/* * Password Management Servlets (PWM) * http://www.pwm-project.org * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Novell, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The PWM Project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package password.pwm.http.servlet; import com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException; import password.pwm.PwmApplication; import password.pwm.error.ErrorInformation; import password.pwm.error.PwmError; import password.pwm.error.PwmException; import password.pwm.error.PwmOperationalException; import password.pwm.error.PwmUnrecoverableException; import password.pwm.http.ContextManager; import password.pwm.http.HttpMethod; import password.pwm.http.PwmRequest; import password.pwm.http.PwmRequestAttribute; import password.pwm.http.PwmSession; import password.pwm.http.PwmSessionWrapper; import password.pwm.http.bean.PwmSessionBean; import password.pwm.svc.stats.Statistic; import password.pwm.util.Validator; import password.pwm.util.logging.PwmLogger; import password.pwm.ws.server.RestResultBean; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Collection; public abstract class AbstractPwmServlet extends HttpServlet implements PwmServlet { private static final PwmLogger LOGGER = PwmLogger.forClass(AbstractPwmServlet.class); public void doGet( final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp ) throws ServletException, IOException { this.handleRequest(req, resp, HttpMethod.GET); } public void doPost( final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp ) throws ServletException, IOException { this.handleRequest(req, resp, HttpMethod.POST); } private void handleRequest( final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpMethod method ) throws ServletException, IOException { try { final PwmRequest pwmRequest = PwmRequest.forRequest(req, resp); if (!method.isIdempotent() && !pwmRequest.getURL().isCommandServletURL()) { Validator.validatePwmFormID(pwmRequest); try { Validator.validatePwmRequestCounter(pwmRequest); } catch (PwmOperationalException e) { if (e.getError() == PwmError.ERROR_INCORRECT_REQ_SEQUENCE) { final ErrorInformation errorInformation = e.getErrorInformation(); final PwmSession pwmSession = PwmSessionWrapper.readPwmSession(req); LOGGER.error(pwmSession, errorInformation.toDebugStr()); pwmRequest.respondWithError(errorInformation, false); return; } throw e; } } // check for incorrect method type. final ProcessAction processAction = readProcessAction(pwmRequest); if (processAction != null) { if (!processAction.permittedMethods().contains(method)) { final ErrorInformation errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "incorrect request method " + method.toString() + " on request to " + pwmRequest.getURLwithQueryString()); LOGGER.error(pwmRequest.getPwmSession(), errorInformation.toDebugStr()); pwmRequest.respondWithError(errorInformation, false); return; } } this.processAction(pwmRequest); } catch (Exception e) { final PwmRequest pwmRequest; try { pwmRequest = PwmRequest.forRequest(req, resp); } catch (Exception e2) { try { LOGGER.fatal( "exception occurred, but exception handler unable to load request instance; error=" + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } throw new ServletException(e); } final PwmApplication pwmApplication; try { pwmApplication = ContextManager.getPwmApplication(this.getServletContext()); } catch (Exception e2) { try { LOGGER.fatal( "exception occurred, but exception handler unable to load Application instance; error=" + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } throw new ServletException(e); } final PwmSession pwmSession; try { pwmSession = PwmSessionWrapper.readPwmSession(req); } catch (Exception e2) { try { LOGGER.fatal( "exception occurred, but exception handler unable to load Session wrapper instance; error=" + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } throw new ServletException(e); } final PwmUnrecoverableException pue = convertToPwmUnrecoverableException(e); if (processUnrecoverableException(req, resp, pwmApplication, pwmSession, pue)) { return; } outputUnrecoverableException(pwmRequest, pue); } } private PwmUnrecoverableException convertToPwmUnrecoverableException( final Throwable e ) { if (e instanceof PwmUnrecoverableException) { return (PwmUnrecoverableException) e; } if (e instanceof PwmException) { return new PwmUnrecoverableException(((PwmException) e).getErrorInformation()); } if (e instanceof ChaiUnavailableException) { final String errorMsg = "unable to contact ldap directory: " + e.getMessage(); return new