().withDuration(BaseSnack.DURATION_LONG)) .build().engageWhenAppropriate(); DeleteOldMessagesService.setupAutoDeleteAlarm(this); } /** * Shows at most one dialog using the intent extras and the restored state of the activity. * * @param savedInstanceState restored state */ private void showDialogIfNeeded(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Check if the intent has the ICON_COLOR_CHANGED action; if so, show a new dialog. if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra(IconColorReceiver.EXTRA_ICON_COLOR_CHANGED, false)) { // Clear the flag in the intent so that the dialog doesn't show up anymore getIntent().putExtra(IconColorReceiver.EXTRA_ICON_COLOR_CHANGED, false); // Display a dialog showcasing the new icon! ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this); PackageManager manager = getPackageManager(); try { ComponentInfo info = manager.getActivityInfo(getComponentName(), 0); imageView.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getBaseContext(), info.getIconResource())); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ignored) { } new QKDialog() .setContext(this) .setTitle(getString(R.string.icon_ready)) .setMessage(R.string.icon_ready_message) .setCustomView(imageView) .setPositiveButton(R.string.okay, null) .show(); // Only show the MMS setup fragment if it hasn't already been dismissed } else if (!wasMmsSetupFragmentDismissed(savedInstanceState)) { beginMmsSetup(); } } private boolean wasMmsSetupFragmentDismissed(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // It hasn't been dismissed if the saved instance state isn't initialized, or is initialized // but doesn't have the flag. return savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_MMS_SETUP_FRAGMENT_DISMISSED, false); } private void launchWelcomeActivity() { if (mPrefs.getBoolean(SettingsFragment.WELCOME_SEEN, false)) { // User has already seen the welcome screen return; } Intent welcomeIntent = new Intent(this, WelcomeActivity.class); startActivityForResult(welcomeIntent, WelcomeActivity.WELCOME_REQUEST_CODE); } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); menu.clear(); showBackButton(false); mConversationList.inflateToolbar(menu, inflater, this); return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case onKeyUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK, null); return true; case startActivity(SearchActivity.class); return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == WelcomeActivity.WELCOME_REQUEST_CODE) { new DefaultSmsHelper(this, R.string.not_default_first).showIfNotDefault(null); } } public static Intent createAddContactIntent(String address) { // address must be a single recipient Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT); intent.setType(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (SmsHelper.isEmailAddress(address)) { intent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.EMAIL, address); } else { intent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.PHONE, address); intent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.PHONE_TYPE, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE); } intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); return intent; } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); DonationManager.getInstance(this).destroy(); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (mConversationList.isShowingBlocked()) { mConversationList.setShowingBlocked(false); } else { finish(); } } return false; } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); sThreadShowing = 0; } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); // Only mark screen if the screen is on. onStart() is still called if the app is in the // foreground and the screen is off // TODO this solution doesn't work if the activity is in the foreground but the lockscreen is on if (isScreenOn()) { SmsHelper.markSmsSeen(this); SmsHelper.markMmsSeen(this); NotificationManager.update(this); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); sThreadShowing = 0; NotificationManager.initQuickCompose(this, false, false); } /** * MainActivity has a "singleTask" launch mode, which means that if it is currently running * and another intent is launched to open it, instead of creating a new MainActivity it * just opens the current MainActivity. We use this so that when you click on notifications, * only one main activity is ever used. * <p> * onNewIntent() is called every time the homescreen shortcut is tapped, even if the app * is already running in the background. It's also called when the app is launched via other * intents * <p> * Docs: * */ @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { // onNewIntent