PwmUnrecoverableException(new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_DIRECTORY_UNAVAILABLE, errorMsg)); } final StringWriter errorStack = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errorStack)); final String errorMsg = "unexpected error processing request: " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + errorStack.toString(); return new PwmUnrecoverableException(new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, errorMsg)); } private boolean processUnrecoverableException( final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp, final PwmApplication pwmApplication, final PwmSession pwmSession, final PwmUnrecoverableException e ) throws IOException { switch (e.getError()) { case ERROR_DIRECTORY_UNAVAILABLE: LOGGER.fatal(pwmSession, e.getErrorInformation().toDebugStr()); try { pwmApplication.getStatisticsManager().incrementValue(Statistic.LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_COUNT); } catch (Throwable e1) { //noop } break; case ERROR_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: LOGGER.warn( "attempt to access functionality requiring password authentication, but password not yet supplied by actor, forwarding to password Login page"); //store the original requested url try { LOGGER.debug(pwmSession, "user is authenticated without a password, redirecting to login page"); LoginServlet.redirectToLoginServlet(PwmRequest.forRequest(req, resp)); return true; } catch (Throwable e1) { LOGGER.error("error while marking pre-login url:" + e1.getMessage()); } break; case ERROR_UNKNOWN: default: LOGGER.fatal(e.getErrorInformation().toDebugStr()); try { // try to update stats if (pwmSession != null) { pwmApplication.getStatisticsManager().incrementValue(Statistic.PWM_UNKNOWN_ERRORS); } } catch (Throwable e1) { //noop } break; } return false; } private void outputUnrecoverableException( final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final PwmUnrecoverableException e ) throws IOException, ServletException { if (pwmRequest.isJsonRequest()) { final RestResultBean restResultBean = RestResultBean.fromError(e.getErrorInformation(), pwmRequest); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(restResultBean); } else { pwmRequest.respondWithError(e.getErrorInformation()); } } protected abstract void processAction(PwmRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException, ChaiUnavailableException, PwmUnrecoverableException; protected abstract ProcessAction readProcessAction(PwmRequest request) throws PwmUnrecoverableException; public interface ProcessAction { Collection<HttpMethod> permittedMethods(); } public String servletUriRemainder(final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final String command) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { String uri = pwmRequest.getURLwithoutQueryString(); if (uri.startsWith(pwmRequest.getContextPath())) { uri = uri.substring(pwmRequest.getContextPath().length(), uri.length()); } for (final String servletUri : getServletDefinition().urlPatterns()) { if (uri.startsWith(servletUri)) { uri = uri.substring(servletUri.length(), uri.length()); } } return uri; } protected PwmServletDefinition getServletDefinition() { for (final PwmServletDefinition pwmServletDefinition : PwmServletDefinition.values()) { final Class pwmServletClass = pwmServletDefinition.getPwmServletClass(); if (pwmServletClass.isInstance(this) ) { return pwmServletDefinition; } } throw new IllegalStateException("unable to determine PwmServletDefinition for class " + this.getClass().getName()); } protected void setLastError(final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final ErrorInformation errorInformation) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final Class<? extends PwmSessionBean> beanClass = this.getServletDefinition().getPwmSessionBeanClass(); if (beanClass != null) { final PwmSessionBean pwmSessionBean = pwmRequest.getPwmApplication().getSessionStateService().getBean(pwmRequest, beanClass); pwmSessionBean.setLastError(errorInformation); pwmRequest.setAttribute(PwmRequestAttribute.PwmErrorInfo, errorInformation); } } protected void examineLastError(final PwmRequest pwmRequest) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final Class<? extends PwmSessionBean> beanClass = this.getServletDefinition().getPwmSessionBeanClass(); final PwmSessionBean pwmSessionBean = pwmRequest.getPwmApplication().getSessionStateService().getBean(pwmRequest, beanClass); if (pwmSessionBean != null && pwmSessionBean.getLastError() != null) { pwmRequest.setAttribute(PwmRequestAttribute.PwmErrorInfo, pwmSessionBean.getLastError()); pwmSessionBean.setLastError(null); } } }