doesn't change the result of getIntent() by default, so here we set it since // that makes the most sense. setIntent(intent); boolean shouldOpenConversation = intent.hasExtra(MessageListActivity.ARG_THREAD_ID); // The activity can also be launched by clicking on the message button from the contacts app // Check for {sms,mms}{,to}: schemes, in which case we know to open a conversation if (intent.getData() != null) { String scheme = intent.getData().getScheme(); shouldOpenConversation = shouldOpenConversation || scheme.startsWith("sms") || scheme.startsWith("mms"); } if (shouldOpenConversation) { intent.setClass(this, MessageListActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } } private void beginMmsSetup() { if (!mPrefs.getBoolean(MMS_SETUP_DONT_ASK_AGAIN, false) && TextUtils.isEmpty(mPrefs.getString(SettingsFragment.MMSC_URL, "")) && TextUtils.isEmpty(mPrefs.getString(SettingsFragment.MMS_PROXY, "")) && TextUtils.isEmpty(mPrefs.getString(SettingsFragment.MMS_PORT, ""))) { // Launch the MMS setup fragment here. This is a series of dialogs that will guide the // user through the MMS setup process. FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager(); if (manager.findFragmentByTag(MMSSetupFragment.TAG) == null) { MMSSetupFragment f = new MMSSetupFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putBoolean(MMSSetupFragment.ARG_ASK_FIRST, true); args.putString(MMSSetupFragment.ARG_DONT_ASK_AGAIN_PREF, MMS_SETUP_DONT_ASK_AGAIN); f.setArguments(args); getFragmentManager() .beginTransaction() .add(f, MMSSetupFragment.TAG) .commit(); } } } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); FragmentManager m = getFragmentManager(); // Save whether or not the mms setup fragment was dismissed if (m.findFragmentByTag(MMSSetupFragment.TAG) == null) { outState.putBoolean(KEY_MMS_SETUP_FRAGMENT_DISMISSED, true); } } /** * Build and show the proper delete thread dialog. The UI is slightly different * depending on whether there are locked messages in the thread(s) and whether we're * deleting single/multiple threads or all threads. * * @param listener gets called when the delete button is pressed * @param threadIds the thread IDs to be deleted (pass null for all threads) * @param hasLockedMessages whether the thread(s) contain locked messages * @param context used to load the various UI elements */ public static void confirmDeleteThreadDialog(final DeleteThreadListener listener, Collection<Long> threadIds, boolean hasLockedMessages, Context context) { View contents = View.inflate(context, R.layout.dialog_delete_thread, null); android.widget.TextView msg = (android.widget.TextView) contents.findViewById(; if (threadIds == null) { msg.setText(R.string.confirm_delete_all_conversations); } else { // Show the number of threads getting deleted in the confirmation dialog. int cnt = threadIds.size(); msg.setText(context.getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.confirm_delete_conversation, cnt, cnt)); } final CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) contents.findViewById(; if (!hasLockedMessages) { checkbox.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { listener.setDeleteLockedMessage(checkbox.isChecked()); checkbox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { listener.setDeleteLockedMessage(checkbox.isChecked()); } }); } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); builder.setTitle(R.string.confirm_dialog_title) .setIconAttribute(android.R.attr.alertDialogIcon) .setCancelable(true) .setPositiveButton(R.string.delete, listener) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setView(contents) .show(); } public static class DeleteThreadListener implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener { private final Collection<Long> mThreadIds; private final Conversation.ConversationQueryHandler mHandler; private final Context mContext; private boolean mDeleteLockedMessages; public DeleteThreadListener(Collection<Long> threadIds, Conversation.ConversationQueryHandler handler, Context context) { mThreadIds = threadIds; mHandler = handler; mContext = context; } public void setDeleteLockedMessage(boolean deleteLockedMessages) { mDeleteLockedMessages = deleteLockedMessages; } @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, final int whichButton) { MessageUtils.handleReadReport(mContext, mThreadIds, PduHeaders.READ_STATUS__DELETED_WITHOUT_BEING_READ, () -> { int token = DELETE_CONVERSATION_TOKEN; if (mThreadIds == null) { Conversation.startDeleteAll(mHandler, token, mDeleteLockedMessages); DraftCache.getInstance().refresh(); } else { Conversation.startDelete(mHandler, token, mDeleteLockedMessages, mThreadIds); } } ); dialog.dismiss(); } } }